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Here are the labels and descriptions based on the images posted:

Home Screen

Label: Portfolio Overview

Description: Displays user’s total portfolio value, deposit/withdraw buttons,
category assets, watchlist, and navigation bar.
Asset Detail Screen

Label: Asset Performance

Description: Shows current asset value, performance chart, user's holdings, and
statistical data with buy/sell options.
Asset Statistics Screen

Label: Asset Info

Description: Provides detailed asset statistics like market cap, volume,
circulating supply, and links to official resources.
Transaction Screen

Label: Order Placement

Description: Allows users to place market or limit orders, specifying amounts, and
categorizing assets before reviewing the order.
Order Review Screen

Label: Review Order

Description: Displays a summary of the order, including amounts, fees, and total
swap, with a confirmation button.
Curated Insights Screen

Label: Insights Hub

Description: Offers video education and curated articles categorized by financial
topics, enhancing user knowledge.
Portfolio Summary Screen

Label: Portfolio Summary

Description: Shows detailed portfolio value, grouped assets, and individual asset
performance, with analytics options.
Portfolio Analytics Screen

Label: Portfolio Analytics

Description: Provides an interactive chart to track portfolio performance over
different time ranges, comparing P&L.
These labels and descriptions provide a clear understanding of the functionality
and content of each screen.

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