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Biocidal activities of some plant’s powders against red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum

(Herbst,1797) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae

Prepared by: Begard Omer Abdullah
College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences-
plant protection Department
Supervised by :Dr.Shatha H. Ahmed

Introduction Material and Method Conclusion

Cereal is one of the main
3.1 Plant Materials Collection The findings of the present
sources of carbohydrates and energy
The plant materials such as Mentha sp. Myrtis communis and study indicate that afew tested
for people(Medugu, 2021). . To
Thymus sp werecollected from different markets in Erbil City. plant powders were not effective to
maintain the global food supply, it is
some degree in reducing the
important to protect stored goods
3.2 Insect collection number of adult T.castaneum.
against pests(Soujanya et al., 2016).
The adults T. castaneum were collected from Differences of insect mortality were
The red
infestedflour & Rice purchased from the observed depending on plant
local market. species and exposure time.
est), is one of the main pests
Treatments with higher mortality
damaging goods, it appears to prefer
3.2.1 Insect culture (2.67% after 25 days) had
milled grain products like flour as
Culture of the red flour beetle, comparatively higher and significant
their primary host, grain, peas, beans,
Tribolium castaneum, was reared in the total mortality of adult T.
cocoanuts, dried fruits, and spices
laboratory under controlled conditions castaneum than those of lower
(Benhalima et al., 2004 and Sahaf et
of temperature, humidity, and light. mortality (0.0% after 30 days).
al., 2007). The infestation of insects
When the lethal effect compared.
reduces the stored grains' nutritional
3.3 Leaf powder preparation Results suggested that plant
content and results in losses in their
In this study dry leave of three plant powders may have potential as a
weight, quality, or economic value
species such as Mentha sp. Myrtis communis control agent against this major
(Aboelhadid et al.,2021). Numerous
and Thymus sp were purchased from a local stored product insect, as these
plants have been found to have
market in Erbil, and were ground to fine substances are not only an
bioactive metabolites that are
powder with the help of an electric grinding inexpensive, but also have non-toxic
poisonous, repelling, and safe for
machine before use. effects on non-target organisms and
both humans and the environment.
less environmental influence in
(Islam, 2017).
3.4 Seed powder preparation terms of insecticidal hazard.
The test plant materials seeds of the three

Results same plants , were purchased from the

local market and were ground to fine
Efficiency of leave powder from three plants against T. castaneum at various exposure periods.

10 /1/2023 13/1/2023 16 /1/2023

19 /1/2023 22/1/2023 25 /1/2023
powder with the help of an electric grinding machine before
% Mortality
Control 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 b 0.00 b 0.00 b 0.00b 1. Aboelhadid, S. M., & Youssef, I. (2021).
Menth 0.3333 0.6667 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Control of red flour beetle (Tribolium
a ab ab ab bc
Myrtus 0.3333 0.6667 1.00 2.oo b 2.00 b 2.00
ab ab
castaneum) in feeds and commercial poultry
Thyme 1.0000 1.3333 1.67 a 2.33 b 2.33 b 2.67 a
diets via using a blend of clove and
lemongrass extracts. Environmental science
Figure 1: Effect
of duration During the search in reviewing the literature, there are no and pollution research international, 28(23),
time of leave
powder on 30111–30120.
recent revisions or nearby studies to our work, therefore the list
mortality of T. 2. Benhalima H, Chaudhry MQ, Mills KA, Price
castaneum. below reflects our best effort at achieving a list based on available
NR.(2004). Phosphine resistance in stored-
Efficiency of Seed powder from three plants against T. castaneum at various exposure periods.
Plant Time
product insects collected from various grain
10 /1/2032 13/1/2032 16 /1/2032

% Mortality
19 /1/2032 22/1/2032 25 /1/2032

These literatures used medicinal and aromatic plants extracts storage facilities in Morocco. Journal of
Control 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 b 0.00 b 0.00 b Stored Products Research, 40(3):241– 249.
methods in the controlling of stored insects, such as aqueous
Mentha 0.3333 0.3333 0.6667 0.67 b 0. 67b 1.67 b
3. Islam, Waqar. (2017). Eco-Friendly
Myrtus 0.3333 0.3333 1.3333 1.67 a 2.00 a 2.33 bc extracts, essential oils extracts, alcoholic extracts, toxic fumigants.
Thyme 0.3333 0.6667 1.3333 2.00 a 2.33 a 2.67 c Approaches for the Management of Red
Petroleum, acetone, and ethanol extracts also used.
Flour Beetle:Tribolium
Figure 2: Effect
of duration of In the current study, for the first time, the powder of fresh leave castaneum(Herbst).Journal international
seed powder
on percent and seeds was used directly after mixing it with rice grains. the
mortality of
T.castaneum 4. Mdugu, M. A. (2021). Biocidal Effects of
results were in complete agreement with the results of (Sadia et.
Some Plant Extracts against the Red Rust
al., 2006; Farkhand et. al., 2011; Susana et al., 2013; Saeed et
Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum Herbst (
Fig.3: The bar
chart mortality
al.,2016; Manonmani, 2017; Sara et al., 2019; Salim et al., coleopteran: Tenebrionidae) in Northeastern
percentage of
plant powders 2019; Ghozlene et al.,202; finally, Mustafa and May 2022). Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative
T. castaneum Science and Research Technology,6(5):30-34.

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