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a TOP SHEET FUTURE INSTITUTE OF TECIINOLOGY CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT {CA) ~ ODD / EVEN SEMESTER 202__ v THEORY PAPER (CA-1/2/3/4) (Please tick the applicable one) NAME OFTHE STUDENT _ANIRBAN MANNA pepr,_CSE sem_6*" _unwersirynouno. 34200121045 UNIVERSITY REGN. NO,_2!3420(00 110015 of 2021-22 parenname Computex Nehwoxks papercone PC ~¢5 602 DATE OF TesT__O1 0.3 +24 FULL MARKS__25, SIGNATURE OF THE STUDENT __ ~Anixbay, SIGNATURE OF THE TAGGED TEACHER ___ Gudsor_ harodierds Abstrac The yeport explores the inter plow. betecen Personae lity, value: behoviour . outlines the objectives, Significance and novelty of the sSion 0 individual “s. Trtroduction: Organi za and Unravellin behaviour a pro duc This report delves organs zat demands Understending, the human fae tor, Page? 4 ti sy and attiludes im shapin organizational 2 review, Ib provides a brief Literatur shady / and delves inte a detailed discuy cach concept ond its rmpact on and 470K dynamics within organizal Go ad rpomizati fional success trancends technical skills dhe Compleritics of individual and group within organi zations im crucial for Fostering horvmonious Work environment! five and contributors + int oe ‘onal behaviour; Personality , valuesand attitude — | | | studied Judge # Bretz (1972) examined the | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Grid Literature Review: Objective + Understonding the In ler play The inbluence of Personality ,values, and attitudes on organizational behaviour has bren exdensi vel 7eledionshijy belween personalid draids and ob performance p ahile Robbins -# Judge (2018) explored their impact on various aspects of organi zetion | ol behaviour. | ° Analyse fhe influence of personality , velues, | and altibule an individual and group behaviour | in organisation: te ft S Explore the implications organizational Various ATAS of imporlant mona ge ment’ o [deni strategies to lvevage these differenced Jo opkimize organizational perboymonce + Significance and Novely! | be foocen personality , organi zations to: altitudes allows Values » and £ and selection processes: + Enhance recwil men LDevelop cHeclive leadership sles teamwork aboration ond » faster greeter coll + Creale @ posilive and inclusive work callure- | | | ~ ‘Ultimately improve Overall organizational performance and

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