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Jun 11, 2024

Concepts covered in lesson 8

Numbers from 20-100

● 20: weesht
● 30: dhersh
● 40: salwekht
● 50: panzos
● 60: sheptuh
● 70: awyah
● 80: atyah
● 90: nawee
● 100: sul
● 101: __ sawah
● 200: zurr

New vocab

● Village → Kulleh / kullee

● This year → Sa Kaal
● Year → Kaal
● It is 10 o’clock → lahs bajay dee
● Farmer → Zamidar / Zamidara / zamidaraan / zamidaraaneh
● Late evening → maskhotun

5 sentences
1. Ohs pinzuh bajay dee aw zuh oggeh yum (it’s now 5 o clock and I am hungry)
2. Duh shpee rotay dulta dai khoo zuh oggeh nuh yum (dinner is here but I am not hungry)
3. Nuhn maskhotun khwarak khuh woh (this late evening food was good)
4. Da aagha kulleh pa Pakistan ke nuh da (his village is not in Pakistan)
5. Sakaal zamidar khushaal dai (the farmer is happy this year)

Practice Sentences
We are Tim and jessica. I am from France but jessica is from china. She is Chinese.
Moong Tim aw Jessica yoo. Zuh duh frans nuh yum khoo Jessica duh chiin nuh da. Aagha
chiineh da.

We are farmers in the city. This evening I am thirsty but jessica is very tired.
Moong pa khaar ke zamidaraan yoo. Nuhn makham zuh tugeh yum khoo Jessica dhera sturee

It is 3 O clock now and Jameel is very thirsty

Ohs dre bajay dee aw jameel dher tugee dai.

It is 10 O'clock in Texas now and I am here

Pa texas ke lahs bajay dee aw ohs zuh dulta yum.

It is 11 O clock there and you are happy

Hulta yoolas bajay dee aw tuh khushaal yeh.

Here is 2 O clock and we are tired and Sad.

Dulta dwa bajay dee aw moong sturee aw khafaah yoo.

This late evening Tim and I are in the city. We are Chinese and we are tired,sad and
Nuhn maskhotun Tim aw yum pa khaar ke yoo. Moong chiinyaan yoo aw moong sturee,
khafaah aw oggee yoo.

We are Richard and Jessica. We are from Beijing. But this late evening we are in the
village. It is 8 O'clock here now.
Moong richard aw Jessica yoo. Moong duh beijing nuh yoo. Khoo nuhn maskhotun moong pa
kulleh ke yoo. Ohs dulta attuh bajay dee.

This late evening Emma is very tired, hungry and thirsty. She is in the village and it is
9 O'clock there.
Nuhn maskhotun Emma dhera sturee, oggee aw tuggee da. Aagha pa kulleh ke da aw hulta
nuhuh bajay dee.

I am Jim and I am not farmer in the village this year.

Zuh jim yum aw zuh suhkaal pa kulleh ke zamidar nuh yum.

You are Tina and you are thirsty now but you are not sad and hungry.
Tuh tina yeh aw tuh ohs tuggee yeh khoo tuh khafaa aw ogee nuh yeh.

You are Jim's teacher and you are not happy now but you are very sad and tired.
Taaso Jim da aagha ustadh dai yeh aw ohs taaso khushal nuh yuy khoo taaso dher khafaah aw
stureh yuy.
He is Jack and he is not from Canada, but he is from China.
Aagha jack dai aw aagha duh canada nuh nuh dai khoo aagha duh chiin nuh dai.

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