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YEAR 9 MUSIC, 2007

Assessment Task Outline


Course Component Music and Technology II

Task no and date due #4, DUE Friday Week 9

Weighting and total One recording /20, one remix project /15, one
marks group log book /10, one class log book /5.

Outcomes Students will:

• perform music using different forms of notation
and different types of technology across a broad
range of musical styles
• experiment with different forms of technology in
the composition process
• identify the use of technology in the music
selected for study, appropriate to the musical



This term, we think about the important relationship between Music and Technology. This
task assesses your ability to: (a) use different forms of technology we are studying in class
to produce your own recording; and (b) connect musical ideas from previous units with this

This assessment task has two components as follows:

1. Original Group Recording (25 marks)

For this activity you will be working in groups of four. On your allocated mac, compose and
record a song for EIGHT software instruments and FOUR real instruments (including
voice). You must observe the following rules:

• Each student is to be responsible for composing and recording TWO software

instruments and ONE real instrument.
• Your song must be structured as a pop song with the following: intro, verse 1, chorus
1, verse 2, chorus 2, solo, chorus 3, outro.
• You are to use the following chords: G, Em, Am, D, C.
• Your verse/chorus melodies must incorporate notes from the Am pentatonic scale.
• Your solo must incorporate notes from a blues scale in G.
• Your lyrics must include the theme and word ʻsummer time.ʼ

2. Collaborative Radiohead Remix (15 marks)

For this activity you will be working in pairs. On the studio computer, remix a section of the
Radiohead song ʻNudeʼ using Ableton live and working only with the vocal and SFX/strings
tracks as original material (the drum, bass and guitar tracks will be removed for you). Aside
from the two permitted original tracks, you must compose and arrange all other material for
your allocated section.


For this assessment task, you are required to contribute to TWO collaboratively-written log
books. The protocol for contributing to and acknowledging othersʼ work will be agreed
upon in class time. The guidelines for what to include in each log book are as follows:

Group Recording Log Book

1. Document your groupʼs combined goals for the unit - make these goals relevant to the
type of song your group aims to compose and record.
2. Construct a mind map for your composition as you compose and record. Your mind map
must reflect THREE ideas from each of the SIX concepts and be relevant to the choices
you make as composers. Your mind map is to be done using Gliffy ( and
must include contributions from all group members.
3. Complete a critical appraisal of TWO draft compositions from other groups in the class.
4. Document your progress for each day you work on the composition with input from all
members of the group.

Remix Log Book

In the class wikispace, document your progress for each day you work on the remix. Your
documentation must include a detailed summary of what you have done and a critical
appraisal of how it fits into the piece as a whole.

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