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 Skills Focus: Table creation, relationships, data entry.

Design Queries for Data Analysis:

 Task: Write queries to find overdue books and students with the most borrowed books.
 Skills Focus: Query design, criteria setting, sorting, and grouping.

Develop a Data Entry Form:

 Task: Create a form for entering new book details.

 Skills Focus: Form design, control properties, validation.

Generate Summary Reports:

 Task: Create a report showing the total number of books borrowed per month.
 Skills Focus: Report creation, grouping, and summary calculations.

B. Exam Tips

Time Management:

 Practice Tasks Under Time Limits: Work on tasks with set time limits to simulate exam

Accuracy and Consistency:

### Comprehensive Guide to Using Microsoft Word 2003 for IGCSE ICT

Microsoft Word 2003, despite being an older version, offers a robust set of
features that are essential for mastering document production tasks required in
the IGCSE ICT syllabus. This guide covers essential functions and practical tasks
that you need to know for your exam.


## **1. Introduction to Word 2003 Interface**

**Key Interface Elements:**
- **Title Bar:** Displays the document name.
- **Menu Bar:** Provides access to commands (e.g., File, Edit, View).
- **Toolbars:** Shortcut buttons for common commands (Standard and
Formatting toolbars are crucial).
- **Rulers:** Horizontal and vertical rulers for setting margins and tab stops.
- **Status Bar:** Shows document information like page number and word count.

## **2. Document Creation and Management**

**Creating a New Document:**

1. **File > New**: Opens a new blank document.
2. **Templates**: Use `File > New > From Template` for pre-designed layouts.

**Saving Documents:**
- **File > Save/Save As**: Save with a new name or format. Use `.doc` for
- **AutoSave:** Configure in `Tools > Options > Save` to automatically save your
work periodically.

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