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TMS Solutions in Training Management


To access the TMS EAD you initially need to access the TMS website at
After access identify in the header the EAD TMS button:

After performing the previous step you will be directed to the EAD TMS. In it will identify at the top
the access button. Click on it and enter your user and password:

For the user field enter your email address provided to TMS, already for the password field fill in
with the default password informed. Remember that the default password will be determined by
TMS according to the customer.
TMS Solutions in Training Management

In addition to the steps provided above, access to the TMS EAD can be done through the app that
is available in the Play Store and the App Store:

The use of the application makes it possible to study in the offline format.


When accessing the environment the user will be directed to the dashboard and identify the
summary block of the courses.
This is where all courses he is enrolled in will be available for access and study.

Note that the user can see the progress of each course according to the image above.
TMS Solutions in Training Management

All courses follow a standard structure, with this the user's navigability becomes more effective and
he can perform all the appropriate actions in a simple and objective way.

It is important to keep informed that we have courses without practical activities and with practical

• General: In this block is made the presentation of the course and other information.
• Content: In this block is available the teaching material of the course. At the end and each
material the user needs to answer a quiz and achieve a score higher than 80% to close the
conclusion, which is one of the criteria for completing the course for the issuance of the
• Reaction survey: In this block the user has the possibility to participate in our reaction
survey by answering some questions about the course. It is not mandatory, but it becomes
important that the user participates for TMS to be always improving its educational
• Practical activity: In this block, if the course requires practical activity, the instructor must
carry out the survey of information consolidating the practical report, giving a check to each
user participating in the action that followed all parameters and flows of the activity.
• Certificate: In this block, after the closing of all the criteria of completion of the course and
digital signature by those involved, a field will be available for the user to download his
It is important to remember that the user will also receive via email the certificate after the
signature of all involved.

All of these blocks are also available with these requirements based on the mobile version of TMS.
TMS Solutions in Training Management


Note that in the image above we have the Content block. In it the user must click on the icon to
start their study in the course material. After clicking he can perform the process of navigating and
reading the material until he reaches the quiz stage. See the examples below:

The user following the learning track of studies of the course material will be able to
visualize the completion of each module.
TMS Solutions in Training Management

Upon arriving at the end of the course study material, he will take a quiz with 10 questions
or more needing to take a score higher than 80% to close the criteria for completing this
step. After you finish it, you'll have this block completion view:
TMS Solutions in Training Management

Completing all the criteria for completing the course, whether with or without practical activity, the
user will receive an email already requesting his signature for the issuance of the certificate:
TMS Solutions in Training Management

The user at the end of all course completion parameters, and those involved sign the certificate, he
can query the certificate block, click the icon, and download the certificate.

See the example of the certificate issued in the navigation simulation:

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