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Mme Dauriac / Classe PEM / projet Globe Reporters

Créateurs de chars de carnaval : la vocation des Kern Studios de la Nouvelle-Orléans
Interview de Barry Kern, le directeur des Studios.

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Script Révisé/corrigé:
Question 3
Quelles sont les étapes de la fabrication ? Combien de temps dure en moyenne l’élaboration du char ?

So we start immediately. We've we've been working on designs, we're already working on designs
for mardi gras, 2026. We've already completed designs for twenty twenty five this coming year
and we started even before this past mardi gras of 2024. This year we started manufacturing for
2025 mardi gras.
Also, it's a constant process and you know we basically where the the floatbuilding process is,
there are many different parts to it, but there's one is the actual making of the props or the
rebuilding of the props. Those are the three dimensional sculptures that are on the front of the
floats that represent whatever the theme of the float may be. And then we also have the floods
themselves, which are like it's a moving piece of scenery. You know it's a scenic paint and we
paint a scene on the side of it, something that you can see that is going down the street at, at you
know, a walking speed, so it has to be a very large painting that will indicate the theme of the
actual floaters, and so you've got float painters that are working on that. While you have people
prop builders, then you have people that are installing the props and welders and carpenters, and
you know, all different types of people: people that are doing paper mache, sculptors- you know
fine artists that are, that are painters- and and painting details. We put on fringe, which is a
plastic skirt on the bottom of the flood to dress it up. There's electricians that are putting lights on
the floods for the parades that go at nighttime.
And so you know we have a lot of different groups of talents that are necessitated to do this job,
so it's not just easy. You know a lot of people see the floats but there's a lot that goes into it.
There's designers that design the floats.
That's all they do all year long, they are designing floats and coming up with float ideas that will
be basically represent what the theme of that parade is. Every year, each individual krewe and
mardi gras New orleans is not just one parade, it's a just a new orleans in the city of new orleans.
It's about 34-36 parades now, and then if you take the metropolitan area, the areas outside of
new orleans, there's probably sixty or seventy different parades that will happen in the course of
twelve days. So we make the floods for all of what we would have called the super cruise, but also
what we're working on here-New orleans, of the thirty six parades we're working on, like twelve
to fourteen of them every year.

Translation of the answer to question …3…..

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