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Do all those who use drugs become addicts?

Not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted. Everyone's body and brain
is different, so their reaction to drugs may also be different. Some people
may become addicted quickly, or it may occur over time. Other people never
become addicted. Whether someone becomes addicted or not depends on
many things, including genetic, environmental, and developmental factors.

Who is at risk of drug addiction?

Several risk factors can make you more likely to become addicted to drugs,

Your biology: People can react to drugs differently. Some people like the
feeling the first time they try a drug and want more. Others hate how they
feel and never try again.
Mental health problems: People who have untreated mental health
problems, such as depression, anxiety, or attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), are more likely to become addicted. This may happen
because drug use and mental health problems affect the same parts of the
brain. Additionally, people with these problems may use drugs to try to feel
Problems at home: If your home is an unhappy place or was when you were a
child, you are more likely to have a drug problem.
Change friends a lot
Spending a lot of time alone
Losing interest in your favorite things
Not taking care of themselves, for example not taking showers, changing
clothes or brushing teeth
Feeling very tired and sad
Eat more or less than usual
Having a lot of energy, talking quickly, or saying things that don't make sense
To be in a bad mood
Quickly go between feeling bad and feeling good
Sleep at strange hours
Missing important appointments or commitments
Having problems at work or school
Having problems in personal or family relationships
What are the treatments for drug addiction?
Treatments for drug addiction include counseling, medication, or both.
Research shows that combining medication with counseling gives most
people the best chance for success.

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