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What Causes People To Hate Each Other?

Right from our birth, we have come across “I hate him/her”. It has been observed over and over and even I
have been a trap of these moments of hatredism, as I would call it so. People become angry, upset and
irritated over certain behaviors and actions of others. It is a no doubt case that ‘hate’ is always around us
and many do not share the logic of the driving force of this phenomenon which occurs on a daily basis.

But why is it so that hatredism comes into play everytime when it can be avoided?

Invariably, there are few researched reasons as mentioned below:

1. Insecurities and Manifestations:

Human beings are materialistic in nature and hence, when the other has something which we may or may
not need, jealousy arises and manifestations follow. So, basically to avoid the pains of our own emotions,
we reflect them in terms of hatredism.

2. Conflict of Values:

Recently I got to know that one of my friend doesn’t like my other friend’s habit of smoking as she is
against it and hence she hates him. Now the meaning of quoting this here is to bring into picture the
prejudices people generate because of their own viewpoints and justifications. Had it been about donating
money to beggars, people have defined views of the same too. Some hate who donate because its against
their constitution of donations.

3. Subconscious Mind and its Biases:

With experiences, we develop certain clusters of beliefs over time and they form the foundation of our so
defined cultural bounds. When we move towards maturity, these tend to be in our subconscious mind and
then when somebody crosses the limits as defined, we tend to hate that person or rather perceive to.

4. Competitional Times

As this is the time of rat races. Either you win or the other person. In such biased setups, everyone wants
to win. Some for money, some for land, some for women and some for success. And If one fails to succeed
in getting these, he enters the blame game and thus hatred towards himself, the other person and the
society evolves.

5. Different Grounds of Moralism

One’s morality seems obvious to him/her. Of course it is. If moral institutions differ, its very easy for us to
judge between right and wrong and to term the other person as bad. With the invent of time, the moral
systems have changed NOT so much. If we go back around 100 years, we observe that it was moral to kill
people and eat them. And if we are an English Methodist, it would be too tempting to hate people like
those. Also, in case of homosexuality, different people have different opinions. Where its legal in some
countries, its equally damaging and a symbol of hatred in others. What is justified here? Nothing, I guess.

6. Assumption of Knowing Other’s Intentions

Its very easy to fall in prey of getting upset when we assume that we know other’s intentions and actions
towards us. If I give example of my friend who flirts with my wife, probably because he wants to make me
jealous then surely, I ll get a feeling of hatred.

Another reason can be when I got stuck in a traffic jam and the reason is that because the other driver is a
jerk. I may feel justified in yelling at him and blowing horns like anything but its again important to realise
that things might have got messed up at his situation as well. May be he is not well, or he got an
emergency call or he is drunk, you never know what’s the case. So, who knows?

While you just labelled him a jerk, but that’s just inconsiderate as from the outsider’s perspective we may
just never know. Its totally impossible to know other’s intention until unless we get into other person’s
shoes first. And that’s difficult too.

7. Failure of Unconciousness

All things appear to be separate from our perspectives in reality, physical reality. You seems you and I am
me and of course, me. We assume things to be completely independent of each other. We assume to be
physically separated as well. But infact, we are fully interconnected and part of the same whole world.

There is some consciousness in unity and believe me, today, people are starting to become aware of the
same but sadly, the blinds ones are those who spread hatredism.

while we apprehend different human beings as being cut loose us, it is much less complex to hate. while
we're absolutely separate, we understand our anger as being directed out of doors folks. consequently,
we view anger as a tool we are able to use to “win.”
But, whilst we are aware about solidarity attention, we see whilst we act in anger, we are handiest hurting
ourselves. whilst we act in anger, we constantly “lose.” as there is no separation, a hatred projected to
someone else is simultaneously a hatred projected to oneself.

So why do human beings hate each distinct again?

Whilst we see a person projecting hatred out into the arena, chances are one of the following
misconceptions is at play:

They'll be unaware that different people reflect their personal emotions and moods. They may be very
inflexible of their definitions of “right” and “wrong.” They may accept as authentic with they understand
exclusive peoples’ intentions. They'll be definitely ignorant of solidarity recognition. It’s something to take
into account. All people war now and again with dislike, or even hate. Anyone have some human beings in
our lives who take a look at our staying power and worsen us. That is ideal enough, because we are
dwelling existence via the human perspective, and we are frequently constrained in our capacity to peer
the larger picture.









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