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V 4= d2 2 2 N

7.63= d 2 0.2 2 240 =75.4 d2

d2=7.63/75.4=0.1012 or d=0.318m=318mm Ans.
5. Power required to drive the unit

We know that heat absorbed during the constant pressure process 2-3
=macp(T1-T4)= 13.548 x 1.003 (289-196.25)=1260 kJ/min

Heatabsorbed 1260
Work done per minute= 752.7 kJ / min
C.O.P 1.674
and power required to drive the unit
=752.7/60=12.54 kJ/s or kW Ans.
Re frigeratingcapacityorheatabsorbed (Q )
We know that C.O.P=
6 210

Work done = 6 x 210/1.674=752.7 kJ/min

and power required = 752.7/60=12.54 kJ/s or kW Ans.


2.50 Introduction

This method of refrigeration was first proposed by Ranque in 1931. Prof. Hilsch also
came up with its design. Thus the vortex tube, which is the central part of this system, was
named Ranque Hilsch Tube. Lot of research has been done at HT Bombay under the
guidance of Prof. Parulekar on vortex-tube refrigeration.
Temperatures as low as - 50°C were obtained. If this system was used along with
conventional system like vapour compression, temperatures up to - 100°C were achieved.
Refer to Fig.1 for construction of vortex tube.
The vortex tube, as shown in figure has an air compressor. The air is compressed and
cooled in a heat exchanger. After cooling, it expands in a nozzle, which is fitted tangentially
to the vortex tube. The vortex tube has a throttle valve at one end and the other end is kept
open. The gas or air enters the vortex tube and is separated in two streams. The cold air
stream exits from end 'A' and the hot air stream exits from end 'B' after passing through the
throttle valve.
Thus vortex tube is a device, which produces cooling at one end and heating at the
other end.
Figure 2.15 Vortex Tube

2.51 Theory of Operation and Analysis

When compressed air expands through the nozzle, swirl motion is created. The axial
component of velocity is less than the tangential component. Air moves as a free vortex from
nozzle plane to valve end. As the vortex reaches near the valve, it reaches a stagnation state,
where kinetic energy is converted to pressure energy. At this point, there is reversal of flow
due to high stagnation pressure. The reversed flow mixes with forward moving vortex,
causing rotational motion. During this turbulent rotation, energy is pumped from the cold
core to the outer layer making it hot. Thus, there is a cold core surrounded by concentric hot
layer. These streams are separated and hot air exits at one end and cold air at the other end.
If m. = mass at inlet; mc = mass of cold air

mh = mass of hot air = cold air fraction =

mass of air at exit = me = me + mh

and mihi = mehe + mh hh
We can also write the balance as
me(Ti Te) + mh (Th Ti) =(mi me) (mh me)
= (Th Ti) / [(Th Ti) + (Ti Tc)] = Th / ( Th + Tc)
Where Th = Th - Ti & Tc = Ti - Tc
Reversible temperature drop =

Where Pa = atmospheric pressure and Pi = inlet pressure

Where Trelative is the relative temperature drop

Energy supplied or work required to compress air is given by

Where c compressor efficiency

For perfect heat exchanger

For isothermal compression

2.52 Characteristics of Vortex Tube

Figure 2, 3 4 show some characteristics of a vortex tube.

Figure 2.16: Tc Vs Pi / Pa Figure 2.17 Tc Vs

Figure 2.18 COP Vs Pi/Pa
If we plot the temperature drop Tc = (Ti-Tc) Vs the pressure ratio, we observe a linear
relationship. As pressure ratio increases, temperature drop increases. If we plot the
temperature drop against the cold air

Fraction we observe a bell shaped curve. As Tc increases, initially increases,

reaches a maximum and then decreases. The COP reduces with increasing pressure ratio in an
exponential manner.

2.53 Advantages of Vortex Tube

(i) Leakages are insignificant as air is the refrigerant.

(ii) No moving parts, thus no maintenance
(iii) Longer life
(iv) Simple design and function
(v) Light in weight and compact
(vi) Initial investment is less
(vii) Operation is simple and no skilled manpower required

2.54 Disadvantages of Vortex Tube

i) Poor COP
ii) Limitation on size of unit, not suitable for large capacity
iii) Compressor results in noisy operation.

2.55 Applications of Vortex Tube

i) Cooling of cutting tools

ii) Air suits for mines
iii) Condensation of natural gases
iv) Turbine blade cooling
v) Aircraft systems

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