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w¥ Ge Hypo @ynous = Superior EG 43 Molyateoe, Fabacca, Qolavacase, Lihiacae. G k and © gente Hed? aterierd . o ey plum. Rose , Peach dz epignous Jnferiovt one aH " Asteraceae, [Composit | Cucurbiis - Crowd s. — Quava- Amruth. vi “C clu Pobats Pevstsleat abn 1 fourd in Bolanatene Tomeli, Brirjal, Tuk of Poppy — Asterateoe - Sunflower Woy Chay santheraum Coal bulbn > Tridax \alvate aeslivahen— cCalekopis Awisled— Bhandi( Abelmosdius) china vse, cotton + Hibiscu S Gossypium ae Nave 9009 be duoisted Cc Imbricolz 4 @ - dae Nexillary, Anjerrer side Imbiicat® osve is nck ma Paatteuloot (143) dureotion. Ge Cassia, Culmohar (Caes alpina cea2 | ae —> Cortmbos< | inf lore Stan <— Zygeomor phic Flo we Vn eee na «x Nex papt leonaceous corl|g of the Pfower. Qe aes posjerior |cregesh odd pet} a ichandard ) Vekillum. Ke cr peal flae Keel petal - Anjervew petals erclose esental organ Poslero anjerior ig Aused at thers-Venteal mong ines / aegtnalien gl ts descendingly. imbericalz aestwohten (top & bobrn) Every petal cvealaps another petal, thet ts present toward: anlenion b i ths is Giles | tar) Conctihen This ghovss entanophily of piston mechanicm aihrade, Insect aig en wing dardasd pelal is peels esenls pressure on \ee\ petals fer ne dot Ces! shana a out , Receives Pollen greens present en Abdomen © tase? of dath lower at goes inside, thon slomens Come ouf, deposit Te ad en the aldomen of insed, movement of essentral organs is Vie o piston. Hon it is piston mechanism lon mechanism, First stigma cornes out , and In Pts Zorg, pero Piston mechanism Ponours perceived the pall Crr088 powlin ok en (allegarny) Androe cium conshlufes shamens = mrevesporopyle palangyains Anther i | pp dictad 4 = Pollen FA arent Be proximed near the origin = Proximed awey Prom Ihe origins diclal Ts of anthey Prev Need question The proumal end of the flamer} ig attavhod fi Dae 2) petod S Lor2 4) Sepals Condon ced hip of ico] Peering Plants with =Pruits A typical angiasperen Pea ey) Mleete erty ecciiiole \naving two theca — SME dithecous the bilobed Pate (c) tooacued ( telragona?) Coneistirg of ees microsporr gia» oD ineach lobe. Mreresporarg iA develop Pusher and become pallen secs Pellen aeons Aan produced in Pollensacg Skamen ents mole reproductive creates Plaver: glevile slamen ts Called a+ Slaminode 29: Cassi when 2 Flower Contains only Fleece prey ata ta Ow Cold as chami nole Plo wwers AdheziC0 mnambers of ene floral vthorl fuse with Ahe members of pera local whor| Cohesion members of one Lleval whor), fuse. with the ymembers of Same lore ne 12 ghomens fuse themselves - Cohesien gt Stamens Pave usith petals — Adhesion sh Sepals Fuse Homcelves — Cohesion. Gramopelaeus —> Cohesion. Syncompevs ——> Cohesion jous ——> cohesion Themselves - Cohesion Unton of stamens with Zi ae Cohesion of shamens Adel phy ae See ee Adelphy filaments of the SJamens unite, whereas the anther Uses remain free xh is 3 Mapes - Crome Sepa 8 Porm One bundle — Monadelphoys- Malvocese 4 4uso bundles Diadelphous — Fabaceae at head Soren peace exe monade| phous <— emtelana: Avachre. sh thes fore or bundles- polyade phouc, cifrus GN syn jsious Cords 60 filaments are Cece whereas Ahe anther Qobes are untlad . Found in Agleraceae disc flovels ih 4 becouse +03 Flovets ewe fernale Synancry Both Alaments and anthers at) avefuged- Cucurbits Ddle sion of stamens » 2 piphyllous é i tepalous dhamens fuse with Perianth., Ahak ts undifferentolad ai ard Covtolla Colllad tepals a ania Lliaceae i ‘A Fo fae 343 eee 2) Epssepalous — chamens aretused with Sepals aon Geen in Silver oak or Grivellia. 3 Epi petalous slamens axe fused with petals Scan DN Obsemed i9 Solanaceae, Malyawee ... fum ahamens are Pysed with shgma te) Cynosk Seen in Calobepls Mustard vs chomes of a flower axe of equal Lemath a but m Some Species , ghamene may be of unequl fongth \ithn Same Power O DrDynamous 2) Tetradynomous, immer fe axe, Didynamous Tebrandyous i ‘ _ 4 i oul two ase Shores ea. Ocrmum (Posi) — Lamraceae | [Baretta inver & ave b Tebrodynamous Wexendvous aftils ef: Brassica campestris - Mustard — Brassicaceae oo ullaite rust of mMushard so ed ~ Fury ( @ ) Caw by ay os ys a8 Oy shops OP K.C.A ouker 2 are Shorter Floral lagram with loa formula Gynoeciun is Semole repreduchve par} of she Blower also enown 4S pish| the Flower with Orly pishl, 1S Called aa pishlote or Pewolo Planer Crynoeuun is ynode up of Carpels = Megane Cavepels may be eres A pocarpous — Mrchelra Rasa Lotus - Nelambo Sncorpous — Mustard, Carpels may be united - P Papaner— Poppy. MY poure Sinearpous | a) Pie sri lbe b) Papavier- Syncaxpous pish| ce) Mrchelra- Apocarpous | Gi | Ba) ole URL, Namco dvug ) ehtained from Sprum is Cmtorphine - Pavex of unri pened seeds of Poppy Cen All cereals When pishl Conbans on ena coxpel - Monocasypellayy > Esaacsss Elen Biconpellord —F pish| uth otarpds, Acheramoe Solandwoe Byrassicatane Tricosp — Ulracese penta 3 Molva tae Mul compellory —> athrus [orange — Rutaceae Eau Corpel Gonsists f 3 parts skqma~ Aistalpont style ove —> Seed “Ty — proximal pat 7 Fart Shama ts the platfonn , and receptive port of Pollergmins one bene Ore or more ovules, Found abraded & cushion Qine Placenta Arrangement of ovules wutthin ON ig corlad Placentahen Plauntatren is of different “pes ) Morgeral > agile ») Perietel U)Frecentral 5) Basal on 2 ey Sept mews oe a Cx) 0 5 cavepels oo Marginal Paral Froocontal_ Basal 5 Qocules : : : a TS. bends Axle placentabS? pi ihe Canpela are wnilad and forme Gabral ote, to wshuch owles ase Hed o, erlonaiane The pidht is bs cen mul Series; oe ULiacone Rutawse et Morgine) placentatren plaunta forms art olang. the eri a the ov ord ovwes ose borne on the vi a eee ‘a wos SF! Fabatans, (Mone Carrell amy pist ]

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