امتحان وكالة للمعلمين 2024

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‫مادة امتحان الوكالة‬

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Semantics ‫علم دراسة المعنى‬
Syntax ‫ بناء الجملة‬/ ‫ التركيب القواعدي للجملة‬/ ‫علم دراسة النحو‬
Morphology ‫علم دراسة البنية الداخلية للكلمة‬
Phonology ‫علم تكوين وتنظيم وإستخدام األصوات‬
Phonetics ‫علم دراسة األصوات‬
Sociolinguistics ‫عالقة اللغة وإستخدامها في مجتمع معين‬
pragmatics ‫إستعمال اللغة في مواقف معينة‬

Linguistics ( ‫) علم اللغويات‬: The study of the nature, structure, and variation of
language including: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,
sociolinguistics, and pragmatics.

Language acquisition ) ‫) إكتساب اللغة‬: Children acquire language through

a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules. This
is similar to the way they acquire their first language.

Language learning ( ‫) تعلم اللغة‬: Students have conscious knowledge of the

new language and can talk about that knowledge. It is the result of direct instruction
in the rules of language Learning.

Sociolinguistics ( ‫) عالقة اللغة وإستخدامها في مجتمع معين‬: Study of relation between

language and society or study of the effect that society has on language use.

Pragmatic ( ‫) إستعمال اللغة في مواقف معينة‬: The study of the use of linguistic signs,
word and sentences, in actual situations. E.g. I will visit you tomorrow > for debt.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Semantics ( ‫) علم دراسة معاني الكلمات‬: The study which deals with meaning of
words. ( Connotation / Denotation ) it tries to understand what meaning is as an
element of language and how it is constructed by language as well as interpreted,
by speakers and listeners. E.g. I sea my father ( F ) - I see my father ( T )
E.g. A sandwich has eaten a boy ( F ) / A boy has eaten a sandwich ( T ).

Compounding ( ‫) كلمات مركبة‬: The process of combining two or more words

to form a new word. E.g. sunglasses / football / housewife / download / classroom
upgrade / part-time / 20-year-old.

Borrowing ( ‫) إستعارة‬: Taking of words from other languages.

E.g. Piano > Italian / Sofa > Arabic.

Blending ( ‫) مزج‬: The process of combining the beginning of one word and the
end of another word to form a new word.
E.g. Breakfast + lunch = brunch / smoke + fog = smog.

Clipping / Abbreviation ( ‫) تقليص‬: The process of reducing a word of more

than one syllable to a shorter form. E.g. Professor > prof / examination > exam
advertisement > ad / gasoline > gas / gymnastics > gym.

Coinage ( ‫) مصطلحات خاصة باإلختراعات‬: The invention of totally new terms.

E.g. Nylon / Vaseline / Google.

Acronym ( ‫) اختصارات الدول‬: A short form of a word, name or phrase formed from
the first letters of the series of words. E.g. Kingdom Saudi Arabia > KSA
As Soon As Possible > ASAP / By The Way > BTW / Thanks In Advance > TIA.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Collocation ( ‫) المتالزمات اللفظية‬: Many words are habitually put together.
E.g. Handsome man / beautiful woman.

Synonyms ( ‫) المرادفات‬: Words that have the same or similar meaning.

E.g. Almost - nearly / big - large / buy - purchase / broad - wide / cab - taxi
freedom - liberty / car - automobile / hug - embrace / unhappy - sad / rich - wealthy.

Antonyms ( ‫) المتعاكسات‬: Words which have opposite meaning.

E.g. Alive - dead / big - small / male - female / rich - poor / hot - cold / happy - sad.

Hyponymy ( ‫) التصنيفات‬: Subcategory of more general class.

E.g. Yellow - green - red > Color / dog - ant - cat - cow > Animal
table - chair - bed > Furniture.

Homonyms / Polysemy ( ‫) تعدد المعاني‬: Words that have same spelling and
pronunciation but have different meaning.
E.g. Bank > ‫ مصرف – ضفة نهر – ركام‬/ date > ‫موعد – تمر – تاريخ – عهد‬
Jam > ‫ مربى – زحمة سير– مأزق – ضغط‬/ bat > ‫ مضرب – خفاش‬type > ‫يكتب – نوع‬.

Homophones ( ‫) اللفظ المتجانس‬: Words that have different meaning and

spelling but have the same pronunciation.
E.g. Ate - eight / see - sea / weight - way / stake - steak.

Homographs ( ‫) اللفظ المتجانس‬: A group of words that have the same spelling
but have different pronounced and meaning.
E.g. Bow ( N ) >‫ قوس‬- Bow ( V ) >‫ ينحني‬/ Separated ( V ) > ‫يفصل‬
separated ( Adj ) > ‫ينفصل‬.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes

Syntax ( ‫ بناء الجملة‬/ ‫ التركيب القواعدي للجملة‬/ ‫) علم دراسة النحو‬:

The grammatical order of words in a sentence or line of verse or dialogue.
E.g. I want these books ( T ) / want I these books ( F ).

Types of syntax are:

1- Words order ( ‫) الترتيب الصحيح للجملة‬.
E.g. I want these books. ( T ) / Want these I books. ( F )

2- Agreement ( ‫) توافق الفعل مع الفاعل واالسم مع المحددات‬.

E.g. He wants this book. ( T ) / He want this book. ( F )

3- Declarative ( ‫) جملة خبرية صحيحة‬.

E.g. John works hard.

4- Interrogative ( ‫) جملة سؤال صحيحة‬.

E.g. Does john work hard?

5- Exclamatory ( ‫) جملة تعجب‬.

E.g. What an idea it is! ( T ) / What an idea is it! ( F )

6- Emphatic ( ‫) التأكيد على الجملة‬.

E.g. He works hard. / He does work hard.

7- Object ( ‫ مفعول به ثاني‬+ ‫) إكمال الجملة بمفعول به أول‬.

E.g. I give Ali a book. ( T ) / I see Ali a book. ( F ).

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Abbreviations in syntactic analysis:
1- Sentence S E.g. Ali plays tennis.
2- Noun N E.g. Girl / cat / boy.
3- Noun phrase NP E.g. The boy / a football.
4- Article ART E.g. A / an / the.
5- Proper noun PN E.g. Ali / Laila / Jordan / English.
6- Pronoun PRO E.g. He / they / her.
7- Verb V E.g. Go / speak / drink.
8- Verb phrase VP E.g. Play tennis / eat Mansaf.
9- Auxiliary AUX E.g. Can / may / should.
10- Copula COP E.g. Am / are / is / was.
11- Prepositional P E.g. At / for / in / on.
12- Prepositional phrase PP E.g. At home / in 1995.
13- Adjective ADJ E.g. Happy / big / tall / short.
14- Adjective phrase ADJP E.g. Extremely happy / so clever.
15- Adverb ADV E.g. Quickly / slowly / badly.
16- Adverb phrase ADVP E.g. Very quickly / next week.

E.g. A child can kick a football.

- Sentence ( S ) : A child can kick a football.

- Noun phrase ( NP ) :A child

- Article ( ART ) : A

- Noun ( N ) :child

-Auxiliary ( AUX ) : can

- Verb phrase ( VP ) : kick a football

- Verb ( V ) :kick

- Noun phrase ( NP ) :a football

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Types of the sentences (1):

➢ Independent clause ( ‫) جملة مكتملة المعنى‬: A sentence complete meaning.

E.g. Ali is happy.

➢ Dependent clause ( ‫) جملة غير مكتملة المعنى‬: A sentence doesn’t complete meaning.

E.g. pass the exam.

➢ Linking words ( ‫) أدوات الربط‬: ( Subordinating conjunctions: After / although /

though / before / for / nor / so / because / as / since / until / when / yet / while /

whenever / as soon as / unless. - Coordinating conjunctions: or / and / but ).

1- Simple sentence: ‫) جملة تحتوي على فعل وفاعل فقط ( الجملة البسيطة‬.

( Independent clause ).

E.g. Ali works as a teacher.

2- Compound sentence: ‫) جملتين بسيطات مربوطات باحد أدوات الربط ( الجملة المركبة‬.

( Independent clause + Independent clause ).

E.g. Omar didn’t jump but Fadi jumped.

3- Complex sentence: ‫ ( الجملة المعقدة‬dependent clause + independent clause )

E.g. Ali called Sami after he couldn’t change the tire.

4- Compound complex sentence: ‫الجملة المعقدة المركبة‬

( dependent clause + independent clause + independent clause ).

E.g. After Ali had made an accident, he didn’t call Fadi and he didn’t meet Sami.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Types of the Sentences (2):

1- Declarative .) . ( ‫تنتهي ب‬
‫الجملة الخبرية‬ E.g. She is lost her keys. / He isn’t happy.
2- Imperative .) . / ! ( ‫تنتهي ب‬
‫الجملة األمرية‬ E.g. Finish your assignment. / Don’t smoke here. / Be Quiet!
3- Interrogative .) ? ( ‫تنتهي ب‬
‫جملة السؤال‬ E.g. Did you eat? / What did you eat?
4- Exclamatory .) ! ( ‫تنتهي ب‬
‫الجملة التعجبية‬ E.g. What a nice day! / Happy birthday! / Wow!

Phrase: A sequence of a word or a group of words arranged grammatical

construction and functions as a unit in sentence.

Types of Phrases:

1- Noun phrase: Refers to a phrase that is built upon a noun.

E.g. The smart girl bought a book from a tall man.

2- Verb phrase: Refers to a phrase that is composed of at least one verb.

E.g. The boy has been playing and he found a doll.

3- Adjective phrase: Refers to a phrase that modifies a noun.

E.g. She is extremely happy today.

4- Adverb phrase: Refers to a phrase that often tell us where, when, why, and how
event occurred and modifies a verb.
E.g. Ali spoke English very quickly in the party last year.

5- Prepositional phrase: Refers to a phrase that begins with preposition.

E.g. The man in the black coat arrived by plane.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Types of the Words:

Content / Lexical words Function / Grammatical words

1- Nouns: Ali / cat. 1- Pronouns: he / she.

2- Main Verbs: run / make. 2- Prepositions: in / on.

3- Adjectives: sad / good. 3- Conjunctions: and / but.

4- Adverbs: slowly / often. 4- Helping Verbs: am / do.

5- Question words: why / when. 5- Determiners: a / an.

Determiners Words:
1- Definite article and Indefinite article: The / a / an.
2- Demonstratives: This / these / that / those.
3- Distributives / Particles: All / both / half / every / each / either - neither.
4- Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers: One / ten / thirty / first / second / third.
5- Possessive: My / his / her / their / our / its / your.
6- Quantifiers: A few / a little / much / many / a lot of / most / some / any / enough.
7- Difference words: Other / another.
8- Pre-determines: Such / what / quite / rather.

Finite and Non-Finite Verbs ( ‫) األفعال المحددة وغير المحددة‬:

Finite Verbs Non-Finite Verbs
.‫ وتبدأ بفاعل‬،‫ هي التي تعبر عن زمن معين وتحدده‬- ‫ وال نستطيع‬،‫ هي التي ال تعبر عن زمن معين وال تحدده‬-
:‫ ألنه يأتي بعد‬،‫تحديد الفاعل‬
E.g. I saw her. / He drinks water. .) to / past participle / gerund (

E.g. He was running. E.g. Seeing her, he acted nicely.

- Was: Finite / - Running: Non-Finite E.g. To drink coffee, go to the cafeteria.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Morphology ( ‫) علم دراسة البنية الداخلية للكلمة‬: The structure of words and the
study of this structure and the branch of linguistics that studies.

Morpheme: The smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language.

E.g. unhappiness > un - happy - ness = ( 3 ) morphemes.

Types of Morpheme:

1- Free morpheme ( ‫) كلمة مجردة من أي إضافات‬:

- Can stand alone “ have meaning ” ( words don't contain prefix and suffix ).
E.g. Keyboard / green / house / open / man.
- Free morpheme is called: ( root / stem / base / word family / free root ): the word that
remains after deleting the affixes in the word, and has meaning after deleting the
affixes. E.g. Unpredictability > predict / beautiful > beauty.

A: Lexical morpheme ( content words ):

- The words that carry content or meaning of the message, including:
Noun > Ali / Verb > drive / Adjective > happy / Adverb > slowly.
- We can create new word “ open class “. E.g. Happy > happier / happiest / unhappy.
walk > walked / walked / walking / walker.

B: Functional morpheme ( grammatical words ):

- All other free morphemes ( don't create new word “ closed class ” ), including:
Articles > a / an / the - Pronouns > he / him / it - Prepositions > in / on / at
Conjunctions > and / but / or - Helping verbs > am / do / has
Particles > no / not / nor / as - Determiners > this / my / one / first / many.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
2- Bound morpheme ( ‫) اإلضافات على الكلمة األصلية‬:
- Can't stand alone “ don’t have meaning “ ( words contain prefix and suffix ).
E.g. Unhappiness > un / ness.
- Bound morpheme is called: ( bound root / steam ): can't stand alone “not meaningful“.
E.g. Advice > vice.

A: Inflectional morpheme:
- Changes the word form, but doesn’t change the meaning ( don’t change the part
of speech ). Including: Plural > cats / 3rd person > she reads / Possessive > boy’s
Continuous > writing / Past simple > went - played / Present perfect > has played
Comparative > bigger than / Superlative > the biggest.

.‫ وتقبل إضافة واحدة فقط تكون في نهاية الكلمة‬،‫ ال يتغير المعنى إذا وضع لها إضافة‬:‫❖ مالحظة‬

B: Derivational / Classification morpheme:

- Changes the word form, but creates new meaning ( change the part of speech ).
Including: Prefix > rewrite / Suffix > writer / Infix > feet.

.‫ وتكون اإلضافة في أي مكان في الكلمة‬،‫ يتغير المعنى إذا وضع لها إضافة‬:‫❖ مالحظة‬

Q: How many morphemes in these words?

Repaired ( 2 ) morphemes ( Repair – ed ).
Unhappy ( 2 ) morphemes ( Un – happy ).
Cats ( 2 ) morphemes ( Cat – s ).
Hunter ( 2 ) morphemes ( Hunt – er ).
Unemployment ( 3 ) morphemes ( Un – employ – ment ).
Murder ( 1 ) morphemes.
Butcher ( 1 ) morphemes.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Prefix ( ‫) قبل‬:
- An element added at the beginning of a word ( don't change word classification ).
E.g. Happy ( Adj ) > unhappy (Adj) / write ( Verb ) > rewrite ( Verb ).

Prefix Example Meaning

❖ Anti - Antivirus ‫مضاد‬ ✓
❖ Un - Unhappy ‫الضد‬ ✓
❖ Im - Impossible ‫الضد‬ ✓
❖ Ir - Irregular ‫الضد‬ ✓
❖ Il - Illegal ‫الضد‬ ✓
❖ In - Incorrect ‫الضد‬ ✓
❖ Dis - Disadvantage ‫الضد‬ ✓
❖ Mis - Misunderstand ‫خطأ‬ ✓
❖ Ex - Ex- wife ‫السابق‬ ✓
❖ Pre - Pre- school ‫قبل‬ ✓
❖ Re - Rewrite ‫إعادة‬ ✓
❖ Super - Superman ‫صفة‬ ✓
❖ Mid - Midnight ‫منتصف‬ ✓
❖ Trans - Transnational ‫ عبر‬/ ‫بواسطة‬ ✓

Suffix ( ‫) بعد‬:
- An element added at the end of a word ( don't change word classification ).
E.g. Child ( Noun ) > childhood ( Noun ) / book ( Noun ) > books ( Noun )
play ( Verb ) > played ( Verb ).
- An element added at the end of a word ( change word classification ).
E.g. Sick ( Adj ) > sickness (Noun) / develop ( Verb ) > development ( Noun ).

Suffix Example Meaning

❖ En - Golden ‫مصنوع‬ ✓
❖ Er - Killer ‫الفاعل‬ ✓
❖ Ly - Slowly ‫الظرف‬ ✓
❖ Ful - Beautiful ‫الصفة‬ ✓
❖ Al - personal ‫الصفة‬ ✓
❖ Ing - reading ‫المصدر‬ ✓
❖ Able - breakable ‫القابلية‬ ✓
❖ less - wireless ‫عدم اإلحتواء‬ ✓
❖ ness - kindness ‫اإلسم من الكلمة‬ ✓

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
- A variant form of a morpheme without changing the meaning.
E.g. Dogs > / z / - cats > / s / - buses > / iz / - stopped > / t / - started > / id / - lived > /d/.

Type of Allomorphs:

1- Suppletive allomorph: A complete change in the shape of a word.

Morphemes Suppletive allomorph
- Go went / gone
- Good better / best

- Be is / am / are / were / was

2- Zero allomorph: Don’t change in the shape of a word.

Morphemes Zero allomorph
- Cut cut
- Deer deer
- put put

3- Additive allomorph: We add suffixes ( additive is the pronunciation the suffix ).

Morphemes Additive allomorph
- Walk > walked /t/
- Book > books /s/
- Finish > finishes / iz /

4- Replacive allomorph: Replaces letters within the word to create irregular past
tenses or irregular plural ( replacive is the new letter ).

Morphemes Replacive allomorph

- Write > wrote o
- Man > men e
- Foot > feet ee
T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes

Phonology ( ‫) علم تكوين وتنظيم وإستخدام األصوات‬:

- The study of the system and patterns of speech sounds in a language and how
sounds are organized and used in natural languages ( analyzes the sound system of
speech, sounds make difference in meaning, about the abstract in mind aspect of
sounds ).

Types of Phonology:

1- Phonemes ( ‫) وحدة صوتية‬: A set of sounds in a language. The smallest unit of

language that makes difference in meaning through sounds ( distinguish one word from
another ).
E.g. Pray - bray / tip - dip / trip - drip / sat - cat / bell - bill / had - hat.

2- Allophones ( ‫ تباين النطق‬/ ‫) متغير صوتي‬: One or two or more variants of the
same phoneme in a language. It doesn't change meaning ( different pronunciation of
the same letters ).
E.g. Pen ( strong puff ) / spin ( weak puff ) / stop ( no puff ).

- Phone ( ‫) أصغر متغير صوتي في مجرى الهواء‬: The smallest unit found in a stream of speech.

- Aspiration ( ‫) خروج الهواء عند لفظ الحرف األول من بعض الكلمات‬: The puff of air stream that
accompanies the initial voiceless consonants in such words ( pronunciation of stop ).
E.g. Pet.

3- Minimal pairs ( ‫) أزواج متشابهة في األصوات‬: Two words have different meaning.
Pairs of words which vary in single sound in same location in the word ( same number
of sounds and same place ).
E.g. Come - gum / rewind - resigned / van - fan / desk - disk.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
4- Minimal sets ( ‫) مجموعات متشابهة في األصوات‬: A group of words that differ in only
one sound.
E.g. Big - pig - fig - dig - wig / bad - sad - had - mad - Dad.

5- Intonation ( ‫) إرتفاع طبقات الصوت‬: The pitch patterns that a speaker uses when
communicating in a certain language ( Variation of spoken pitch that is not used to
distinguish words ).
E.g. Question > Ali is come today. / Statement > Ali is come today.

- pitch ( ‫) وتيرة إهتزاز الصوت‬: The property of sound that varies with variation in the
frequency of vibration.

- Rising Intonation: Describe how the voice rises at the end of a sentence.
E.g. Is he your friend?

- Epenthesis / insertion ) ‫) إدراج صوت‬: One or more sounds are inserted into a word or
between words.
E.g. Br. I saw it > Am. I saw r it. / Br. Wate > Am. Water.

- Nothing Sound ( X ) becomes sound ( Z ).

- Metathesis ( ‫( تبديل الصوت‬: Two sounds switch places ( vowel + consonant ).

E.g. asked > aksed / introduce > introduce / asterisk > asterisk / crud > curd.

6- Elision / deletion ( ‫) اإلخفاء‬: Omissions of one or more sounds from a word,

syllables or words in spoken or written discourse ( deleting a sound “ drop the letters “ ).
E.g. What > wat / every > evry / friendship > frienship / you and me > you an me.

7- Assimilation ( ‫) اإلدغام‬: The influence of a sound on a neighboring sound so that

the two sounds become similar ( similar to an adjacent sound ).
E.g. Ten men > temmen / this shop > thishop / pin pan > pipan / his son > hison
good girl > googirl.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
8- Dissimilation ( ‫) االقالب‬: Sounds become more similar.
E.g. February - febjuary / fthinos - ftinos.

9- Syllables ( ‫) المقاطع الصوتية‬: A unit of sound consisting of a vowel and optional

consonant before or after the vowel. Include: onset, nucleus, coda and rhyme ( rime ).

- Onset: One or more consonants sounds at the beginning of the syllable.

E.g. Stop > st / pen > p / each > zero.

- Nucleus: The vowel is in the middle of the word ( long / short / diphthongs
triphthongs ).
E.g. Stop > o / pen > e / each > e “ long vowel “.

- Coda: One or more consonants sounds at the end of the syllable ( after the vowel ).
E.g. Stop > p / pen > n / each > ch.

- Rhyme ( rime ): The part of the syllable containing the vowel plus any following
consonant ( contains nucleus and coda together ).
E.g. Stop > op / pen > en / each > each.

- Consonant clusters: A group of consonant which come together in a word.

( two or more consonants in sequence ).
E.g. String > str / link > nk / post > st.

- Onset clusters: Consonants at the beginning of syllable

E.g. Black > bl / throw > th / strong> str.

- Coda clusters: Consonants at the end of syllable.

E.g. Post > st / link > nk / ring > ng.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
- Open syllable: Vowel sound at the end of syllable.
E.g. Me > e / to > o / no > o.

- Close syllable: Vowel sound at the end of syllable.

E.g. Up > u / at > a / cut > c

Basic structure of syllable:

Cat = CVC Green = CCVC

Kite = CVC Them = CVC
Clean = CCVC So = CV
Band = CVCC And = VCC

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Q: How many syllables are these words?
:‫❖ مالحظة‬
‫ وهناك طريقة أخرى لمعرفة كم‬،) a – o – e – i – u ( ‫ تقسم الكلمة الى مقاطع عبر أوات حروف العلة المنطوقة‬-
.‫ وكل حركة للذقن لألسفل عند نطق الكلمة يعتبر مقطع صوتي‬،‫مقطع في الكلمة عبر وضع اليد أسفل الذقن‬

Words Syllables
❖ Civalization 5
❖ Unestablishment 5
❖ Exaggeration 5
❖ Comfortable 4
❖ Policeman 3
❖ Prepared 2
❖ Stop 1
❖ Expensive 3
❖ Photographic 4
❖ Cat 1
❖ Dog 1
❖ Hungry 2
❖ Buzy 2
❖ Power 2
❖ Chocolate 2
❖ Broccoli 2
❖ College 2
❖ Employ 2
❖ Sophomore 2
❖ Favorite 2
❖ Beautiful 3
❖ Employee 3
❖ Temperature 3
❖ Naturally 3
❖ University 5
❖ Incredible 4
❖ Adorable 4
❖ Interesting 3
❖ Everyone 3
❖ Vegetable 3

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
10- Stress ( ‫) الشدة‬:
:‫❖ مالحظة‬
:‫ ثم إتباع القواعد التالية‬،‫ يجب تقطيع الكلمة أوال‬،‫ لمعرفة مكان الشدة على الحرف‬-

➢ Rule ( 1 ):
:‫ هناك حالتين‬،‫إذا كانت الكلمة تتكون من مقطعين‬ ▪

.‫ تكون الشدة على المقطع األول‬،‫ إذا كانت الكلمة إسم أو صفة‬-1
.‫ تكون الشدة على المقطع الثاني‬،‫ إذا كانت الكلمة فعل‬-2

Noun Adjective Verb

▪ China ▪ happy ▪ decide
▪ picture ▪ yellow ▪ forget
▪ minute ▪ useful ▪ explain
▪ money ▪ formal ▪ Arrive
▪ doctor ▪ tiring ▪ repeat
▪ hotel “ ‫“ شاذة‬ ▪ happen “ ‫“ شاذة‬
▪ exam “ ‫“ شاذة‬ ▪ finish “ ‫“ شاذة‬

➢ Rule ( 2 ):
.‫ تكون الشدة على الكلمة التي قبلها‬،‫إذا إنتهت الكلمة بأحد هذه المقاطع‬ ▪

[ tion / sion / cian / ic / ics / ical / ial ].

E.g. information / civilization / termination / fusion / discussion / electrician / politician /
economic scientific / mathematics / athletics / historical / commercial / differential.

➢ Rule ( 3 ):

‫ تكون الشدة في المقطع الثالث‬،‫ وانتهت الكلمة في أحد هذه النهايات‬،‫إذا إحتوت الكلمة على ثالث مقاطع أو أكثر‬ ▪
.‫إبتداء من العد من النهاية‬

[ ment / al / ist / y ].
E.g. Political / government / development / novelist / economist / animal / functional /
pharmacy activity.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
‫‪➢ Rule ( 4 ):‬‬
‫إذا كانت الكلمة مركبة‪ ،‬هناك حالتين‪:‬‬ ‫▪‬

‫‪ -1‬إذا كانت الكلمة عبارة عن إسم مركب‪ ،‬تكون الشدة على الكلمة األولى‪.‬‬
‫‪E.g. Blackbird.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا كانت الكلمة عبارة عن صفة أو إسم مركب‪ ،‬تكون الشدة على الكلمة الثانية‪.‬‬
‫‪E.g. Oldfasion.‬‬

‫❖ مالحظة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬الكلمات ذات األربع مقاطع أو أكثر‪ ،‬تكون الشدة تقريبا في منتصف الكلمة‪.‬‬
‫‪E.g. Information / communicate / photographer.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬إذا كان هناك كلمة طويلة‪ ،‬مكونة من كلمة أصلية مجردة من اإلضافات‪ ،‬تكون الشدة موجودة في الكلمة األصلية‪.‬‬
‫‪E.g. Comfort / discomfort / comfortably / comfortable / comforting / uncomfortable.‬‬

‫‪T.Odai Alqaiem‬‬ ‫‪Best Wishes‬‬
Phonetics ( ‫) علم دراسة األصوات‬: The study of human speech sounds.
( production of the sounds ), including: articulatory, auditory and acoustics phonetics.

Type of Phonetics:

1- Articulatory phonetics ( ‫) الصوتيات اللفظية‬: The study of how speech sounds

are produced.

2- Auditory phonetics ( ‫) الصوتيات السمعية‬: The study of the perception of speech

sounds by the ear, also called: ( perceptual phonetics ).

3- Acoustics phonetics ( ‫) علم األصوات السمعي‬: The study of the physical

properties of speech as sound waves ( dealing with the sound of speech in terms
of their frequency, duration, intensity ).

Place of Articulation:

❖ Place of articulation ( ‫) مكان نطق الكالم‬: The location where the airstream is
obstructed in the production of a sound ( made in the mouth ).

:‫❖ مالحظة‬
.) ‫ المكان الذي يتم فيه إعاقة تيار الهواء عند نطق صوت ما ( مكان نطق الكالم‬-

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Types Place of Articulation:

1- Bilabials ( ‫) الشفتين‬: Sounds formed using both upper and lower lips.
- ( Upper lip + Lower lip ) > / b - p - m - w /.

2- Labiodentals ( ‫) األسنان والشفتين‬: Sounds formed with the upper teeth and the
lower lip.
- ( Lower lip + Upper teeth ) > / v - f /.

3- Dentals / Interdentals ( ‫) اللسان واألسنان‬: Sounds formed with the tongue tip
behind the upper front teeth.
- ( Tongue + Teeth ) > /  - ð /.

4- Glottal ( ‫) فتحة ما بين الحبال الصوتية‬: There is only one sound that is produced
without the active use of the tongue and other parts of the mouth.
- ( Between the vocal cords ) > / h - ? /.

5- Velars ( ‫) سقف الحلق الطري الخلفي‬: Sounds produced with the back of the tongue
against the velum.
- ( Soft palate + Tongue ) > / k - g -  /.

6- Palatals / Alveopalatals ( ‫) سقف الحلق األمامي‬: Sounds produced with the

tongue and the palate.
- ( Hard palate + Tongue ) > / j - r - t∫ - პ - dპ - ∫ /.

7- Alveolar ( ‫) اللسان ومنطقة ما خلف اللسان مباشرة‬: A consonant that is articulated with
the tongue against or close to the upper alveolar ridge.
- ( Alveolar ridge + Tongue ) > / d - t - z - s - L - n /.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Manner of Articulation:

❖ Manner of articulation ( ‫) طريقة نطق الكالم‬: Describes how the tongue, lips, jaw,
and other speech organs make contact to produce a sound (no air flow constriction).

:‫❖ مالحظة‬
.) ‫ حالة تيار الهواء المصاحب لنطق الصوت ( طريقة نطق الكالم‬-

Types Manner of Articulation:

1- Fricatives ( ‫) إحتكاكي‬: Blocking the airstream and having the air push through
the very narrow opening to producing the set of sounds.
➢ / f / - / v / - / s / - / z / - / h / - / θ / - / ð / - / ʒ / - / ʃ /.

2- Affricates ( ‫) إنفجاري إحتكاكي‬: Brief stopping of the airstream with an obstructed

release which causes some friction.
➢ / ʤ / - / ʧ /.

3- Nasals ( ‫) أنفي‬: The airstream passes through the nose as a result of the lowering
of the soft palate (velum) at the back of the mouth.
➢ / m / - / n / - /  /.

4- Stop / Plosive ( ‫) إنفجاري‬: A pulmonic consonant in which the vocal tract is

blocked so that all airflow ceases.

➢ / p / - / b / - / d / - / t / - / k / - / g / - / ? /.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
5- Lateral ( ‫) جانبي‬: The airstream flows both sides of the tongue.
➢ / l / - / r /.

6- Glides / approximant / semi vowels ( ‫ نصف علة‬/ ‫) إنزالقي‬:

➢ / w / - / j /.

❖ Voiceless ( ‫) ال إهتزاز في الجبال الصوتية‬: A voiced sound is one in which the vocal
cords do not vibrate.

❖ Voiced ( ‫) إهتزاز في الجبال الصوتية‬: A voiced sound is one in which the vocal cords

❖ Tongue twisters: Phrases or words that are difficult in pronunciation

because the sound easily get confused.

❖ Diagraph: Combination of two letters representing one sound. E.g. “ sh / ph “.

❖ Grapheme: The way we write a phoneme. E.g. / k / > k – c – ck – ch – qu.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Sounds Place Manner Voicing
1- / b / - Bilabial - Stop - Voiced
2- / p / - Bilabial - Stop - Voiceless
3- / d / - Alveolar - Stop - Voiced
4- / t / - Alveolar - Stop - Voiceless
5- / g / - Velar - Stop - Voiced
6- / k / - Velar - Stop - Voiceless
7- / f / - labiodental - Fricative - Voiceless
8- / v / - labiodental - Fricative - Voiced
9- / θ / - Dental - Fricative - Voiceless
10- / ð / - Dental - Fricative - Voiced
11- / s / - Alveolar - Fricative - Voiceless
12- / z / - Alveolar - Fricative - Voiced
13- / h / - Glottal - Fricative - Voiceless
14- / ʃ / - Palatal - Fricative - Voiceless
15- / ʒ / - Palatal - Fricative - Voiced
16- / dʒ / - Palatal - Affricate - Voiced
17- / ʈʃ / - Palatal - Affricate - Voiceless
18- / m / - Bilabial - Nasal - Voiced
19- / n / - Alveolar - Nasal - Voiced
20- / ŋ / - Velar - Nasal - Voiced
21- / L / - Alveolar - Lateral - Voiced
22- / r / - Alveolar - Lateral - Voiced
23- / w / - Bilabial - Glide - Voiced
24- / j / - Palatal - Glide - Voiced
25- / h / - Glottal - Fricative - Voiceless
26- / ? / - Glottal - Stop - Voiceless

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Consonants Voiced Sounds:
1- / b / > [b] boy / robe / bubble / book / bag.
2- / d / > [d] door / feed / deer / day / drive.
3- / g / > [g]“‫“ق‬ goal / flag / game / girl / good.
4- / L / > [L] lion / pill / low / long / foil.
5- / m / > [m] moon / same / man / me / mother.
6- / n / > [n] no / turn / knew / now / name.
7- / r / > [r] room / more / rice / rat / road.
8- / z / > [z-s] zoo / buzz / zebra / nose / drives.
9- / v / > [v] van / cave / voice / movie / very.
10- / w / > [ w ] water / world / walk / what / watch.
11- / ʒ / > [ sure - sion ] “ ‫“ ج‬ closure / vision / pleasure / decision / causal.
12- / dʒ / > [ j - ge - gi - gy ] “ ‫“ د ج‬ just / change / gym / giant / jacket.
13- / ð / > [ th ] “ ‫“ ذ‬ then / clothing / others / there / brother.
14- / ŋ / > [ ng ] “ ‫“ آخر الكلمة‬ wrong / king / sing / bring / swimming.
15- / ŋg / > [ ng ] “ ‫“ وسط الكلمة‬ angry.

Consonants Voiceless Sounds:

1- / f / > [ f - ph - gh ] “ ‫“ ف‬ fan / phone / laugh / tough / half.

2- / k / >[k-c-q]“‫“ك‬ kill / car / quite / like / come.

3- / p / >[p] play / soup / past / keep / park.

4- / S / > [ s - ce - ci - cy ] “ ‫“ س‬ sun / center / cigar / cycle / yes.

5- / t / >[t] time / late / tall / train / ten.

6- / h / >[h]“‫“ه‬ home / help / hello / her / hat.

7- / j / >[y/u]“‫“ي‬ yet / tune / usual / you / yacht.

8- / θ / > [ th ] “ ‫“ ث‬ think / both / three / path / thing.

9- / ʃ / > [ sh - su - tion ] “ ‫“ ش‬ sheep / sure / action / cash / shirt.

10- / ʈʃ / > [ ch ] “ ‫“ تش‬ chair / watch / church / teacher / rich.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Short Vowel Sounds:

Long Vowel Sounds:

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Diphthong: Sound combination that begins with vowel and ends with glide.

Triphthong: The least common letter group and consists of three vowels in the
same syllable.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Phonetics transcriptions ( ‫) الكتابة الصوتية‬: Writing the English words that
you pronounce using the symbols of sound not letters.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Pronunciation of [ S ]:

.) z - ‫ ز‬/ s - ‫ يلفظ ( س‬،‫ ) بين حرفين علة‬s ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-1
E.g. case - promise - safe - house - use / easily - visa - visit - nose - result
to house - to use.

.) ‫ ) يلفظ ( ز‬s ( ‫ حينها حرف ال‬،) sy ( ‫ إذا جاءت هذه التركيبة في نهاية الكلمة‬-
E.g. easy - busy – noisy.

:‫ ) إذا إنتهت الكلمة األصلية بأحد أصوات الحروف التالية‬s - ‫ فإنه يلفظ ( س‬،‫ ) في نهاية الكلمة‬s ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-2
➢ ( p - t - h - [ k / c / q ] - [ f / gh / ph ] - [ th / ‫) ] ث‬.

E.g. drops - cats - books - cliffs - laughs - graphs - myths - births.

:‫ ) إذا إنتهت الكلمة األصلية بأحد أصوات الحروف التالية‬iz - ‫ فإنه يلفظ ( إ ز‬،‫ ) في نهاية الكلمة‬s ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-3
➢ ( z - [ s / ce / ci / cy / x ] - ch - sh - [ j / ge / gi / gy ] ).

E.g. prizes - boxes - buses - races - watches - washes - changes.

:‫ ) إذا إنتهت الكلمة األصلية بأحد أصوات الحروف التالية‬z - ‫ فإنه يلفظ ( ز‬،‫ ) في نهاية الكلمة‬s ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-4
➢ ( b - d - g - v - l - r - m - n - ng - w - o - a - i - e - u - y - [ th - ‫) ] ذ‬.

E.g. crabs - words - bags - gloves - deals - wears - dreams - fans - songs - cows
zoos - trees - cameras - days - breathes.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Pronunciation of [ D ]:

:‫ ) إذا إنتهت الكلمة األصلية بأحد أصوات الحروف التالية‬id / ‫ فإنه يلفظ ( إد‬،‫ ) في نهاية الكلمة‬d ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-1
➢ ( t - d ).

E.g. landed / needed / ended - started - visited - wanted.

:‫ ) إذا إنتهت الكلمة األصلية بأحد أصوات الحروف التالية‬t / ‫ فإنه يلفظ ( ت‬،‫ ) في نهاية الكلمة‬d ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-2
➢ ( ch - sh - th - p - t - [ k / c / q ] - [ s / ce / ci / cy / x ] - [ f / gh / ph ] ).

E.g. watched - washed - breathed - stopped - looked - divorced - laughed.

:‫ ) إذا إنتهت الكلمة األصلية بأحد أصوات الحروف التالية‬d / ‫ فإنه يلفظ ( د‬،‫ ) في نهاية الكلمة‬d ( ‫ إذا جاء حرف ال‬-3
➢ ( b - d - g - v - l - r - m - n - ng - o - a - i - e - u - y - [ j / ge / gi / gy ] ).

E.g. closed - robbed - smiled - loved - begged - planned - travelled - played.

Pronunciation of [ C ]:

.) k - ‫ عدا ذلك يلفظ ( ك‬،) s - ‫ ) يلفظ ( س‬e / i / y ( ‫ ) هذه الحروف‬c ( ‫ إذا جاء بعد حرف ال‬-1
E.g. cell - center - cigar - city - cycle - cyber / car - cat - cap - cop.

Pronunciation of [ G ]:

.) ‫ عدا ذلك يلفظ ( ق‬،) j - ‫ ) يلفظ ( ج‬e / i / y ( ‫ ) هذه الحروف‬g ( ‫ إذا جاء بعد حرف ال‬-1
E.g. general - page - giant - magic - gym - Egypt / goal - Google - game.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Types of Competence:

1- Sociolinguistics Competence: The learner's ability to use language

appropriately in various social contexts. Includes: knowledge of sociocultural rules of
use. E.g. It is highly taboo to ask someone’s income or weight. ( society and cultural
respect and courtesy ).

:‫❖ مالحظة‬

.‫ قدرة الشخص على التمييز أن هذه األسئلة مقبولة إجتماعيا ً أم ال‬-

2- Pragmatics Competence: The study of the use of linguistic sig, words and
sentence, in actual situations. ( related to the situation in which it is used )
E.g. Could I have your pen, please?

:‫❖ مالحظة‬

‫ ويجب أن ال يبدأ بفعل أمر‬, ‫ قدرة الشخص التمييز من سياق الجملة هل هو طلب أم أمر أم سؤال بشكل مهذب‬-

3- Distinctive competence: The language ability that distinguishes you from others.
( person’s skills ).

:‫❖ مالحظة‬
.‫ قدرة الشخص على طرح أفكار متسلسلة وكلمات ربط سليمة عند الحوار أو الكتابة‬-

4- Grammatical Competence ( linguistics ): The ability to recognize and

produce the grammatical structures of a language and to use them effectively in

:‫❖ مالحظة‬
.‫ قدرة الشخص على تمييز أن هذه الجملة صحيحه أو ال في ذهنه‬-

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
5- Discourse Competence: Refers to the way ideas are linked across sentences,
in written discourse, or utterance. ( producing cohesive and coherent text ).

.‫ قدرة الشخص على طرح أفكار متسلسلة وكلمات ربط سليمة عند الحوار أو الكتابة‬:‫❖ مالحظة‬

➢ Cohesion ( ideal level ): Refers to how we link ideas linguistically.

E.g. “ Do you work here? ” Yes, I do.

➢ Coherence ( sentence level ): Refers to how we link the meanings of

sentences or utterances in written or spoken texts.

A: It’s hot in here.

B: I’ll open a window.

6- Strategic Competence: It refers to a person’s ability to keep communication

going when there is a communication breakdown. ( how to repair communication
breakdown ).

:‫ قدرة الشخص على حل مشاكل التواصل واإلنقطاع ووضع حلول وبدائل واستراتيجيات عن طريق‬:‫❖ مالحظة‬
‫ إذا حدث سوء فهم أو استيعاب بين المتكلم‬،‫إستخدام لغة الجسد أو إستخدام اإلشارات أو إعادة الحديث ببطئ‬

7- Communicative Competence: The ability to use language in a variety of

communicative situations. E.g. Dear Dr. Ali > doctor. / Dear Ali > A friend.

.‫ قدرة الشخص عند التواصل التمييز بين ألقاب األشخاص‬:‫❖ مالحظة‬

8- Performance: Refer to the speaker’s actual use of language in real situations ;

what the speaker actually says or writes , including grammatical errors.

.‫ قدرة الشخص على تعديل األخطاء الناتجة عن الكتابة أو التحدث أو زلة اللسان أو السرعة‬:‫❖ مالحظة‬

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
‫المصطلحات األدبية‬
1- Literature ( ‫) األدب‬: - A body of written works, the name has traditionally
been applied to those imaginative works of poetry
and prose.

- A form of writing whose value lies in beauty of its

thoughts. Figueroa emotional effects.
2- Poetry ( ‫) الشعر‬: Any communication resembling poetry in beauty or
the evocation of feelings.
3- Verse ( ‫) مقطع شعري‬: It denotes a single line of poetry and refer to a stanza
or other parts of poetry.
4- Prose ( ‫) النثر‬: It contrasts with verse, it describes language written
in a usual form, not as poetry.
5- Novel ( ‫) الرواية‬: An extended fictional work in prose, usually in the
form of a stage.
6- Play ( ‫) المسرحية‬: A dramatic work intended for performance by actors
on a stage.
7- Fiction ( ‫) قصة خيالية‬: An imagined story.
8- Drama ( ‫) مسرحية‬: Derived from the Greek word dram, meaning "to do"
or "to perform" the term drama may refer to a single
play, a group of plays "Jacobean drama", or to all plays
"world drama".
9- Closet drama: A play that is written to be read rather than
) ‫) مسرحية تقرأ وال تؤدى‬ performed onstage.
10- Narrative poem: poem that tells story, may be short or long, story it
) ‫) قصيدة سردية‬ relates, may be simple or complex.
11- Narrator ( ‫) الراوي‬: The voice of the person telling the story.
12- Anonymous: The identity of the author is unknown.
( ‫) الكاتب المجهول‬
13- Tragedy: A serious drama typically describing a conflict
( ‫) التراجيديا‬ between the protagonist and a superior force
(such as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous
conclusion that elicits pity or terror “ sad ending “.
14- Comedy: A serious drama typically a work intended to interest,
( ‫) الكوميديا‬ involve, and amuse the reader or audience, in which no
terrible disaster occurs and that ends happily for the
main characters “ happy ending “.
15- Biographical An approach to literature which suggests that
criticism: knowledge of the author’s life experiences can aid in
( ‫) نقد السيرة الذاتية للكاتب‬ the understanding of his or her work.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
16- Caesura: A break or pause in a line of poetry, usually in the
( ‫) اإلنقطاع‬ middle of a line.
17- Flashback: The scene that takes place before or during a story
( ‫) إسترجاع أحداث الماضي‬ begins.
18- Figurative language: A form of language use in which writers and speakers
( ‫( علم البالغة‬ convey something other than the literal meaning of
their words.
19- Figures of speech: Ways of using language that deviate from the literal,
( ‫) الصور البالغية‬ denotative meanings of words in order to suggest
additional meanings or effects.
20- Allegory: A symbolic narrative in which the surface details imply
( ‫) اإلستعارة‬ a secondary meaning. Allegory often takes the form
of a story in which the characters represent moral
21- Alliteration ( ‫) الجناس‬: The repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the
beginning of words. E.g. " Fetched / fresh “.
22- Metaphor (‫) المجاز‬: Comparison between unlike things without explicitly
comparative word. E.g. My love is a red rose.
23- Simile ( ‫) التشبيه‬: A figure of speech involving a comparison between
unlike things using “ like / as “.
E.g. My love is like a red rose.
24- Onomatopoeia: The use of words to imitate the sound they describe.
( ‫) المحاكاة الصوتية‬ E.g. buzz / roar / hiss / crack.
25- Personification: A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or
( ‫) التشخيص‬ abstract is given human qualities or abilities.
26- Assonance: The repetition of similar vowel sounds in in nearby
( ‫) السجع‬ words that do not end the same. for example, "asleep
under a tree," or "each evening." Similar endings result
in rhyme, as in asleep in the deep ”.
27- Symbol ( ‫) الرمز‬: An object or action in a literary work that means
more than itself.
28- Diction: The selection / choice of words in a literary work.
( ‫) إنتقاء الكلمات في العمل الفني‬
29- Arbitrariness: The absence of any natural connection between
( ‫) الربط بين اإلشارة والمعنى‬ word's meaning and its sound or form.
E.g. a cat arches it’s back in attacking attitude.
30- Allusion ( ‫) التلميح‬: A brief reference to a person, place, thing, event, or
idea in history or literature.
31- Lyric ( ‫) قصيدة غنائية‬: A type of brief poem that expresses the personal
emotions and thoughts of a single speaker.
32- Ballad ( ‫) أغنية شعبية‬: A song transmitted orally from generation to
generation, that tells a story and that is written down.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
33- Stanza ( ‫) مقطع شعري‬: A group of lines of poetry ( four lines )which have
a rime patterns ( second and fourth lines ).
34- Sonnet: A fixed from of lyric poetry that consists of fourteen
( ‫ بيت‬14 ‫) قصيدة تتألف من‬ lines.
35- Hymn ( ‫) أنشودة دينية‬: Religious song of poem, typically of praise to God.
36- Ode ( ‫) قصيدة غنائية‬: A lyric poem with a complex structure in which
someone or something is praised.
37- Couplet: Two lines of poetry that usually rhyme and have the
( ‫) مقطع شعري مؤلف من بيتين‬ same meter.
38- Epic ( ‫) ملحمة‬: A long narrative poem, told in a formal style.
39- Climax ( ‫) الحبكة‬: A plot of a play or story. The climax represents the
point of greatest tension in the work.
40- Plot ( ‫) الحبكة‬: The unified structure of incidents in a literary work.
41- Denouement: The resolution of the plot of a literary work.
( ‫) إنفراج الحبكة‬
42- Elegy ( ‫) الرثاء‬: Lyric poem written to commemorate someone who
is dead.
43- Satire ( ‫) الهجاء‬: A literary work that criticizes human behavior.
44- Fable ( ‫) أسطورة‬: A brief story with an explicit moral provided by the
author. Fables typically include animals as
45- Myth ( ‫ خرافة‬/ ‫) أسطورة‬: A story which is normally not true and in which
supernatural being play important parts.
46- Foil: A character who contrasts and parallels the main
( ‫) شخص يوازي الشخصية الرئيسية‬ character in a play or story.
47- Protagonist: The main character of a literary work.
( ‫) الشخصية الرئيسية‬
48- Antagonist ( ‫) الخصم‬: A character or force against which another character
49- Conflict ( ‫) الصراع‬: A struggle between opposing forces in a story or
50- Theme ( ‫) الفكرة الرئيسية‬: The idea of a literary work abstracted from its details
of language, character, and action.
51-Tale: A story that narrates strange happenings in a direct
(‫)قصه توصف األحداث دون تفصيل‬ manner, without detailed descriptions of character.
52- First person: The narrator talks about ourselves.
( I - me - my - mine - myself - we - us - our - ours
ourselves ).
53- Second person: The narrator talks to the reader directly.
( you - your - yours - yourself ).

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
54- Third person: The narrator talks about other people.
( he - his - him - himself - she - her - hers - herself
they - them - their - theirs - themselves - Ali ).
55- Tone: The implied attitude of a writer toward the subject
( ‫موقف ضمني من الكاتب تجاه العمل‬ and characters of a work.
‫) وشخصياته‬
56- Script ( ‫) السيناريو‬: The written text of a play, includes the dialogue
between characters, stage directions.
57- Suspense ( ‫) التشويق‬: The anxious anticipation of a reader or an audience
as to the outcome of a story.
58- Style: The way an author chooses words, arranges them
( ‫) تأنق في أسلوب استخدام الكلمات‬ in sentences or in lines of dialogue or verse.
59- Foreshadowing: Hints of what is to come in action of play.
( ‫) الحدس‬
60- Parable ( ‫) المثل‬: A brief story that teaches a lesson.
Irony ( ‫) السخرية‬: A contrast between what is said and what is meant
or between what happens and what is expected to
happen in life and in literature.
61- Parody ( ‫) محاكاة ساخرة‬: Mocking imitation of a literary work.
62- Renaissance: Rebirth or revival the Greek learning.
( ‫) عصر النهضة‬
63- Autobiography: A history of a person’s life written or told by that
( ‫) السيرة الذاتية‬ person.
64- Carpe diem: The Latin phrase meaning "seize the day".
( ‫) إنتهز الفرصة‬
65- Connotation: A word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning.
( ‫) المعنى الضمني‬
66- Denotation: The dictionary meaning of a word.
( ‫)المعنى الحرفي‬
67- Dialogue (‫) الحوار‬: - The conversation of characters in a literary work.
68- Prologue ( ‫) المقدمة‬: The opening speech or dialogue of a play.

69- Paraphrase: A prose restatement of the central ideas of a poem, in

( ‫) إعادة صياغة النص‬ your own language.
70- Setting ( ‫) المكان والزمان‬: The time and place of a literary work.
71- Displacement ( ‫) عزل‬: The capability of language to communicate about
things that are not immediately present things that
are either not here or are not here now.

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
72- Ellipsis ( ‫) الحذف‬: The omission of word or group of words.
E.g. modern > mden / asks > aks.
73- Accuracy ( ‫) الدقة‬: - The ability to use the language correctly, without
making mistakes with grammar or vocabulary.

- The ability to produce rapid, following natural

speech but not necessarily grammatically correct
74- Fluency ( ‫) الطالقة‬: The ability to speak the language easily, quickly
and with few pauses and allows for mistakes as long
as communication has been successful.
75- Accent ( ‫) اللكنة‬: Refers to the speakers' pronunciation of words.
76- Dialect ( ‫) اللهجة‬: - A way of speaking that differs from other ways of
speaking in the syntax and the words it uses, as well
as its pronunciation.

- - A type of informational diction. Dialects are

spoken by groups of people from a particular
geographic region, economic group, or social
77- Colloquial language: The everyday language, we adopt when chatting to
( ‫) اللهجة العامية‬ friends. E.g. “ Hello Fred, how's the new mother-in-law
these days? “.

- Informal diction that reflects casual,

conversational language.
78- Slang ( ‫) لهجة السود‬: A particular form of colloquial language used by
certain social groups.
79- Lingua Franca: a trade language used by different language
( ‫) لغة التجارة قديما‬ communities around the Mediterranean, to communicate
with others. Not sharing a mother tongue.
80- Metonymy ( ‫) الكناية‬: Replacing the name of thing ( institution / person /
industry ) with the name of something else with which
it is closely associated.
E.g. The white house > to mean president / to mean
presidential administration of the USA.
81- Etymology: Study of the origin and history of word.
( ‫) علم أصل الكلمات‬
82- Inter language: The language that is a mix between the target
( ‫االرتكاز على اللغة االم عند تعلم لغة‬
language and the mother tongue.
‫) جديدة‬

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
83- Intra-language: A small difference in the same language like dialect.
( ‫) اختالف اللهجة‬
E.g. either / better.
84- Cross language: Relating to many languages.
( ‫) ترتبط في عدة لغات‬

85- Trans-language: To use multiple languages in a single discourse.

(‫) توظيف عدة لغات في محادثة واحدة‬
86- Language transfer: Applying knowledge from one language to another
( ‫)النقل من اللغة األم الى اللغة الجديدة‬
87- Positive transfer: Implies the mother tongue have similar structure in
( ‫) التركيبة في الجملة مثل العربي‬
Arabic. E.g. I love mom > ” ‫” أنا أحب أمي‬.
88- Negative transfer: The trans of different elements and structure from
( ‫اإلختالف في الترتيب أو القواعد أو‬
the mother tongue to the target language.
‫) الكتابة أو اللفظ‬
E.g. He a teacher ( F ) > He is a teacher ( T ).
89- Overgeneralization: The application of grammatical rule in cases where
( ‫تطبيق القواعد في مكان ال يجب‬
it doesn’t apply. E.g. mans ( F ) > men ( T ) /
‫) تطبيقه فيه‬
drinked ( F ) > drank ( T ).
90- Overextension: It is used in children language development.
( ‫عند األطفال كل حيوان له أربع أقدام‬
‫ وكل رجل يسمى‬، " ‫يسمى " كلب‬
.‫) بابا وكل امرأة تسمى ماما‬.

Literary works
Literary work Writer Structure

A Tale of Two Cities

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens A novel
Hard Times
Great Expectations
Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf A novel
To the Lighthouse

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe A novel
The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald A novel
The Catcher in the Rye J. D. Salinger A novel
Invisible Man Ralph Ellison A novel
On the Road Jack Kerouac A novel
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe A short story
The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams A play
A Good Man Is Hard to Find Flannery O'connor A short story
A Farewell to Arms A novel
The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway A short story
Cat in the Rain A short story
Waiting for Godot S. Becket A Play
Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad A novel
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain A novel
Animal Farm George Orwell A novel
The Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien An epic high-fantasy novel
A Passage to India E. M. Forster A novel
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe A novel
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne A novel
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen A novel
Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell A novel
The Necklace Guy de Maupassant A short story
The Lottery Ticket Anton Chekhov A short story
The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin. A short story
Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky A novel
The Brothers Karamazov
The Odyssey Homer An epic poem
The Iliad
As you like it
Comedy of errors
Measure for measure
Merchant of Venice
Midsummer night dream Shakespeare A play
Twelfth night
Two gentlemen of Verona
King Lear

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes

Since / For:

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes


‫أسئلة سنوات سابقة‬

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Would rather ( ‫ ) يفضل‬/ had better ( ‫ يجب عليك‬- ‫) ينبغي‬:


in on at by with
1- ‫األوراق‬ 1- ‫الكهربائيات‬ 1- ‫الساعات‬ 1- ‫بواسطة‬ 1- ‫أعضاء الجسم‬
E.g. in a book E.g. on a phone E.g. at 5 PM. E.g. by a taxi E.g. with hand
by emails
2- ‫المواصالت‬ 2- ‫المواصالت‬ 2- ‫شيء محدد‬ 2- ‫األدوات‬
E.g. in a taxi E.g. on a bus E.g. at midnight E.g. with fork

3- ‫الفصول‬ 3- ‫األيام‬ 3- ‫شيء بديهي‬

E.g. in winter E.g. on Monday E.g. at school

4- ‫المناطق‬
E.g. in Jordan
in Amman

5- ‫شيء عام‬
E.g. in morning
in past
in night

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Do / Make:

Do Make
do a course make breakfast, lunch …
do a report make a sandwich / make a salad
do a good/ /bad make a cup of tea
do business make a reservation / make a list / make plans
do homework make a profit / make a fortune / make $_______ / make money
do the housework make friends
do the laundry make fun of someone - make a joke
do the dishes make a phone call / make a speech / make a complaint
do the shopping make a bet/ make a suggestion / make a prediction/ make an
do work make an excuse / make a promise / make a fuss / make a comment
do exercise make a decision / make a mistake / make progress / make an
do your best make an exception / make a difference

Q: Choose the correct answer:

Getting eight hours of sleep ………..a big difference in my day. I have more energy!

does Makes
After I got home from the office, I was too tired to ……the housework.

makes do
I really need to ………the laundry – I don’t have any clean clothes left!

do makes
I’m …a list of everything we need for the wedding: invitations, decorations, a cake, a
band, the dress.

making doing
I’m ……….an effort to stop smoking this year.

doing making
I’ll ……….dinner if you do the dishes afterwards.

make do
T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
I went to the bank, ………..some shopping, and mailed a package at the post office.

made did
You ……..a few mistakes in your calculations – the correct total is $5430, not $4530.

did made
I’ve ………my decision – I’m going to go to New York University, not Boston University.

made did
Please excuse me – I need to ………….a phone call.

make does
I ………….$250 selling my old CDs on the internet.

did made
I’ve ………..a reservation for 7:30 at our favorite restaurant.

made did
I’m ……….dinner – it’ll be ready in about ten minutes.

doing making
Don’t worry about getting everything perfect – just ……….your best.

make do
We ………..business with clients in fifteen countries.

do make
We’re …………..plans to travel to Australia next year.

doing making
We …..a complaint with our internet provider about the terrible service, but we still haven’t
heard back from them.

did made
The company president ………a speech about ethics in the workplace.

made did
It’s difficult to ……….any predictions about the future of the economy.

make does
I …………….a promise to help her whenever she needs it.

did made

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Question Tags:

➢ He likes drawing, doesn’t he?

➢ They like drawing, don’t they?

➢ We cleaned the room, didn’t we?

➢ I am hungry, aren’t I?

➢ I am not hungry, am I?

➢ Clean your room, will you?

➢ Let’s play tennis, shall we?

➢ He never gets up early, does he?

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Infinitive / Gerund:

Punctuation marks:

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Four Skills:

- Speaking ”oral” / Witting ”writing” : productive ( output )

- Reading ”writing” / listening ”oral” : Receptive ( input )

Transitive / Intransitive Verbs:

- Transitive ( ‫) هي األفعال التي تحتاج لمفعول به التمام المعنى‬: E.g. I like Pizza.

- Intransitive ( ‫) هي األفعال التي ال تحتاج لمفعول به التمام المعنى‬: E.g. She danced.

Intensive / Extensive Reading:

- Intensive: learners reading in details with specific aims and tasks.

- Extensive: learners reading for enjoyment and develop general reading skills.

Either – or / Neither – nor:

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
‫معاني الكلمات‬
Words English Arabic
Novelty modernity ‫ تجديد‬/ ‫حداثة‬
Beneficial helpful / useful ‫ نافع‬/ ‫مفيد‬
Port seaport ‫ميناء‬
Assassinated killed ‫االغتيال‬
Impetuous rashness ‫متهور‬
Rashness impetuous ‫متهور‬
Adorned embellished / decorated ‫مزخرف‬
Soil ground / earth / Earth in which ‫ التربة‬/ ‫األرض‬
plants grow / dust
Assess appraise ‫يقيم‬
Fetus unborn child / Embryo / new born ‫الجنين‬
Moderate not extreme / balance ‫ ليس متطرفا‬/ ‫معتدل‬
March Creeping / crawling/ trip ‫ زحف‬/ ‫مسيرة‬
Dense thick / heavy ‫كثيف‬
Across beyond ‫عبر‬
Mania Mental illness / quirk / lock ‫ مرض عقلي‬/ ‫هوس‬
Ailment ill / sick ‫مرض‬
Aliment a source of materials to nourish the ‫غذاء‬
body / food
Revert return / come back ‫يعود‬
Wholly completely ‫بشكل كامل‬
Balance equilibrium / scales ‫توازن‬
Senior large / major ‫كبير‬
Consignment sending goods to a business that ‫يرسل بضاعة‬
ordered them
Engagement betrothed / attachment ‫ خطوبة‬/ ‫مرتبط‬
Commitment obligation / Perpetrate ‫اجباري‬
Perpetrate commitment / obligation
Decrepit helpless, unable, incapable ‫متهالك‬
Obstetrician a doctor who specializes in ‫طبيب توليد‬
Agile Lively / graceful / intelligent / smart ‫ ذكي‬/ ‫رشيق‬
Manor estate / farm ‫مزرعة‬
Composure calm / quiet ‫هدوء‬
Velvety soft / smooth ‫ناعم‬
Deciduous shedding ‫متساقطة‬
Local domestic / topical ‫محلي‬
Refute rebut / disprove ‫ دحض‬/ ‫فند‬
Robbing scraping / scratch ‫كشط‬
Omen Presage / portent ‫ بشير خير‬/ ‫فأل‬
Bizarre strange / foreign ‫غريب‬
T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Specify appoint / designate / stipulate ‫ عين‬/ ‫حدد‬
Stipulate specify / promise / provide ‫ اشترط‬/ ‫ وعد‬/ ‫زود‬
Stamina vigor / strength ‫قوة تحمل‬
Bewildered confused / embarrassed ‫ مرتبك‬/ ‫حائر‬
Clenched decide / clip ‫ مشدودة‬/ ‫حسم‬
Act law / work / legislation ‫ قانون‬/ ‫عمل‬
Legislation law / act / work ‫تشريع‬
Urban civilized ‫حضري‬
Composure calm / cool ‫هدوء‬
Solidarity coherence / unity ‫ تكافل‬/ ‫تضامن‬
Sign Write down / note ‫كتب‬
Heterogeneous various / different / unlike ‫متنوع‬
Optimal best / favorable ‫االفضل‬
Metamorphosis transformation / turn ‫تحول‬
Epigraph inscription ‫كتابة منقوشة‬
Inconsistent conflict / disagree ‫ غير‬/ ‫متعارض‬
Vulnerable attack / harm ‫ غير حصين‬/ ‫معرض‬
Reciprocal mutual / reverse / alternate ‫متبادل‬
Malnutrition lack / not eating ‫سوء تغذية‬
Hemisphere half of a sphere / half world ‫نصف الكرة األرضية‬
Sustainability maintain ‫االستدامة‬
Obstruction impediment / crippling ‫ اعاقة‬/ ‫تعطيل‬
Trick ploy / fraud / joke ‫ خدعة‬/ ‫حيلة‬
Pretense argument / excuse ‫حجه‬
Mandate delegation ‫تفويض‬
Assign Appoint / give ‫عين‬
Wheat Corn / grist ‫قمح‬
Stimulating motivate ‫يحفز‬
Substance Material / tenor ‫مادة‬
Monologue Soliloquy ‫مناجاة فردية‬
strike Refuse to continue working because ‫االضراب‬
of an argument with an employer
about working conditions.
class Category of words that share common ‫التصنيف‬

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs Meaning Arabic
Leave out Go out ‫يترك‬
Look for search ‫يبحث‬
Put off Postpone ‫أجل‬
Put out Extinguish a cigar ‫أخمد‬
Bring out Remove / take / ‫أخرج‬
bring on Get on ‫يدخل‬
Bring up Rear- raise children / mention or ‫ قدم‬/ ‫ رفع‬/ ‫ربى‬
introduce a topic
Bring forward Present - submit ‫ يتعين‬/ ‫قدم الموعد‬
Cut out Stop an annoying activity / disconnect ‫انقطع \ توقف فجأة‬
Turn on begin ( a machine / a light / a faucet ) ‫ تشغيل‬/ ‫أشعل‬
Get up with Wake up / go up ‫ينهض مع‬
Ask out Ask someone to go on a date
Call back Return a telephone back
Call in Ask to come to an official place for a
specific purpose
Call off Cancel
Call on Ask to speak in class / visit
Call up Call in the telephone
Catch up (with) Reach the same position or level
Check in Register at a hotel / investigate
check into
Check out Take a book from a library / investigate /
check out ( of ) leave a hotel
Cheer up Make ( someone ) feel happier
Clean up Make clean and orderly
Come a cross Meet by chance
Cross out Draw a line through
Cut out Stop an annoying activity
Do over Do again
Drop by Visit informally
Drop in ( on )
Drop off Leave ( someone / something ) at a place
Drop out ( of ) Stop going to ( school / a class / a club …
Figure out Find the answer be reasoning
Fill out Write the completions of questionnaire
Find out Discover information
Get a long (with) Exist satisfactorily
Get back (from) Return from a place / receive again
Get in / get into Enter a car / arrive

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Get off Leave ( an airplane / a bus / a train … )
Get on Enter ( an airplane / a bus / a train … )
Get out of Leave a car / avoid work or unpleasant
Get over Recover from an illness
Get through Finish
Get up a raise from A raise from ( bed / chair )
Get up with Wake up / go up ‫ينهض مع‬
Give back Return an item to some one
Give up Stop trying
Go over Review / check carefully
Grow up ( in ) Become an adult
Hand in Submit an assignment
Hand up A telephone conversation / put clothes on
a hanger or hook
Have on Wear
Make up Invent / do past work
Keep out ( of ) Not enter
Keep up ( with ) Stay at the same position or level
Kick out ( of ) Force ( someone ) to leave
Look after Take care of
Look into Investigate
Look out ( for ) Be careful
Look over Review or check carefully
Look up Look for information in a reference book
Name after / name Give a baby the name of someone else
Pass away Die
Pass out Distribute / lose consciousness
Pick out Select
Pick up Go to get someone in ( a car ) / take in
one’s hand
Point out Call attention to
Put away Remove to a proper place
Put back Return to original place
Put on Put clothes on one’s body
Put up with Tolerate
Run into / run Meet by chance
Run out ( of ) Finish a supply of something
Show up Appear / come
Shut off Stop ( a machine / a light / a faucet )
Take after Resemble

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes
Take off Remove clothing / leave on a trip
Take out Take someone on a date / remove
Take over Take control
Take up Begin a new activity or topic
Tear down Demolish / reduce to nothing
Tear up Tear into many little pieces
Think over Consider carefully
Throw away / throw Discard / get rid of
Throw up Vomit / regurgitate food
Try on Put on clothing to see if it fits
Turn down Decrease volume or intensity
Turn up Increase volume or intensity
Turn off Stop ( a machine / a light / a faucet )
Turn on begin ( a machine / a light / a faucet )
Turn out Extinguish a light
Turn in Submit an assignment / go to bed

T.Odai Alqaiem Best Wishes

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