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OTA Youth Performance

Stage 3: Train to Train Ages 12-16

- Ages 12-16
- 2-4 Days per Week Training
- 2-4 Days per Week of Skills/Practice/Play Sports

- 2 Days Linear Speed Focus
- 2 Days Change of Direction/Agility Focus
- 2 Days Multi-Directional Plyometrics
- 4 Days Lower Limb Plyometrics
- 4 Days Throwing
- 4 Days Strength Focus (Train to Train)
- Progress through Ascending Volume
Dynamic Warm Up
1. High Knee Tuck | High Knee Run - 10 yards each

2. Hurdler Stretch | Butt Kick Run - 10 yards each

3. Figure 4 | Straight Leg March - 10 yards each

4. Lunge | Reverse Lunge - 10 yards each

5. Lateral Lunge | Waiter’s Bows - 10 yards each

6. Bodyweight Squats - 10

7. Single Leg Toe Touch - 5 each side

8. Low Lateral Shuffle - 10 yards each

9. Carioca Shuffle - 10 yards each

10. Heel to Toe Walk: No Momentum | With Momentum - 10 yards each

11. Heel Walk | Toe Walk - 10 yards each

12. 4 Way Hip Activation - 3 reps with a pause | 3 reps with speed

13. Monster Walk (forward, reverse) - 10 yards each

14. Lateral Monster Walk - 10 yards each direction

Phase 1
Day 1 - Lower Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Forward Pogo Jumps - 4 x 10 yards

2. Single Leg Broad Jump (land 2) - 4 x 4 each leg

3. 4 Way Ground Starts - 2 x 10 yards each direction (8 total reps)

4. Med Ball Broad Toss - 10 x 1


1. Trap Bar Deadlift - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2. DB Reverse Lunge - 3 x 8 ea. leg

3.A. Goblet Lateral Lunge - 3 x 8 each leg

3.B. Buddy Hamstring Curls - 3 x 8

4. Plank + Side Planks - 3 x 30 seconds each way

Phase 1
Day 2 - Upper Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Lateral Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 yards each direction

2. Single Leg Lateral Broad (land 2 forward) - 4 x 4 each leg

3. Lateral Short Shuttle - 4 x 1 each direction

4. Med Ball Side Toss - 8 x 1 each side


1. Bench Press - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2.A. Chin Ups - 3 x Max Reps

2.B. Band Upright Facepull - 3 x 10

3.A. Band Tricep Extension - 3 x 20

3.B. Lateral Plank Walk - 3 x 10 yards each direction

Phase 1
Day 3 - Lower Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 seconds

2. Squat Jumps - 2 x 10 seconds

3. Box Jumps - 8 x 1

4. Build Ups - 4 x 20 yards

5. Med Ball Vertical Toss - 8 x 1


1. Goblet Squat - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2. Romanian Deadlift - 3 x 8

3.A. DB Walking Lunge - 3 x 8 each leg

3.B. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl - 3 x 8

4. Suitcase Carry - 3 x 20 yards

Phase 1
Day 4 - Upper Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Power Skips for Height - 4 x 10 yards

2. Power Skips for Distance - 4 x 20 yards

3. Power Bounds for Height - 4 x 10 yards

4. Power Bounds for Distance - 4 x 20 yards


1. Floor Press - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2.A. Inverted Row - 3 x Max Reps

2.B. Band Snatch - 3 x 10

3.A. Farmer Carry - 3 x 20 yards

3.B. Plank Walkouts - 3 x 10

Phase 2
Day 1 - Lower Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Forward Alternating Pogo Jumps - 4 x 10 yards

2. Double Broad Jumps - 8 x 1

3. Falling Starts - 8 x 1

4. Kneeling Med Ball Broad Toss - 8 x 1

1. Trap Bar Deadlift (low handle) - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2. Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 8 ea. leg

3.A. Decel Step Ups - 3 x 8 each leg

3.B. Band Hamstring Curls - 3 x 8

4. Stir the Pot - 3 x 8 each direction

Phase 2
Day 2 - Upper Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Lateral Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 yards each direction

2. Lateral Power Shuffle - 4 x 10 yards each direction

3. Skater Jump - 4 x 4 each leg

3. Pro Shuttle - 4 x 1 each direction

4. Half Kneeling Med Ball Single Arm Broad Toss - 8 x 1 each side


1. Bench Press - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2.A. Neutral Grip Pull Ups - 3 x Max Reps

2.B. Band Facepull - 3 x 10

3.A. Overhead Band Tricep Extension - 3 x 20

3.B. Plank Bird Dogs - 3 x 10

Phase 2
Day 3 - Lower Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 seconds

2. Alternating Lunge Jumps - 2 x 10 seconds

3. Seated Box Jumps - 8 x 1

4. High Knee | Butt Kick | High Knee + Butt Kick Run - 2 x 10 yards each

5. Build Ups - 4 x 20 yards

6. Med Ball Backwards Toss - 8 x 1


1. Goblet Squat - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2. DB Romanian Deadlift - 3 x 8

3. Sled March - 4 x 25 yards

4. Prone Cobra- 3 x 30 seconds

Phase 2
Day 4 - Upper Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Power Skips for Height - 4 x 10 yards

2. Power Skips for Distance - 4 x 20 yards

3. Power Bounds for Height - 4 x 10 yards

4. Power Bounds for Distance - 4 x 20 yards

1. Close Grip Bench Press - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2.A. Rope/Towel Inverted Row - 3 x Max Reps

2.B. Band Pull Aparts - 3 x 10

3.A. Farmer Carry - 3 x 25 yards

3.B. Seal Walks - 3 x 25 yards

Phase 3
Day 1 - Lower Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Forward Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 yards

2. Single Leg Forward Pogos - 2 x 10 yards each leg

2. Single Leg Double Broad Jumps - 8 x 1 each leg

3. Sled Sprints - 8 x 25 yards

4. Med Ball Soccer Toss - 8 x 1


1. Trap Bar Deadlift - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2. DB Step Ups - 3 x 8 ea. leg

3.A. Overhead Plate Lunge - 3 x 8 each leg

3.B. Buddy Hamstring Curls - 3 x 8

4. Wheel Rollouts - 3 x 8
Phase 3
Day 2 - Upper Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Lateral Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 yards each direction

2. Lateral Power Shuffle - 2 x 10 yards each direction

3. Lateral Quick Shuffle - 2 x 10 yards each direction

4. Ascending Skater Jump - 4 x 10 yards each leg

5. Mirror Drill - 4 x 1

6. Med Ball Single Arm Broad Toss - 8 x 1 each side


1. Bench Press - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2.A. Pull Ups - 3 x Max Reps

2.B. Band Row - 3 x 10

3.A. Close Grip Push Up - 3 x 10

3.B. Hanging Knee Raise - 3 x 10

Phase 3
Day 3 - Lower Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Pogo Jumps - 2 x 10 seconds

2. Hurdle Jumps - 8 x 4 hurdles

3. Approach Box Jump or High Hurdle Jump - 8 x 1

4. A Skip | B Skip - 2 x 20 yards each

5. Build Ups - 4 x 20 yards

6. Med Ball Backwards Toss - 8 x 1


1. Goblet Squat - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2. Band Goodmorning - 3 x 8

3. Sled Drag - 4 x 25 yards

4. Hyperextension - 3 x 20
Phase 3
Day 4 - Upper Body Focus
Dynamic Warm Up

Speed & Power

1. Power Skips for Height - 4 x 10 yards

2. Power Skips for Distance - 4 x 20 yards

3. Power Bounds for Height - 4 x 10 yards

4. Power Bounds for Distance - 4 x 20 yards


1. DB Bench Press - Week 1: 4 x 8 | Week 2: 4 x 10 | Week 3: 4 x 12 | Week 4: 5 x 5

2.A. Single Arm DB Row - 3 x 10 each arm

2.B. Band Scarecrows - 3 x 10

3. Farmer Carry - 3 x 30 yards

4. Seated Twists - 3 x 20

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