Power BI Interview Questions

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POWER BI Interview Questions 02

Power Query

1 What is Query Folding in Power Query and the Power BI Query Editor?

2 What is M Language in Power BI?

3 Difference between the Append and Merge?

4 What is a Parameter?

5 How many tables can you append & merge?

6 What is the storage engine used in Power Query?

7 Have you used custom functions or parameters in Power Query?

Can you provide an example?

8 How do you handle data source connections and credentials in Power Query?

9 Have you worked with custom column transformations or conditional logic in

Power Query? Can you provide an example?

10 What techniques do you use to handle data type conversions and data quality
checks in Power Query?

11 Difference between calculate table & filter?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 03

Data Modelling

1 Can you describe the differences between fact tables and dimension tables?

2 When to go with a calculated column or with a calculated measure?

3 What rules must be followed in creating a relationship between two tables in

Power BI?

4 What is a data model in Power BI?

5 Which gives good performance - calculated column or calculated measure?

6 What is a clustered index and non-clustered index?

7 When designing a data model, what factors do you consider to ensure scalability
and performance?

8 Have you implemented any advanced modeling techniques in Power BI, such as
role-playing dimensions or bridge tables? If yes, can you provide an example?

9 How do you handle slowly changing dimensions (SCDs) in your data model?

10 Have you worked with calculated tables in Power BI? Can you explain their purpose
and when to use them?

11 What strategies do you employ for handling complex relationships or hierarchies

in your data model?

12 How do you handle large datasets or data volumes in Power BI to ensure smooth

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 04

Report View

1 What are filters in Power BI?

2 What are the differences between a Power BI Dataset, a Report, and a Dashboard?

3 What is cross filtering?

4 Difference between report & dashboard?

5 How do you make a report dynamic?

6 Have you implemented any custom visuals or extensions in Power BI? If yes, can
you provide an example?

7 What kind of filters have you applied in your project?

8 Have you worked with Bookmarks?

9 Have you used conditional formatting?

10 What does Edit Interactions do at a high level in Power BI Desktop?

11 What is Edit Interaction in visuals?

12 Difference between calculated column and measure?

13 When do you go for filter & slicer?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 05

Power BI Services

1 What is Power BI service?

2 What licenses are available in Power BI?

3 Which license do you have?

4 Are there options available for embedding Power BI into other applications or

5 What is RLS (Row Level Security)?

6 What is a gateway? How many types? How does it work?

7 How can you set the alerts in Power BI service?

8 What is Microsoft fabric?

9 How will you test from the source side once the visual is built in Power BI Desktop?


1 What data sources can I connect to Power BI?

2 Difference between import & direct query mode?

3 Types of connectivity modes available in Power BI?

4 What are the sources you have used?

5 From which database will you get the data?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 06

DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

1 Explain what is DAX?

2 Explain CALCULATE function in DAX.

3 Differentiate between Sum() and SUMX()

4 Difference between DISTINCT() and VALUES()

5 What are some of the most common, basic DAX Functions you use or have used?

6 How is the FILTER function used?

7 What is the common table function for grouping data? Describe some examples
of GROUP BY like queries via DAX.

8 What are some benefits and use cases of using variables in DAX?

9 What is bi-directional cross filtering in Power BI?

10 Why do we use CALCULATE?


12 What are the ALL & ALL EXCEPT DAX functions?

13 What is TOTALYTD?

14 In time intelligence functions which are all DAX functions you have used?

15 How can you calculate the previous year's YTD?

16 When will you use the LOOKUP function?

17 What are other functions used other than SUMMARIZE?

18 Difference between SUMMARIZE & SUMMARIZE COLUMNS?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 07

19 What DAX function have you used other than USERPRINCIPALNAME for dynamic RLS?

20 Difference between Measures & Quick Measures.

21 Have you worked with calculated columns and measures that involve complex
logic in DAX? Can you provide an example?

22 How do you optimize DAX calculations to improve query performance in Power BI?

23 Can you explain the concept of context transition in DAX and its implications?

24 How do you handle error handling and exception scenarios in DAX calculations?

25 Can you explain the concept of evaluation context in DAX and how it impacts
calculation results?

26 Have you utilized DAX functions for time intelligence calculations like YEAR-TO-DATE,
PREVIOUSYEAR, or SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR? Can you provide an example?

Scenario Based
DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

1 Scenario: There is a sales column. I need to show the sales for April month. What
is the DAX expression?

2 Scenario: Difference between DATEADD & PARALLELPERIOD DAX functions, explain a

case scenario in your project?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 08

Report View

1 Scenario: There is a report with 5 visuals & a slicer. If the slicer is changed, only 2
visuals should be affected, and the remaining 3 visuals should not be affected.
What will you do?

2 Scenario: Donut chart is there that is region by volume. I want the top 10 regions
by volume. How can I achieve that?

3 Scenario: Rolling 24 months. So, volume, net sales & gross profit is there. In that
visual (from line & stacked bar chart), you don't want a bar chart. So, what other
charts can you use?

4 Scenario: 5 countries of data, country-wise sales are there, so need to show sales
in percentage-wise. How can you do that?

5 Scenario: 2 visuals are there on page 1. In page 2, I have a tile. How can I bring 2
visuals into a tile?

6 Scenario: If there are 5 pages. To come to the home page, which feature will you

7 Scenario: How will you move/showcase the detailed information by using which

8 Scenario: As you said that in your project, visuals are not loading, so how do you
fix that?

9 Scenario: In a measure, if you remove the filter, will it give the same data in the
card visual?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 09

Report Performance & Optimization

1 Scenario: Report consists of so many visuals, some of the visuals are loading very
slowly. So, I need to optimize these visuals to load very quickly. What are the steps
to perform to improve the performance of the report?

2 Scenario: There are 2 pages in a report. On the 1st page, there is a slicer called
country. If the country is changed from the slicer on the 1st page, then
automatically the next page should also be impacted. How will you do it?

Data Modelling

1 Scenario: 1 calculated column is Qty x unit price & 1 calculated measure sum
(sales amt). Can we write these 2 statements in 1 statement?

2 Scenario: 5 countries of data, country-wise sales are there, so need to show sales
in percent-wise. How can you do that?

3 Scenario: There are 2 columns city & sales amount. How to get a percentage
based on sales amount?

4 Scenario: Many-to-many relationships, how have you faced them?

Power BI Services

1 Scenario: Before schedule refresh, what steps do you take in SQL Server?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

POWER BI Interview Questions 10


1 Scenario: You have worked with direct query & import query, right? So what is the
basic difference between those 2 modes?

Stakeholder Management

1 Scenario: During a project, a stakeholder requests a major change in

requirements, and it results in a major change in data relationships. How would
you handle this request?

2 Scenario: If you are a stakeholder where you have a normal amount of data, but
you want direct query mode to be used. What will you suggest? Can you convince
me why I should go for import mode? What are the steps you will be telling them,
and what will be the dashboard performance? Will it be faster or slower?

July 2023 Power BI V 2.0 codebasics.io

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