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Page Layout

 Columns: Use Layout > Columns for dividing text.

 Page Breaks: Insert via Insert > Page Break to control content flow.
 Section Breaks: Use Layout > Breaks to separate sections with different formatting.

F. Mail Merge

 Setting Up Mail Merge: Use Mailings > Start Mail Merge to create personalized
 Inserting Fields: Insert fields like Name, Address from the data source.
 Merging Documents: Complete the merge and generate individual documents.

3. Microsoft Excel: Data Management and Analysis

A. Spreadsheet Basics

 Cell Formatting: Use Home > Format Cells to format as text, number, date, etc.
 Data Entry: Enter data accurately into cells.

B. Formulas and Functions

 Basic Formulas: Use operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division
 Common Functions: Utilize =SUM(), =AVERAGE(), =MAX(), =MIN() for calculations.
 Text Functions: Use =CONCATENATE(), =LEFT(), =RIGHT(), =UPPER(), and =LOWER() for
text manipulation.
 Date Functions: Apply =TODAY() and =DATE() to manage dates.

C. Data Validation and Protection

 Data Validation: Use Data > Data Validation to restrict data entry.
 Sheet Protection: Use Review > Protect Sheet to lock cells from editing.

2. Microsoft Word: Document Creation and Formatting

A. Document Setup

 Margins and Orientation: Set correct margins and page orientation via Layout > Margins
and Orientation.
 Headers and Footers: Insert via Insert > Header/Footer. Add page numbers through
Insert > Page Number.
B. Text Formatting

 Fonts and Sizes: Change via Home > Font. Use appropriate font size and style.
 Bold, Italic, Underline: Use these styles to emphasize text.
 Paragraph Alignment: Align text using Home > Paragraph.

C. Inserting Elements

 Images and Shapes: Use Insert > Pictures and Shapes. Ensure images are relevant and
correctly positioned.
 Tables: Insert via Insert > Table. Format tables with Table Tools > Design.
 Text Boxes: Use Insert > Text Box to position text in specific areas.

D. Working with Styles

 Applying Styles: Use Home > Styles for consistent formatting.

 Creating Styles: Customize and save styles for repeated use.

1. General Tips for Practical Exams

A. Time Management

 Prioritize Tasks: Tackle high-mark tasks first.

 Allocate Time: Plan specific times for each section.
 Double-Check: Leave time for reviewing and correcting errors.

B. File Management

 Save Regularly: Save your work frequently.

 Backup Files: Create backups in case of file corruption.
 Naming Conventions: Use clear, descriptive file names.

C. Read Instructions Carefully

 Task Requirements: Understand exactly what is asked.

 Marks Distribution: Focus more on high-mark tasks.
 Format Requirements: Ensure you follow the required format for each task.

### Comprehensive Guide to Using Microsoft Word 2003 for IGCSE ICT

Microsoft Word 2003, despite being an older version, offers a robust set of
features that are essential for mastering document production tasks required in
the IGCSE ICT syllabus. This guide covers essential functions and practical tasks
that you need to know for your exam.

## **1. Introduction to Word 2003 Interface**

**Key Interface Elements:**

- **Title Bar:** Displays the document name.
- **Menu Bar:** Provides access to commands (e.g., File, Edit, View).
- **Toolbars:** Shortcut buttons for common commands (Standard and
Formatting toolbars are crucial).
- **Rulers:** Horizontal and vertical rulers for setting margins and tab stops.
- **Status Bar:** Shows document information like page number and word count.

## **2. Document Creation and Management**

**Creating a New Document:**

1. **File > New**: Opens a new blank document.
2. **Templates**: Use `File > New > From Template` for pre-designed layouts.

**Saving Documents:**
- **File > Save/Save As**: Save with a new name or format. Use `.doc` for
- **AutoSave:** Configure in `Tools > Options > Save` to automatically save your
work periodically.

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