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Commune in Harmony

This is Archangel Metatron. When you are in harmony with all, you are in harmony
with God and yourself. The shamanic way is communing in harmony with all of
creation. We ask you to be open to holy communion with your own Father/Mother
Creator. Make this intention, and ask for the code of holy communion to be opened
inside you so that your higher self can be heard every moment. You can live from
now on in holy communion.

When you communicate with your partner, you are not going to talk to him or her.
You are going to have a holy communion with him or her. There will be a huge shift.
There will be no more talking because you are in communion with each other from the
heart source.

To practice holy communion, from this moment through every experience, you cocreate
a new world; every morning when you wake up, make the intention. Ask for support
from angelic beings to be in holy communion, first, with all creation; second, to
be in harmony with all creation; third, to be in unity consciousness with all
creation; and fourth, to be in the flow of things.

[Archangel Metatron: There is no “should” or “should not” on how to communicate

with your guides. It is done through intention. If you are in your bed, in the
shower, or in your living room with a cup of coffee in your hand, go into your
inner quiet space and call on these beings and communicate with them. They do not
sleep like you. They are busy twenty-four hours a day. Any time you feel love in
your heart, communicate with them.

Do not wait. Make this connection. They are always present, but you must initiate
the connection from your side. Make them your best friends, for they only have the
highest good and the highest intention for you.

The more you work with them, the stronger the bonds you create. They are your
support team. They know Earth is a difficult place to live. They are here to
support you completely with the utmost love, helping you to move from point A to
point B while completing the life lessons you have come here to learn, opening up
new contracts, and gently reminding you of who you are all the time. What better
friends can you have than your own guides?

Make it a point to communicate with them every day. Perhaps you love your mother,
but if you have not communicated for many years, the relationship gets rusty. The
more you communicate with your guides, the more they will support you with their
energy and wisdom, help you open up to higher realities, and seek more of yourself.
When you die, they are the ones who are with you first to make the transfer as easy
as possible.]

When you ask, when you make a statement in the morning when you wake up, you will
see how your daily life will be much smoother. You may add one more element to it,
an element of bestowing blessings. This is the reality that you wish to create, a
future with harmony among all nations, among all people communicating and
supporting each other. What a beautiful world it will be! This will come true in
the future. You can see it right now, but it is only one moment in time. You will
see; the future will shift.

Here is homework for you about large trees and how they can affect humanity. Find
some trees in your own community. Trees have souls that are very wise, especially
older trees. They have hierarchies. Some trees will grow higher than the others
will because they have awakened DNA.

Go into nature and find a tree that you feel is appropriate because of the higher
energies absorbed by this beautiful giant tree. Then ask for integration. Spend
time with this tree. Do this in your own community. Be respectful, as trees are
just like you. You do not want someone coming into your home without knocking on
the door. Use proper protocol when approaching a tree.

[Archangel Metatron: When you approach a tree, a good protocol would be to honor
it, for trees are sentient beings. Step 15 or 20 feet from the tree, and ask, “I
would like to come to you. May I touch you to feel your love? May I enter your
auric field? Would you like it if I were to come to you?” Show respect, honor, and
love. Trees are life forms, very alive like you. If permission is given, then go.
Then the tree will open.]

They are beings who are also part of God. They have souls, so you must stay a few
feet away from them and explain that you would like to come to send your heart
energy into the tree. You will receive a response. [Archangel Metatron: You will
feel this. Trees have families. They may be sleeping. They may be busy with
something else.]

If the response is yes, then go to the tree. Place your hand on it, and emit light
into the tree. The tree will be ready to share its wisdom with you. You are asking
the tree its permission to enter its area in order to get the cooperation of the
tree. With cooperation, you will be able to share more and have harmony. Find some
beautiful trees, and work with them.

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