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Subject: Exploring Negotiating Styles

Dear Ki
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to discuss an intriguing negotiating style I've been
researching lately: Principled Negotiation.
Principled Negotiation, also known as "win-win" negotiation, aims to reach agreements based on
mutual interests, fairness, and principles rather than through coercion or manipulation. Its objective is
to achieve outcomes that satisfy both parties' needs while preserving relationships.
In this style, the bargaining position is characterized by openness, transparency, and a willingness to
collaborate. Parties focus on jointly identifying and addressing underlying concerns rather than merely
staking out positions.
Advantages include fostering long-term relationships, creative problem-solving, and ensuring that
agreements are durable and equitable. However, it may require more time and effort to implement
compared to other styles.
Negotiators employing this style tend to actively listen, separate people from the problem, generate
options for mutual gain and insist on objective criteria.
I find the principled negotiation approach fascinating due to its emphasis on mutual benefit and
sustainable outcomes. I'd love to discuss this further with you sometime.
Best regards,

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