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International Conference on Circuits, Power, and Intelligent Systems (CCPIS), September 01-03, 2023, Bhubaneswar, India

A Comparative Analysis of Multicarrier Waveforms

for Future Wireless Communications
Srinivas Ramavath, Prasanta Kumar Patra and Umesh Chandra Samal
School of Electronics Engineering,
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Bhubaneswar – 751024, India.
E-mail:, {ppatrafet, umesh.samalfet}
2023 1st International Conference on Circuits, Power and Intelligent Systems (CCPIS) | 979-8-3503-1576-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/CCPIS59145.2023.10291561

Abstract—Beyond Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex- time offsets, along with its substantial OoB leakage caused
ing, there has been a lot of study done since there is a requirement by the use of rectangular pulse shapes in the time domain,
for enhanced waveforms in 5G networks. For 5G, many filtered pose significant challenges. As a result, researchers have
multi-carrier transmission systems, such as filter-OFDM and fil-
ter bank multicarrier modulation, have been suggested, each with been actively exploring alternative waveforms that address
its own set of advantages and disadvantages. This article seeks these limitations in preparation for the development of 5G
to give a thorough comparative study of different waveforms, networks. Considering the aforementioned criteria, numerous
allowing for a comparative evaluation of their performance on waveforms, both existing and novel, have been under scrutiny
an overall basis. The study comprehensively assesses various for their suitability in 5G networks. One such waveform
performance metrics, including peak-to-average power ratio, out-
of-band leakage power, bit error rate over wireless channels, the is Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC), which has gained
impact of carrier frequency offset, and spectral efficiency. These attention as a potential candidate.
findings will be useful in determining which waveform to use for The key concept in f-OFDM is the addition of a filtering stage
the future generation of mobile communication systems. before the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) operation,
Index Terms—PAPR, ISI, ICI, PSD, BER, OFDM and FBMC which is traditionally used to generate the OFDM symbol
in conventional OFDM systems. The purpose of the filter
is to shape the transmit spectrum to reduce OoB emissions
and improve the spectral efficiency. In f-OFDM, the transmit
Fourth-generation (4G) communication systems offer users spectrum is shaped using a filter that matches the frequency
highly efficient connections in terms of spectral usage [1], [2]. response of the channel. This can be done by estimating
However, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless technologies are the channel response or using predefined channel models
expected to support a range of new applications with distinct [5]. The filtered signal is then converted into the time
requirements [3], [4]. These applications include Tactile Inter- domain using the IFFT operation, resulting in a time-domain
net, Great Service in crowded environments, Cognitive Radio waveform that is transmitted over the channel. At the receiver,
(CR), and Machine Type Communication (MTC). Each of the received signal is passed through an FFT operation to
these applications has unique demands that differ significantly convert it back into the frequency domain. The receiver then
from those of 4G applications. In the context of MTC, the scale performs subcarrier demodulation and decoding to recover the
of connectivity required encompasses a substantial multitude transmitted symbols. The filtering stage at the transmitter and
of devices. As a result, relaxed synchronization and cost- the matched filtering at the receiver help mitigate inter-symbol
effective devices are necessary to enable efficient communica- interference and improve the overall system performance.
tion. On the other hand, the Tactile Internet demands extremely f-OFDM presents numerous advantages compared to
low latency (as low as 1 millisecond) and exceptional reliabil- conventional OFDM, encompassing enhanced spectral
ity (99.9999%) to support real-time, interactive experiences. containment, minimized OoB emissions, and heightened
Additionally, Cognitive Radio applications exploit spectrum resilience against narrowband interference. It is particularly
opportunistically and require very minimal out-of-band (OoB) beneficial in scenarios where strict spectral regulations are
leakage (-65dB) and the ability to adjust operational bandwidth imposed or when the channel exhibits frequency-selective
flexibly. These characteristics enable effective utilization of the fading. It’s worth noting that f-OFDM is just one of the
available spectrum resources. Therefore, the development and many variants of OFDM that have been developed to address
implementation of 5G wireless technologies are driven by the specific challenges in different communication scenarios.
need to address these diverse requirements and facilitate the Other variations include windowed OFDM (W-OFDM), offset
efficient operation of emerging applications [3]. QAM OFDM (OQAM-OFDM), and pulse-shaped OFDM
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) (P-OFDM), each with its own set of advantages and use cases.
with a cyclic prefix (CP) has become the predominant
waveform in 4G networks due to its simplicity and ability OFDM has a number of advantages over other modu-
to counter frequency selective fading channels (FSFC). lation techniques, such as robustness to multipath fading,
Nevertheless, OFDM-CP’s susceptibility to frequency and high spectral efficiency easy equalization, flexibility, Immu-

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nity to narrowband interference, low out-of-band emissions calization, pulse shaping, time-frequency sparsity, chan-
and scalability. OFDM exhibits several inherent limitations, nel equalization and Doppler resilience.
encompassing a notable high peak-to-average power ratio The subsequent sections of this paper are structured as fol-
(PAPR), susceptibility to frequency offset and phase noise, lows: Part II introduces and defines three typical systems,
inter-symbol interference (ISI), elevated complexity, and inter- namely OFDM, f-OFDM, and FBMC, and explores various
carrier interference (ICI). Due to its limitations, OFDM is characteristics associated with each. In Section III, we perform
not being considered for 5G. f-OFDM technology, which calculations and examinations of the parameters relevant to
is more spectrally efficient, more adaptable, and capable of each system. Part IV is dedicated to the presentation of
supporting asynchronous transmission than traditional OFDM, simulation figures. Finally, Part V provides a comprehensive
uses a filter to suppress out-of-band emissions. However, summary of the obtained results.
there are significant drawbacks to f-OFDM as well, including
greater complexity and decreased performance. Despite these II. S YSTEM M ODEL
disadvantages, f-OFDM is a promising technology that offers
several advantages over other variants of OFDM. It is likely A. OFDM
to be used in a variety of applications in the future. f-OFDM In an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
is a good choice for a variety of applications due to its system, the process involves partitioning a high-rate data
performance, complexity, and cost advantages. stream into N distinct lower-rate streams. These individ-
Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) is a modulation technique ual streams are then concurrently transmitted through dedi-
that uses a filter bank to divide the signal bandwidth into a cated subcarriers. The modulation scheme employed for these
number of sub-carriers. Each sub-carrier is then modulated subcarriers can be either Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
using a pulse shape that provides small OoB leakage and (QAM) or Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). To gener-
high frequency localization. This enables optimal utilization ate the OFDM output sequence x(n) for 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1, the
of available bandwidth by permitting sub-carrier overlapping input data symbol X(k) for 0 ≤ k ≤ N −1 is modulated using
in frequency. Two primary variants of FBMC schemes are a set of N orthogonal frequencies using the IFFT technique
utilized: Cosine multi-tone (CMT) and Staggered multi-tone [5].
(SMT). CMT employs vestigial sideband modulation, whereas N −1  
SMT utilizes offset QAM. Both schemes exhibit compara- 1 X 2πnk
xn = Xk exp j , 0≤n≤N −1 (1)
ble structures and performance characteristics when transmit- N N
ted over wireless channels, irrespective of the presence of
transceiver impairments [3]. Hence, the performance analysis In the context of OFDM symbols, the complex number x[n]
conducted for one scheme can be extrapolated to the other. can be decomposed into its real part, denoted as xre [n], and
Notably, FBMC systems forego the use of a cyclic prefix, its imaginary part, denoted as xim [n]. As the number of
which exposes them to the challenge of inter-symbol interfer- samples N in the symbol increases, the distributions of xre [n]
ence when operating in frequency-selective fading channels. and xim [n] tend to follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution,
Moreover, the signal undergoes linear filtering, leading to as stated by the central limit theorem. Consequently, the
its spread beyond its original duration. This results in effi- magnitude of x[n], represented as |x[n]|, exhibits a Rayleigh
ciency limitations for FBMC, similar to those of OFDM, for distribution, as depicted in figure 1. The probability density
small symbol periods. FBMC also has higher complexity than function of |x[n]| can be expressed as follows [8]–[10].
OFDM. Here are some of the advantages of FBMC like high −x2
spectral efficiency, good frequency localization, robustness to fX n (x) = e 2σ2 (2)
narrowband interference and low OoB emissions. Here are
some of the disadvantages of FBMC like high PAPR, sen- The expression for the cumulative distribution function of
sitivity to timing and frequency synchronization errors, higher Xmax is as follows.
complexity than OFDM. PAPR is an important parameter in −x2
multicarrier systems because it can lead to power inefficiency FX max (x) = 1 − e 2σ2 (3)
and distortion in the transmitter.
The contributions of the present study are enumerated below The probability associated with the PAPR falling below a
in a systematic fashion, aiming to enhance clarity certain threshold level can be formulated as
1) The theoretical formulations of PAPR, Bit Error Rate P (P AP R ≤ x) = 1 − e 2σ2 (4)
(BER), and Power Spectral Density (PSD) are thor-
oughly examined of different waveforms such as OFDM, We examine the subsequent complementary cumulative distri-
f-OFDM and FBMC and validated through simulation bution function (CCDF)
2) The comparative analysis of the above mention wave-


forms have been discursed with respect to frequency lo- CDFc = 1 − 1 − e 2σ 2


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so that φt = 2π π
0 ≤ t ≤ M + α − 21 T

The mathematical expressions for the BER analysis of M -ary T t + 2,
QAM signaling in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) The FBMC PAPR distribution function is as follows:
channels are provided as follows: (n+1)T −1
1 − e−αt γ

s  P (P AP R ≤ γ) = (9)
2 (M − 1)  6Eb log2  M
PeOF DM = Q . (6)
M log2M N0 M 2 − 1 The autocorrelation function of the baseband FBMC signal
after transmission, γyy (t, τ ), is
In the aforementioned context, the symbol M represents the
modulation order, and the function denoted as Q(.) corre- γyy (t, τ ) = E [y (t) y ∗ (t − τ )] (10)
sponds to the standard Q-function commonly utilized in the
The PSD of y(t) is fourier transform of autocorrelation func-
analysis of communication systems.
tion can be determined as
Z ∞
B. f-OFDM Syy (w) = γ̄yy (τ ) e−jwτ dτ (11)
In a filtered OFDM system, the PAPR is a measure of the
peak power in the transmitted signal relative to its average K−1  
Pd T X 2πk
power. Please note that the calculation of PAPR can vary Syy (w) = Shh w − (12)
depending on the specific filtering technique and the character- 2 T
istics of the OFDM system being used. The formula provided R∞
where Shh (w) = −∞ γ̄hh (τ ) e−jwτ dτ represents h(t)’s
above represents a general approach, but it may need to be
energy spectral density, where Pd is the average power of
modified or adapted based on the specific requirements and
xk (m) and T is the symbol period. The analytical BER
parameters of your filtered OFDM system. f-OFDM exhibits
expressions are formulated as a function of the average bit-
decreased side lobes compared to OFDM, thereby enhancing
energy to noise energy ratio Eb /N0 for QAM signaling in
spectral efficiency. A comparison of the PSD plots reveals that
AWGN channels is given as
f-OFDM effectively reduces OoB more than OFDM. In terms
of BER, both OFDM and f-OFDM demonstrate comparable  q

performance. However, when evaluating overall performance, 2 − 1 N0
PeF BM C = erf c  q  (13)
f-OFDM outperforms OFDM. 2l l 1 + 2σ 2 βEb N0

C. FBMC where β = 22l3l−1 and the variable l denotes the bit count
The input data symbols for each subcarrier are encoded prior within a symbol [11]–[13].
to their input into the FBMC [3].
xk (m) = Re {xk (m)} + jIm {xk (m)} , FBMC demonstrates considerable potential as a modulation
technique, boasting several advantages over the prevalent
0 ≤ k ≤ K − 1, 0≤m≤M −1 (7)
OFDM scheme. However, it is important to be aware of the
The mth data symbol on the k th subcarrier can be represented disadvantages of FBMC before deploying it in a wireless sys-
by its real component xr [m] and its imaginary component tem [6]. OFDM and FBMC are two popular techniques used
xi [m]. To construct the input data block x(m) for the mth in modern communication systems for efficient transmission
symbol, all K subcarriers are taken into account, resulting of data over wireless channels. While both OFDM and FBMC
in a vector x(m) = [x0 (m), x1 (m), ....., xK−1 (m)]T . In this share some similarities, they also have significant differences.
context, xk (m) represents the real and imaginary components Let’s compare them in terms of several key aspects:
of the symbols in the time domain, encompassing half of the
A. Frequency Localization
data block’s duration (T ). The data blocks undergo analysis
filtering before being combined with K sub-carrier modula- 1) OFDM: In OFDM, the available frequency band is
tors, each operating at carrier frequencies spaced apart by divided into a large number of subcarriers. Each subcarrier is
the reciprocal of the symbol period ( T1 ) [3]. The resulting orthogonal to each other, meaning they do not interfere with
modulated signal of the OQAM-FBMC system, consisting of one another. However, the orthogonality of subcarriers leads
M data blocks, is denoted as: to poor frequency localization, which can cause interference
with neighboring subcarriers.
XM −1
X 2) f-OFDM: The frequency localization of f-OFDM is
y(t) = Re (dk ) g(t − mT )ejkφt + Im (dk ) achieved by filtering the OFDM signal with a bandpass filter
k=0 m=0 and it can improve the spectral efficiency, performance, and
T jkφt robustness of the system. However, the filter can introduce
g(t − mT − )e (8)
2 additional complexity and reduce PAPR of the signal.

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3) FBMC: FBMC uses a filter bank to achieve better E. Doppler Resilience
frequency localization. It employs a set of prototype filters 1) OFDM: OFDM is susceptible to ICI caused by Doppler
that allow for better control over the frequency response of shifts in high-mobility scenarios. This is due to the narrow
each subcarrier. This phenomenon leads to diminished OoB subcarrier spacing and the lack of frequency localization.
emissions and improved spectral efficiency when compared to 2) f-OFDM: In general, f-OFDM is more Doppler resilient
OFDM. than OFDM. This is because the filter reduces the out-of-band
B. Pulse Shaping emissions of the signal, which makes it less susceptible to
Doppler shift. However, the Doppler resilience of f-OFDM is
1) OFDM: OFDM uses rectangular pulses in the time do- still limited, and it is not suitable for all mobile applications.
main for each subcarrier. These pulses have a wide bandwidth, 3) FBMC: FBMC exhibits better resilience to Doppler
resulting in high sidelobes and poor spectral efficiency. This shifts since it uses filter banks with better frequency local-
issue is known as the “spectral leakage” problem. ization. It can mitigate the effects of ICI and maintain better
2) f-OFDM: Pulse shaping is an important technique for performance in high-mobility environments.
improving the performance of OFDM systems. By reducing FBMC offers certain advantages over OFDM in terms of
the OoB emissions and improving the time-domain response, frequency localization, spectral efficiency, energy efficiency,
Pulse shaping has been demonstrated to enhance both the and resilience to Doppler shifts. However, FBMC is also more
spectral efficiency and the resilience of the system against complex to implement and requires sophisticated equalization
multipath fading. techniques compared to OFDM. The selection between OFDM
3) FBMC: FBMC utilizes more sophisticated pulse shaping and FBMC is contingent upon the particular demands and
techniques, such as cosine-modulated waveforms or prototype limitations inherent in the communication system [7].
filters. These techniques help in achieving better spectral
containment, reducing the sidelobes, and improving spectral IV. A NALYSIS OF S IMULATIONS
efficiency. In this section, a comprehensive performance evaluation
of the competing waveforms is presented. To assess their
C. Time-Frequency Sparsity
performance, we conducted Monte Carlo simulations. FBMC
1) OFDM: OFDM is not time-frequency sparse, which
means that all subcarriers are active at all times, even if they 0

carry no useful information. This can lead to wasteful energy -10

consumption. -20 Rectangular

2) f-OFDM: The time-frequency sparsity of filter-OFDM -40

signals is a key advantage of this modulation technique.



The sparsity can be exploited to improve the performance -60

of OFDM systems in a number of ways, such as reducing -80

the complexity of OFDM receivers and improving the perfor- -90

mance of OFDM systems in the presence of noise. -100

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Normalized Frequency, f T0
3) FBMC: FBMC exhibits time-frequency sparsity by em-
ploying filter banks. It enables the transmission of only those Fig. 1. Prototype Filters PSD Response.
subcarriers that are necessary to carry the information. As a
result, FBMC offers improved energy efficiency by avoiding subcarriers are typically overlapping in frequency and time.
the transmission of redundant subcarriers. The prototype filter is a key component in FBMC that helps
shape the subcarriers and control their spectral properties.
D. Channel Equalization The prototype filter in FBMC is designed to have a specific
1) OFDM: Due to its orthogonality property, OFDM is frequency response that determines the shape of each sub-
well-suited for frequency-domain equalization. The channel carrier. It is typically a finite impulse response (FIR) filter
estimation and equalization can be efficiently performed by with a specific length and tap coefficients. The selection of the
employing techniques such as the IFFT and FFT. prototype filter significantly impacts the system’s performance
2) f-OFDM: In the case of filtered OFDM, the channel is in terms of spectral efficiency, OoB emissions, and robustness
typically frequency selective, meaning that different frequen- to channel impairments. The prototype filter in FBMC should
cies of the signal are attenuated or delayed differently. This satisfy several important properties, including orthogonality,
can cause inter-carrier interference (ICI), which can degrade good frequency localization, good time localization and low
the signal quality. sidelobes. Designing an FBMC prototype filter involves find-
3) FBMC: FBMC requires more complex time-domain ing the appropriate tap coefficients that satisfy these properties.
equalization due to the non-orthogonal nature of the sub- Several design techniques can be used, including the least
carriers. Channel equalization in FBMC typically involves squares method, minimax method, or optimization algorithms.
multi-tap filters or equalization algorithms like zero-forcing The prototype filter in FBMC plays a crucial role in shap-
or minimum mean square error (MMSE). ing the subcarriers, controlling their spectral properties, and

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achieving efficient data transmission with reduced interference 0
and improved spectral efficiency [14]. FBMC and f-OFDM -10 f-OFDM

Power Spectral Density [dB]


10 -40
FBMC -50

10 -1


-2 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Normalized Frequency, f/F

Fig. 3. Performance of the power spectral density.

10 -3
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Peak-to-Average Power Ratio [dB]

Fig. 2. Peak to Average Power Ratio Distribution. subcarriers. Each subcarrier is then filtered and modulated
individually, allowing for a flexible allocation of power and
are both multicarrier modulation techniques that have been bandwidth. FBMC typically employs prototype filters with
developed as alternatives to traditional OFDM [15]. One key good frequency selectivity. In terms of PSD, FBMC exhibits
difference between FBMC and f-OFDM is their performance a very narrow main lobe centered around each subcarrier,
in terms of PAPR. In multicarrier systems like FBMC and f- resulting in a low OoB leakage [16]. This means that the
OFDM, the modulation process can cause high peaks in the power is concentrated around the intended subcarriers, reduc-
transmitted signal, which can lead to nonlinear distortion and ing interference to adjacent frequency bands. FBMC’s PSD
reduced efficiency in power amplifiers. Therefore, minimizing is characterized by sharp cutoffs and low sidelobes, resulting
the PAPR is desirable. In FBMC, the use of prototype filters in excellent spectral containment. f-OFDM is reduce the out-
helps to reduce the PAPR. The prototype filters in FBMC of-band emissions. The filtering is applied to the OFDM
are designed with good frequency localization properties, symbol prior to transmission, shaping the signal’s frequency
which means they have better control over the subcarrier response. f-OFDM typically uses pulse shaping filters with
bandwidths. By applying these filters to the subcarriers, FBMC good stopband attenuation. In terms of PSD, f-OFDM exhibits
can achieve a more localized spectrum, resulting in reduced a wider main lobe compared to FBMC, but the sidelobes
OoB emissions. This localization of the subcarriers helps to are significantly suppressed due to the filtering process. The
distribute the power more evenly, leading to a lower PAPR OoB leakage in f-OFDM is reduced compared to conventional
compared to conventional OFDM. On the other hand, f-OFDM OFDM, which helps mitigate interference. The PSD of f-
specifically aims to address the high PAPR issue in OFDM. It OFDM shows a trade-off between spectral containment and
achieves this by adding a filter in the time domain, typically a the width of the main lobe. Both FBMC and f-OFDM are
windowing function, to shape the OFDM symbols. The filter techniques that aim to improve spectral efficiency and reduce
effectively reduces the side lobes and suppresses the OoB interference. FBMC achieves a very narrow main lobe with
emissions, which helps to lower the PAPR. By applying a low sidelobes, providing excellent spectral containment. f-
filter in the time domain, f-OFDM reduces the signal’s time- OFDM, on the other hand, achieves a wider main lobe but
domain fluctuations, resulting in a lower peak power and thus with significantly suppressed sidelobes, striking a balance
a lower PAPR. Both FBMC and f-OFDM offer advantages in between spectral containment and wider frequency coverage.
terms of reducing the PAPR compared to conventional OFDM. The choice between FBMC and f-OFDM depends on the
However, the specific techniques used in each approach differ. specific requirements and constraints of the communication
FBMC achieves lower PAPR by using prototype filters to system [17]. Both FBMC and f-OFDM can achieve good BER
shape the subcarriers’ frequency response, while f-OFDM
achieves it by applying a time-domain filter to the OFDM
symbols. It’s important to note that the choice between FBMC OFDM
10 -1
and f-OFDM involves considering various factors beyond
PAPR, such as spectral efficiency, complexity, resilience to
Bit Error Ratio

channel impairments, and compatibility with existing systems.

10 -2
Different applications may have different requirements, and
both FBMC and f-OFDM provide alternative multicarrier
modulation options with their own strengths and trade-offs.
10 -3
The PSD is a measure of the power distribution of a signal 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
in the frequency domain. FBMC and f-OFDM differ in how
they allocate and distribute the power across the frequency Fig. 4. Performance for the bit error rate.
spectrum, which affects their respective PSD characteristics.
FBMC uses a filter bank to split the input signal into multiple performance, but FBMC generally offers better performance

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impairments and stringent OoB leakage constraints.

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