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Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS)

Modulation Based Radar System

P. Raviteja∗ , Khoa T. Phan† , Yi Hong∗ , and Emanuele Viterbo∗
∗ ECSE Department, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
† CSITDepartment, La Trobe University, Bendigo, VIC 3550, Australia
Email: {raviteja.patchava, yi.hong, emanuele.viterbo},

Abstract—Orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modula- degradation in data communications under high Doppler envi-
tion was proposed to tackle the destructive Doppler effects in ronments such as high-speed railway mobile communications.
wireless communications, with potential applications to many Recently, in [9], [10], the authors proposed orthogonal time
arXiv:1901.09300v1 [cs.IT] 27 Jan 2019

other areas. In this paper, we investigate its application to radar

systems, and propose a novel efficient OTFS-based matched filter frequency space (OTFS) modulation for communications over
algorithm for target range and velocity estimation. The proposed multi-path delay–Doppler channels where each path exhibits a
algorithm not only exhibits the inherent advantages due to multi- different delay and Doppler shift. The delay–Doppler domain
carrier modulation of the existing orthogonal frequency division provides as an alternative representation of a time-varying
multiplexing (OFDM-) based radar algorithms but also provides channel geometry due to moving objects (e.g. transmitters,
additional benefits to improve radar capability. Similar to OFDM,
OTFS spreads the transmitted signal in the entire time–frequency receivers, or reflectors) in the scene. Leveraging on this
resources to exploit the full diversity gains for radar processing. representation, OTFS multiplexes each information symbol
However, OTFS requires less cyclic prefix, and hence, shorter over a two dimensional (2D) orthogonal basis functions,
transmission duration than OFDM, allowing longer range radar specifically designed to combat the dynamics of time-varying
and/or faster target tracking rate. Additionally, unlike OFDM, multipath channels. Then the information symbols placed in
OTFS is inter-carrier interference-free, enabling larger Doppler
frequency estimation. We demonstrate the performance of the the delay-Doppler coordinate system can be converted to the
proposed algorithm using numerical results under different standard time-frequency domain used by traditional multi-
system settings. carrier modulation schemes such as OFDM.
Index Terms—Delay–Doppler channel, matched filter, OTFS, OTFS was shown to provide significant error performance
OFDM, radar systems. advantages over OFDM over delay–Doppler channels with a
wide range of Doppler frequencies [9]–[17]. With a suitable
I. I NTRODUCTION message passing based OTFS detection algorithm [13], the
The co-existence of radar sensing and wireless communi- performance of OTFS is theoretically independent of Doppler
cation (i.e., so-called RadCom) has found wide range of ap- frequencies unlike OFDM. These results inspire the potential
plications, both in modern civilian and commercial areas. For applications of OTFS in many fields beyond wireless com-
example, in emerging intelligent transportation applications, munications. In this paper, we investigate such an application
RadCom systems offer both communication links to other of OTFS in RadCom and radar systems. While OTFS based
vehicles and active surrounding environment sensing function- waveforms are suitable for data communications, especially
alities, enabling cooperative interactions between all vehicles in high-mobility environments such as self-driving cars, high-
on the road [1]. Other applications of RadCom systems are un- speed trains, drones, flying cars, and supersonic flights, it
surprisingly found in aeronautical and military areas. However, remains to be studied whether OTFS is well placed for radar
despite much research, there remain limitations of the current processing (i.e., object angle, range, and velocity estimation),
RadCom (and radar) systems to support emerging applications which is the focus of this paper.
such as intelligent automotive systems with high mobility and More specifically, this paper proposes a novel OTFS-based
dense traffic environment requiring very high data rate, ultra matched filter algorithm to estimate the range and velocity
reliability, and ultra low latency communications. Under these of objects in radar systems. The proposed radar technique
conditions, it is challenging to develop suitable waveforms to is motivated from our previous results on embedded channel
simultaneously satisfy the requirements for both radar sensing estimation algorithms for OTFS [15], [16]. Instead of embed-
and data communications. ding a known (or pilot) data symbol in an OTFS frame for
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) mod- transmit channel estimation, random equal power data symbols
ulation has been considered in existing literature for RadCom occupying a full OTFS frame are used for radar processing.
applications [2]–[7]. Despite its many advantages such as By applying a simple matched filter-based algorithm on the
simple random signal generation, full digital processing, and received signal at the transmitter, we can efficiently estimate
high processing gains in time and frequency, OFDM based the number of potential targets as well as their corresponding
waveforms exhibit drawbacks in radar sensing such as Doppler ranges and velocities. The proposed algorithm retains the
intolerance [8]. More critically, they also suffer from heavy inherent advantages of multi-carrier modulation to exploit the
Random x[k; l] X[n; m] Heisenberg s(t)
Data Transform

Radar y[k; l] Y [n; m] Wigner r(t)

Processor Transform

Fig. 1. OTFS-based radar system architecture

full diversity gains for radar processing since OTFS spreads where 1/M ∆f and 1/N T represent the quantization steps of
the transmitted signal in the entire time–frequency resources. the delay and Doppler frequency axes, respectively.
Moreover, to transmit the same number of symbols, OTFS re-
quires less cyclic prefix (CP), and hence, shorter transmission B. OTFS-based radar signal model
duration than OFDM, allowing longer range radar capability The modulator first maps a set of N M random symbols
and/or faster target tracking rate. Another attractive property of {x[k, l], k = 0, . . . , N − 1, l = 0, . . . , M − 1} from a
OTFS-based radar is that it is inter-carrier interference (ICI-) modulation alphabet A = {a1 , · · · , aQ } (e.g. QAM symbols)
free, enabling larger Doppler frequency estimation. OFDM- of size Q, arranged on the delay–Doppler domain grid Γ, to
based radar algorithms suffer larger ICI under higher Doppler samples X[n, m] in the time–frequency domain grid using the
frequencies due to the loss of orthogonality across sub-carriers, inverse symplectic finite Fourier transform (ISFFT). Next, the
preventing the detection of larger Doppler frequencies (i.e., Heisenberg transform is applied to X[n, m] using transmit
high-mobility targets). In general, while OFDM can exactly pulse gtx (t) to create the continuous-time radar signal s(t),
detect the Doppler frequencies only up to 10% of the sub- which is then transmitted over the multi-path delay–Doppler
carrier spacing ∆f , OTFS can detect Doppler frequencies up radar channel to be discussed in the following.
to ∆f . Therefore, we can conclude that OTFS-based radar is Assume there are P targets (or objects), each with range
more robust to detect the long range and high velocity targets Ri and relative velocity Vi , i = 1, . . . , P relative to the
over conventional OFDM-based radar. transmitter. Note that Vi can be positive or negative. Denote:
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
τi Ri νi Vi
II describes OTFS-based radar signal model, which lay the = , = fc
foundations for the development of OTFS-based matched filter 2 c 2 c
radar algorithm in Section III. Numerical results are presented where fc is the carrier frequency, c is the speed of light, τi
in Section IV followed by the conclusions in Section V. is the round-trip delay between the transmitter and the i-th
target, νi is the Doppler frequency of the i-th target. We can
II. OTFS- BASED R ADAR express the delay–Doppler radar channel h(τ, ν) as:
In this section, we describe the signal model for OTFS- P
based radar following [9], [10], [13].
h(τ, ν) = hi δ(τ − τi )δ(ν − νi ), (1)
A. Basic OTFS concepts/notations
– The time–frequency signal plane is discretized to a M by where hi denotes the complex gain of the i-th target, and δ(·)
N grid (for some integers N, M > 0) by sampling the time denotes the Dirac delta function.
and frequency axes at intervals of T (seconds) and ∆f = 1/T As the grid dimension of the delay–Doppler plane is M ×N ,
(Hz), respectively, i.e., the delay and Doppler ranges that can be detected in OTFS are
1 1 1
 given by (0, ∆f ] and (− 2T , 2T ], respectively. In this work, for
Λ = (nT, m∆f ), n = 0, . . . , N − 1, m = 0, . . . , M − 1 simplicity, we assume the delay and Doppler of the targets are
integer multiples of the delay resolution M1∆f and Doppler
– The modulated time–frequency samples X[n, m], n =
resolution N1T , respectively.1 Therefore, the delay–Doppler
0, . . . , N − 1, m = 0, . . . , M − 1 are transmitted over an
radar channel h(τ, ν) in (1) will be expressed as:
OTFS frame with duration Tf = N T and occupy a bandwidth
B = M ∆f . N −1 M −1    
X X l (k)N
– The delay–Doppler plane in the region (0, T ] × h(τ, ν) = h[k, l]δ τ − δ ν− (2)
M ∆f NT
(−∆f /2, ∆f /2] is discretized to an M by N grid k=0 l=0

n k l
 o 1 We will consider the fractional multiples of the delay and Doppler in our
Γ= , , k = 0, . . . , N −1, l = 0, . . . , M −1 , future work.
N T M ∆f
where where the (k + N l)-th element of h is h[k, l] and the (i, j)-th
element of Xe ∈ CM N ×M N , 0 ≤ i = k 0 +N l0 ≤ M N −1, 0 ≤
k if k ≤ N/2
(k)N = j = k + N l00 ≤ M N − 1 is given in (7). Note that the first
k−N otherwise column of X, e i.e., k 00 = l00 = 0, is equal to x and all the
and h[k, l] denotes the complex gain of the target at the remaining columns of X e are the circulant shifts of x with a
Doppler tap k and delay tap l corresponding to Doppler particular phase shift.
frequency (k) N l In order to obtain the estimate of h from (6), we propose
N T and delay M ∆f . If there is not such target
with Doppler tap k and delay tap l then h[k, l] = 0. the following matched filter (MF) detection:
The time-domain signal r(t) received at the transmitter after e Hy = X
ĥ = X e H Xh e H w = Gh + w
e +X e (8)
being reflected from the targets can be expressed as:
Z Z where the gain matrix G = X e ∈ CM N ×M N and w
e HX e =
r(t) = h(τ, ν)s(t − τ )ej2πν(t−τ ) dτ dν. (3) H
X w.
Assume the symbols x[k, l], 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1, 0 ≤ l ≤ M − 1
r(t) is processed by the Wigner transform (implementing a are drawn as independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.)
receiver filter with an impulse response grx (t)) followed by a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) symbols of power Ps .
sampler, to produce the received samples Y [n, m] in the time– We can now examine the properties of the gain matrix G.
frequency domain. We then apply SFFT on Y [n, m] to obtain 1) From the circulant property of X,e the i-th diagonal
the received symbols y[k, l] in the delay–Doppler domain for element of G, G[i, i], 0 ≤ i ≤ M N − 1, reduces to
radar processing. N −1 M −1
We now look at the relations between received symbols
X X 2
G[i, i] = |x[k, l]| = M N Ps (9)
y[k, l] and transmitted symbols x[k, l]. The exact relation k=0 l=0
between y[k, l] and x[k, l], assuming rectangular pulses gtx (t)
2) The off-diagonal elements of G, G[i, j], 0 ≤ i 6= j ≤
and grx (t), was derived in [12], [14] as
  M N − 1, can be written as
N −1 M −1 [l−l0 ]M (k0 )N
X X j2π N −1 M −1
0 0 M N
y[k, l] = h[k , l ]e αi [k, l] X X
G[i, j] = x∗ [[k − k 0 ]N , [l − l0 ]M ]
k0 =0 l0 =0
k=0 l=0
x[[k − k 0 ]N , [l − l0 ]M ] + w[k, l], (4)
x[[k − k 00 ]N , [l − l00 ]M ]φ(i, j, k, l) (10)
where where i = k 0 + N l0 , j = k 00 + N l00 and
1 l ≤l<M 
−j2π Nk
αi [k, l] = k φ(i, j, k, l)e
 e if l0 ≤ l < l00
e−j2π N 0 ≤ l < l0 . k
φ(i, j, k, l) = φ(i, j, k, l)e N
e j2π
if l00 ≤ l < l0 (11)

where w[k, l] ∼ CN (0, σ ) is additive white noise with vari- e
φ(i, j, k, l) otherwise
ance σ 2 , [·]N and [·]M denote modulo N and M operations, (k00 )N ([l−l00 ]M )−(k0 )N ([l−l0 ]M )
respectively. We can see that the input–output relation in OTFS e j, k, l) = ej2π
where φ(i, MN . Now, the
is similar to a 2D circular convolution except for an additional mean and variance of G[i, j] is given in the following lemma.
phase shift that depends on the location of symbols in the grid. Lemma 1: The mean and variance of G[i, j] are as follows
In the OTFS-based radar system as in Figure 1, we know var[G[i, j]] = M N Ps2 (13)
the transmit symbols x[k, l] and the received symbols y[k, l].
However, we do not know the delay–Doppler radar channel Proof: See Appendix. 
h(τ, ν) in (1) or (2). The purpose of radar processing is to Hence, from (9) and Lemma 1, we can clearly see that as M N
estimate h(τ, ν), which will provide us the information on the increases, the normalized off-diagonal elements converge to
targets and corresponding ranges and velocities. zero in the mean-square sense, since
We now propose a matched filter based method to estimate  
h(τ, ν), which is equivalent to detect range and velocity of the 1 1
lim var G[i, j] = → 0.
targets, i.e., h[k, l] for 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1, 0 ≤ l ≤ M − 1. M,N →∞ M N Ps MN
The input–output relation in (4) can be vectorized as Therefore, for sufficiently large M N , (8) can be simplified to
y = Hx + w, (5) 1 1
ĥ ≈ h + w.
M N Ps M N Ps
where H ∈ CM N ×M N and the (k + N l)-th elements of
y, x, w ∈ CM N ×1 are equal to y[k, l], x[k, l], and w[k, l], Here, the covariance matrix of M N Ps w is given by
respectively. Then, we write (5) in an alternative form as 1 σ2
eH He
2 X ww X = 2 G.
y = Xh
e + w, (6) (M N Ps ) (M N Ps )

x[[k 0 − k 00 ] , [l0 − l00 ] ]e−j2π kN0 ej2π (k00 )N ([l 0 −l00 ] )
if l0 < l00
X[i, j] =
e (k00 )N ([l0 −l00 ]M ) (7)
x[[k 0 − k 00 ]N , [l0 − l00 ]M ]ej2π MN otherwise


Symbol Parameter Value

fc Carrier frequency 24 GHz
Nc Number of subcarriers 256
B Total signal bandwidth 10 MHz
∆f Subcarrier spacing 39.063 KHz
Ns Number of evaluated symbols 64
∆R Range resolution 15 m
∆V Velocity resolution 3.8125 m/s
Rmax Unambiguous range 3840 m
Vmax Unambiguous velocity ± 122 m/s

(a) M = 4, N = 4 (b) M = 32, N = 32 SNR Signal-to-noise ratio (Ps /σ 2 ) 10 dB

Fig. 2. Magnitude plots of G for M = 4, N = 4 and M = 32, N = 32

Since G is heavy diagonal, we can approximate M N1 Ps w e as Normalized range profile in dB OFDM 975 m
an i.i.d. Gaussian noise vector having each entry distributed
as CN (0, MσN Ps ). -20
Figure 2 shows the absolute value of G for M = 4, N = 4
and M = 32, N = 32. From the figure, we can clearly see the -30
diagonal dominance of the gain matrix G for high values of
M and N .
Hence, through the MF detection, we can obtain multiple -50
targets location that differ in at least one of the distance or rel-
ative velocity. The complexity of this detection is O((M N )2 ). -60

A. Advantages of OTFS-based radar over OFDM-based radar -70

600 800 1000 1200 1400
OTFS-based radar processing has advantages over OFDM- Range in meters
based radar processing in two aspects namely time resources
and high Doppler interference. Fig. 3. OTFS vs OFDM radar range profile
1) While OTFS-based radar system requires one CP to
transmit all the N M symbols, OFDM-based radar system
[1] requires N CP’s. Therefore, OTFS radar saves a total ulations, we consider the conventional FFT method proposed
of (N − 1)L symbols transmission time, which is attractive in [1]. The summary of the simulation parameters is given in
particularly for the targets at the longer ranges. The reduction Table I. Here, we assume a single reflecting target with unit
in transmission time also allows to detect the target for more channel amplitude, i.e., h1 = 1.
number of times compared to OFDM which results in faster Figures 3 and 4 show the normalized range and velocity
tracking rate. profile for the single reflecting object with R = 975 m and
2) Under larger Doppler frequencies, OFDM system ex- V = 80 m/s. It can be observed that OFDM is able to detect
perience higher ICI due to the loss of orthogonality across the range of the target without any error, but experiences an
subcarriers, limiting OFDM capability to detect the larger error of 19 m/s for the velocity. On the other hand, OTFS
Doppler frequencies. In general, OFDM can exactly detect the is able to detect both the range and velocity without any
Doppler frequencies only up to 10% of the subcarrier spacing errors. Moreover, the peak-to-maximum sidelobe ratio (PSLR)
(∆f ). However, OTFS can detect the Doppler frequencies up is higher in OTFS compared to OFDM. The error in velocity
to ∆f without any interference. and low PSLR of OFDM can be explained by the high ICI
due to high Doppler (65% of ∆f ).
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION Figure 5 displays the root mean squared errors (RMSE) of
In this section, we demonstrate the superior performance of the velocity estimates for different target relative velocities
OTFS over OFDM through numerical results. For OFDM sim- with R = 975 m. We assume the target velocities as the
0 50
Normalized velocity profile in dB

PSLR and image SNR in dB

80 m/s
-20 99 m/s
-40 25
-50 20 PSLR, V = 0 m/s
Image SNR, V = 0 m/s
-60 15 PSLR, V = 80 m/s
Image SNR, V = 80 m/s
-70 -20 -10 0 10 20
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Relative velocity in m/s SNR (Ps/σ2) in dB

Fig. 4. OTFS vs OFDM radar Doppler profile Fig. 6. PSLR and image SNR of OTFS radar

OTFS We have proposed a novel efficient orthogonal time fre-
OFDM quency space based matched filter algorithm for object range
20 and velocity determination in radar systems. We show that
OTFS-based radar processing not only exhibits the inherent
RMSE (m/s)

15 advantages due to multi-carrier modulation but also provides

additional benefits for improved radar capability, such as
longer range, faster tracking rate, as well as larger Doppler
frequency estimation compared to the popular orthogonal fre-
quency division multiplexing (OFDM) based radar. Our results
5 demonstrate that OTFS-based radar with adequate detection
algorithms is a promising robust technique to detect the long
0 range and high velocity targets.
-90 -70 -50 -30 -10 0 10 30 50 70 90
Relative velocity in m/s
Fig. 5. RMSE vs relative velocity This research work is supported by the Australian Research
Council under Discovery Project ARC DP160101077.

integer multiples of velocity resolution, ∆V and consider 100 P ROOF OF L EMMA 1
Montecarlo simulations. We can see that while the RMSE of
OFDM increases with relative velocity (> 25% error at ±90 Mean of G[i, j] – From (10), the value of E[G[i, j]] can be
m/s), OTFS experience zero RMSE, which is useful to detect simplified to zero as in from (14) to (16). Here, we invoke the
high Doppler targets. i.i.d. property of x[k, l] as (k 0 , l0 ) 6= (k 00 , l00 ) for off-diagonal
Figure 6 presents the average PSLR and image SNR of Variance of G[i, j] – From (10) and (16), the value of
OTFS radar at different SNR = Ps /σ 2 . The, image SNR repre- var[G[i, j]] can be written as (17). The value of (17) can be
sents the peak-to-average noise ratio with the radar processing split into sum of M N Ps2 and Fi,j as in (18) and (19). The
gain and PSLR is the peak-to-maximum sidelobe ratio. It can assumption (k 0 , l0 ) 6= (k 00 , l00 ) is used in (18) and the i.i.d.
be observed that the PSLR and image SNR of OTFS radar property of x[k, l] is used in (19).
is independent of the relative velocity of target. Moreover, we Now, the value of Fi,j (k1 , l1 , k2 , l2 ) may be non-zero only
see that at lower SNR’s (typically below 0 dB), the image SNR if the following four conditions are satisfied:
is close to the estimated value MσN Ps . Finally, at high SNR
values, there is a saturation of image SNR to M1N which is due [k1 − k 0 ]N = [k2 − k 00 ]N , [l1 − l0 ]M = [l2 − l00 ]M
to the off-diagonal term of G. The saturation values of PSLR [k1 − k 00 ]N = [k2 − k 0 ]N , [l1 − l00 ]M = [l2 − l0 ]M
and image SNR’s could be further improved by implementing
more efficient detection algorithms, which we will consider in In these cases, the value of Fi,j (k1 , l1 , k2 , l2 ) can be simplified
our future work. to zero as shown in (20)–(21), which concludes the proof.
X −1 M
X −1
E[G[i, j]] = E [x∗ [[k − k 0 ]N , [l − l0 ]M ]x[[k − k 00 ]N , [l − l00 ]M ]] φ(i, j, k, l) (14)
k=0 l=0
X −1 M
X −1
= E[x∗ [[k − k 0 ]N , [l − l0 ]M ]]E[x[[k − k 00 ]N , [l − l00 ]M ]]φ(i, j, k, l) (15)
k=0 l=0
=0 (16)

X −1 M
X −1 N
X −1 M
X −1 h
var[G[i, j]] = E x∗ [[k1 − k 0 ]N , [l1 − l0 ]M ]x[[k1 − k 00 ]N , [l1 − l00 ]M ]
k1 =0 l1 =0 k2 =0 l2 =0
x[[k2 − k 0 ]N , [l2 − l0 ]M ]x∗ [[k2 − k 00 ]N , [l2 − l00 ]M ] φ(i, j, k1 , l1 )φ∗ (i, j, k2 , l2 ) (17)
X −1 M
X −1 h −1 M
i NX X −1 N
X −1 M
X −1 h
2 2
= E |x[[k1 − k 0 ]N , [l1 − l0 ]M ]| |x[[k1 − k 00 ]N , [l1 − l00 ]M ]| + E x∗ [[k1 − k 0 ]N , [l1 − l0 ]M ]
k1 =0 l1 =0 k1 =0 l1 =0 k2 =0 l2 =0
2 k 6=k l =
6 l
i h i1 2 1
x [[k2 − k ]N , [l2 − l ]M ] E x[[k1 − k ]N , [l1 − l ]M ]x[[k2 − k ]N , [l2 − l ]M ] φ(i, j, k1 , l1 )φ∗ (i, j, k2 , l2 )
∗ 00 00 00 00 0 0
X −1 M
X −1 N
X −1 M
X −1
= M N Ps2 + Fi,j (k1 , l1 , k2 , l2 )φ(i, j, k1 , l1 )φ∗ (i, j, k2 , l2 ) = M N P 2 + Fi,j (19)
k1 =0 l1 =0 k2 =0 l2 =0
k2 6=k1 l2 =
6 l1

h i h i
Fi,j (k1 , l1 , k2 , l2 ) = E x∗ 2 [[k1 − k 0 ]N , [l1 − l0 ]M ] E x2 [[k1 − k 00 ]N , [l1 − l00 ]M ] (20)
=0 (21)

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