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Reading practice – Level 2

1 Read texts A, B, and C. Choose the correct answers.

1 Which text is fiction? A/B/C
2 Which nonfiction text is from a serious history book? A/B/C
3 Which nonfiction text is from a light-hearted blog? A/B/C

2 Read and match the texts (A, B, or C) with questions 1–8. In some cases, there is more than
one answer.
1 When was Claudius born?
2 How was Claudius related to Caligula?
3 Did Claudius have any physical disabilities?
4 What sort of personality did Claudius have?
5 How did Claudius become emperor?
6 What did the members of the Imperial family think of Claudius?
7 What did Claudius achieve in his time as emperor?
8 How long was Caligula Emperor of Rome?

3 Answer the questions. You can use your own ideas or information from texts A, B, or C.
1 Think of an important ruler in your country’s history. Complete the sentences about him or her.
a was an important ruler because
b won wars / improved trade / helped people. For example,
2 What should a good ruler be, in your opinion? Write one sentence to say why.
• kind and generous
• strong and powerful
• determined and courageous
It is important to be because

2 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Reading practice – Level 2

Claudius, Emperor of Rome


Imagine being called Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus! It’s not a name that’s
easy to remember, is it? Well, that was the full name of the Emperor Claudius, who was born in
Rome a little over 2,000 years ago! There’s a very good reason why he had such a long name.
He was born into a family of emperors. His grandfather and uncle had been rulers of the
Roman Empire, and now his nephew Caligula was also emperor. His father, Germanicus, had
been a great military hero. That’s a lot to live up to! The problem for Claudius, though, was that
he didn’t look much like an emperor. He was a little bit deaf, he couldn’t walk properly, and he
had problems speaking clearly. His family had tried to keep him out of politics because he was
embarrassing to them. It was a big surprise to everybody when he became emperor.

Following the death of Caligula in 41AD, Claudius took power in Rome. According to
legend, Roman guards murdered the unpopular emperor Caligula, and then found
his uncle, Claudius, hiding behind some curtains. They made Claudius emperor
because they hoped that this quiet, kind man, who wasn’t courageous or ambitious,
would be a better ruler than Caligula. In his time as emperor, Claudius was very
successful. His army won wars in France and Germany, and invaded and conquered
Britain. He also developed trade across the empire, introduced programs to help the
poor, and constructed roads and canals. Although Claudius was neither powerful nor
intelligent, the people of Rome thought he was a great emperor.

Claudius heard the guards. They were shouting loudly and banging on doors. Were
they looking for him? He had heard the screams of Caligula, his nephew, and he felt
sure the young emperor had been murdered. Was it possible? It was hard to believe that
the guards would kill their emperor. Caligula had only been in power for four years.
Claudius looked around the room. Where could he hide? He noticed some thick curtains
at the far end of the room. The guards were getting closer, but Claudius could only walk
slowly because of his bad leg. He reached the curtains just as the guards broke down
the door to the room. It only took them a few minutes to find Claudius, and when they
did, they started to laugh. “Who is this fool?” asked one. But then the commander of
the guards stepped forward. “It’s old Claudius,” he said. “Caligula’s uncle. And now
he’s our Emperor.” The soldier went down on his knees. “All hail, Claudius,” he said,
“Emperor of Rome!”

2 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

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