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Professor of Law 23MCSL03
Head, Academic Affairs LLM (2023-24)
Head, Center for Research in Criminal Justice Sciences
Gujarat National Law University

In the realm of criminal justice, the concept of reformative justice serves as a guiding light,
emphasizing the rehabilitation and societal reintegration of offenders. At its core lies the aim
of eliminating harmful behaviours from individuals and providing them with the opportunity
to pursue moral redemption. Central to this philosophy is the protection of fundamental human
dignity, ensuring that both the objectives of criminal sentencing and the rights of prisoners are
respected. Within the realm of correctional facilities, the concept of open prisons emerges as a
progressive approach. Unlike conventional incarceration methods, open prisons allow inmates
to serve their sentences without the constraints of traditional cells, with minimal monitoring
and perimeter security. Instead, they operate based on principles of self-discipline and trust,
under the belief that fostering trust leads to reform and rehabilitation.
Sir Alexander Paterson's principles encapsulate the philosophy of open prisons, suggesting that
punishment should be experienced within the confines of the institution rather than being
defined solely by confinement. Furthermore, the notion that freedom cannot truly be cultivated
without some relaxation in the conditions of captivity underscores the transformative potential
of such institutions. In our exploration of the criminal justice system, we extend beyond the
physical confines of correctional facilities. Through firsthand experiences and keen
observations, we aim to understand the profound impact of reformative justice principles on
both offenders and society as a whole.
The visit to Sabarmati Jail was undertaken with the primary objective of examining the
rehabilitative and reformative measures implemented within the correctional facility. This
report offers an in-depth exploration of various aspects observed during the visit, encompassing
infrastructure, services provided to inmates, security protocols, and the overarching vision of
the prison department. Furthermore, it delves into the evolving perception of prisons as centres
for reformation and societal reintegration, rather than mere punitive institutions.
Evolving Role of Prisons:
In recent decades, there has been a paradigm shift in the perception of prisons, moving away
from the traditional notion of punishment towards a more rehabilitative approach. This
transformation is reflective of broader societal changes, including a greater emphasis on human
rights and a recognition of the need for holistic prisoner rehabilitation. Prisons now serve as
correctional institutions aimed at fostering positive behavioural change, equipping inmates
with the necessary skills for successful reintegration into society upon release.
Vision of the Prison Department:
The vision of the prison department, as observed during the visit, revolves around three core
principles: ensuring safe and secure detention, facilitating the reformation and rehabilitation of
prisoners, and providing basic minimum facilities to maintain human dignity. These pillars
underscore the department's commitment to fostering an environment conducive to prisoner
rehabilitation and societal reintegration.
Objectives of Jail Authority:
The primary objectives of the jail authority were elucidated during the visit, focusing on
improving inmates' self-esteem, imparting useful skills and education, and facilitating their
successful reintegration into society post-incarceration. These objectives underscored the
proactive stance of the prison administration towards prisoner rehabilitation and societal


Visiting a prison is a profound experience that grants unique insights into the realities of
incarceration and the workings of the criminal justice system. Whether as part of an
educational initiative or chosen voluntarily, such visits present individuals with a significant
chance to learn, empathize, and introspect.

Initially, entering a prison environment allows individuals to confront aspects of the criminal
justice system often obscured from public view. Many people have limited exposure to
correctional facilities and may harbor misconceptions about life behind bars. By directly
experiencing the atmosphere, conditions, and daily routines, visitors gain a deeper
comprehension of the intricacies of the prison system. This demystification fosters a more
enlightened viewpoint on the difficulties faced by incarcerated individuals.

Additionally, visiting a prison nurtures empathy and understanding towards those serving
time. It's common to pass judgment on individuals convicted of crimes, yet hearing their
narratives and witnessing their circumstances can humanize them in the eyes of visitors.
Recognizing the challenges and hardships endured by inmates – be it separation from loved
ones, restricted access to resources, or the stigma attached to incarceration – cultivates
empathy and prompts visitors to contemplate the underlying factors contributing to criminal
behaviour. Furthermore, prison visits encourage critical reflection on matters of justice and
rehabilitation. Engaging with inmates and listening to their viewpoints encourages visitors to
scrutinize the effectiveness of punitive measures and explore alternative approaches to
addressing crime. Discussions regarding the influence of social inequality, mental health
issues, and substance abuse in driving criminal behaviour often emerge, leading to
considerations of the significance of rehabilitation, societal reintegration, and community

Moreover, visiting a prison has the potential to inspire individuals to become advocates for
reform within the criminal justice system. Witnessing firsthand the hardships faced by
inmates – ranging from overcrowding to inadequate healthcare and limited educational
opportunities – may galvanize visitors to push for policy reforms and enhancements within
the system. By raising awareness about issues such as mass incarceration, solitary
confinement, and the rights of incarcerated individuals, visitors can contribute to endeavours
aimed at fostering equity, dignity, and compassion within the criminal justice system.
In summary, prison visits provide individuals with a valuable opportunity to broaden their
perspectives, challenge preconceptions, and cultivate empathy and advocacy. Whether
undertaken for educational reasons or personal development, such experiences engage
individuals with the realities of incarceration, stimulate contemplation on societal issues, and
inspire efforts toward positive change within the criminal justice system

Computer facility:
Within the jail premises, there exists a computer education center managed by the jail
authorities, aimed at providing education to inmates. The center offers courses in web design,
CCC (Course on Computer Concepts), and Microsoft Office, enabling prisoners to acquire
knowledge in contemporary technology and computer skills. This initiative supports the
inmates in staying updated with the latest advancements in computer education, fostering
their learning and development during their time in prison.
Carpenter factory section:
Within the confines of the correctional facility lies a carpentry workshop, bustling with
activity as incarcerated individuals devote themselves to the craft of furniture making. Tables,
chairs, and even intricate temple designs are meticulously crafted to meet the demands of
both external customers and governmental organizations. Additionally, the workshop serves
as a hub for furniture restoration projects initiated by government entities.
Upon completion, the furniture undergoes a thorough polishing process before being
distributed to external shops located beyond the prison premises. Here, they are made
available for purchase by customers who appreciate the quality and affordability of these
handcrafted items.
In exchange for their labour, inmates receive compensation, albeit not in traditional currency.
Instead, they are provided with coupons by the prison authorities, which can be utilized for
purchasing essential items within the facility. Any remaining balance is credited to their
personal funds, which can be used for various purposes such as sending money to their
families or saving for future use post-release. Additionally, the prison offers a money order
facility, enabling inmates to securely transfer funds to external recipients or save them for
later use.
Bakery section:
In the jail premises, there exists a bakery where prisoners are taught the art of food
preparation and commercial-level bread baking as part of their skill development program.
The bakery aims to equip inmates with valuable skills that can aid them in securing
employment opportunities upon their release, thereby facilitating their reintegration into
society. Alongside bread production, prisoners also create various snack items, including
Gathiya, Bhakharwadi, and other dry snacks, which are sold both within the facility and to
external customers. This initiative not only provides practical experience in food production
but also contributes to the financial sustainability of the bakery while empowering inmates to
embark on a new life journey post-incarceration.
The Kitchen:
In the kitchen area, incarcerated individuals volunteer to assist in preparing meals for their
fellow prisoners. This volunteer work not only provides them with the opportunity to learn
culinary skills but also serves as a stepping stone towards gaining employment in the catering
industry or starting their own ventures upon release from incarceration. The kitchen staff
shared that they are responsible for preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for approximately
3200 prisoners every day, emphasizing the importance of efficiency and time management in
their operations. This practical experience in food preparation equips inmates with valuable
skills that can be applied in various culinary settings outside of prison, thereby aiding in their
reintegration into society.
Following the kitchen visit, we proceeded to the canteen area, where both prisoners and jail
staff have access to tea and snacks. These items can be purchased using coupons, providing a
convenient and regulated system for transactions within the facility. This arrangement not
only ensures equitable access to refreshments but also contributes to the overall management
and organization of the prison environment.
Facility provided to prisoners by Authority:
The jail administration ensures that inmates have access to daily newspapers and television
according to a set schedule, promoting both information and entertainment. Moreover,
prisoners are afforded the opportunity to utilize the jail library for reading and relaxation,
acknowledging their humanity despite being incarcerated. Essential items like soap,
toothpaste, and hair oil are available for purchase from jail stores, underscoring the
commitment to fulfilling inmates' basic needs.
Inmates are provided with access to a telephone for communicating with their families, with a
limit of five minutes per call and charges applied per minute. Additionally, the jail offers
facilities for money orders, enabling inmates to either receive financial support from their
families or send funds to them, facilitating financial transactions and maintaining connections
with the outside world.
Health centre:
Within the jail premises, there exists a computer education center managed by the jail
authorities, aimed at providing education to inmates. The center offers courses in web design,
CCC (Course on Computer Concepts), and Microsoft Office, enabling prisoners to acquire
knowledge in contemporary technology and computer skills. This initiative supports the
inmates in staying updated with the latest advancements in computer education, fostering
their learning and development during their time in incarceration.
Tailoring Section
Additionally, within the central jail, there is a tailoring section where inmates are provided
with the opportunity to learn sewing and tailoring skills. Under the guidance of trained
instructors, prisoners engage in activities such as garment stitching, pattern making, and
fabric cutting. This vocational training program not only equips inmates with valuable skills
but also enhances their prospects for employment upon their release. Through the tailoring
section, inmates are empowered to acquire a practical trade that can contribute to their
rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society.

Historical Significance:
The visit also shed light on the historical significance of Sabarmati Jail, with designated cells
dedicated to prominent figures of the Indian freedom struggle, such as Mahatma Gandhi,
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Ravishankar Maharaj. These cells served as poignant
reminders of the jail's rich heritage and its role in shaping India's struggle for independence.

In conclusion, the visit to Sabarmati Jail provided a comprehensive understanding of the
transformative role of prisons in contemporary society. It underscored the importance of
rehabilitative measures, skill development programs, and humane treatment of inmates in
fostering prisoner rehabilitation and societal reintegration. Moving forward, it is imperative
to continue advancing initiatives aimed at promoting positive behavioural change and
facilitating the successful reintegration of former inmates into society.

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