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Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181 – 188

Earth reflections
How ‘hard’ are hard-rock deformations?
A.J. van Loon
Geocom, P.O. Box 336, 6860 AH Oosterbeek, The Netherlands
Received 2 August 2002; accepted 20 September 2002


The study of soft-rock deformations has received increasing attention during the past two decades, and much progress has
been made in the understanding of their genesis. It is also recognized now that soft-rock deformations—which show a wide
variety in size and shape—occur frequently in sediments deposited in almost all types of environments. In spite of this,
deformations occurring in lithified rocks are still relatively rarely attributed to sedimentary or early-diagenetic processes.
Particularly faults in hard rocks are still commonly ascribed to tectonics, commonly without a discussion about a possible non-
tectonic origin at a stage that the sediments were still unlithified. Misinterpretations of both the sedimentary and the structural
history of hard-rock successions may result from the negligence of a possible soft-sediment origin of specific deformations. It is
therefore suggested that a re-evaluation of these histories, keeping the present-day knowledge about soft-sediment deformations
in mind, may give new insights into the geological history of numerous sedimentary successions in which the deformations
have not been studied from both a sedimentological and a structural point of view.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Soft-sediment deformations; Tectonics; Pseudo-tectonics; Structural history

1. Introduction tions of orogenesis, basin development and (at a more

recent stage) plate tectonics.
Rock successions—and particularly the succes- This great achievement, which made repetitions of
sions of sedimentary rocks—have been recognized sedimentary successions understandable, but also
from almost the very beginning of geological inves- apparent hiatuses and lateral ‘inconsistencies’, made
tigations to contain irregularities in the form of structural geology to one of the basic disciplines in the
deformations. It became also clear soon that many earth sciences. Students are now, from the very begin-
of these deformations, particularly faults and folds, ning of their education, made aware of the importance
may provide valuable data about the tectonic history of rock deformations for the understanding of the
of the complex involved. Ongoing research into tec- geological history, and they become used to analyse
tonic processes—based for at least a major part on deformations from a tectonic point of view. A possible
field evidence—proved to allow reliable reconstruc- sedimentary origin of specific deformations gets, how-
ever, as a rule, still hardly any attention during geo-
logical training of students. The result is that a
E-mail addresses:, sedimentary origin of deformations in lithified rocks
(A.J. van Loon). is not commonly considered, even though sedimentol-

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182 A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188

ogy developed as a separate geological discipline basins characterized by syntectonic sedimentation

already in the 1950s, and has become a more mature (or synsedimentary tectonics).
discipline in the 1960s of the past century. The interpretation of sedimentary structures became
It was, from the point of view of deformation gradually more important in sedimentology, particu-
analysis, rather unfortunate that a prime study object larly as a means to reconstruct depositional processes
of sedimentology during the late 1950s and the early and to explain horizontal and vertical facies transi-
1960s was syntectonic sedimentation. This focus on tions. It appeared that many of these processes could
flysch and related topics was a consequence of the be reconstructed on the basis of sedimentary struc-
highly interesting studies carried out at the time on tures, and the analysis of such structures became a
turbidity currents and their deposits, turbidites (Kue- main sedimentological objective, culminating in the
nen and Migliorini, 1950). Fully developed turbidites famous overview by Allen (1982) of the then state-of-
were recognized to contain a unit that sometimes is the-art with respect to sedimentary structures. By that
characterized by convolute lamination, and which time, it had become clear that not all non-tectonic
thus shows intrastratal deformation. The flysch suc- structures in sediments were due to sedimentary pro-
cessions in which turbidites occur abundantly tend to cesses, but that numerous types had developed during
be deformed so strongly also by typically tectonic early diagenesis, i.e. after deposition of the layer(s)
processes, however, that the tectonic deformations involved but before lithification started (penecontem-
commonly received much more attention—even from poraneous deformations). More important, it had also
sedimentologists—than did the convolutions. The become clear that many deformations with a ‘tectonic’
same was true for soft-sediment deformations in appearance could not be explained by endogenic
otherwise deformed successions, and for other defor- processes, but only by processes that affected exclu-
mations (Fig. 1). The result was that deformations in sively the topmost sediments. In much rarer cases, it
hard-rock sediments did, even in the 1960s, still appeared that specific layers were deformed that had
receive relatively little attention from sedimentolo- already been buried under new sedimentary layers that
gists, apart from cases where they could help to remained unaffected themselves (intrastratal deforma-
reconstruct the palaeogeographical development of tions).

Fig. 1. Small-scale deformations in the Late Carboniferous Westward Ho! Fm. along the coast of Westward Ho! (Great Britain). The intrastratal
character of the deformations—which underwent liquefaction, plastic deformation and brittle deformation (faulting)—makes a sedimentary
origin obvious.
A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188 183

2. Soft-sediment deformations under discussion In unlithified rocks, all types of folds and faults
occur that are known from tectonically affected hard-
It is now recognized that soft-sediment deforma- rock units, and many more in addition. Not all soft-
tions show a wide variety in shape. My experience in sediment deformations were recognized and accepted
both hard-rock and soft-rock areas is that soft-sedi- as such, however, until a few decades ago. Archives
ment deformations do certainly not show less variety of manuscript reviews can be highly interesting in this
than tectonic deformations in hard rock; they are context, particularly from the point of view of the
sometimes even much more complex, except for some history of science. That deformations such as, for
hard-rock deformations that may be formed during instance, kink structures can occur in unlithified sedi-
metamorphism. ments (Fig. 2) seemed amazing, not so long ago. In

Fig. 2. Well-developed kink zone in a Pleistocene ice-pushed ridge near Balderhaar (Germany). From van Loon et al., 1984.
184 A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188

fact, a manuscript describing such structures and had a couples of decades ago. One might expect,
submitted in 1982 to the journal ‘Tectonophysics’ however, that it is now generally recognized that
received originally a negative judgement from one deformations within sediments may have a soft-sedi-
referee (most likely a structural geologist, considering ment origin, but this appears not to be true. This is
his comments), who stated that the interpretation of probably, at least partly, due to the fact that earth-
deformations in a Pleistocene sandy ice-pushed ridge science students at most universities have to specialize
and of comparable ones in subrecent silty/peaty at a fairly early stage of their study. This way, they
lagoonal sediments could not be correct: ‘‘. . .After may become petrologists with hardly any paleonto-
reading the paper I am not entirely convinced that the logical knowledge, structural geologists with only a
structures described are directly related to what are limited sedimentological training, or sedimentologists
normally called kink bands in crystals and rocks with almost without fundamental insight into structural
strong planar anisotropy. It seems to me that mechan- geology. This makes it difficult for geologists with
ical properties of weakly cohesive water-laden sedi- limited field experience to distinguish between tec-
ments would in no way resemble those of materials of tonic and sedimentary deformations; particularly in
great directional strength. . .’’ (anonymous referee). metamorphosed terrains. It may, however, also be
This view expressed well the then common belief extremely difficult for experienced geologists to find
that kink structures could, in a geological context, be out whether specific structures are due to tectonics or
formed only within crystals or in materials with that they represent soft-sediment deformations (cf.
comparable anisotropy. It should be emphasised, how- Dasgupta, 2002; Gairola and Srivastava, 2002).
ever, that the manuscript was also refereed by a Even if no metamorphism has occurred but if the
famous sedimentologist, who was less pre-occupied: area has undergone one or more folding phases, dis-
‘‘. . .This paper deals with a very exciting topic—kink tinction between purely tectonic and tectonically
band development in soft-sediments. . .’’. Eventually, deformed sedimentary deformations can be compli-
the manuscript was accepted, but it was advised, in cated. Both sedimentologists and structural geologists
order to avoid too much ‘confusion’ among structural should be aware that lithified and tectonically affected
geologists, to split up the manuscript into one dealing rock successions may contain soft-sediment deforma-
with kinks in sandy sediments and one dealing with tions (interesting examples are provided by Ghosh et
kinks in fine-grained sediments. These contributions al., 2002). This implies that, at the one hand, sedi-
were eventually published in 1984 and 1985, indicat- mentologists should—when reconstructing the paleo-
ing how much time the discussion about these struc- slope of a basin by measuring the fold axes of slump
tures took. Similar experiences exist with respect to folds—correct for tectonic tilt. It implies also, on the
other soft-sediment deformations that were formed other hand, that structural geologists should be aware
under conditions that were—as was considered at that faults may have a soft-sediment origin; in such a
the time—impossible for areas that were not affected case, the stress directions deduced from these struc-
by severe tectonics. However ‘shocking’, these tures cannot be used to reconstruct the stress systems
‘impossible’ structures in unconsolidated sediments that played a role during the orogenesis that deformed
may have been up to the middle 1980s, it is now well the entire succession. How difficult it can be to
known from material science that it is only logical that distinguish between tectonic and sedimentary struc-
such deformations occur in unlithified sediments, and tures, particularly if an orogenic belt has been meta-
few well-educated structural geologists will nowadays morphosed, is well described by Bradley and Hanson
still be truly surprised by such observations. (2002). In addition, it can be difficult to distinguish
clastic sills and intrastratal deformation layers from the
sediments in between which they are positioned,
3. Gaps in knowledge because there often is no obvious lithological differ-
ence (Kawakami and Kawamura, 2002).
The earlier scepsis with respect to a natural, non- This difficulty has the consequence that lack of
tectonic origin of soft-sediment deformation structures distinction between non-tectonic and tectonic defor-
is understandable in the context of the knowledge we mations has frequently led to incorrect reconstruc-
A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188 185

tions. Unfortunately, a similar lack of understanding introduced on the basis of regionally diverging litho-
still can play a role nowadays. In my opinion, this can and biofacies rather than on a previously truly ‘miss-
be overcome only by stopping the early specialization ing’ time interval (Montien).
in geological education: earth scientists should truly In structural geology, insights have been greatly
be earth scientists, rather than structural geologists, changed after the concept of plate tectonics had been
sedimentologists or specialists in any other earth- introduced. Classical ideas about geosynclines and
science discipline. Only after a firm geological related topics had to be abandoned or at least funda-
basis—with significant field experience as a conditio mentally revised. Many ideas related to the assumed
sine qua non—has been established, the specialization fairly frequent occurrence of nappes also had to be
that is, understandably, required nowadays should be changed drastically. The huge amount of field data, in
started. Such a broadly oriented educational program the form of, among other data, bedding-plane dip
would result in less gaps in knowledge and, conse- values, directions of fold axes and the orientation of
quently, in less misinterpretations of field observa- minor fault planes, has rarely been considered—and
tions. still is rarely considered—as needing re-interpretation.
This is the more astonishing as sedimentary defor-
mations occur most frequently under conditions of
4. The need for re-interpretations rapid sedimentation and unstable depositional surfa-
ces. Such conditions are very common during oro-
It must be recognized that previously collected genesis, so that sedimentary deformations occur
earth-scientific data, however well interpreted in the frequently in flysch and molasse deposits. The inter-
past on the basis of the then state-of-the-art knowl- relationship between tectonics and sedimentation is
edge, now often need re-interpretation. This holds, for commonly so close under these circumstances that it
instance, for sedimentology, in which discipline so is difficult to decide whether syntectonic sedimenta-
much more is known now about the various deposi- tion takes place, or rather synsedimentary tectonics.
tional environments than only half a century ago that Whatever term is preferred, it is obvious that many of
new analyses commonly provide an entirely new the sedimentary deformations in such successions are
picture of dynamic environments. The dynamics result not representing the then tectonic stress fields; it is
in shifting facies, whereas other dynamics result in equally obvious that many of such deformations have
orbital-forced sequences, and in global processes such been used for structural analyses.
as changing oceanic circulation patterns. Similar This implies that not all structural research con-
adaptations of previous ideas are common in stratig- cerning mountainous (and other tectonically affected)
raphy, in which discipline it has been recognized that areas is based on reliable data. The question is thus:
diachronic lithological changes are the rule rather than how ‘hard’ are ‘hard-rock deformations’? It is easy to
the exception. This insight has made it necessary for believe that deformations originating from the time
instance to change the interpreted age of rocks in even that lithification had not yet taken place are of minor
classical areas such as the Ardennes in Belgium, importance in tectonically affected areas. Such a belief
where rocks that were originally mapped as belonging is, however, unjustified because research in nowadays
to the uppermost part of the Devonian (Frasnien 2d) tectonically active areas shows that sedimentary
are now considered to belong to the Carboniferous deformations in the uppermost layers—in the form
(Tournaisian), but—for reasons of consistency—are of seismites (Mohindra and Thakur, 1998) as well as
still commonly mapped with the Fa2d code. in the form of gravity-induced mass-movement pro-
It has also been recognized in stratigraphy that cesses on an unstable slope—are fairly common (cf.
many important stratigraphic boundaries have been Rossetti, 2002). If, for instance, material eroded from
established on the basis of hiatuses (so that new an area that is being uplifted is deposited in large
chronostratigraphic units had to be introduced, with quantities on the slope of a subsiding basin in front of
the Cantabrian as an example: Wagner, 1966), the rising hinterland (a common situation near island
whereas other chronostratigraphic units had to be arcs), numerous slump masses may flow down; these
deleted (or are being discussed) because they were will—because the dip of the slope will remain more or
186 A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188

less constant for a relatively long time—show fold Leg 157 that a huge mass failure of El Hierro (one of
axes that are all oriented in the same direction. This the volcanic Canary Islands) resulted in a thick
may easily give the impression of a tectonics-related deposit on the ocean floor probably some 6000 years
stress system, but it is not (Fig. 3). One should, in ago, as stated in a presentation at the recent IAS
addition, keep in mind that mass flows may involve conference (Jarvis and Weaver, 2002). Even more
huge amounts of sediment: it was found during ODP recent (November 2000) was a mass failure of the

Fig. 3. Deformations due to gravity-induced plastic mass flow. (A) Modern rock glacier (in bird’s eye view). (B) Cross-section of a slump in the
Cretaceous Poumanous Fm. near Pobla de Segur (Spain). The folds in these tilted sediments are not related to the tectonics that affected the area,
but must be attributed to a soft-sediment deformation pattern as shown in (A).
A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188 187

Fig. 4. Part of the Kilauea flank material that slip-slided towards the ocean (November 2000). Photograph kindly provided by Peter Cervelli
(Stanford University).

Kilauea volcano (Fig. 4), reaching the sea, involving not be easy to find out the sedimentary origin of large-
some 2000 km3 that slip-slided away without, how- scale deformations resulting from plastic behaviour
ever, resulting in vast mass-transported deposits at the during transport. Another example is the Neoproter-
foot of the volcano on the ocean floor (Cervelli et al., ozoic ‘Great Breccia’ in Scotland (Fig. 5), which
2002; Ward, 2002). Even larger masses have been reaches a thickness of 50 m and was originally erro-
found on the bottom of the Mediterranean. If such neously interpreted as a subglacial deposit (Spencer,
deposits, with thicknesses that may reach several 1971), but recently turned out to be a three-unit
dozens of meters, would be encountered in the field complex of mass-flow deposits; this sedimentological
in the form of lithified rock, it would most probably re-interpretation, partly based on the recognition of

Fig. 5. Large dolomite block with recumbent folds, constituting a megaclast in the Great Breccia (Port Askaich Fm., Neoproterozoic) near
Elieach an Noaimh, Scotland. The cliff is approximately 35 m high. Photograph kindly provided by Emmanuelle Arnaud (University of
188 A.J. van Loon / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 181–188

soft-sediment deformations, has important paleoclima- formed Devonian foreland basion in the Northern Appalachians,
tological implications, because the original ‘proof’ of Maine, USA. Sedimentary Geology 148, 425 – 447.
Cervelli, P., Segall, P., Johnson, K., Lisowski, M., Miklius, A.,
glacial conditions is no longer valid (Arnaud and 2002. Sudden aseismic fault slip on the south flank of the Ki-
Eyles, 2002). lauea volcano. Nature 415, 1014 – 1017.
It may be true that Earth offers less and less areas Dasgupta, P.K., 2002. Preservation of primary sedimentary features
that have not been geologically mapped, and of which in high-grade paragneissic complex from some parts of Eastern
Ghats and adjoining areas, Peninsular India and its significance
the structural history has not yet been analysed. It
in basinal evolution. 16th International Sedimentological Con-
seems, however, that the insufficiently hard character gress (Johannesburg, 2002) Abstracts Volume, pp. 74 – 75.
of many structural data—being partly based on soft- Gairola, V.K., Srivastava, V., 2002. Preserved sedimentary attrib-
sediment deformations—offers the challenge of re- utes, structures and metamorphic history of the Chhotanagpur
analysing all tectonically affected areas where the Granite Gneiss Complex exposed to the east of Renukoot, Dis-
structural history has been written without present- trict Sonbhadra, U.P., India. 16th International Sedimentological
Congress (Johannesburg, 2002) Abstracts Volume, p. 109.
day insight into the importance of soft-sediment Ghosh, S.K., Sengupta, S., Dasgupta, S., 2002. Tectonic deforma-
deformations. An instructive example is the study by tion of soft-sediment convolute folds. Journal of Structural
Kusky and De Paor (1991), who were able to simplify Geology 24, 913 – 923.
the structural history of a metamorphic unit in Canada Jarvis, I., Weaver, Ph., 2002. Submarine and subaerial growth
dramatically on the basis of re-interpretation of defor- phases of volcanic oceanic islands as seen in turbidite sequen-
ces: Miocene – Holocene of the Canary Basin, NE Atlantic. 16th
mation structures, which they found to be of sedi- International Sedimentological Congress (Johannesburg, 2002)
mentary origin. Earth apparently waits for a new Abstracts Volume, p. 175.
episode of structural mapping. Kawakami, G., Kawamura, M., 2002. Sediment flow and deforma-
tion (SFD) layers: evidence for intrastratal flow in laminated
muddy sediments of the Triassic Osawa Formation, northeast
Acknowledgements Japan. Journal of Sedimentary Research 72, 171 – 181.
Kuenen, Ph.H., Migliorini, C.I., 1950. Turbidity currents as a cause
of graded bedding. Journal of Geology 58, 91 – 127.
I want to express my thanks to Dwight Bradley Kusky, T.M., De Paor, D.G., 1991. Deformed sedimentary fabrics
(USGS, Anchorage), who provided me with some in metamorphic rocks; evidence from the Point Lake area, Slave
well-chosen studies supporting the view that re- Province, Northwest Territories. Geological Society of America
mapping—taking soft-sediment deformations into Bulletin 103, 486 – 503.
Mohindra, R., Thakur, V.C., 1998. Historic large earthquake-in-
account—can change the reconstruction of structural duced soft sediment deformation features in the Sub-Himalayan
histories considerably. I am indebted to Peter Cervelli Doon valley. Geological Magazine 135, 269 – 281.
(Stanford University) for providing Fig. 4, and to Rossetti, D.F., 2002. Events of sediment deformation and mass
Emmanuelle Arnaud (University of Guelph, Ontario) failure in Upper Cretaceous vestuarine deposits (Cametá Basin,
for providing Fig. 5. northern Brazil) as evidence for seismic activity. 16th Interna-
tional Sedimentological Congress (Johannesburg, 2002) Ab-
stracts Volume, pp. 312 – 313.
Spencer, A.M., 1971. Late Precambrian glaciation in Scotland.
References Memoirs of the Geological Society of London 6, 1 – 100.
van Loon, A.J., Brodzikowski, K., Gotowala, R., 1984. Structural
Allen, J.R.L., 1982. Sedimentary structures—their character and analysis of kink bands in unconsolidated sands. Tectonophysics
physical basis. Developments in Sedimentology, vol. 30 (2 vol- 104, 351 – 374.
umes). Elsevier, Amsterdam. 593 + 663 pp. Wagner, R.H., 1966. Sur l’existence, dans la Cordillère Cantabri-
Arnaud, E., Eyles, C.H., 2002. Catastrophic mass failure of a Neo- que, de séries de passage entre Westphalien et Stéphanien: la
proterozoic glacially influenced continental margin, the Great limite inférieure de ces formations Cantabriennes. Comptes
Breccia, Port Askaig Formation, Scotland. Sedimentary Geol- Rendues de l’Academie des Sciences de Paris 262 (Série D),
ogy 151, 313 – 333. 1337 – 1340.
Bradley, D.C., Hanson, L.S., 2002. Paleocurrent analysis of a de- Ward, S.N., 2002. Slip-sliding away. Nature 415, 973 – 974.

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