22F-BSCS-9 FOM Assignment

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Muhammad Danish Tahir.


1. Plan a Blood Donation Drive:

a. Preparation and Goal Setting: Just like planning a big party, we
first decide why we're doing it and what we hope to achieve. For
the blood drive, we set targets for how many people we want to
donate and when we want to do it.
b. Venue and Logistics: Think of finding the perfect location for
our event, making sure it's big enough for everyone and has all the
equipment we need to collect blood safely. We also need to
arrange for medical staff and transportation for the blood.
c. Promotion and Outreach: It's like inviting all our friends to our
party. We use social media, posters, and even local businesses to
spread the word and get people excited about donating blood.
d. Volunteer Recruitment and Training: Just like asking friends to
help out at our party, we recruit volunteers to assist with
registration and taking care of donors. We make sure they know
what to do and how to keep everyone safe.
e. Execution and Follow-Up: On the big day, we make sure
everything runs smoothly, from registering donors to collecting
blood. After the event, we thank everyone who donated and
check in with them to make sure they're feeling okay. We also look
at how many people donated and if we met our goals.

2. Organize an Event at Your University:

a. Event Concept and Objectives: Imagine planning a big festival
on campus! We think about what we want the event to be about
and what we hope people will get out of it.
Muhammad Danish Tahir. 22F-BSCS-9

b. Date, Time, and Venue Selection: Just like planning a party, we

pick a date and time when most people can come, and we find a
spot on campus that's big enough for everyone.
c. Program Development and Activities: We plan fun things for
people to do, like performances, workshops, and games. We want
to make sure there's something for everyone to enjoy.
d. Promotion and Communication: We tell everyone about our
event! We use social media, posters, and even ask our friends to
spread the word.
e. Logistics and Support Services: We make sure everything is
ready on the day of the event, from setting up chairs to making
sure there's enough food. We also have volunteers to help out
with anything that comes up.

3. Steps to Implement These Events:

a. Planning and Preparation: Just like planning anything else, we
make a list of what needs to be done and when. We gather
supplies and make sure we have enough people to help out.
b. Execution and Coordination: On the big day, we make sure
everyone knows what they're supposed to do and we work
together to make sure everything goes smoothly.
c. Engagement and Communication: We talk to people about
our event and get them excited to come. We answer any
questions they have and make sure they know how to get
Muhammad Danish Tahir. 22F-BSCS-9

d. Feedback and Evaluation: After the event, we ask people what

they liked and what could be better. We use their feedback to
make our next event even better.
e. Documentation and Follow-Up: We write down everything that
happened at our event, from how many people came to how
much blood we collected. We also thank everyone who helped
out and let them know what we're planning next.

4. Evaluation and Recommendations for Future Events:

a. Success Metrics: We look at how many people came to our
event and how much blood we collected. We also ask people if
they had a good time.
b. Feedback Analysis: We read through all the feedback we got
and look for patterns. If a lot of people said they liked something,
we’ll do more of it next time.
c. Lessons Learned: We think about what went well and what we
could improve. Maybe we need more volunteers next time or a
bigger venue.
d. Recommendations: Based on what we learned, we make
suggestions for how to make our next event even better. Maybe
we need to start promoting earlier or have more activities for
people to do.
e. Future Planning: We use everything we learned to plan our next
event. We’re always looking for ways to make it more fun and

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