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Final Project Outline

Introduction and Project Proposal:

Question of Interest: How many international students enroll themselves in American colleges

per year?

I am interested in this question because I am an international student and I will be enrolled soon

in an American College.

Statistical Question: I can make a statistical question by finding the average proportion of

women who enroll at college after high school.

What is the proportion of international students enrolled in American Colleges?

Population of Interest: International students enrolled in American colleges.

Parameter: Proportion of international students enrolled in American colleges.

Null Hypothesis (H0): The proportion of international students enrolled in American colleges is

equal to a specific value.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): The proportion of international students enrolled in American

colleges is not equal to the specified value.

Data Collection:

I did a survey on google forms to get random answers and I sent to some people that live in

Brazil. I also got 30 answers from random international students at Cats.

I will be sampling only international students.

I am trying to avoid bias by having my friends and friends of my friends from Brazil to answer

as well, because its more likely to them to not go to a U.S College, but even with that is still hard

to get a non bias answer.

Sample Collection Plan: I survey a sample of 40 international students, including my friends and

random people.

Sampling: International Students

Visualize/summarize data:

Data Summary:

First, I asked 30 international students from Cats if they would consider studying in the United

States. But then, I realized I needed more data from Brazil to have a larger perspective, as the

data from outside was much larger than mine. So, I changed my approach and ended up with 40

responses. Despite this, I know there might still be biases in my results, with that I reconsidered

my original plan, but at the end I stick with it. For my calculations, I used proportions to

calculate the results since it's a yes or no question. I started by making a frequency table to find

the proportions for both answers. Then, I calculated the alpha value and used the Test Statistic

formula and P-value. I also created a bar chart. I noticed a bias because most of the answers were

yes, which strongly suggests a biased result.



How many International students are enrolled in an American College?

Ho: p = 0.06 We rejected the null and favors the alternate hypothesis

Ha: p ≠ 0.06

P^: 0.55

p: 0.06

alfa: 0.5

P-value: 1

Test Statistic: 13,04928

𝑥̅ 𝑜𝑟 𝑝̂

𝜇 𝑜𝑟 𝑝


Significance test for proportion

- Random: yes, random sample of 40 international students

- Normal / Large: np = 40 x 0,06 = 2,4

n(1 − p) = 40 x (1 − 0,06) = 37,6

-Independent: yes


Here you will provide all of the math required to perform a significance test. You will do this by

inserting equations via Microsoft word. You will do your calculations by hand and then by using

excel. You will use this section to compare and contrast your calculations by hand to your excel


After looking at the information I collected, it's clear that many international students are

interested in studying in the United States, even though I tried to get answers from different

types of students. But the math I did didn't strongly show that the number of international

students going to American colleges is different from about 6%. This might be because most of

the people I asked were already thinking about studying in the U.S.

To make sure my results are fair, I think I need to ask more kinds of students, not just those

already interested in studying in America. By doing this, I can get a better idea of how many

international students are really going to American colleges.

Works Cited:

Collected Data:

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