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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 154–159
Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000
2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering
2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering
Acoustic Study and Behavior of Flow through orifices
Acoustic Study and Behavior of Flow through orifices
a b
Manufacturing Engineering
Akshay Society International
R. Kadam Conference
, Mangesh 2017, MESIC
B. Chaudhari * 2017, 28-30 June
a b
Akshay R. Kadam
2017, Vigo , Mangesh B.
(Pontevedra), Chaudhari
Spain *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune 411046, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune 411046, India
Costing models for capacity optimization in Industry 4.0: Trade-off
Abstract between used capacity and operational efficiency
Orifice is designed either to decrease pressure or to increase velocity of fluid flow. When pressurized turbulent flow or normal
fluid is designed
flow flows through either to decrease
an orifice, pressure
it creates or to increase velocity of pressure
fluid flow. When pressurized turbulent flow or normal
a sound waves, disturbances, b fluctuations leads b to vibrations, generation of
noise flow flows through
and cavitation A.SoSantana
an orifice,
at orifices. to creates ,sound
it prevent P. Afonso
such waves,there
need Zanin study, the
topressure R. Wernke
acoustic leads tosuch
behind vibrations,
flows, togeneration
analyze the of
noise and cavitation
frequency spectrum, atpower
orifices. So toacoustics
spectra, prevent
a such
wave things, there
transmission is need
for to
flow study
University of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
the acoustic
orifice. behind
For such such flows,
acoustic to analyze
study, the
frequency spectrum,
literatures have power spectra,
been studied acoustics
and presented wave
bin this transmission
Unochapecó, for flowSC,
paper. Different
89809-000 Chapecó, through
types orifice.
of flows
Brazil areFor such acoustic
analyzed study, different
through different shapes
literatures have been studied and presented
of orifices by depicting sound power spectra, infrequency
this research paper.
spectra etc.Different types of flows
Some experimental are analyzed
results through
have presented fordifferent
one-phase shapes
of orifices by
two-phase depicting
high soundflow
pressurized power spectra,
through frequencyand
single-hole spectra etc. Some
multi-hole experimental
thick orifices. Theresults
of presented
studies overfor acoustic
behaviour in high
through sharp flowedge
through single-hole
orifices placed inand multi-hole
circular, squarethick orifices. The
and rectangular most
duct haveofbeen
studies over acoustic
presented. wave
The research
behaviour in flow through sharp edge orifices placed in circular, square and rectangular duct have been presented. The research
was carried out presented on the acoustic source created by turbulent flow through orifices and large eddy simulation of
was carriedflow
acoustical outthrough
presented on the The
an orifice. acoustic source of
entrainment created by turbulent
cavitation and sound flow through
waves orifices
into the fluid and
flow large
an simulation of
orifice is also
orifice. The
4.0", production
entrainment of
cavitation and
to fluid
be increasingly
flow through
an orifice is also
presented. Flow acoustic study can be applied various industries and fields where acoustic study counts to overcome problems, to
based on astudy
Flow acoustic
real can
timebebasis and, necessarily,
applied various industries
much morewhere
and fields
efficient. In this
study counts
determine effects of sound waves on orifices, to determine behaviour of flow through different shapes ofovercome
orifice and problems,
to analyzeto
goes beyond
of sound
orifices, to
behaviour of flow
also for
different shapes
of orifice and
the effects of entrainment of sound waves into the fluid flow on power and frequency spectrum.
the effectslean management
of entrainment of soundandwavescontinuous improvement
into the fluid flow on power approaches
and frequency suggest capacity optimization instead of
maximization. The study of capacity optimization and costing models is an important research topic that deserves
© 2017The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2018 The Authors.
contributions Published
from responsibility
both by Elsevier
the practical and B.V.
theoretical perspectives.
© 2017The under
Peer-review Authors.
under Published
responsibility of by
the B.V. committee
scientific committee the This
of the 2ndofInternational
paper presents
2nd International
Conference on
and discusses
Conference a mathematical
on Materials
Materials Manufacturing and
model for capacity
Manufacturing under management
andresponsibility based on different
of the scientific
Design Engineering. costing models
committee (ABC
of the 2nd and TDABC).
International A generic
Conference model has been
on Materials
Design Engineering.
developed and it was used to analyze
Manufacturing and Design Engineering. idle capacity and to design strategies towards the maximization of organization’s
value. The
Keywords: trade-off
Orifice, capacity
Sound waves, maximization
Acoustics, Cavitation. vs operational efficiency is highlighted and it is shown that capacity
optimization might
Keywords: Orifice, hide
Sound operational
waves, inefficiency.
Acoustics, Cavitation.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference
1. Introduction
The acoustic study of turbulent flow at various wind speed with low noise over orifices is explained. The
The acoustic
Keywords: study
Cost study
Models; ofdone
ABC; turbulent flowManagement;
TDABC; at various
investigating Idlewind
the sound speed
Capacity; forwith
Operational overnoise over
Efficiency for orifices iswind
different explained.
speed inThe
acoustics study has been done by investigating the sound spectra for flow over orifice for different wind speed in the

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 20 2420 2234; fax: +91 20 2428 0926.
* The address:
of idle Tel.: +91
capacity is20 ( M. fax:
2420 2234;
a fundamental B. Chaudhari ) 0926.
+91 20 2428
information for companies and their management of extreme importance
E-mail address: ( M. B. Chaudhari )
in modern production systems. In general, it is defined as unused capacity or production potential and can be measured
2351-9789© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
in several ways:
Peer-review under
2351-9789© 2017 The
tons of production,
responsibility available
of thebyscientific
Authors. Published
hours of
Elsevier B.V.
of the etc.Conference
2nd International The management of Manufacturing
on Materials the idle capacity
* Paulo Afonso. Tel.:
Design Engineering.
Peer-review +351 253 510 761; fax: +351 253 604 741
under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and
Design address:

2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

2351-9789 © under
The Authors. of the scientificbycommittee
Published Elsevier of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and
Design Engineering.
Akshay R. Kadam et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 154–159 155
2 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

semi anechoic, subsonic wind tunnel [1]. It is found that the study of acoustic is more interesting when flow through
orifices rather than flow over orifices. Instead of analyzing sound spectra, analysis of acoustic energy wave
transmission through orifice plate to study the internal reflected energy from FFT signals are explained [2]. Further,
the research has extended to the sound generation by steady flow through human glottis shape orifice to
characterized broadband sound emissions and spectrums. Straight, convergent and divergent type of rubber orifices
are made to imitate the exact shape of human glottis to have the same effect to study the radiated sound pressure
spectra downstream of orifice for varying mass flow rates, orifice shapes and different gas mixture [3]. In addition to
the previous study, it has explained that the flow through single-hole orifice has a particular natural frequency and
having their harmonics which can be seen in sound spectrum. The orifice which has contraction area increases the
pressure fluctuation level and disturbance in the flow leads to vibrations which concentrate at low frequency range
[5]. Further the study has been extended to multi-hole orifices from single-hole orifice in water pipe [6]. In addition
to the effects of flow disturbances causing vibrations, the effects of cavitating flow through an orifice are also
studied. The effects of collapse of cavitation bubble increases disturbances and vibration inside the liquid flow are
explained. Mainly three mechanism i.e. monopole, quadruple and vorticities are suggested due to which cavitation
occurs causes disturbances and instabilities in the flow [6, 7]. It is found that, the experimental study is not sufficient
to analyze the acoustical wave transmission, sound spectra and other acoustical things. Emma L. Alenius [8, 10] has
presented large eddy acoustical simulation work which is used to solve complex flow phenomenon, acoustic
scattering and sound generation. A. Kierkegaard, [9] has performed one more step of simulation methodology to
observe the whistling caused by acoustic flow instability of an orifice plate in flow duct. The acoustics study of one
phase flow has extended to high pressurized cavitating two-phase flow through a thick orifice plate in a pipe of
constant c/s section [11]. Now recent study on acoustics of flow through orifice is done by multi-port method which
uses to extract complex mode amplitude from the experimental data for single and tandem in-duct orifices [12].

t thickness of orifice ( in m )
d diameter of single-hole orifice ( d = 2.2 × 10-2 m )
do diameter of orifice plate ( in m )
Lo length of orifice plate ( in m )
fo whistling frequency ( in Hz )
c speed of sound measured downstream of the orifice ( in ms-1 )
p-2 backward propagating plane wave spectra ( in Pa2/Hz )
U volume flux divided by pipe cross-sectional area ( in ms-1)
St Strouhal number
Re Reynold’s number

2. Literature Review

Glenn Eric Cann and Patrick Leehey explained that turbulent flow is responsible for making noise when it
flows over orifice. This phenomenon is identified to detect the vibrations and decibels levels caused by interaction
of flow over orifice. The experiments were conducted using semi-anechoic wind tunnel with low turbulence,
subsonic wind in the Acoustics and Vibration Laboratory at MIT [1]. The semi-anechoic construction was effective
for the frequency between 200 Hz and 2000 Hz. Three orifice samples were tested. Air flows at free speed velocity
at 20, 30, 40 and 50 m/s over the orifice which has either rectangular shape or circular shape. To determine the
contribution of orifice in this experiment, mainly two experimental methods have been conducted. First is to
determine acoustic power radiated by the duct when the orifice was covered and the other is to measure acoustics
156 Akshay R. Kadam et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 154–159
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing00 (2017) 000–000 3

power of flow over orifice in the absence of free stream flow. Both the techniques give the same sound spectra and
same results of total sound power within an accuracy of 0.3 dB [1].
M. Salikuddin [2] has done experiments on orifice plate to find out internal reflection for the purpose of
determining internal acoustic energy. The previous study was made to find the sound spectra whereas this study is
done to find internal and dissipated acoustics reflected energy. It has explained that the when acoustic energy wave
travels from an orifice duct, some amount of it get absorbed, dissipated and reflected. The dissipated acoustic energy
could have converted into vorticity. The in-duct and far-field pulses were recorded on tape recorder. Each pulse is
analyzed and acoustic power spectra for reflected, incident and transmitted waves is achieved by Fast Fourier
Transformation which can easily show internal acoustics energy reflection [2].
It is found in previous study that the acoustic is studied on the reflection energy while Zhaoyan Zhang [3]
explained the sound spectra analysis for flow of stationary jet through rubber orifices. Rubber orifices were created
to imitate the approximate human glottis-shape to study sound pressure spectra for different mass flow rates of air.
Three different geometries i.e. straight, convergent and divergent were constructed to analyze. The results of sound
spectra for all three geometries for circular jet is inspected and it is found that there is one dominant frequency 7000
Hz for all these geometries as shown in Fig.1. The results were analyzed and it is found that for straight and
convergent orifice geometries, sound generation characteristics were observed to be similar for circular orifices
while for divergent profile orifice, the tonal sound produced for low flow rates and broadband noise is produced for
high flow rates [3].
Akshay R. Kadam et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 154–159 157
4 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

Figure 1: Sound spectra measured at high flow rate in air for glottis-shaped orifice, (a) Straight, (b) Convergent, (c) Divergent [3].

L. Beranek studied the various types of flow from the duct system. It is found that noise generated from the
duct system is just like noise of sound source. It has been studied the acoustics of flow through orifices and duct
systems numerically by deriving equations [4].
P. Testuda has explained decrease in pressure below vapor pressure causes cavitation leads to large pockets
bubble formation at the downstream of orifice. Further decrease in pressure creates super cavitation regime
responsible for high level of noise, vibration and shock waves at some distance from orifice. An experimental setup
has been developed for water flow through single-hole orifice of circular cross section with corner sharp edge is
used. A single-hole sharp edged orifice placed in the pipe has a thickness of t =0.014 m in which flow separation
occurs at the upstream inlet edge. It is considered as a ‘thin’ orifice as t/d 2. In a thin orifice, there is no
reattachment of the flow within the orifice [6]. The Experimental result depicted the whistling phenomenon in the
developed cavitation regime for flow through single-hole orifice. The evidence for whistling of vortex shedding is
given for upstream acoustical spectra by depicting the dominant frequency peak fo responsible for creating and
maintaining acoustics oscillation and their harmonics at exact multiples as shown in Fig.2.

Table Ι: Strouhal number St = fot/Ud of the whistling frequency fo (Observed for single-hole orifice) [6].

U (ms-1) 1.91 1.91 2.38 2.38 2.90 2.90

c (ms-1) 1390 1200 660 1420 1130 1420
fo (Hz) 359 397 421 436 427 434
St 0.23 0.26 0.22 0.23 0.18 0.19

The whistling frequencies are given in Table Ι. After analyzing both upstream and downstream spectra, it is found
out that level of whistling is more dominant in upstream region than downstream region of orifice. Hence acoustic
feedback is suspected to occur predominantly in upstream region of orifice [6].
S. Dabiri [7] has explained the consequences of collapse of cavitation bubbles causes increase in level of
disturbances, noise and vibration in flow. The orifice flow solution is found out by developing individual cavitation
bubble to find out pressure, shear and disturbance due to separation of cavitation bubble in an orifice [6, 7]. The
flow is performed with Re = 8000 depends on orifice diameter. Cavitation bubble reaches its maximum volume until
it collapse and again rebounds to form new small separated two bubbles cause’s disturbances. While during the
158 Akshay R. Kadam et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 154–159
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing00 (2017) 000–000 5

growth of bubble and collapsing of cavitation bubble, high level of vorticities generated [7].

Figure 2: Detection of whistling frequency fo with harmonics on upstream plane wave spectra (Here for the single-hole orifice at U =1:91m/s,
fo = 359Hz and the first harmonics at 718 Hz) [6].

Emma Alenius presented new way of analyzing and measurement of acoustic wave signal of flow of know
mass flow rate through orifice plate placed in a circular or square duct having same contraction area by large eddy
simulation (LES) in which large energy scales are solved by simulation, dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) and
also experimentally [8, 10]. The power spectral density (PSD) is measured for non-turbulent flow through an orifice
placed in a circular duct for four sections i.e. for upstream, inside orifice, downstream 1D and downstream 2D. For
circular and square c/s section, the cut on frequency found at 5000 Hz and 4800 Hz respectively for speed of sound
343 m/s. The peaks for upstream of orifice as shown by black line Fig.3 are created due to the disturbances of flow
itself. These disturbances create more fluctuations inside orifice by blue coloured dotted line and peaks were
recorded at 2800, 5150 and 10,300 Hz by simulating according to the condition as shown in Fig.3. Also the results
for orifice plate for both circular and square ducts have been compared on the basis of scattering plane waves was
simulated for eleven frequencies, equally spaced between 2000 to 4000 Hz. Only this frequency range was selected
for simulation of acoustics waves in a flow because this range gives more interesting interactions between the flow
and the incoming sound waves. Whereas low frequency range requires more time for simulation and are known to
be dissipated [10].

Figure 3: Acoustics spectra at the four points for circular duct without external excitation [10]
Akshay R. Kadam et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 154–159 159
6 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

Behrouz Ebrahimi has explained high pressurized single-phase flow through orifice plate of length Lo,
diameter do. Sudden fall in local pressure at vena contracta of high pressurized single-phase flow through orifice
plate causes cavitation leads to bubbles implosion induces shock waves of 100,000 psi causes vibration, material
damage over time [11].


This research work can be applied in industries and acoustics field to solve and analyze the real acoustics
problems i.e. power spectral density measurement, frequency and sound pressure level spectrum calculation for flow
through an orifice, intensity of disturbances and vibrations due to cavitating flow, acoustic wave signal measurement
and acoustic study of turbulent and non-turbulent flow.


The first author is grateful to Prof. Dr. M. B. Chaudhari for supporting and inspiring him during this research work
and to Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune for providing Noise and Vibration laboratory.


[1] Glenn eric cann, Patrick leehy "The Acoustic Source Created By Turbulent Flow Over Orifices And Louvers", Massachusetts Institute of
Techinology, Massachusetts (1987).
[2] M. Salikuddin, "Acoustics behavior of orifice plates and perforated plates with reference to low-frequency sound absorption", Journal of
Sound and Vibration, (1989), 361-381.
[3] Zhaoyan zhang, Luc mongeau, "Sound generation by steady flow through glottis-shaped orifices", Acoustical Society of America, West
Lafayette, ( 2004).
[4] L. Beranek and Istvan L. Ver, "Noise and vibration control engineering", Second Edition, (2006).
[5] Mao Qing, “Experimental studies of orifice-induced wall pressure fluctuations and pipe vibration", Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,
[6] P. Testuda, P. Moussoua, A. Hirschbergb, Y. Aure´gan, "Noise generated by cavitating single-hole and multi-hole orifices in a water pipe
", Journal of fluids and structures, (2007), 163-189.
[7] S. Dabiri, W. A. Sirignano, D. D. Joseph, "A numerical study on the effects of caviation on orifice flow" , Physics of fluids, (2010), 22-30.
[8] Emma Alenius, "Flow Duct Acoustics", the Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory of Sound And Vibration Research, (2012).
[9] A.Kierkegaard, S. Allam, G. Efraimsson, "Simulation of whistling and the potentiality of an in-duct orifice with linear aero acoustics",
Journal of Sound and Vibration, (2011), 1084-1096.
[10] Emma Alenius, Mats Abom, Laszlo Fuchs, "Large eddy simulations of acoustic-flow interaction at an orifice plate", Journal of Sound and
Vibration, (2015), 162-177.
[11] Behrouz Ebrahimi, "Characterization of high-pressure cavitating flow through a thick orifice plate in a pipe of constant cross section",
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, (2010).
[12] Stefan Sack, Mats Abom, "Investigation of orifice aero acoustics by means of multi-port methods", Journal of sound and vibration, 2017,

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