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Portal configuration data is stored in a series of portal-specific entities in Dynamics 365 such as

websites, web pages, web templates, entity lists, entity forms, content snippets, etc. There are two
main stages of migrating the portal records: exporting from the source instance and importing to the
target instance.


 Before you can move the portal configuration data, you will need to make sure that you
deploy any of your customizations/solutions that are in any way related to the portal to the
target environment.
 Preparing the target environment is a one-time process. You will need to provision a new
portal in order to install the managed portal solutions on Dataverse as well as configure the
portal web application. The process also installs default portal metadata which will be
replaced with portal metadata from your source environment.
 Ensure that the target environment's maximum attachment size is set to the same or greater
size as your source environment.
 The maximum size of files is determined by the Maximum file size setting in the system
settings email tab in the environment system settings dialog box.

Moving Portal Configuration Data via Portal Records Mover –

 Provision a new portal in your target environment. Use the same portal template as you
provisioned on your source environment. For example, if you provisioned the Dynamics 365
Customer Self-Service portal on your source environment, provision the Dynamics 365
Customer Self-Service portal on your target environment.
 On the target environment, using the Portal Management app, delete the newly created
website record. This will remove the default portal configuration data from the target
 On the target environment, delete the portal app. This will remove the portal app currently
configured to render the default portal.
 Run the XrmToolBox, make sure you have the latest build. Locate and run the Portal
Records Mover plug-in.
 You will want to connect to your SOURCE Dynamics 365 instance. When the tool opens,
there are a lot of options, and it is important to follow the order to be successful.
o Choose the Portal in source that you want to export (move)
o Choose only active records (optional, but keeps the portal data clean)
o Choose Load Items
o Deselect Invitation (causes an error and not necessary to copy) also Page
Notifications (deprecated feature and seems to cause an error) and Notes (this
will capture ALL notes in your Dynamics 365 system, which we don’t need).
Note that by choosing Web Files, the associated attachments will come over
with the data.
o Retrieve the Records
o Save Settings for the Next time.
 Note that you can go into each record type and deselect particular records that you
might not want to migrate. For instance, some site settings or content snippets may
point to specific URLs or settings that are specific to environments.

 Click on the “Export Records” to export the data to an XML data file.
 The next step is to disconnect the Portal Records Mover from the source system and
connect it to the destination system.
 Once loaded, connect to the Portal Records Mover plug-in again and this time choose
Import Records.
 You will get a message about importing web pages and to deactivate plugin steps. This is
highly recommended or you may end up with duplicate web pages as the plug-ins will create
child web pages for multi-language features of the portal.

 The process will begin to import the portal data.

 After the records have been imported, the Portal Mover tool will create the various
relationships between the records. This is a key step to ensure the portal continues to work
on the target environment.

 After a few moments, the process should complete.

 On the target environment, provision a new portal using the existing portal website option.
This process will configure a portal using the portal configuration you transferred from the
source environment.

 The portal updates from the source environment should be reflected in this new target
environment. Going forward, you should be able to transfer configuration from your source
to target environments by transferring the portal configuration data.

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