SAND6211Ea 2018

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TOTAL HOURS: 2 HOURS (+10 minutes reading time)

1. Please adhere to all instructions in the assessment booklet.

2. Independent work is required.
3. Five minutes per hour of the assessment to a maximum of 15 minutes is dedicated to reading time
before the start of the assessment. You may make notes on your question paper, but not in your
answer sheet. Calculators may not be used during reading time.
4. You may not leave the assessment venue during reading time, or during the first hour or during the
last 15 minutes of the assessment.
5. Ensure that your name is on all pieces of paper or books that you will be submitting. Submit all the
pages of this assessment’s question paper as well as your answer script.
6. Answer all the questions on the answer sheets or in answer booklets provided. The phrase ‘END OF
PAPER’ will appear after the final set question of this assessment.
7. Remember to work at a steady pace so that you are able to complete the assessment within the
allocated time. Use the mark allocation as a guideline as to how much time to spend on each section.

Additional instructions:
1) This is a CLOSED BOOK assessment.
2) Calculators are not allowed.
3) Answer all questions.

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Question 1 (Marks: 10)

Answer all of the questions below.

Q.1.1 Explain the purpose of a system vision document. (2)

Q.1.2 The planning process for iteration consists of three steps. List these steps and (4)
mention how a work breakdown structure fits into these three steps.

Q.1.3 List three benefits of the iterative development approach. (3)

Q.1.4 Briefly explain what agile development is. (1)

Question 2 (Marks: 15)

Q.2.1 The user goal technique for Identifying use cases includes, Identifying all the potential (2)
users for the new system. List any other two steps.

Q.2.2 Name and describe any three types of output reports commonly provided by an (6)
information system.

Q.2.3 List and explain the three-layer architecture method for designing application (6)

Q.2.4 Designing web and app-based user interfaces for handheld devices presents (1)
additional design challenges. Name any one such challenge.

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Question 3 (Marks: 40)

The questions below relate to the following scenario:

If a customer wishes to withdraw money at an ATM, he/she needs to place his/ her card into the card
slot. The customer will then be required to enter the pin. If the pin was entered correctly, they would
be presented with the option to withdraw money. If the pin is not correct, the customer will need to
enter the pin again.
The customer then needs to select the amount he/she wishes to withdraw. After selecting the
amount the customer wishes to withdraw, the customer needs to specify the type of account the
money should be withdrawn from. The system will check whether there is sufficient money in the
account and dispense the money should there be sufficient funds in the account. If there isn’t a
sufficient amount of money in the account, a slip will be printed for the customer and the customer’s
card will be returned.
Each ATM consists of a keypad, a cash dispenser, screen, cards slot and receipt printer. If any of these
items are destroyed, the ATM will not be able to function.

Q.3.1 Create a simple activity diagram for the process illustrated in the scenario above. (18)

Q.3.2 Create a domain model class diagram that will illustrate the relationship between an (11)
ATM and its parts. You do not have to include attributes for any of the classes.

Q.3.3 There are three types of events to consider when using the event decomposition (6)
technique to identify use cases. List and describe these three types of events.

Q.3.4 List any five aspects of a use case covered in a use case description. (5)

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Question 4 (Marks: 15)

A doctor has multiple practices from which he works. Sometimes, whilst between practices patients
call for advice and the doctor needs access to the patient’s file. Unfortunately, the doctor cannot
carry all patients’ files with him.
He has decided to contract a development team to design a system for him so that he can have file
access to all the files on the go.
Q.4.1 In the design of the new system several models will be created. (5)
List any five such models.

Q.4.2 Describe any three universal guidelines that should be kept in mind when designing (6)
the system for the doctor.

Q.4.3 Explain the difference between internal and external outputs. (4)
Provide an example of each that might be produced by the system to be developed
for the doctor.

Question 5 (Marks: 40)

Wetnose is expanding rapidly and the management of the Wetnose expects that due to the rapid
growth of the company, the system in use by the Wetnose will need to undergo some changes in
order to be able to accommodate this growth.
At the Wetnose a staff member is allocated and awarded the responsibility of taking care of specific
Q.5.1 List the four activities which will need to be performed in order to plan for the (4)
upcoming change.

Q.5.2 You have suggested following a parallel deployment method for the newly modified (4)
system. Briefly explain how this parallel deployment method will work and the
primary advantage of the specific method.

Q.5.3 Create a design class diagram for a class called Employee. (8)
An employee can be seen as anyone working for the Wetnose.

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In your answer provide at least four attributes and four method signatures.

Q.5.4 You are a strong advocate for following an Input, Process, Output development (3)
order. List three advantages of following this development order.

Q.5.5 Name and describe the two types of testing methods used to perform unit tests. (4)

Q.5.6 Briefly explain what is meant by referential integrity and how it is enforced by the (6)
DBMS. By means of an example, demonstrate how referential integrity can be
implemented in the Wetnose system’s database.

Q.5.7 A high-quality relational database schema has two main features. (2)
Name these two features.

Q.5.8 When implementing a three-layer design the domain layer class should have (3)
responsibilities in order to perform three functions.
List these three functions.

Q.5.9 Below is a list containing the object-oriented detailed design steps. (6)
Rewrite them so that they appear in the correct order.
Partition the solution into packages;
Develop the first-cut design class diagram showing navigation visibility;
Update the DCD by adding method signatures and navigation information;
Determine the class responsibilities and class collaborations for each use case using
CRC cards;
Develop detailed sequence diagrams for each use case;
Develop the first-cut sequence diagrams;
Develop the multilayer sequence diagrams.


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