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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

151 (3rd series)

The Parietal Lobe
G. Vallar and H.B. Coslett, Editors
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 16

Constructional apraxia
Institute of Neurology, Sacred Heart Catholic University, Rome, Italy
IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology, Rome, Italy
Department of Psychology, University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Caserta, Italy

Since the classic papers of Kleist, Mayer Gross, and Critchley, constructional apraxia (CA) has been con-
sidered to be a typical sign of a parietal lobe lesion, and as a precious tool to appreciate the spatial abilities
subserved by this lobe. However, the development of more sophisticated neuropsychologic models and
methods of investigation has revealed several problematic aspects. It has become increasingly clear that
CA is a heterogeneous construct that can be examined with very different tasks, that are only mildly inter-
connected, and tap various kinds of visuospatial, perceptual, attentional, planning, and motor mechanisms.
On the basis of these considerations, the relationships between parietal lobe functions and constructional
activities must be considered, taking into account on the one hand the heterogeneity of the tasks and of the
cognitive functions requested by different kinds of constructional activities and, on the other hand, the
plurality of functions and of processing streams linking different parts of the parietal lobes to the occipital
and frontal lobes.

disorders grouped under the heading of CA and, on the

INTRODUCTION other hand, the relationships between CA and mecha-
In his classic book The Parietal Lobes, MacDonald nisms subsumed by the parietal lobe.
Critchley (1953) stated that constructional apraxia
(CA), defined as “a difficulty in putting together one-
dimensional units so as to form two-dimensional figures
or patterns,” is one of the most important and commonly The clinical and theoretic usages of the term
occurring signs of parietal lobe damage. Interest in CA as “constructional apraxia” (CA) are rather heterogeneous
a marker of a specific cognitive and pathophysiologic and have changed over time, being strictly linked to
disturbance has, however, changed with the development the models of brain functions and brain pathology that
of cognitive neurosciences: CA was first related to the were pre-eminent in different periods of the history of
mechanisms of apraxia (Strauss, 1924), then to hemi- the neurosciences. As the term “constructional apraxia”
spheric asymmetries in visuospatial functions (Scheller suggests, this concept was developed in the period of
and Seideman, 1931) and finally, in recent times, to Liepmann’s (1912) investigations of limb apraxia.
the more clinical problems of the etiologic form and Liepmann (1912) believed that attainment of a skilled
the neuropsychologic staging of dementia (Ajuriaguerra movement requires the acquisition of a “movement
et al., 1960). formula” and of an “innervatory pattern” that would
In the present chapter we will summarize the historic communicate the “formula” information to the appropri-
evolution of the construct of CA, stressing on the one ate primary motor areas. Liepmann also thought that the
hand the complex and heterogeneous nature of the left parietal role was crucial in supporting the movement

*Correspondence to: Luigi Trojano, Department of Psychology, University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Viale Ellittico 31, 81100
Caserta, Italy. Tel and fax: +39-0823-274784, E-mail:
formula, but the precise localization of the relevant neu- The excessively broad range of activities included by
ral centers within the left parietal lobe remained unclear Poppelreuter (1917) under the heading of optic apraxia
(Kimura, 1980). led Kleist (1934) to introduce the term “constructional
As reported by De Renzi in his seminal book on spa- apraxia” to designate “a disturbance which appears in for-
tial cognition (1982), Rieger (1909) first described the mative activities (such as assembling, building, or draw-
inability shown by some brain-damaged patients ing) in which the spatial form of the task is missed,
(BDPs) to build words with letters, or patterns with although there is no apraxia of the single movements.”
sticks. Rieger (1909), however, did not distinguish this To be sure, Kleist (1934) considered CA proper as resulting
inability from other aspects of ideomotor apraxia and from “an impaired bond between visual-spatial functions
was, therefore, unable to stress the specificity of his and the kinesthetic engrams which are decisive for manual
observation. A few years later Poppelreuter (1917) activity,” excluding from the field of CA constructive dis-
developed the construct of optische Apraxie to identify orders which can be explained in terms of visuoperceptual
impairments in a series of activities requiring careful impairment or ideomotor apraxia. Kleist (1934) empha-
control of vision on action, such as drawing, cutting a sized that it can be difficult to disentangle CA from disor-
shape with scissors, or finding one’s way in familiar ders of action related to visual impairments, but a careful
surroundings. analysis of patients’ errors in drawing tasks (Fig. 16.1)


Abb. 161. Bitter.


Nagel Profil
Abb. 165. Otto. Haus
Abb. 166. Ziegel.

Haus aus dem Gedãchtnis

Nachzeichnung Haus nach Vorlage

Abb. 167. Schnell.
Fig. 16.1. Four figures reported in Kleist’s (1934) description of constructional apraxia. Abb. (figure) 161 shows drawings by the
patient Bitter, who sustained a right parietal lesion near to the skull midline, with left hemianopia. a, profile of a human face rotated
by 90°; b–e, four attempts at drawing a house to command. Abb. 165 and Abb. 166 show drawings by the patients Otto and Ziegel,
with bilateral parieto-occipital lesions encroaching upon the angular gyrus, and double hemianopia with spared central vision.
From left, attempts at drawing to command a nail (Nagel), a profile (Profil), and a house (Haus). Abb. 167 shows drawings by
the patient Schnell, who had a left parietal lesion, involving the angular gyrus, and a right posterior lesion and left hemianopia.
Left, a model (Vorlage) and a patient’s attempt to copy it (Nachzeichnung); middle, attempt to draw a house from memory (Haus

aus dem Gedachtnis); right, attempt to copy a drawing of a house (Haus nach Vorlage).
led him to prefer the term “constructional” to the with apraxia, but would not improve the performance
term optische Apraxie, since he thought that errors pro- of right-BDPs.
duced by his patients could not be ascribed to faulty Subsequently, Mc Fie and Zangwill (1960) compared
visual perception. In proposing such a new nosological the qualitative aspects of the constructive disorders
entity, Kleist (1934) also suggested that it was fre- shown by 8 patients with left parietal damage with those
quently associated with lesions in the left posterior pari- of 10 right-BDPs previously described by Ettlinger et al.
etal lobe, and, more precisely, with damage to (1957); they substantially confirmed Duensing’s (1953)
Brodmann area (BA) 39 (angular gyrus) in the left hemi- distinction between left executive and right visuospatial
sphere, that would serve as a center for linking visual forms of CA. Piercy et al. (1960), on the other hand, car-
and kinesthetic functions. However, Kleist (1934) was ried out the first major systematic survey of the relation-
quite prudent about this possible localization, as it ships between visuoconstructive disabilities and
was based on postmortem pathologic examination of hemispheric locus of lesion; they found that CA was sig-
a few patients. nificantly more frequent and more severe in patients with
In subsequent years, Kleist’s (1934) original defini- right-sided (and in particular with right parietal) lesions
tion, which linked the term CA to a specific pathophys- and that qualitative differences similar to those noted by
iologic mechanism, was substantially neglected, and the Duensing (1953), and by Mc Fie and Zangwill (1960),
term CA was used to refer to all disturbances observed existed between right- and left-BDPs. On the basis of
during drawing, assembling, and building complex the similarities observed in these studies, Mc Fie and
models. Two main groups of interpretations were Zangwill (1960) proposed the term CA to designate
advanced in that period to explain constructive distur- the disability shown by left parietal patients and
bances: (1) some authors (e.g., Strauss, 1924; P€ otzl, “spatial agnosia” for the performance of right parietal
1928; Mayer Gross, 1935) regarded CA as an executive patients.
disorder restricted to complex manipulation, in the Irrespective of the contrasts concerning the qualitative
absence of visuoperceptive disturbances; (2) other differences between the drawings of left- and right-BDPs
authors (Scheller and Seideman, 1931; Lange, 1936; and the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, Mc
Dide, 1938) considered visuoconstructive disorders as Fie and Zangwill (1960) emphasized the fact that, in most
resulting from a basic visuoperceptive impairment and of these patients, the intrahemispheric locus of lesion
often reported right-BDPs in support of their interpreta- specifically involved the parietal lobes, as previously
tion. Scheller and Seideman (1931), Lange (1936), and highlighted by Mayer Gross (1935), who had considered
Dide (1938) went one step further, and hypothesized that CA as mainly related to left parietal lesions, and had
the right hemisphere plays a special role in visuospatial stressed the association of CA with Gerstmann syn-
functions, and that visuoconstructive disorders of right- drome, and by Critchley (1953), who had shown that
BDPs may be the consequence of this basic visuospatial the responsible lesions generally encroach upon the pos-
disorder. This idea was supported, after the second World terior parietal areas.
War, by a number of systematic clinical studies (Paterson
and Zangwill, 1944; McFie et al., 1950; Hecaen et al.,
1951, 1956; Ettlinger et al., 1957; Piercy et al., 1960),
which emphasized the frequency of CA in right-BDPs
and drew attention to the close relationship observed in
these patients between perceptual and constructional Only 2 years after the publication of the papers by Mc
disabilities. Fie and Zangwill (1960) and Piercy et al. (1960),
Hecaen et al. (1951) also suggested that qualitative Benton (1962) underlined the limitations of the clinical
differences could exist between the constructive disabil- approach and the inconsistency of the criteria adopted
ities shown by patients with right- or left-hemisphere by different authors to make the diagnosis of CA.
lesions; this issue was developed by Duensing (1953), According to Benton (1962), two factors could account
Mc Fie and Zangwill (1960), and Piercy et al. (1960), for the divergence of opinions: (1) the subjective nature
who strongly contrasted executive with visual- of the clinical method; and (2) the fact that many differ-
perceptual forms of CA. Duensing (1953) described ent tasks had been used to study constructive disorders.
the drawings of left-BDPs as marked by great simplifica- The solution suggested by Benton (1962) to improve
tion of the outline, and frequent hesitations, whereas the comparability of results obtained by different
those of right-BDPs were described as characterized authors, namely the use of graded tests with precise
by a failure to reproduce the spatial relationships among scoring procedures and comparison with a control
the various parts of the model. Furthermore, the presence group, has been widely accepted and followed by all
of a model would facilitate the drawings of left-BDPs subsequent authors.
It has been much more difficult to solve the second
problem, because CA has been used as a single diagnos-
tic category, which operationally identified all distur-
bances observed on very heterogeneous tasks such as
drawing, assembling, and building complex models
(Gainotti, 1985; Trojano and Conson, 2008). However,
drawing and assembling activities cannot be considered
equivalent: some researchers (Arrigoni and De Renzi,
1964) noted a significant correlation between drawing,
three-dimensional object construction, and visuospatial
tasks in right- and left-BDPs, but other studies (Benton
and Fogel, 1962) yielded contrasting data. This heteroge-
neity of methods used to evaluate CA must be stressed. In
the early studies of Rieger (1909) and Kleist (1912),
tasks in which patients were required to assemble sev-
eral elements (e.g., sticks) while reproducing two-
dimensional models were used. Three-dimensional
constructional tasks (Benton and Fogel, 1962;
Trojano et al., 1997) were rarely used, because only a
few researchers recommend testing both two- and three-
dimensional constructional competence (Benton, 1989;
Capruso and Hamsher, 2011).
Drawing tasks have been widely used to assess con-
structional abilities, but, unlike the tests mentioned
above, they rely on graphomotor skills. In fact, dissoci-
ation between drawing and other constructional tasks has
been reported amongst aphasic patients (Kashiwagi
et al., 1994). Furthermore, copying and free drawing can-
not be considered equivalent. We have seen in the section
on historic notes, above, that, according to Duensing
(1953), Mc Fie and Zangwill (1960), and Piercy et al.
(1960), copying is more impaired in right-BDPs,
whereas free drawing is more affected in patients with
left-brain damage. Free drawing – in which the patient
is required to draw a named object (e.g., a clock, a face) –
is apparently the most immediate test of constructional Fig. 16.2. Drawing of a clock face on an empty circle. Top
skills. It reveals information about patients’ ability to row: drawings by left-brain-damaged patients usually show
draw complete shapes, or a tendency to omit parts, and simplifications and distortions, but with relatively spared spa-
tial relationships; on the right, see errors in writing numbers.
their ability to organize the figure as a whole, with its
Second row: drawings by right-brain-damaged patients usu-
component elements in their correct spatial relationships ally show left-sided omissions and frequent visuospatial
(Fig. 16.2). However, this task is not easily standardized defects. Lower rows: drawings by demented patients show
and relies on nonconstructional cognitive abilities. gross spatial distortions, perseverations, and errors reflecting
Regarding the latter point, Gainotti et al. (1983) impaired semantic knowledge; when required to draw hands
demonstrated that drawing from memory was more at the given time (at 2:45 in these instances), patients with
compromised in aphasics than in nonaphasic left-BDPs dementia often refuse, make conceptual errors, or write num-
and in right-BDPs, likely in relation to patients’ bers instead of drawing the hands.
lexical-semantic deficits, rather than to their visual-
constructional disorders. Similarly, Grossman (1988) mechanisms and imagery abilities (see Trojano and
observed that BDPs might fail in associating a shape with Grossi, 1994, for a discussion).
its appropriate size when drawing single objects, reveal- A clear instance of the complexity of free-drawing
ing an associative rather than a purely constructional dis- tasks is clock drawing (for a comprehensive discussion,
order. In the assessment of constructional skills, then, the see Freedman et al., 1994). As classically defined by
complexity of free-drawing tasks should be recognized, Kaplan (1988), clock test administration implies com-
in terms of the role played by lexical-semantic manding patients to “draw the face of a clock with all
the numbers and set the two hands to 10 after 11.” The Kirk and Kertesz, 1989; Carlesimo et al., 1993;
involvement of several cognitive abilities in clock draw- Trojano et al., 2004), have failed to find a greater prev-
ing to command (Fig. 16.2) made this task very popular alence of CA in right-BDPs and similar results have been
as a rapid screening test for general cognitive impairment obtained by studies (Arrigoni and De Renzi, 1964;
and dementia, although there are many proposed admin- Warrington et al., 1966; De Renzi and Faglioni, 1967;
istration procedures and scoring systems. One strategy Dee, 1970) which have compared the severity of con-
for improving diagnostic accuracy is to compare the structional disorders shown by right- and left-BDPs.
drawing to command condition with a copy condition, At variance with these conclusions are results
in which subjects are required to copy a predrawn clock, obtained by Villa et al. (1986) in a study aiming to eval-
since in the copy condition performance would rely only uate the influence of the laterality and the intrahemi-
on a subset of cognitive functions centered on visuoper- spheric locus of the lesion and the role of the
ceptual and constructional skills (Price et al., 2011). coexistence of mental deterioration on scores obtained
However, although copying tasks seem to directly on two constructive tasks. Regardless of defects attribut-
assess the patient’s ability to reproduce simple figures, able to unilateral spatial neglect (see Chapter 14), right-
such as circles and squares, or complex designs, such BDPs showed the highest incidence and severity of
as a clock or the Rey–Osterreith complex figure constructive disturbances, and patients with parietal –
(ROCF) (Rey, 1941; Osterreith, 1944), even this task and particularly with right parietal – damage obtained
can involve problem-solving and executive abilities, the poorest mean scores and exhibited the highest inci-
and its performance level is related to age, educational dence of apraxic performances (Villa et al., 1986).
level, and even cultural background (see Rosselli and The qualitative differences between the constructive
Ardila, 2003, for a review). It is therefore crucial for diag- defects in right- and left-BDPs were confirmed by
nosis of CA to adopt a standardized task, with solid nor- Gainotti and Tiacci (1970), who contrasted the patterns
mative data, employing different kinds of stimuli, well- of drawing disability in the two groups, and by Kirk
known or novel, of graded complexity (Figs 16.3–16.5). and Kertesz (1989), who noted that performance on a
free-drawing task correlated strongly with scores on a
visual-perceptual task in right-BDPs, but more strongly
with tests of verbal comprehension, and with the severity
of the motor defect in left-BDPs. These authors con-
cluded that CA originates from a visuospatial defect in
right-BDPs, whilst it could be linked to semantic or ele-
As previously mentioned in the first major systematic mentary motor disorders in left-BDPs. The suggestion
survey of the relationships between visuoconstructive that, on a copying task, a disorder at the elementary
disabilities and hemispheric locus of lesion based on motor level may play a crucial role in left-BDPs has been
clinical studies, Piercy et al. (1960) had claimed that confirmed by Carlesimo et al. (1993), whereas Trojano
quantitative and qualitative differences exist between et al. (2004) have shown that drawing accuracy was sig-
the constructional disorders shown by right- or left- nificantly correlated with some spatial perceptual and
BDPs. Indeed, the former showed a greater incidence representational tests in right- but not in left-BDPs,
and severity of constructional disturbances that, from retaining a “weak” version of the spatial lateralization
the qualitative point of view, were characterized by a hypothesis.
failure to reproduce spatial relationships among the var- Even more controversial is the meaning of the quali-
ious parts of the model, whereas the latter produced tative features considered as typical of CA resulting from
simplified drawings, poor in outline and lacking in left-hemisphere lesions. Warrington et al. (1966) put for-
detail, but well organized from a spatial point of view ward the hypothesis that the constructive disabilities of
(Figs 16.3–16.5). left-BDPs may be due to a planning disorder. This
The general inference drawn from these observations hypothesis was put to the test by Hecaen and Assal
was that the right hemisphere (and in particular the right (1970), who required right- and left-BDPs to copy a cube
parietal lobe) is dominant for visuospatial functions, under two different conditions: (1) simple copy of the
and that constructional tasks can be used to assess this model; and (2) copy with the help of landmarks previ-
right-hemispheric visuospatial specialization. How- ously marked on the paper sheet. The presence of land-
ever, subsequent more controlled studies of CA, in marks significantly improved the copy performance of
which the distinction between apraxic and nonapraxic left-BDPs, but not of right-BDPs. On the basis of these
patients was made on the basis of an objective cut-off findings, Hecaen and Assal (1970) claimed that a plan-
point (De Renzi and Faglioni, 1967; Gainotti, 1972; ning disorder underlies constructive disabilities of left-
Colombo et al., 1976; Arena and Gainotti, 1978; (but not of right-) BDPs, but Collignon and Rondeaux

Fig. 16.3. Copying of geometric drawings: cube (model on the top). First row: drawings by left brain-damaged patients usually
show simplifications and distortions, but with relatively spared spatial relationships. Second row: drawings by right-brain-
damaged patients usually show left-sided omissions and frequent visuospatial defects. Lower rows: drawings by demented patients
show gross simplifications, spatial distortions, errors of perspective, and closing-in (bottom figure).

(1974), Gainotti et al. (1977), and Pillon (1981) could not due to high-level conceptual-semantic disorders, and
replicate the results obtained by Hecaen and Assal other features to the presence of a right-hand motor
(1970), administering analogous tests to larger samples defect, is supported by several data. As for the first point,
of right- and left-BDPs. Gainotti et al. (1983) showed that the inability to draw
On the contrary, the possibility that some features of from memory displayed by these patients is strongly
the constructive disabilities shown by left-BDPs may be related to the presence of semantic-lexical disorders at

Fig. 16.4. Copying of geometric drawings: novel figure (model on the top). First row: simplifications, perseverations, and dis-
tortions in drawings by left-brain-damaged patients. Second row: left-sided omissions and gross visuospatial defects in drawings
by right-brain-damaged patients. Lower rows: drawings by demented patients may show gross spatial distortions, perseverations,
simplifications, and closing-in (bottom figure).

the receptive level, and Kirk and Kertesz (1989) noted 2006). On the basis of the results, Laeng (2006) proposed
that in left-BDPs performance on a free-drawing task that qualitative differences in CA of right- and left-BDPs
correlated strongly with scores obtained on tests of verbal might be explained by a predominant role of the right
comprehension. As for the second point, Kirk and hemisphere in computating precise metric spatial (coor-
Kertesz (1989) noted that in left-BDPs the tendency to dinate) relations, and by the major contribution of the left
produce hesitant and simplified drawings correlated with hemisphere in appreciation of abstract (categoric) spatial
the severity of right-sided motor defects. relations, like those usually captured by prepositions or
The hypothesis of different alterations of drawing locatives (e.g., “inside,” “between”), in keeping with
abilities depending on the hemispheric side of the lesion the hypothesis put forward by Kosslyn (1987; see
has been renewed in a study in which 30 right- or left- Trojano et al., 2006).
BDPs with vascular lesions centered upon the parietal A specific, but different, impairment in right-BDPs
lobes were required to perform a stick assembly test was postulated by Russell et al. (2010) in a study on 8
and several other tests of spatial perception (Laeng, patients showing CA compared with 7 right-BDPs

Fig. 16.5. Copying of Rey complex figure (model on the top). Drawings by left-brain-damaged patients (upper row), by right-
brain-damaged patients (second row), with or without hemineglect, and by demented patients (lower row). Note in the right bottom
figure that the reproduction of the single subcomponents is relatively spared, but spatial relationships among them are lost.

without CA. In all CA patients brain lesions involved anterior, and left posterior). In this study, constructional
frontal and parietal lobes. BDPs with or without CA per- disabilities differed among patient groups, depending
formed two tasks in which they were required to judge upon the side and the intrahemispheric locus of lesion,
whether a pattern shifted position (spatial task) or chan- as well as upon the nature of the task.
ged in configuration (nonspatial task) across saccades. More recently, similar conclusions have been reached
BDPs with CA performed worse than BDPs without in a very well-controlled study, in which the relationships
CA and, on this basis, the authors suggested that CA between drawing performance and brain lesions were
in right-BDPs might result from impairment in remem- addressed in a large consecutive sample of focal BDPs
bering spatial information across fixations, i.e., in remap- by means of voxel-based morphometry (Chechlacz
ping stimuli locations across saccades. et al., 2014). The authors required patients to copy a com-
Lastly, it has to be mentioned that drawing in right- plex figure included in the Birmingham Cognitive
BDPs is often affected by unilateral left neglect, and that Screen battery (Humphreys et al., 2012) to obtain several
in these cases the spatial position and hierarchic structure scores expressing different facets of the constructional
of stimuli strongly influence patients’ graphic produc- task. The results showed that different lesions in the
tions (Behrmann and Plaut, 2001). two hemispheres were significantly correlated with each
The difficulty of linking CA with the side or the intra- score: (1) overall accuracy correlated with lesions of the
hemispheric locus of the cerebral lesion was stressed in subcortical nuclei in the right hemisphere; (2) omissions
an old study by Benson and Barton (1970) in 24 BDPs of left details of the stimulus correlated with lesions in the
with positive radioactive brain scan in one of the four right inferior parietal lobule (angular and supramarginal
quadrants of the brain (right anterior, right posterior, left gyri) and in the right middle frontal gyrus; (3) spatial
errors correlated with a wide range of brain lesions, Indeed, CA is considered one of the most common
including the insula and inferior temporal gyri, in both behavioural alterations in different types of dementia
the right and the left hemisphere, and the precuneus in (for review, see Trojano and Conson, 2008; Trojano
the left hemisphere; (4) errors in reproducing the stimu- and Gainotti, 2016). In principle, constructional disor-
lus details correlated with lesions in the right middle tem- ders in dementia may be ascribed to the failure of visuo-
poral gyrus; and (5) errors in reproducing the overall spatial processing, or to an impairment of planning
configuration of the stimulus correlated with lesions in abilities, since constructional tasks, particularly those
the left insula, and the left calcarine cortex. This study implying new or complex models, can be considered
clearly demonstrated that lesions in either hemisphere as a sort of problem-solving task. Therefore, different
can determine different drawing impairments, and, by degenerative diseases are likely characterized by differ-
implication, that drawing depends on several cognitive ent mechanisms giving rise to CA. However, different
processes based on wide interconnected neuronal net- pathogenetic mechanisms can lead to constructional dis-
works. Furthermore, according to this study, the left infe- orders even within a single degenerative disease, such as
rior parietal region, and above all the left angular gyrus, Alzheimer disease (AD), which, from its early stages, is
would not be included within these neural networks. characterized by functional or structural involvement of
Results more consistent with the classic views of the the mesial and lateral aspects of the parietal lobes (see
relationships between CA and (right) parietal lobe have Rapoport, 1991; Herholz, 1995; Mosconi et al., 2004;
been obtained by Biesbroek et al. (2014). They adminis- Huang et al., 2007, and Schroeter et al., 2009, for
tered to a large cohort of patients with first-ever ischemic reviews).
stroke the ROCF copy test and the judgment of line ori- CA is not observed in the amnesic forms of mild cog-
entation, (JLOT), in which subjects are requested to iden- nitive impairment (Gainotti et al., 2014) but is present
tify among several alternatives the lines that are in the from early clinical stages of AD, with increasing severity
same orientation as those presented as stimuli (Benton as the illness progresses (Ajuriaguerra et al., 1960). In
et al., 1975), because both tests measure visuoperception, free-drawing tasks AD patients often show simplifica-
while only the ROCF has a constructional component. tions, spatial alterations, and lack of perspective (Kirk
They found large shared anatomic correlates for the and Kertesz, 1991) from the early stages of AD, while
ROCF and JLOT in the right-hemispheric frontal lobe, copying may deteriorate later (Rouleau et al., 1996).
superior temporal lobe, and supramarginal gyrus, The reproduction of complex figures is particularly
whereas lesions in the right superior parietal lobule, sensitive to the progression of the disease (Binetti
angular gyrus, and middle occipital gyri were associated et al., 1998; Figs 16.3–16.5). For instance, the ROCF
with poor performance on the ROCF, but not the JLOT. may be reproduced in a simplified way, with single con-
Although these findings may be partly explained stitutive elements put one after the other, even in early
by exclusion of patients with right paresis and/or AD. Here, patients seem to be able to recognize and
tool apraxia from the study, they may provide evidence reproduce single, well-known elements but are unable
for a relevant role of the inferior and superior parietal to reproduce complex spatial relationships correctly
lobules of the right hemisphere in visuoconstructive (Fig. 16.5). Another “simplification” error may consist
activities proper. in the reproduction of more familiar or simpler figures
instead of more complex ones (e.g., a square instead of
a diamond). As the disease progresses, patients usually
become unable even to draw simple figures correctly,
as they no have longer access to well-consolidated motor
subroutines. Throughout the disease course, but particu-
The observation that many brain regions in both hemi- larly in advanced stages, the tendency to draw very close
spheres are involved in different aspects of drawing, to the model in copying tasks, or to overlap the copy with
and by implication of constructional tasks, can provide the model, or to draw starting from one or more elements
an explanation for the classic findings suggesting that of the model can be observed (Figs 16.3 and 16.4); in late
CA is related to poor intellectual abilities in focal BDPs stages patients can only trace the pencil over the lines of
(Arrigoni and De Renzi, 1964), and can represent an the model, producing a scrawl. This class of phenomena,
index of diffuse cognitive deterioration, both in left- termed “closing-in” (Mayer Gross, 1935), has often been
(Borod et al., 1982) and right- (Benowitz et al., 1990; reported in patients with different kinds of dementia
Lee et al., 2008) BDPs. In the same vein, in patients with (De Lucia et al., 2014; Grossi et al., 2015), particularly
subcortical vascular dementia severity of constructional AD (Ajuriaguerra et al., 1960; Gainotti, 1972). and in
impairments has been shown to correlate with extension some patients with selective posterior atrophy (Suzuki
of white-matter damage (Price et al., 2005). et al., 2003), although most recent interpretations of
this symptom tie it to frontal/executive dysfunctions exclusive correlation of copying performance with glu-
(De Lucia et al., 2013). cose metabolism in the left inferior parietal lobule and
The constructional impairment in AD patients may left inferior frontal gyrus (Teipel et al., 2006).
stem from different cognitive mechanisms. Caine and The different role played by visuospatial and execu-
Hodges (2001) carried out two separate studies to inves- tive disorders in constructive disabilities of demented
tigate visuospatial and semantic deficits in a sample of patients is illustrated by studies comparing AD patients
AD patients in the early stages of the disease, and found with patients affected by frontotemporal dementia
that only a small proportion of patients were impaired on (FTD). For instance, Thompson et al. (2005) observed
visuospatial tasks. In the moderate stage of AD, visuo- that FTD patients outperformed AD patients in copying
spatial impairments would become more evident, and geometric figures of different complexity, were charac-
play a relevant role in the development of constructional terized by a higher number of perseverative errors and
disorders (Binetti et al., 1998). More recently, Guerin of poor organization of the copy, but showed a lower
et al. (2002) suggested that constructional impairment number of spatial errors than AD patients. In the same
in patients with AD is likely to be related to early phases vein, Possin et al. (2011), using quantitative morphomet-
of spatial-constructional processing rather than to the late ric evaluation of structural magnetic resonance imaging
stage of planning, although other authors have under- (MRI), showed that FTD patients performed better than
lined the possible contribution of executive impairments AD patients in copying drawings, but in AD patients
in these patients (Freeman et al., 2000). poor figure copy was associated with defective perfor-
In recent years, the different mechanisms giving rise mance on spatial perception and attention tasks and cor-
to CA in AD patients have been tackled by means of mor- related significantly with volume in the right parietal
phometric and neurofunctional studies. For instance, cortex. In contrast, in FTD patients performance on fig-
Ahn et al. (2011) reported that impaired performance ure copy was significantly associated with scores on spa-
on the ROCF copying task was strongly related to atro- tial planning and working-memory tasks, and correlated
phy in the right hemisphere, with task performance being with right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volumes. The
primarily correlated with atrophy in the superior tempo- apparently paradoxic recent observation that some
ral gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, superior parietal lobule, patients with FTD can show defective copying abilities
fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, and posterior cingulate but improve their graphic productions after a delay (when
gyrus. However, Serra et al. (2014), comparing AD the model is not in sight) would be compatible with the
patients with or without CA, identified on a clinical diag- idea that defective planning and attentional control abil-
nostic free-hand copying of drawings test, reported a ities can interfere with drawing in these patients, through
quite different picture: AD patients with CA showed a mechanisms similar to those giving rise to closing-in
significant reduction of the gray matter bilaterally in (Roth et al., 2014).
the angular gyrus (BA 39), precuneus (BA 7), posterior With respect to the relationships between CA and
cingulate cortex (BA 23/31), right fusiform (BA 37), other forms of dementia, it is also interesting to note that,
middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), and occipital cortex according to McKeith et al. (2004) visuospatial difficul-
(BA 18), as compared with AD patients without CA. ties are often early and prominent in dementia with dif-
The differences between such studies might originate fuse Lewy bodies disease (LBD) and these defects likely
from different characteristics of the AD samples, and contribute to the disproportionate impairment in con-
from the neuropsychologic measures used to assess con- structional tasks in LBD patients (Mori et al., 2000;
structional abilities. Crowell et al., 2007; Nervi et al., 2008). According to
Several recent neurofunctional studies illustrate such Tiraboschi et al. (2006), visuospatial or constructional
sources of variability. In a large sample of AD patients, impairments are present in 74% of patients with early-
Shon et al. (2013) found that drawing the clock face with- stage pathologically confirmed LBD dementia compared
out a model correlated with regional glucose metabolism with 45% of those with AD and, even if the neuroimag-
in the bilateral temporoparietal and left middle frontal ing hallmark of LBD consists of a reduced occipital lobe
regions, whereas copying a clock face correlated with metabolism with respect to AD (Filippi et al., 2012), a
metabolism in bilateral temporoparietal regions only. loss of parieto-occipital white-matter integrity has been
Similarly, in a large sample of drug-naïve AD patients, documented in LBD (Nedelska et al., 2015).
Matsuoka et al. (2013) observed that regional blood flow
in bilateral parietal regions correlated with overall perfor-
mance on clock drawing and with the partial score on set-
ting the hands. A positron emission tomography (PET)
study using copying of a simple geometric figure as a The study of constructional abilities in BDPs has been
measure of constructional abilities showed, instead, an complemented in recent years by papers investigating
brain–behavior relationships by means of the modern observations highlight the complex cognitive mecha-
functional neuroimaging techniques in healthy subjects. nisms involved in the drawing process.
Most functional neuroimaging studies focused on draw- Ogawa and Inui (2009) employed an experimental
ing, although functional MRI (fMRI) neuroimaging dur- set-up in which subjects were required to trace over
ing drawing is constrained by the relevant artefacts the visually presented model or to copy the model on a
induced by the hand and arm movements. For this rea- separate space. The results of the contrast between copy-
son, the majority of experimental paradigms included ing and tracing (aimed to subtract the purely motor per-
drawing-related tasks, rather than actual drawing, and formance from the copying condition) showed an
it is only recently that fMRI-compatible graphic tablets activation of the lingual gyri, superior occipital gyri,
(e.g., Hauptmann et al., 2009) have allowed the analysis and the inferior parietal lobule bilaterally (intraparietal
of hand movements during drawing. sulcus, BA 7/40). On this basis, the authors concluded
An fMRI study (Ino et al., 2003) in which subjects had that the posterior parietal cortex is crucially involved
to move their fingers to trace clock hands at given hours, in the spatial transformations needed to reproduce a
compared to a control condition in which subjects had to model in copying tasks, independently from the memory
perform horizontal and vertical movements with their requirements of the task, and from task difficulty. How-
fingers, demonstrated the activation of a bilateral fronto- ever, it is worth mentioning that an fMRI study contrast-
parietal network, including the superior parietal lobule ing time-constrained visuomotor tracking and copying
(BA 7) and the intraparietal sulcus (BA 39, 40). Such showed a strong activation in the occipital lobes bilater-
a network was largely symmetric, and was observed in ally, but not in the inferior parietal lobules (Ferber
most subjects on individual analysis. et al., 2007).
In another fMRI study subjects were required to Taking advantage of an fMRI-compatible graphic tab-
mimic tracing contours of visually presented objects, let, Miall et al. (2014) required participants to draw faces
compared with a condition in which subjects had to or abstract patterns with different levels of visual detail,
observe and name the same objects (Makuuchi et al., while their eye movements were controlled. The results
2003). The results of the group analysis showed cortical demonstrated that task difficulty affected eye movements
activation in the left sensorimotor and premotor areas more than hand movements, and modulated activation
and in the posterior temporal sulcus (BA 37), and, within the wide cortical network, including the right
above all, an almost symmetric bilateral activation in superior parietal lobule and the precuneus, recruited by
the superior parietal lobule (BA 7), in the intraparietal figure copying.
sulcus (BA 7/40), and in the supramarginal gyrus Copying sketchy or naturalistic faces (contrasted with
(BA 40), whereas no activation was found in the angular tracing the contour of the same face stimuli, and with pas-
gyrus. Individual analysis showed that the superior sive viewing of the stimuli to be copied) was also inves-
parietal lobule and the dorsal premotor areas were acti- tigated in another fMRI study (Schaer et al., 2012). The
vated in most subjects, with a predominance on the left results showed that, compared to passive viewing, natu-
hemisphere. ralistic and sketchy drawing recruited predominantly the
The problem of possible artefacts due to arm and hand dorsal visual pathway, somatosensory and motor areas
movements was overcome in two studies by Harrington and bilateral BA 44, whereas copying compared to trac-
et al. (2007, 2009) by requiring subjects to imagine them- ing involved the precuneus, cuneus, and primary
selves drawing common objects. In the first study the visual areas.
authors contrasted drawing and writing (Harrington The fMRI studies reviewed above greatly differed in
et al., 2007), whereas in the second (Harrington et al., the task used for assessing drawing, since most addressed
2009), subjects were required to simulate drawing of drawing-related activities, such as imagined drawing or
objects or nonsense shapes shown to them before each drawing without seeing one’s own hand. Moreover, stim-
trial. Simulated drawing recruited a large, distributed net- uli varied from sinusoidal lines, to geometric shapes, to
work of frontal, parietal, and temporal structures. In par- faces, thus being very heterogeneous in their cognitive
ticular, drawing familiar objects, as compared with requirements.
nonobjects, determined activation within the inferior Last, in some studies drawing or drawing-related
temporal and anterior inferior frontal cortex in the left tasks were contrasted with tracing, in others with pas-
hemisphere. According to the authors the inferior tempo- sive viewing, and in others with naming objects. These
ral cortex is involved in visual semantic processing dur- considerations contribute to explain the divergences
ing the drawing of familiar objects, while anterior among studies, and suggest caution in deriving a
inferior frontal activation may be related to selection of comprehensive model of the neural and cognitive
specific semantic features of objects. Although based underpinnings of the drawing processes on the basis
on a task largely relying on visual imagery, these of the neurofunctional evidence available. Nonetheless,
functional neuroimaging and neuropsychologic data subunits. Such a decision will have a great impact on
concur in demonstrating that drawing is a multicompo- the process of drawing and will also influence type and
nential process, based on a widely distributed neural number of errors.
network. A clear example of the influence of constructional
Such observations are compatible with the idea that strategies on performance comes from neglect literature:
the process of drawing involves different cognitive com- Ishiai et al. (1997) demonstrated that the choice of differ-
ponents. Several authors have tried to single out such ent constructional strategies could even abolish omis-
components within comprehensive models (Roncato sions in neglect patients’ drawings. In some cases the
et al., 1987; van Sommers, 1989; Grossi, 1991; Guerin choice of a specific strategy seems to be forced by other
et al., 1999). All these models share the idea that visuo- cognitive defects, as in the case of visual agnosic patients
spatial processes, dedicated planning abilities, and gen- (Wapner et al., 1978; Trojano and Grossi, 1992).
eral control processes are involved in drawing (for a Several studies have aimed to establish whether focal
review, see Grossi and Trojano, 2002), although the brain lesions may alter constructional strategies, after the
models differ from each other in terms of formal charac- early formalized observations of Osterreith (1944) on
teristics, depth of analysis, and some theoretic aspects. ROCF copying by BDPs. It has been asserted that obser-
It is worth mentioning that Grossi (1991), drawing on vation of copying strategies in certain patients reveals the
the distinction between lexical and sublexical compo- presence of a constructional disability more effectively
nents of language, proposed the existence of two copying than analysis of the final result (Kaplan, 1983, 1988).
procedures: a lexical route, which predominantly Semenza et al. (1978) noted that in copying tasks
involves activation of familiar constructional schemata right-BDPs and left-nonaphasic BDPs tended to use a
(for example, in drawing a square or a face) and a line- global strategy, similar to that adopted by normal sub-
by-line procedure, based on a spatial analysis which does jects, whereas aphasics used a more analytical (piece-
not use constructional representations (activated, for meal approach) strategy in copying the model. At
instance, when copying novel stimuli). Both procedures variance, Binder (1982) demonstrated that, in copying
may be adopted for copying complex pictures, but some the ROCF, both right- and left-BDPs broke the task down
patients might be constrained to use either one or the into successive steps, while control subjects tended to use
other. For instance, visual agnosic patients might tend a global strategy. Similarly, Trojano et al. (1993), in a
to adopt a slavish line-by-line copying procedure since study on a sample of focal BDPs without severe CA
they cannot access the lexical route for familiar objects observed that, regardless of the lesion locus, patients
(Wapner et al., 1978; Trojano and Grossi, 1992). In con- tended to adopt a line-by-line procedure in copying the
trast, focal BDPs (Grossi et al., 1996; Trojano and Grossi, ROCF, likely in response to the difficulties raised by
1998) or patients affected by degenerative dementia may the task.
draw simple figures successfully without integrating cor-
rectly shaped simple elements in a coherent whole. Such
errors could be ascribed to planning or visuospatial
defects in the presence of relatively spared abilities to
activate motor subroutines for drawing well-known fig-
ures, a sort of constructional lexicon, which develops as a
result of formal education and personal aptitudes. Even if, since the classic papers of Kleist (1934), Mayer
The cognitive models for drawing abilities have not Gross (1935), and Critchley (1953), CA has been consid-
gained general acceptance, because only a few patients ered a typical sign of parietal lobe lesion, and as a pre-
have been described who made consistent errors across cious tool to appreciate the spatial abilities subsumed
several visuospatial and constructional tasks, allowing by this lobe, the links between parietal lobe damage
attempts at coherent theoretic explanations (see Grossi and CA have become more and more problematic with
et al., 1996, for the dissociation of vertical and horizontal the development of more sophisticated neuropsycholo-
space processing; see Roncato et al., 1987; Trojano and gic models and methods of investigations. On the one
Grossi, 1998, for cognitively oriented diagnosis of CA). hand, it has become increasingly clear that CA is a
Moreover, it must be acknowledged that the analysis of heterogeneous construct that can be examined with very
constructional errors is not a straightforward proce- different tasks, including drawing, assembling, and
dure and is further complicated by the effect of con- building complex models, that are only mildly intercon-
structional strategies. One can reproduce a figure nected and tap various kinds of visuospatial, perceptual,
through different procedures; for instance, in copying attentional, planning, and motor mechanisms. On the
the ROCF it is possible to reproduce first the main rect- other hand, when attempts have been made to correlate
angle or to draw the model by segmenting it into small neuroimaging data with specific kinds of constructional
disorders in large consecutive samples of focal BDPs, the object they were building. These data show that some
results have been very scattered and the inferior parietal parietal neurons participate in neural representations of
region has sometimes (Biesbroek et al., 2014), but at space that reflect spatial cognitive as opposed to senso-
other times not (Chechlacz et al., 2014), been included rimotor processing, coding the results of spatial compu-
in the range of the widely interconnected neuronal net- tations performed on visual stimuli to meet the cognitive
works subsuming constructional abilities. objectives.
It must be acknowledged, however, that not only the More recently, Averbeck et al. (2009) examined the
kind of task, but also the content of the material to be differential contributions of the superior parietal cortex
reproduced can have contributed to decreasing the links and the caudal dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in monkeys
between parietal lobe and constructive disabilities. The trained to draw different geometric shapes (triangles,
stimuli used to assess CA by clinical authors, such as squares). The analysis of firing rate in individual neurons
Ettlinger et al. (1957) and Mc Fie and Zangwill demonstrated that prefrontal neurons carried consider-
(1960), who stressed the relationships between CA and able information about hand velocity, a purely motor fac-
parietal lobe lesions, consisted indeed of simple models, tor. Conversely, neurons in the superior parietal cortex
such as geometric figures, or the schematic drawings of a coded both shape and motor factors, suggesting that
house or of a man. On the contrary, much more complex the superior parietal cortex plays a role in both the cog-
and naturalistic stimuli have often been used in studies in nitive and motor components of the “drawing” task.
which no relation between parietal lesions and drawing Furthermore, neuropsychologic evidence of parietal
performance was observed. For instance, in tasks of free involvement is supported by functional imaging studies
drawings of naturalistic stimuli, used by Gainotti et al. of healthy individuals, which have highlighted parietal
(1983), Grossmann (1988), and Kirk and Kertesz involvement in drawing from copying. For instance,
(1989), results obtained by left-BDPs were related to Makuuchi et al. (2003), on the basis of their fMRI study
the presence of aphasia, verbal comprehension disorders, (mentioned above), suggested that in copying a visually
and semantic-lexical disturbances typical of temporal presented object, information is mainly transferred to the
lobe lesions. Similar objections can be made to results parietal lobe via the visual dorsal pathway, and the pari-
of investigations using face stimuli as models (Schaer etal lobe selects the drawing strokes to construct a repre-
et al., 2012; Miall et al., 2014), even if in these studies sentation of the object. This representation is transmitted
the drawing activity recruited the dorsal visual stream to the dorsal (BA 6) and ventral (BA 44) premotor areas,
(Schaer et al., 2012) and the right superior parietal lobule motor areas, and to motor subcortical structures (i.e.,
(Miall et al., 2014). basal ganglia and cerebellum). In parallel, the ventral
It must also be noted that, although drawing is an stream processes visual properties of objects and this
exquisitely human ability, some insights into the neural information may be implemented in the drawing plan.
basis of drawing have been collected by recording and On the other hand, Ogawa and Inui (2009) compared
analyzing single neuron activity in primates trained to healthy subjects’ drawing brain activities, by tracing over
perform sequential movements resembling drawing with the visually presented model or by copying the model on
their hands. a separate space, and used fMRI to test the hypothesis
For instance, Averbeck et al. (2002) characterized the that the posterior parietal cortex plays a role in coordinate
functional roles of different brain areas in coding differ- transformation. A memory-guided condition was also
ent aspects of drawing. These include higher-level cog- introduced, resulting in four drawing conditions; tracing
nitive attributes, such as the shape and serial order of over or copying a model at different locations (tracing
the segments being drawn, as well as lower-level attri- and copying), with or without an on-screen model (visual
butes, such as the direction, position, and speed of draw- and memory guidance). As hypothesized, the intraparie-
ing. Results obtained in these studies suggest that the tal sulcus bilaterally in the posterior parietal cortex
parietal lobes play an important role in basic components showed significantly greater activations in copying than
of constructional tasks. Thus, Chafee et al. (2007) per- in tracing, under both visual and memory guidance, with
formed a study of single-cell recordings, analyzing the a distinct activation pattern involving the premotor and
activity of posterior parietal area PG (7a) neurons in mesial motor regions. This study indicates a role of the
monkeys performing a constructional task. In this task, posterior parietal cortex in coordinate transformation
a model consisting of a variable arrangement of squares for drawing by copying, which may be important for
(one of which was missing) was presented, and monkeys the copying deficit observed in CA.
replaced the missing square to reconstruct the model con- Another important contribution of functional neuro-
figuration. Activity of many 7a neurons varied systemat- imaging to the evaluation of the relationships between
ically with the position of the missing square and CA and parietal lobe impairment comes from studies
predicted where monkeys were going to add parts to conducted in AD in which PET and other neuroimaging
studies have repeatedly shown a pattern of reduced other hand, the plurality of functions and of processing
metabolism in temporoparietal areas (see reviews in streams linking different parts of the parietal lobes to
Rapoport, 1991, Herholz, 1995, and Schroeter et al., the occipital and frontal lobes. According to Caminiti
2009). Several authors have obtained data suggesting et al. (2015), we should take into account, among the lat-
that this pattern of reduced metabolism in temporopar- ter: (1) the integration of visual and somatic information
ietal areas may be related to impairment on constructive accomplished by the dorsal parietal areas and necessary
tasks. For instance, Ahn et al. (2011) found a relation- for visually guided arm movement; (2) the visual control
ship between ROCF copying scores and atrophy of the of hand–object interaction for different forms of hand
superior parietal lobe, Serra et al. (2014) showed that action, carried out by the ventral parieto-premotor
AD patients with CA have a reduction of the gray matter stream; and (3) the information more directly related to
in the angular gyrus, Shon et al. (2013), found that arm movement, such as the kinetic and kinematic limb
drawing the clock face correlates with regional glucose variables necessary for composing motor commands
metabolism in bilateral temporoparietal areas, and for continuous hand movements mimicking hand draw-
Matsuoka et al. (2013) observed that overall perfor- ing, performed by the somatomotor stream (somatosen-
mance on clock drawing is significantly correlated with sory cluster S1, S2 and medial intraparietal). These
regional blood flow in the bilateral parietal and poste- suggestions can be considered as useful hints to guide
rior temporal lobes. further anatomoclinical and experimental investigations,
By contrasting findings in AD patients with those but much work is certainly needed before the links can be
obtained in FTD, in which the parietal lobes are substan- clarified between functions and processing streams of
tially spared, Thompson et al. (2005) and Possin et al. different parts of the parietal lobes (see Freud et al.,
(2011) suggested that the drawing impairments in the 2016, for a recent reappraisal of this issue) and related
two patient groups were based on different cognitive aspects of constructional abilities.
mechanisms and related to different anatomic structures.
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