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An Exercise to Connect with Your Interdimensional Aspects

We would like to give all of you a small homework exercise. Picture an Indian god
with many hands and many faces, all fading into each other. What does this show?
The multiple hands and faces show the interdimensional aspect of that particular
archetypal energy. We want you to do these exercises for yourselves.

Imagine, or visualize in your mind’s eye, that there are twelve beings of yourself.
You are the thread in the twelve beings behind you, fading into them, into
different hands, different heads. This is a wonderful exercise. You will start
incorporating the quantum aspects of yourself. Your everyday life will slowly
change. You will make choices and decisions from your quantum aspects, not just a
particular aspect of yourself. It will take some time to get used to this idea, but
you are these twelve beings, and they are with you all the time. They are behind

This exercise will help you shift your perspective about who you are. You will
start connecting not only with your physical human heart but also with your quantum
human heart, from each of these beings in twelve dimesions. This can truly empower
and enrich your life. Your intuition will be strengthened. Your emotions will be
stabilized. Your mind will be clarified. We ask that you draw this out yourself.
See your face and then other faces fading back and meditate on this (see Quantum
Symbol image). This can support you because you are bringing all aspects of
yourself to the fore.

Aligning with Recent Planetary Shifts

One of the problems you face this year is that although you know there has been a
shift, you have not fully embraced it and the wholeness of yourself. Many are still
acting from a very limited aspect of themselves. Yes, it will take some time to
integrate this, but you must work on integrating these changes. Then you will be in
complete alignment with the new consciousness of the planet. You must come into

The planet has shifted. Did you shift? You may think intellectually that you have
shifted but experientially, absolutely not. This is why there is so much confusion.
We encourage you to start working from that level. This will mean you are in
alignment with your new catholic (universal) self.

You might have seen many people channeling about the new magnetic heart and the new
magnetic mind being opened. What do these mean? This is the opening of the quantum
mind and the quantum heart.

We ask you to envision each cell of your body being turned into an infinity sign
filled with the color gold. [Archangel Metatron: You do this by visualizing. When
you visualize, you are imprinting your subconscious mind with this image.] At the
center point of the infinity sign, there is a golden Flower of Life. As you know,
your cells are very alive with their own consciousness, each with its own heart.
Cells have their own heart centers that communicate with them. Placing the infinity
sign in your cells will shift them into their quantum aspects. They are thirsty,
and they long for this.

Imagine yourself filled with trillions of infinity signs, and imbedded in each
infinity sign, there is a golden Flower of Life. This will raise your vibration
immediately. This is one of the practices taught in the mystery schools of ancient
Egypt. If you were to visit Karnak Temple in Luxor (in Egypt), you would see this
initiation by Master Thoth drawn on the walls in the initiation chamber.
Now, do you have any questions, dear ones?

I would like to know about the quantum self that is said to be the observer. Is it
simply an observer of everything that takes place?

It used to be the observer, but now this has shifted. It is to become fully
incorporated and to include every action coming from not only the observer level
but from the participant level as well.

You can work on this with a particular being (master) you feel close to. Send a
beam of energy from your third eye chakra into the third eye chakra of that being.
There will be an interchange of energy coming from that being into you. A large
measure of consciousness can be opened immediately, and you will feel a shift and
more clarity. You will feel much more at peace, more joyful, and more expansive.

[Archangel Metatron: You do this by calling the being forth. For example, if you
want to work with the Master Kuthumi, invoke the full essence and presence of
Master Kuthumi to be with you and see an energy beam. Visualize as best you can.
When an intention is made, it happens automatically. See energy in front of you as
best as you can. From your own third eye chakra, say, “I send energy from my heart
first and then from all my chakras into the chakras of Master Kuthumi — with whom I
wish to integrate my energy.” You will feel energy coming into you, forming an
infinity sign from the master to you and filling you up with higher consciousness.

At the next level, invoke the master and ask him or her to be present with you. See
the master sitting in front of you. Visualize in your own way and say, “Master, I
am open now to receive higher-vibrational energy. I wish to make a deeper
connection with you through my chakras.” You will see the connection between your
chakra and the master’s chakra. Your chakra will be filled with higher-vibrational
energy. Do it daily, and you will know when to stop it because you will have a
feeling of completion. But we encourage you to do it slowly, and not too much at
night, because the energy could be so strong that you may not be able to sleep.]

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