4 CAE Expert Advanced - Module 4 B - Pages 68 and 69

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Module 4B – pages 68 and 69


1)Put these sentences in the best logical order to make a coherent

A) Having a roof over one’s head is thought of as a right but, for

many, being homeless is the reality, and usually homelessness is only
one of the problems the person has –there is often illiteracy, a lack of
life skills, mental illness or drug addiction to make matters worse.

B) Not surprisingly, help is desperately needed.

C) This proposal is for a way of getting students involved in helping

the homeless on a voluntary basis.


 Get students involved in local shelters for the homeless and

fulfil a role according to their skill. In general, people work best
when they do what they are good at.
 The ____________ should be ongoing and students would be
assigned to individuals. The project could be counterproductive
if volunteers are insufficiently _____________.
 To set up the scheme, the Student Union ________ organize a
Volunteers Fair and different tables __________ represent
different skills needed by our local hostel; potential volunteers
________ put themselves forward depending on what they can
offer. It is obvious that for it to work the scheme needs to be
well organised.

2) Where can you add these examples and how?

help to cook
look after young children
teach a musical instrument
work with computers

3) Insert the right form of the word COMMIT in the blanks in the
second recommendation.

4) What is the missing word in the third recommendation? The same

word should be used in the three blanks.
5) Underline the justifications for each recommendation.

6) Put these sentences in the best logical order to make a coherent

A) The project would give everyone involved something valuable and

it would be good for society at large.

B) It would enable young people to understand the difficulties that

many people face in our society, it would benefit the shelter because
they are always looking for help, and it would be good for the
homeless because they would come into contact with enthusiastic
young people offering support.

C) The project is clearly worthwhile.

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