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Research Paper


Puneeta Ma’am

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

15 December 2023

Greedy Algorithm : A Real-Life Perspective


Greedy algorithms, known for their simple yet effective approach in solving optimisation prob-
lems, make decisions based on the best immediate choice at each step. This paper explores the
fundamental characteristics of greedy algorithms, their working principles, and highlights their
application in real-life scenarios. Specifically, it delves into the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
problem as an illustrative example of how greedy algorithms find practical use. The research pa-
per examines Prim's algorithm, a classic greedy approach used to determine the minimum span-
ning tree in graphs. By presenting its algorithmic details, complexity analysis, and a real-life ap-
plication, this paper aims to underscore the significance of greedy algorithms in solving complex
problems efficiently.

The primary objective of greedy algorithms is to find an optimal solution by making a series of
locally optimal choices, hoping that these choices lead to a global optimum.

Algorithm Overview

Greedy algorithms operate by iteratively making locally optimal choices in a step-by-step man-
ner. At each step, the algorithm selects the best available option without reconsidering or undoing
previous choices. While this myopic decision-making process might not always yield the best
overall solution, it often produces solutions that are reasonably close to optimal and computation-
ally efficient.

Characteristics of Greedy Algorithms:

• Greedy Choice Property: Greedy algorithms make decisions based on the most
advantageous immediate choice without considering the future consequences.
• Optimal Substructure: The optimal solution to the entire problem can be constructed
from optimal solutions to its subproblems.
Research Paper

Example Real-Life Application: Minimum Spanning Tree

Problem Statement:
Consider the problem of finding the minimum spanning tree (MST) in a connected, undirected
graph with weighted edges. The MST is a subgraph that spans all the vertices with the minimum
total edge weight.

Algorithm (Prim's Algorithm - Greedy Approach):

• Start with an arbitrary vertex: Choose any vertex as the starting point.
• Grow the spanning tree: At each step, add the shortest edge that connects the current
MST to a vertex not yet in the MST.
• Repeat until all vertices are included: Continue adding edges until all vertices are part
of the MST.

Pseudocode for Prim's Algorithm:

function Prim(Graph graph):
Initialize an empty MST
Select an arbitrary starting vertex
Initialize a priority queue with edges connected to the starting vertex
while priority queue is not empty:
Select the shortest edge (u, v) from the priority queue
Remove (u, v) from the priority queue
if v is not in MST:
Add v to the MST
Add the edge (u, v) to the MST
Add all edges connected to v in the priority queue
return MST
Complexity Analysis

• Time Complexity: O(E log V) using priority queues, where E is the number of edges and
V is the number of vertices in the graph.
• Space Complexity: O(V + E) for maintaining data structures.

Greedy algorithms provide solutions to a wide range of problems by making locally optimal
choices at each step. They might not give optimal solution , but they are valuable in numerous
real-life applications, such as finding minimum spanning trees in network design, Huffman cod-
ing in data compression, and scheduling algorithms in operating systems, among others.

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