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TEST 3 GRADE 4 Name:__________________________________

1. Use have got/has got


2. Write the given examples in plural (напишете ги примерите во множина)


3. What’s the weather like?

4. Use SOME / ANY
 There isn’t __________milk.
 We have got _________oranges.
 Have you got ____________sugar?
 There are _____________apples in the fried.
 Have they got _________ice cream?

5. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous tense


6. Make questions for the given sentences

The cat is chasing the mouse. __________________________________________________
She is reading a book._________________________________________________________
They are playing football in the park._____________________________________________
It is raining outside. __________________________________________________________
He is cooking dinner for his family. _______________________________________________

1 2 3 4 5
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-49

Points: _____________
Grade: _______________________

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