Lesson 36 Lecture

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Lesson 36

33 – The first pentacle of the Sun

Will make you shine with Divine light and get all
your desires and wishes fulfilled/ Provides
protection from any harm and danger.

This is a powerful seal for protection and spiritual

On the seal appears the sacred name "El Shaddai"
(‫)אל שד"י‬.

Behind the seal lies an interesting story:

It has undergone a number of modifications, additions and changes over the years, and has
even been supplemented with a Latin inscription in the outer circle, as can be seen in
various sources.
The Latin script has been removed from the seal in front of you.

The figure of Moses is drawn on the seal.

Notice the rays emanating from his head:
Whoever painted the figure of Moses in this way, erred in understanding the Hebrew text:
In the Book of Exodus, there is a description of Moses coming down from Mount Sinai after
writing the Tablets of the Covenant:
” When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his
hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. “
(Exodus 34-29).

“His face was radiant” – the word “radiance” or “glow” is written in Hebrew as the word
“Karan” (‫)קרן‬.
This word has two meanings in Hebrew:
“ray of light”, and “horn”.
Whoever "updated" the shape of the seal - probably during the Renaissance, added horns
of an animal to the head of Moses, instead of rays of light.
A wrong interpretation of the Hebrew script.
Note that the famous statue of Moses by Michael Angelo, located in the Basilica of San
Pietro in Vincoli in Rome, also has two horns on Moses' head.
At the same time, in other sources, one can learn that the figure painted on the seal is the
figure of Metatron the Master of the Angels.

The seal helps to illuminate the face of the person who walks the path of honesty and
When man has come a long way in his spiritual development, he is close to the Creator and
conducts his life according to the laws of creation. He is driven by altruistic motives and
strives to always act for the goodness of all, and at that spiritual state, no perils and impurity
can cling to him and harm him.
He is protected in all his ways.

For a person who has ascended spiritually, the distance between thought and its fulfillment
is extremely short - and therefore, if he asks for something to materialize in his life, his
requests are fulfilled quickly.

It is very important to focus on the positive statements before activating this seal, and check
with yourself if you feel complete with each statement.
Any wish of yours that comes to fulfill selfish desires or to hurt someone else, chances are
that will not come true, or you will not see long-term results.

The seal is not about miracles or magic!

In order to bring yourself to a state where you are protected and your requests are fulfilled,
you must raise your spiritual frequency.
The seal will help you intensify your spiritual development process.

And now - it’s time to go through the initiation process and activate the seal.
This time you are going to do it on your own.

Use the instructions page that will guide you through the activation process.
The relevant affirmations for seal #33 are added to the materials of this lesson.

As you activate the seal, envision yourself protected by your guarding angels. Focus on your
heart and see your inner point of connection with the Creator opens.

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