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• Enumeration involves an attacker creating active
connections with a target system and performing
directed queries to gain more information about the
• Attackers use the extracted information to identify
points for a system attack and perform password
attacks to gain unauthorized access to information
system resources.
• Enumeration techniques are conducted in an intranet
Techniques for Enumeration
Services and Ports to Enumerate

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) manage data communications between terminals
in a network.
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol capable of carrying messages or emails over the Internet. It provides a reliable multi-
process communication service in a multi-network environment. The features and functions of TCP include the following:
▪ Supports acknowledgement for receiving data through a sliding window acknowledgement system
▪ Offers automatic retransmission of lost or acknowledged data
▪ Allows addressing and multiplexing of data
▪ A connection can be established, managed, or terminated
▪ Offers quality-of-service transmission
▪ Offers congestion management and flow control
UDP is a connectionless protocol that carries short messages over a computer network. It provides unreliable service. The
applications of UDP include the following:
▪ Audio streaming
▪ Videoconferencing and teleconferencing
Services and Ports to Enumerate
NetBIOS Enumeration
NetBIOS Enumeration (Cont’d)
Enumerating Shared Resources Using Net View
NetBIOS Enumeration Tools
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Enumeration
Enumerating SNMP using SnmpWalk and Nmap
LDAP Enumeration
Manual and Automated LDAP Enumeration
NTP Enumeration
NTP Enumeration Commands
NTP Enumeration Tools
SMTP Enumeration
SMTP Enumeration using Nmap and Metasploit
DNS Enumeration Using Zone Transfer
DNS and DNSSEC Enumeration Using Nmap
DNS Enumeration Countermeasures
Enumeration Countermeasures
Enumeration Countermeasures (Cont’d)
• In this module, we discussed the enumeration
concepts along with the techniques, services, and
ports used for enumeration. We have also discussed
how attackers perform different enumeration
techniques (NetBIOS, SNMP, LDAP, NTP, NFS,
SMTP, DNS, IPsec, VoIP, RPC, Linux/Unix, Telnet,
Module FTP, TFTP, SMB, IPv6, and BGP enumeration) to
gather information about the target. This module

Summary ended with a detailed discussion on the

countermeasures that organizations can adopt to
defend against enumeration activities. In the next
module, we will discuss in detail how attackers, as
well as ethical hackers and pen testers, perform
vulnerability analysis to identify security loopholes
in the target organization’s network,
communication infrastructure, and end systems.

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