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TOK Exhibition: Prompt #20: What is the relation between personal experience

and knowledge.
In this exhibition I will talk about how my personal experience affected the
knowledge that I currently have.

This movie was highly recommended by my friends, as they said that it would change my
mind in various topics. I watched the trailer and it was amazing. I watched the whole
movie, and truly it was and still one of the best movies I watched in my whole life until
now. The movie “Fight Club” is a 1999 film featuring an insomniac office worker, the narrator, and a
charismatic soap salesman, Tyler Durden. They form an underground fight club as a form of rebellion
against consumerist society. The narrator, revealed to be schizophrenic, learns he and Tyler are the same
person. Both characters express a dislike for the conformity represented by “The Matrix”. The film ends
with the narrator attempting to regain control over his life. The movie is known for its controversial
themes and psychological depth. This Movie showed me how a fixed routine can damage my
medical health and mental health, as it was shown in the movie the narrator from his
lack of doing something new or fun, he got insomnia. Also having a job wasn’t a bad idea
for me until I watched this movie, because working for a company or someone means
that you will have to wake up at a certain time to go to work and do something you
might have done multiple times from which someone can get bored from. But having
your own business is one way to have fun in your day, fun in a way that you like, for
example someone loving to take the risk of buying shares of a company according to its
data or you get to make your own decisions without being supervised from someone
that has a higher authority in the company than you. This object is explicitly linked to the
IA prompt as it how knowledge gained from this movie is useful to me as a knower as it
provides me with life-lessons that I can use in the future. One of these life lessons that I
got from this, was that it got me thinking who am I in the society or who can I be in this
society. Many lives were changed because of this movie, as it is so inspiring to watch and
there are many inspiring quotes in the movie, like “The things you own end up owning
you.” Or “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”.
This is a picture of me in the north coast in summer 2023. I have a bungalow in the north
coast. I go there almost every weekend in summer. In the north coast I have made lots of
friends, got to try new things. We went to a lot of places together, had fun. One of the
things that I liked to do with my friends there was to stay until sunrise together, walking
on the beach at night, etc... A special thing that I learned there was swimming, which is
one of the many achievements anybody can have in his life, because swimming is very
important for many fun activities. I love swimming before sunset, when the air currents
are coming from the beach, which is blazing with the heat of the sun all day long. I have
seen a lot of people do parachute surfing which is mostly like surfing but you get like
pushed with the air instead of with the use of the waves. In this fun activity you will be
pushed in the middle of the sea so you will have to swim to the beach. Another thing
that I experienced and is actually true, that during the day the wings gets blown in the
direction of the beach during the day and from the beach into the sea during the night
(Waves are mostly caused by Friction of wind on surface of water. Wind blows from sea
to land in day and land to sea in night due to pressure and temperature difference.
According to the internet). This object is explicitly linked to the IA prompt as it how
knowledge gained from the experiences I made is useful to me as a knower as it
provides me with life-lessons that I can use in the future.
This is a photo of my cat that was taken in April 2024. My cat was originally a stray cat
that looked like it was thrown from her own home so my Family and I decided that we
will take her as our own pet. As the years gone through, I have learned a lot things by
owning this cat. As I learned the
responsibility of owning a cat and also
learned how to raise them. Cats overall are
easily to be loved with and they are easy to
have around, they only want a place, where
they can get out their waste, a place, where
they can find their food to eat and a person
who pets them to make them feel loved. Cats
are always wanting to get petted from their
owner, because as much the owner loves
them, they do love him the same or even
more. As a cat owner I find it very easy to
own a cat but it also teached me how to have
responsibility of taking care of another living
creature. This object is explicitly linked to the
IA prompt as it how knowledge gained from
this experience is useful to me as a knower as it provides me with life-lessons that I can
use in the future (like raising my own child in the future or even another pet).

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