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York University

School of information Technology

Faculty of Liberal Arts
April 2020 Examinations
Final Exam: ITEC 3220
Instructor: Dr. Daniela Rosu
Duration: 90 minutes
Aids allowed: written notes


•   You   are   requested   to   work   on   the   answers   to   the   questions   contained   in   this   exam  
individually,  and  for  90  minutes  in  total.    

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•   Submit  your  typed  answers  to  the  questions  below  on  Moodle,  as  a  single  file  in  pdf  format,  

before  9pm  (Toronto  local  time)  on  April  23,  2020.  

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Academic Honesty Statement
The School of Information Technology has enacted a zero-tolerance policy for behaviors that
breach Senate Policies on Academic Honesty. The instructor has been requested to employ a variety of

measures, tools and heuristics to identify possible breaches of academic integrity, and to immediately
bring identified cases to the attention of the School's administration for further investigation and
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consideration of the full range of disciplinary measures. Possible penalties for violating academic honesty
policies may include zero on the test or assignment without an option to rewrite, failure in the course, a
permanent grade of record, and/or a transcript notation. Subsequent violations may result in suspension
or expulsion from the University. York University offers comprehensive resources that clarify academic
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integrity and why it is important.

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I have read and understood the above and I will absolutely adhere to the academic honesty rules
and policies laid by the instructor, the School of Information Technology and York University

Senate's Academic Integrity Policy. By beginning this activity I declare my intent and availability

to complete it in full compliance with said policies.


Please also include in the file containing the answers to the final exam questions the following

(a) Where they are you physically located (City and Country)?
(b) How are you connecting to Moodle (Dial-up, DSL, cable, Wifi, etc.)?
(c) Are you using VPN to connect to Moodle?

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Part 1 Functional Dependencies and Database Normalization [25 points]

Question 1 [4 points]
Consider the following database schema: R(A, B, C, D), FD = {A à B, BC à D, D à B, DàC}. Can
you give an example of a database instance that violates two of the functional dependencies in FD but
verifies the remaining two? If no, explain why not, if yes provide a database instance and specify which
dependencies fail on your instance.

Question 2 [8 points]
Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D) and the following set of functional dependencies, FD = {A à BD,
BCàD, B àD}.

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a) Provide a minimal cover for FD. (Provide the details of your work.)

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b) Provide a 3NF decomposition of R, given FD. (Provide the details of your work.)

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Question 3 [8 points]
Consider relation R(A, B, C, D, E, F) with the following set of functional dependencies: FD = {B à DE,
CE à B, EA à F, FàA}. Suppose you want to decompose R into BCNF, given FD. For each functional

dependency below check and indicate whether it violates the BCNF condition. If it does not violate the
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BCNF condition, explain why. If it does, give the attributes that would be in R1 and R2 if you
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decomposed R into relations R1 and R2 based on that functional dependency, as well as the functional
dependencies in the projection of FD on R1 and R2.

a) CE à B
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b) B à DF

Question 4 [5 points]
Consider the relation R(J, K, L, M, N, P, Q) with the following functional dependencies: {MP à N, JN
à QM, NQ à Q, LM à J, N à L}

a) Do M and N together form a superkey for R? Explain your answer.

b) Give a minimal key for R. Explain why you know that this is a minimal key.

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Part 2 Database Queries – SQL [75 points]
Consider the schema below:
Student(sID, surName, firstName, dID, email)
Department(dID, dName, campus)
Course(dID, cNum, name, breadth)
Instructor(iID, Name, dID, position, title)
Offering(oID, dID, cNum, year, iID)
Took(sID, oID, grade)

The following inclusion dependencies denote the foreign key constraints on this schema:
Student[dID] Í Department[dID]
Instructor[dID] Í Department[dID]
Course[dID] Í Department[dID]
Offering[iID] Í Instructor[iID])
Offering[dID, cNum] Í Course[dID, cNum]
Took[sID] Í Student[sID]
Took[oID] Í Offering[oID]

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Question 5 [10 points]

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Write a query in SQL that returns all students who have taken at least one course in the campus they are
registered in. (The campus of a course offering is the campus of the department that offers the course. A

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student is considered to be registered in the campus of the department they are affiliated with.)
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Question 6 [10 points]
Write a query in SQL that returns for each student, the student’s name and the average of their grades
across all the courses they have taken. (All the grades obtained by the students are considered in the

calculation of the average, i.e., if a student has taken the same course multiple times, all the grades
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obtained for that course are considered.)

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Question 7 [10 points]

Write a query in SQL that returns all instructors who have taught at least 3 different courses. (If the
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instructor taught multiple offerings of the same course, that course is only counted once.)
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Question 8 [15 points]

Write a query in SQL that returns all instructors who have taught courses in at least two campuses that
are not their home campus. (The campus a course offering is the campus of the department that offers

the course. An instructor’s home campus is the campus of the department they belong to.)

Question 9 [15 points]

Write a query in SQL that returns all campuses for which no student registered on that campus has taken
any course

Question 10 [15 points]

Write a query in SQL that returns all courses (their dID, cNum and name) that have been offered at least
ten times since the year 2005 and have always had an enrollment of over 50 students (in every offering
since 2005). For this question, “since the year 2005” means year > 2005. Note, a course that has been
offered 15 times since 2005, but in one of those offerings had an enrollment of only 45 students , would
not qualify and should not be returned.

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