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Children at that age grow out of their clothes so quickly.

Good morning, I'm Doctor Angela Elhyka, may I confirm your name, please?
I'm Josh, and here is my little daughter Emy.

Okay. What brings you here today?

I'm worried about her skin disease, this kind of eczema she has. I'm worried because it could worsen
in the future.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. Your feelings are completely understandable. Don't
worry, I'm here to answer all your questions but first, if you don't mind, I would like to hear what
you already know about eczema.
I heard it is an allergic reaction to food etc.. and I think that's true.

Okay, I understand your point. Now I would like to explain what eczema is. In simple words, this is
an inherited condition where the skin is more sensitive than normal. Unfortunately, there is no
treatment, but it can be well controlled, and the child is likely to grow out of it. Is that clear

How can you be sure it is not a food allergy?

I'll try to explain that as simple as possible. Eczema and allergic reactions are different diseases
even though they might present in similar ways. To exclude the little girl has any allergies we need
to do some allergy tests. In this case, probably the results will be negative as we have another
disease here. Does that make sense to you?

I understand, so maybe it's better not to do the tests now.

OK, now I would like to discuss her symptoms. Do you feel some clothes may worsen them?
wool ..

I understand. Well, to begin with, you should avoid woolen clothes, and you'll see she will feel
better. I would also recommend avoiding most of the soaps that you usually find in the supermarket.
Try the ones you find in the pharmacy for sensitive skin. Is everything clear so far?

OK, at this point, I would like to recap what we've just said. Little Amy has Eczema, she will feel
better avoiding woolen clothes and using soaps for sensitive skins. Is there anything else you would
like to know?

Ok, I'll see you in 4 weeks to see how the situation is going on. Remember I' m here to support you,
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contacto me.

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