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1.Which of the following is the labor law that was enacted in 2003 and is still in force today?






2. All substances are stored, there is no substance that is not poison, the appropriate dose makes the
difference between poison and medicine. Who is the famous scientist who wrote the world's first
occupational medicine book, Metal Diseases (De Morbis Metallicis)?

A) B.Ramazzini

B) Juvenal

C) Pline

D) Agricola

E) Paracelsus

3. Who is the Italian scientist who first developed the policies of ergonomics?

A) Nikander

B) Ramazzini

C) Pline

D) Paracelsus

E) Delpierro

4. Which regulation is considered to be the first initiative in the field of OSH in the Ottoman Empire in
1865, but it was not secret and its real name is "Nizamname-i Maden-i Hümayun Ereğli"?

A) Dilaver Pasha Regulation

B) Mining Regulations

C) Law of Obligations

D) Ereğli Regulation

E) Contribution Fund Regulation

5. Which organization is affiliated with the United Nations, which was established in 1946 with the
aim of protecting the health of the people of the world and has many duties and responsibilities such
as the solution process to epidemic and pandemic conditions of developments in the world?






6.Which law states that the employer is obliged to provide training on occupational health and



C)Vocational training law

D)Law of Obligations

E)General Hygiene Law

7. Which of the following is the concept that includes technical measures to eliminate or minimize
the dangers encountered by working individuals while performing a job?

A) Occupational safety

B) Occupational disease

C) Near miss

D) Occupational health

E) Work accident

8. Which of the following is an organization affiliated with the United Nations, which was founded in
1919 and is respected all over the world with its conventions and recommendations for the
protection of employees' rights?

A) World Health Organization

B) International Atomic Energy Agency

C) World Food Organization

D) International Labor Organization

E) Council of Europe
9. Which of the following refers to the precautions taken after an accident occurs?

A) Proactive approach

B) Near miss

C) Intuitive approach

D) Continuity

E) Reactive approach

10. When did Türkiye become a full member of the International Labor Organization (ILO)?

A) 1919

B) 1921

C) 1932

D) 1980

E) 1923

11-What is the potential for harm or damage to the employee or the workplace, whether present in
the workplace or coming from outside?



C)Risk assessment



12-Which organization was established in 1946 as part of the United Nations and carries out
international studies on public health?

A)International Labor Organization

B)World Health Organization

C)Organization for Scientific Studies

D)International Health and Labor Organization

E)National Labor Organization

13- According to the Labor Law, what is the maximum number of hours of daily work?

A)7.5 hours
B)8 hours

C)9 hours

D)11 hours

E)12 hours

14- Which of the following is not among the elements of the concept of worker?

A)Working based on an employment contract

B)working at a job

C)Working as a dependent

D)paid work

E)Being over 20 years old

15- What concept expresses the risk-oriented new approach in the field of Occupational Health and

A)Current approach

B)Proactive approach

C)Reactive approach

D)Work accident approach

E)Approach to legislation

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