Grand 10 Major

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Student Name: Class: 1st Yr.

10 Subject: ENGLISH Total Marks: 40
Time Allowed: 50 min Marks Obtained:
Time allowed: 10 min Marks: 08
Q.No.1: (a) Tick the right choice of the following underlines words.
i. The young man looked at the guitar with an air of connoisseur.
(a) master (b) composer (c) singer (d) musician
ii. Others were walking briskly.
(a) slowly (b) quickly (c) lavishly (d) frankly
iii. Later nothing remained but a faint luminosity.
(a) fog (b) gloom (c) glow (d) dullness
iv. And when your back begin to smart, it’s like a penknife in your heart.
(a) smile (b) joy (c) hurt (d) play

(b) Choose the right option from the followings.

i. The pavement was thronged with?
(a) pedestrians (b) travellers (c) passengers (d) musicians
ii. How much was the cost of Persian carpet?
(a) Rs.1430 (b) Rs.1432 (c) Rs.1340 (d) Rs.1514
iii. What did author send to the rummage sale?
(a) old furniture (b) old books (c) old clothes (d) old shoes
iv. How many photographs did he send to charity bazaar?
(a) Fifteen (b) fourteen (c) twelve (d) thirteen
Q. No. 2: Write short answers to any six (in 3-4 lines) questions from Book-I (S.S) 12
i. Why was the young man following the couple?
ii. What sort of people came out on the mall?
iii. What is the moral of the story ‘overcoat’?
iv. Why did the writer want to keep a diary?
v. What does the author like about Christmas?
vi. Why does a person question his senses when the fact fails him?
vii. What is the benefit of broken images?
Q.No.5: (a). Punctuate the following extract from book-I 05
yes he admitted noble deeds are always a great joy to me

(b). Explain the following lines with reference to their context. 05

A man of words and not of deeds,
Is like a garden full of weeds.
And when the weeds begin to grow,
It’s like a garden full of snow.

Q.NO.6: Translate the following passage into Urdu (Short Stories Book-I). 10
The young man seated on cement bench was watching with interest the people passing on the pavement
before him. Most of them were wearing overcoats which were of every kind from the astrakhan to rough
military khaki such as are found in large bundles at the second hand clothes shops. The overcoat the young
man himself was wearing was old, but it was well cut and material was of good quality. The lapels were stiff
and the sleeves well creased. The buttons were of horn, big and shiny.



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