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Ke demy tars: f Year 6 [orm 's Book cad e Els wore im Ros "Scope and sequence enon oom Welcome pd Wson ‘emergency! Ps Lifein the past pee Adventure time Cool jobs. pas Getting How ie it made? pO Muse and paz Tell mea story What's your 108. Wea mystery pize Language in use “The countryside, outdoor sports, What do youso in youre time? jobs, shops, plants end orimols yint id you do during the holeous? Emergencies Post continuous with past _Interupted past, question and with ‘Working with words: odjctives simple: He was feeding me while: What were you doing when ears ea ‘elephant when it escaped, the alarm rang? {rang wile I was parting. Reading time 1: The trick “The post sod fo: He used tobe on actor Questions with used to: ‘Working wih words: moko nouns. He did use to teach maths. Where did you use o lve? ea id you use have servants? Review 1 Outdoor ectviies Present perfect: Present perfect + ever: ‘Working wih words:imegucr post She's sean abeor ‘Hove you ever put up a tent? Portciles ‘She's never seen oon. Yes, | havo. / No, haven Reading time 2: Mystery on the beach “The world of work Present perfect +How long?, for Present perfect + olready and yet: ‘Working with words: make ordo? andssince: How tong have you ve alrdy nod lunch been hae? Foran hour./ Have you seen him yor? Since 3 aciook. Review 2 “eavel and tronsport ‘Comparisons with just as ..0s Comparisons with too and not Wrking with words: suffixes (fol and not as... as: must as fost enough: sto crowed. ‘doa 12 you. You oor as sil os me. tis safe enough. Products ond processes Passive voice (present simple): made of andused for: Wiking with words: sutixes (sion The mateo is cu. The eons are. Ist mode of metal? ierleaea pooked into boxes, Its used for cutting vegetables. Reviews Music ond song will and going to: One doy ho Present simple for future events: ‘Working wit words: prefixes (im- willbe famous. He's going ploy Iitstots at 7 aelock ond is) ‘tomorow: Look Shes going ffl. Wot time does the bus eave? Reading time 3: A stranger to the rescue Storyteting First concitional: you rst, may (nod, might (nod, could: Working with words: synonyms You fool bor. He may escape. ‘They might rot him. Review 4 Giving opinions Reported speech: He saldho Indefinite pronouns ond adverbs: Working with words: word groups loved sugar. Sha sad she was can't find anywhere. doing a project. Someone wil find it eating time 4: The power of stories (ime and mysteries ‘Question tags: You don'tAnow, Review of modale: Working wih words: sufixes «dO you? Were nich, orant we? You dant have to wear uniform. aan We can buy one, can't wo? You should bring voluabies. Review 5 Dioiogues Wrteaneneparer Express. «——_~Plonavescu Understons Undorstond context ticle romnotes feelings Thinking sks: anolysis UNS ane from aucioclues Wirt drect speech ondprotiomsoling vores Atk ‘Adiory erty Give otek Inthe wrong me Memorise ew Listen or speciic ‘Recognise features of Clary “Thinking skis onolysis _voeebuiory intormation informat writing information ond evetuation Aninteniew Ablog entry Conducton Decide who gets thelod Uso. mind Listen for simirites Recognise features «NeW Thinking sls: reasoning ™OPY0 plan ‘andditrences of oblag ‘Show interest ond decision-making ‘Amogezine ticle Anintrvew Anostcle ‘Apologise Decode a messoge ‘Scan for Scan or specie Listen forsequence Review andedt your Make and Thinking sts: coaingand specifi. Information work cccerttfers decoding information formation Ascienco ition sony A logue Ashortston Request Workouthow to gotther® Read compise Infor meaning rom _Ustenforkoy facts Undersiondtne structure "formation Thinking skits analysis bles tet otastou ‘nd problem-solving Aniniometion xt Adverts sean nfogrophicto "Moke ond Choose the bestjeors Research Interpret on Ditfrenioto between wite about aprocess perform Thiakng skis: evaluation formation 'nfographic {oct and epnion| Fediocdver ond decision-making Anintorviow Monologues ‘Asong verso Gieatakk Creotethe right cimosphere Understand Identiyeotues ct Lstonforspectic _Undorstondtha ensure 980082800 Thinking sls: decoding ‘tuthmin a citierenttxt types. information fo song ond classiting Ea Atvoatonat stony Ashort story ‘Asummanyofastoy Gieatolk Choose ebook erttiend Recognise Recognise diferent _Listenforsequence Identify maineventsina POUL Thinking sks: evaluation serene points of view stow cond decisionmaking Points of ew ‘Adiacussion forum A dabate ‘An opivon essay Toke partina Improve your school Use topic Find supporting Listen friferentUnderstandthe structure C198 JEb01@ Thinking skis: evaluation SEMENO=S information opinens fon option essay ‘ond presentation ‘Alay soit Aol ‘Alay seit Talla mystery Work outthe mystery Sat Find keyinformation sien ond take notes Recognise fetues ofa ony ‘senity mobvaton ay sorpt Thinking sits: speculation Peersstnt ‘and deduction Hello, Im Alice and I'm 11. Tlove reading. This year Twant to learn how to write about stories T enjoy. Hi, I'm Oliver and | I'm 10. This year Iwant to discuss interesting topics | and listen to different opinions on them www Rintyole & 11. Tove science and = technology. This year I want to learn how we make different products, like clothes and food. Hello, I'm Kit and Tm Oliver's friend This year we have lots of homework. I want to learn how to find and organise information. Come with us, there's lots to learn! What would you like to learn about this year? on 1 Meet the Academy Stars ‘@) 1.1 Listen and circle the information that is not true. maths ort science English computer studies reads makes models | does karate | practises the piano plays tennis and violin visited museums | visited afarm | visited London | swam in the sea did karate visited a castle ate ice cream Write questions to find out the information in Activity 1. 4 Number in famity How many people are there in your family? 2 Fovourite subject 3. Free-ime activities 4 Holiday activities & >? Find out about other people in the class. Ask two people the questions in Activity 2. Then report back to the class. Welcome Talk about interests and holiday activities WE: pages 4-5 Lesson 2 Vocabulary 1 Look at the picture. Find and say three words beginning with these letters. 1p (photographer... \ 2s 3b af 5c Look and find. Write four words for each category. 1. parts of a plant or animal feather 2 outdoor sports 3 jobs 4 shops 5 ‘things in the countryside 3? Work in pairs. Make true / false sentences about the picture. Ji chef is coming out Some people are \ swimming in the sea me Vosabuary review 6 ees wurw-frenglish rar | I's an emergency! Lesson 1 Reading 2 Si ® What do you know about power cuts? Discuss. 1. What happens during a power cut? 2. Who can you call for help? 3. Have you ever been in a power cut? How did you feet? Look at the text. Where is it from? How do you know? @ abook —b awebsite —¢ ‘a newspaper #))1.2 Read and check. Find these features. (Be a star! Sir @ the headline © aquote b the subheading @_ccaption Look at the vocabulary panel. Find the words in the text. Use the context to work out what they mean. accident ambulance cooker _ electricity emborrassed heating hit million Power rehearse (rehearsing) Unit t Read a newspaper artele We: page 8 NEW YORK METRO © = mt THE DAY THE LIGHTS WENT OUT POWER CUT HITS MILLIONS, NO LIGHT, NO HEAT, NO TRAINS By Tony De Marchi A POWER CUT HIT NEW YORK STATE YESTERDAY. Millions of people - from New York to Canada - had no light, no heating and no food. Thirty million people had no electricity for 13 hours. The pow cut hit at 7 pm while homas Jefferson School were rehearsing for a pupils at school concert. ‘Iwas singing when suddenly all the lights went out, said L1-year-old Loretta Green Across New York City, people were making dinner. ‘I was Cooking soup when the power went off? said Martha Miller, in Manhattan. ‘It was dark verywhere. There was no electricity at all. My cooker is ¢lectric, so it stopped working Wehad to eat biscuits for dinner! And it was really cold because there was no 12-year-old Natasha Spendak was travelling home. ‘My train was leaving the station when the lights went out’ she said. “The train went dark, a woman screamed, and then it stopped ~ in the dark! It was really scary.” Ambulances and hospitals were busy through the night. “The traffic lights stopped working so the some bad traffic accidents,’ said James Fenner of the New York Ambulance Service. ‘There were a lot of problems at home w and in the streets. Some people broke an arm oraleg.? 66 The train went dark, a woman screamed... 99 Reading skill: identify New York City in darkness ‘There was no moon last night so travelling by car was very difficult. ‘It was really dark in Times Square; said Mario Bolatel A lot of people left their cars in the street and walked home. AtNew York Zoo, an elephant escaped. ‘The while we were fe a police offic ights went out Jing the animals, Sherlock of the zoo. ot to close the gate, so the elephant escaped and walked down the road to the supermarket. It’s OK now though, and is safely back in the 200, Why was there a power cut across a large part of North America? ‘The answer is ‘We're very John Matlocl “A squirrel ju lines and they stopped working. It of New York Power ped on the power was an accident. We're very sorry features of a newspaper article WB: page 8 Lesson 2 Reading comprehension 1 Read the article on page 9 again. Answer the questions. Where was the power cut? How many hours did it continue for? Why did a woman scream on the train? Why were there some bad traffic accidents? Why did people leave their cars in Times Square? Why wos there a power cut? 2 @ Who do you think said these things? Match the quote to a person. Geastar pr 1 ‘A squirrel caused the power cut. @ a Zookeeper 2. ‘Alot of people had accidents at home! 3 ‘It escaped through an open gate.’ 4 ‘You couldn't see anything in Times Square.’ 5. ‘My cooker and heating stopped working.’ ennona ‘a mother (an ambulance driver ‘a worker at New York Power eaoc Q police officer 3 &¥ © Discuss. which situation (a or b) is more dangerous? Why? @ The traffic lights stopped working, b The elephant escaped from the zoo. Learning to learn Understand nouns and verbs ‘Some words can be both a noun and a verb. These words name a person, place or thing and also describe an action. Read and write N (Noun) or V (Verb). 1 Iheardo scream. _N_ Don't scream! _ 2 Youll break your crm!__-——Itwas a bad break. 3 Stop the train! _ Lets get off at the next stop. __ Other vertss change a little to make the noun. You need to leam these. 4 The cooker isn't working. We couldn't cook dinner. 5 We couldn't heat soup without electricity ‘The heating isn't working. Unit 1 Reading skl: understand facts and details Learning to learn: understand nouns ond verbs My w Loon [eer | eens zs al Past continuous with past simple 2 post simple 4 Ce EEE LLL LAA AA MILE AE FAA le the correct words. did (Ges doing homework last night when | ?lost / was losing all my work. it was power cut! My brother “watched / was watching TV when all the lights “went / were going My dod * made / was making dinner when the electricity ®went / was going off. My mum 1d / was having o shower when the water ‘went / was going cold, It wasn't « good evening! There was a power cut at eight o'clock t night. Match and say what you were doing. rehearse / for a concert stop /in a tunnel make / coke —~ heating / go off wash / hair lights / go out travel home / by train cooker / go off sit /in the living room water / go cold eacgd _Z Las rehearsing for a concert “when the lights went out. Unit 1 Tolk about interrupted past actions with winen ‘WB: page 10 www Lesson 4 Language in use ‘alarm — emergency experi 1) 1.3 @ Listen and say. feu SiS oeneOk ®& This is exciting! | like fire drills. @ Me, too. & Why are you wearing goggles? What were you doing when the alarm rang @ It rong while I was doing a science experiment. @ Oh, | see, @ Why are you wearing that old shirt? @ Itrang while I was painting in att clos. ®& Look! There's a fire engine! @ And there's smoke above your classroom, & Oh, no! Smoke and a fire engine @ This is o real emergency! 2 Complete the text with when or while. There was @ real emergency at school today! The fire alarm rong while _| was doing a science experiment. Joe was painting 2 he heard it. Mr Carter took all our names * we were standing outside. ook! ‘Suddenly, some students ran out of the building. past continuous + when + past simp ‘They were rehearsing for a concert * we the alarm rang and they didn’t hear it! A boy fell over _| Past simple + while + past continuo 5 he was running out of the building, but he wasn't hurt. Then a fire engine arrived, Three firefighters ran inside ® we were waiting inthe playground. And then we saw the smoke! 3 BP Match the actions and the activities. Then make a new dialogue. BD wear a tracksuit carya guitar corry a bucket wear headphones _ hold a knife and fork GD hove a music lesson do'gymnastics have lunch clean the kitchen listen to music. @ Why are you wearing a tracksuit? What were you doing when the alarm rang? @ It rang white | was doing gymnastics. Unit 1 Ask and answer questions about interrupted past activities WB: page 11 lifeboat life jacket rescue boat ® Look at the pictures. Where are they? Match the places to the pictures. a otsea bb atschool in space. "#) 1.4 Listen and check your answers. "@) 1.4 Listen again. Answer the questions for each dialogue. 1 What's the problem? 2 Do they need help? "()) 1.4 Answer the questions. Then listen again and check. 1 @ How many fire engines are there? ‘Why aren't there any school dinners today? How do you thnk the freighter feels now? Why? gs | -What can you What can the astronaut see? do to help in an Why does she need a torch? a ‘emergency? How do you think she feels now? Why? - 3 Where are they going? How many people are on the boat? How do you think the captain feels now? Why? 8 Values eceocaoca & &¥ piscuss the questions. 11 What other types of emergencies can you think of? 2 Have you ever been in an emergency? What happened? Unit 1 Understand context from audio clues WA: pages 12-13, www Lesson 6 wi 1 @ Look at the text on page 9 again. Find paragraph 4 and answer the questions. 1 What are the actual words that Natasha said (direct speech)? 2 How can you recognise direct speech? 3. Why does the reporter use direct speech? Tick (V) the best descriptions. @ I's accurate. (ae It shows how people feel. b It's dramatic and exciting. |_] e It's short. LJ € Its clear. O 2 Areporter interviewed Mork Kapinski about the power cut. Find the answers in the reporter's notes below. 1 What were you doing when the lights went out? 2 Whot happened? 3° Where do you live? 4 What did you do? 5 Who helped during the emergency? 6 What's your name? 7 What did firefighter Joe Black say? 8 How did you feel? Introduction 9) Mark Kapinski (Who? Where? ee eres ) Brooklyn, New York doing?) ©) walking home from football practice / lights went out! Main body €) went completely dark / couldhit see or hear anything) hat happened? ¢) sat down on a bench to look at the stars’ 1) ‘not frightened, excited / beautifil night, lots of star Conclusion @ police and firefighters worked through right (How did it ena? 7 Gj Berne ; What did peopie hy power cut lasted four hours / there.were no accidents’ say?) Write @ newspaper article from notes Write direct speech WB: pages 13-15, ‘www Work in pairs. Write a newspaper article about the interview. Remember to ... * give your article a headtine. ‘* organise your article into an introduction, main body and conclusion. * use direct speech, A power cut hit New York last night. Mark Kapinski, from Brooklyn, New York, was wwnlking howe Fron football practice when . Increase your vocabulary by adding -ing and -ed to some verbs to make adjectives. -ing is for things that cause the feeling: ‘The fire was terrifying,’ -e1/is for people and how they feel: ‘| was terrified!” It was really embarrassing. | was embarrassed! \derline the correct word. wos ' surprised / surprising when the train stopped in the tunnel. At first, wos “excited / exciting, but after a few minutes | felt a bit >wortied / rrying. Suddenly, someone screamed. It was “terrified / terrifying, at's happened?’ I shouted. ‘Don't worry,’ a woman explained. ‘My little 1y wos * frightened / frightening and he touched my face.’ | think she wos ly "embarrassed / embarrassing because she screamed! ‘Working with words: adjectives ending with -ing or ed WB: pages 13-15 www Lesson 7 Speaking 1 Look at the pictures. What's happening? Who are the people? 2 ) 1.5 Match the sentences to the pictures. Then listen and check. __] ‘tm trightened. Our boat is sinking’ [11] “There's smoke coming from the engine (_] ‘took tts the rescue boat!" __] ‘everyone get into the lifeboat, please!” 3 1.5 Listen again. Match the sentences in Activity 2 to the ways of speaking. 1 @_ shout b whisper © scream d exploi 4 Practise saying the sentences in Activity 2 with a partner. Think about how you and speak. 5 1.6 BY Listen to the reporter's questions. Choose the best answer. Number in order. ‘Yes, Iwas really | worried. late (ifm a bit cold and tired. ele (Twas terrified. ) YL was surprised and excited. Le 6 SY Work in groups to act out the emergency. Use the pictures and quotes to help you. Remember to show how you feel. Captain: There's smoke coming from the boat. Please send a rescue boot. Teacher: | can get life jackets for the children. Unit 1. Express feelings when speoking WB: poge 16 1 )tessons Loaner Plan a rescue j Read the task. What are the three parts of the problem? You are the director of a rescue team. i's four o'clock in the moming. Last night Mike Dobbs was climbing Misty Mountain when he fell and broke his leg. He needs help from o doctor immediately. Then you need to get him back to base camp as quickly as possible. &P Look at the picture. What problems do you think there will be if you go to Misty Mountain ... © on foot? b byombulance? ——& by motorbike? d_ by helicopter? "@) 17 Listen and check your ideas. Take notes about the rescue plans. Positive Negative climbing team ____can walk all the wa ‘ambulance motorbike helicopter SY What is the best way to rescue Mike Dobbs? Work in groups to discuss and solve the problem. You can use two forms of transport! (Be T think we should send .. first because ‘¢) 1.8 Read the story on pages 18-20. Who are the main characters? What does the title The trick mean? The TRICK ‘Musa and Hakan tived next door to each other in a smal SISISLSLSLSL STS village. They were good friends, but there was one problem, Money was very important to Hakan and, unfortunately, it was sometimes more important than his friends. One day, Hokan noticed that his horse, Atik, wasn't well. "I think we should sell Atik, he told his wife, Pinar. ‘He isn't strong and healthy anymore’ Pinar was surprised. ‘Sell a sick horse?’ she said. ‘That isn't honest. And who will buy a sick animal, anyway?” ‘Well,’ said Hakan, ‘I don't know if Atik is sick, but he used to be stronger. Musa needs to travel to the city soon and he hasn't got a horse.’ “But Musa is your friend, said Pinar angrily. ‘You shouldn't sell «an unhealthy horse to anyone, and certainly not to your friend” ‘But Musa hasn't got enough money to buy « horse,’ explained Hakan. ‘It give him a very good price for Atk, so | think I'm doing a good thing for my friend!’ Musa was watering the plants in his garden next door when he heard the last part of the conversation through the open window. ‘Aha!’ he thought. 'So Hakan is going to try and sell me a sick horse. I's BAR time to teach my friend a lesson! The next day, Musa and Hakan were drinking coffee together w 1e who is selling a horse?” jour lucky day. I'm thinking of selling Atik; said Hakan, He's the strongast ond fast in the viloge. | paid a lo for him, but | wil sell him to you, my friend, fora very good price’ Musa loved his friend like a brother, ttsay anything. But he had a plan. ‘OK; he said. ne to your house to buy That evening, while Hakan was having din pair and broke it against the kitchen wall. Then he shouted, ‘Acaaargh! Help!” y loudly and lay down on th ken chair. Hakan card his cries and ran to Musa’s ho Musa! Musa! What's ‘www I've had an accident, replied Musa. ‘I was taking food from a shelf when | fell off the chair. | think I've broken my leg!” “You need to go to hospital immediately’ said Hakan worriedly “The nearest hospital is thirty kilometres away; said Musa. ‘But how lucky we are to have Atk! You can toke me there on the strongest and fastest, J) no1s0 inthe vitaget it wit only toke three hours. 7 aaa oseese Hakan knew that this was an emergency and that Aik couldn't carry his friend for three hours. It was time to tell Musa the truth. He explained that Atik wasn't strong and healthy anymore and offered to buy Musa the strongest and fastest horse in the whole country to take him to hospital. Muse knew that Hakan was truly sorry. He stood up and showed Hakan that his leg wasn't broken. Hakan understood that Musa had tricked him too. He laughed and laughed, and then he hugged his friend. ‘Tm so sorry, Musa. You'te the best friend in the world ond NU never try to trick you again. Soon atter that, Atik got better and Hakan gave the horse to his friend os a present to show him how truly sorry he was. ‘www eading time 1 Activities Read the story on pages 18-20 again. Answer the questions. Why wos Pinar angry with Hokan? Why did Hakan think he was doing ‘a good thing’ for Musa? 2 How did Musa know that the horse was sick? What accident did Musa say he had? ‘What did Musa want Hakan to do? Why did Hakan decide to tell Musa the truth? aarsena Tick (V) the main themes in the story. You should be kind to friends or you will lose them. Never forgive someone who hurts you. It's important to be honest. You should be kind to cnimals. ‘Sometimes a bad experience can show you that you're wrong, eanhons DOC) Its important to say sorry when you hurt a friend. @ Discuss the questions. Give reasons for your answers. 1 What two tricks happen in the story? 2 Do you think both tricks were wrong? 3. What did you think of Hakan at the beginning of the story? And at the end? Did your opinion of him change? 4. Did your opinion of Musa change during the story? 5 Who do you think was a better friend — Hakan or Musa? © GP imagine that Musa really broke his leg and Hakan didn’t tell him the truth. How would the ending be different? Discuss. @: SV Watch the video to see a different ending to the story. Is it similar to your ideas in Activity 42 Which ending do you prefer? Why? Reading time 1 Give a personal response to text pu A fre Life in the past N Lesson 1 Reading build bum down bury (buried) dig (dug) freezing office Portrait possession servant soldier 1 @ Look at the pictures. When did the man write his diary? two years ago b fifty years ago © 950 years ago 2 What is happening in each picture? ‘'@) 1.9 Read the diary and check your answers to Activity 2. (Be a star! ¥ eo 4 Look at the vocabulary panel. Find the words in the text. Use the context to work out what they mean. | In 1666, Samuel Pepys, a writer and government ‘administrator in Great Britain, wrote a famous diary. Monday, 22nd January eon Z this mi Ae was very cold # 5 inside of the windows! ‘wear three ee Fe in the bedroom. | ee woe dark, t00 — Sei : 1 ie was dark, ‘ill freezing! jacket twas les to write ths dary omy | neede = comming — there was 1c (The servants made Wednesday, 7th February Most people haven't got a clock or a watch because they're very expensive. Last night, the cat woke me up. | didn't know what time it was, Then | heard the night watchman shouting, ‘One o'clock on a cold and windy night! This morning, | bought my very first watch, so now Ill always know the time! Friday, 16th March can't see very well, so yesterday | bought a pair of glasses. | took the boat to my office and | could see all the ships on the River Thames! There were lots of ships, so it was difficult to get to work. The river didr't use to be so busy. But I'm so pleased that | can see clearly again! Sunday, 2nd September “The servants woke me up early this morning — there's a great fire in the City of London! was an emergency, so | rode my horse into the city to speak to the King. They used to build houses here with stone, Now they use wood, so the fire is growing very quickly. Soldiers are pulling down houses in front of the fire, but i's still moving very fast. japted from The Diary of Samuel Pepys Friday, 15th June Today | bought Elisabeth a very expensive necklace — it cost £4 IMiiHales is coming to paint her Portrait today. He's an artist, but he used to work in my office. I'm Worried because Elisabeth's false teeth are very uncomfortable, She'l while Mr her portrait | hope she doesn't look unhaae iz Monday, 4th September Bs lsabeth and | were worried that our house was going to burn down, so this afternoon we took our possessions outside and hid them, One of my most ®xpensive possessions is a block of Parmesan cheese from Italy! We dig a hole in the ga and buried the cheese so Unit 2. Reading skit: use pictures to help understanding WB: poge 18 Lesson 2 Reading comprehension 1 Read the diary on pages 22-23 again. Number the events ‘of Samuel's life in order. Somuel and Elisabeth buried the cheese. Samuel bought his first watch. An artist painted Elisabeth's portrait. Soldiers tried to stop the fire. There wos a great fire in London. Samuel had to wear three jackets. @7-eacca ME aya] Somuel went to work by boat. 2 @ Work out the answers to the questions. (Be a star! * Why didn’t Samuel know the time when he woke up? Why was he able to see the ships on the Thames? Who do you think Elisabeth was? Wos Samuel an important person? Why? / Why not? ‘Why did the fire grow so quickly? Why did Samuel and Elisabeth bury the cheese? 3 @ S¥ How do you think lite was different in the past? How was it the same? Discuss. oanona Working with words Make nouns from verbs ‘Sometimes we can make nouns from verbs. We often add -er or -or: paint—painter direct — director Learning how to change words to make different parts of speech can help you expand your vocabulary. Make nouns from these verbs. oct actor 4 build 5 invent 6 visit — - 4 2 Reading skil: infer meaning and draw conclusions Working with words: make nouns from verbs. WB: page 19 5 {come | eee = ad é used to: affirmative and negative f n 3 Grammar @ Look and read. He maths [usdio [vor in notin, [reuse fear ssn 1 You He She It We They, Complete the text with used to / didn’t use to and the verbs in brackets. Life was very different in the time of Samuel Pepys. He *___used to have __(have) servants, and they ? (make) a fire in his room every morning. People 2 (not have) electricity, so Samuel (light) candies. He * (not wear) glasses, but he bought a pair so he could see better. There weren't any cameras, so Samuel & (poy) an artist to paint portraits of his family. People ” (not have) cars, so Somuel * (travel) to his office by boat. SP & Talk about when you were three years old. What was different? Use the prompts and add your own ideas. Cm) play / with toys not / go / to school mum / read / to me (Tused to play “with toys when ‘[Lwas little not / choose / my own clothes Unit 2. Use used foto talk about past habits and situations www Lesson 4 Language in use 1 1.40 @ Listen and say. calculator carpet cottage history vacuum @ Hi, Grandpa. Can | ask you some ‘questions about when you were litle? @ Yes, of course. ®& Where did you use to live? ®@ | used to tive in a cottage in the countryside. @ Did you use to have servants? & No, we didn’t! | used to help with Bx the chores. |’ & what chores did you use to do? © | used to tidy up and vacuum the carpets. ®& Did you use to study maths at school? Yes, I did. But we used to do itin our heads. We didn't use to have golculato & Wow! Poor you! (5? Make a new dialogue with the phrases below. Look at Activity 1 and replace the underlined words and sentences. 3 Write questions about the past. Add two more questions. where / ive? Where did you use to live? what / do / at weekends? help / with the chores? work / on a computer? ouaena 4 & &¥ Ask and answer the questions in Activity 3 with a partner. Unit 2 Ask and answer questions with used to WB: page 21 son 5 Listening Look at the photo. What does it show? guide ink kilometre cil lamp in those doys. @) 1.11 Listen to a guide. How is this school schools? Tick (v) the correct answers. ifferent to many modern 1 onectassroom |v] 4 noclectricty [_] 7 very cold imi) 2 pupils same age |_| 5 light from tamps. _| 8 nocomputers |_| 3 trovelbybus |_| 6 noheating ") 1.11 Circle the correct words. Then listen again and check. (Be a star! 5 1) This was the@hooy ‘shop for Tyneham Village. Students were between four and fourteen / eighteen years old. ‘Some students used to walk seven / ten kilometres to school. There were en / thirty children in one classroom. They used oil lamps / torches for light. ‘They used computers / pen and ink to write. oaron © & Howis this classroom different to B Values your classroom? How is it similar? ‘What can we learn Discuss with a partner. 5 from studying the past? Unit2 Listen for specie information WB: pages 22-23 Lesson 6 Writing 1 Look at the diary on pages 22-23 again. Answer the questions. 1 What did Samuel Pepys always write first? 2 Who did he write about? 3 What did he write about? Tick (v) @ events lv} shopping L) b feelings L) € stories LI © opinions L} family and friends LU 2 @ Read Gemma's diary entry below. Are diaries formal or informal? Friday, 26th May What a day!! | was late for school and we had a trip to the 200 (I forgot!). They } had to wait for me and Mrs Tarrant was angry. She gave me extra homework — she used to be my favourite teacher! The zoo was fun. We fed the monkeys and a cute baby monkey stole Joe's hat! Hal Hal Hal It was awesome! But then we went to the snake house. Yuck! | HATE snakes! Later | was watching TV when Mum shouted, "GEMMA, HOMEWORK"" ‘Arrrgh, we didn't use to get so much homework. Tomorrow | can stay in bed because it's SATURDAY! 3. How does Gemma write these sentences in her diary? 1 Today was diffcut. What a day! — 2 I didn't remember we had a trip. ee 3 Ilaughed 4 Snakes are horrible. a Mum told me to do my homework. Unit 2 Write @ diary entry Recognise features of informal wating WB: pages 23-25 Find and underline examples of these things in the diary on page 28. 1 exclamation marks 3. block capital letters 2 sounds /noises 4 informal words or expressions Work in pairs. Make notes about a school trip that you went on. * Day and date + Where did you go? + Who with? * What did you do? ‘+ What wos the best thing about the day? © How did you feet? ‘+ What did you think about people and events? Write a diary entry together about your trip. Use some informal writing features from Activity 4. {Date} Yesterday was awesonell We went on a school trip to... & Learning to learn Memorise new vocabulary To help you remember new vocabulary, try to leam a small number of new words (about eight) and repeat these regularly. This is easier than trying to lear 25 new words all at the same time. Here are some ideas to help you revise and repeat new vocabulary * Write the words on labels. Stick them on your wall so you see the words. every day. * Record the words and play them back. Write sentences with the words. Practise saying the sentences to a friend. Unit 2 Learning to learn: memorise new vocabulary WB: poges 25-25 ‘www renglsh.u Lesson 7 Speaking rmunicate 21st centur 1 @ SP imagine it’s the year 2120. How do you See u think life will be different? Discuss the ideas below with a partner and take notes. Z There won't be any shops. People | wi do all their shopping online. SV Act out a dialogue with a partner. Use your ideas in Activity 1 and the phrases to help you. ‘Student A: You are a guide in a history museum in 2120. Welcome to... You are going to give a talk about life in the 21st century I'm going to talk about ... In those days, ‘Another interesting thing is that .. ‘Student B: Listen to the guide. Ask questions if you Could you repeat that, please? don't understand or if you want more information. What do you mean by ... 2 ? all Can I check something, please? Welcome to the History Museum, ) My name is Joe and I'm your guide for today, I'm going to talk about life | in the 21st century. In those days, people used to buy things in shops ._| 3 @ Discuss. In 2120, what things about life now will seem ‘strange? Z Libraries will seem strange because ) | people will read electronic books it2 Give a talk Clarify information B: page 26 rare ttt 1 Read the text about a man who lived 300 years ago. Find and underline six things from the wrong time. It was dark when Mr Brockbank woke up, so he switched on the lamp, He was feeling cold. He looked for his servant to make a fire. The floor was dirty ‘Where is she?’ asked MirBrockbank, ‘She needs to vacuum the carpet! But the servant ‘was travelling back from the village by bus. Then the phone rang, It was his brother inviting him to the theatre. ‘Ican't go tonight’ said Mr Brockbank. ‘Jane and I are going to the cinema. Why don’t you come over tomorrow? We can go for a drive in the countryside in my new car! 2 Cross (x) the things you think people didn’t have 300 years ago. Then write four more items you think they didn’t have. 1 3 Work in pairs. Rewrite the text about Mr Brockbank. Include things which people had 300 years ago. It was dark when Mr Brockbank woke up, so he needed a candle 4 &¥ work in groups. Take turns reading out your texts to compare your ideas. (Unt 2 Apply tinking sls onalyse ond evoucte formoton We: pages cS] www 1 Write the correct word for each definition. ombulonce bury electricity emergeney freezing _ possessions ‘A dangerous event that needs immediate action. ‘emergenct It takes people to hospital after an accident. ‘The power that makes machines and lights work. The things that are yours, To put something in the ground and cover it. Very, very cold, oanona Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. We ‘were rehearsing (tehearse) for the school play lost night when an embarrassing thing 2=__ (happen). The alarm ®_______ (ring) while we + (Ging) the lost song. Everyone *_______ (wear) their character costumes when we § = (Go) outside to the playground. A group of young children ? ___ (arrive) while we : (wait) for the firefighters to come. They couldn't stop laughing. We looked really funny! S? Work in pairs. Ask and answer about what Bill and Anna used to do. > Anna Bill ie | Where did Bill if luseotiver J ——/|___ ———— [He used to live aR Linacottage, Did Anna use to. ? live in a cottage ¥ teach history x work in an office x write with a pen and ink w drive a fire engine V paint portraits V cycle 20 kilometres a day V work os a guide x Roviow 1 Units 1 and 2 www Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 They were very excited / exciting about their holiday. 2 The little boy was frightened / frightening by the noise. 3. [forgot my money} It was really embarrassed / embarrassing. 4. She likes acting. She's.a really good actor / action 5 She likes making things. She wants to be a building / builder. °G" Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. Example hotel pizza powercut surprised electricity worried _ if emergency _ while soup Last weekend, Jana and her parents stayed in a small ——hotel____near the beach. On Saturday evening, the cook was walking downstairs when all the lights went out. twasa'_____ He fell over because he couldn't see where he was going, AL7 oclock, everyone was waiting for dinner when the manager arrived, He looked*____‘'m very sorry, he explained. ‘There's no dinner tonight because we still haven't got any®______in the hotal. The 00k is also in hospital, but he isn’t badly hurt ‘Ican see a barbecue in the garden, said Jana's dad. Does it work?” “Yes, it does,’ said the manager. ‘We cook outside on it in summer? ‘OK,’ said Jana’s mum. ‘I con make dinner. Could you bring me a large bag of vegetables?" « her mum was chopping the vegetables, Jana’s dad heated some water on the barbecue. They made a lovely vegetable (Wwalldcnelouven) which everyone enjoyed very much. an Academy Star! | Now choose the best name for the story. eo Tick one box. The accident O The broken cooker _| paercee tial Review 1 CE:YL Flyers, Reading ond Writing, Port 3 Adventure time Lesson 1 Reading S¥ Look at the photos in Emmo’s blog. Det emligeaupsnonn, i instructor kayaking Discuss the questions with a partner. tandseape—— patie 1 What do you think it’s about? scenery view wildlife 2. What kind of person is Emma? 3 Would you like to be her friend? Why? / Why not? @) 1.12 Read the blog quickly and check your answers to Activity 1. (Be a star! J Look at the vocabulary panel above. Find the words in the text. Use the context to work out what they mean. Hi, my name's Emma, Welcome to my blog! Today | went skiing with my family at Ilive in Vancouver, Canada. I's a fantastic city | | Whisller ski resort near Vancouver. | love with a beautiful landscape. We've got the sea, | skiing - we go every yeor! My favourite mountains, forests and lots of wildlife ~ have n is called the Ice Monster i's | sag YOU ever Seen a big brown bear? Canada isthe | realy fast and the views are amazing! ge, Petfect place for sport and adventure! This year |. Stay with me and follow all the cool lim going to write about all the cool adventures PS things you can do in havel I hope you enjoy my blog! @ ale Canada. is a really fun place, with lots of exciling activities to try! I've never travelled in o hotoir balloon or visited Toronto before. See you later! ead a photo blog WB: page 28 ever been kayaking before, so | tried it this month! Smilar to canoeing, but a kayak is much smaller than Sence ond your paddle has got two blades. We went kayok school in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, practised for three hours with an instructor and then travelled down the Madawaska River in our kayaks. es really exciting and the scenery was amazing! We went to « hot-air balloon festival near Montreal, Quebec, with over 200 different hot-air balloons! People had to fly the balloons at six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening when the wind was strongest. We woke up early today and went for a hotair balloon ride - | could see the whole countrysidel I thought hot-air balloons were reclly quiet, but they oren't the flame is really loud and it’s hot, too! Ws my 15th birthday and we're in Toronto, Ontario! jis | wanted to do something special, so we did the ‘Edge Wolk’ around the top of the CN Tower. ¥s the tallest building in the city — i's 553 metres high! We had to wear a special bat, jacket and gloves and practise with fon instructor. Then we were fied to a bar nd we walked around the outside of the building. We were 350 metres above the ground! fig? | went with my best friend, Charlene. It was terrif leading skill moke predictions fo understonc o text WE: page 28 ‘www Lesson 2 Reading comprehension Read the blog on pages 34-35 agait Complete the sentences in your notebook. 1 Emma started her blog because .. Her favourite ski run is the Ice Monster becouse .. A kayak is different to a canoe because ... Hot-air balloons aren't quiet because ... Emma did the Edge Walk because .. @ Are the sentences fact or opinion? Write F (Fact) or O (Opinion). (Be a star Hr 1 Whistler is a ski resort near Vancouver. Canada is the perfect place for sport and adventure. twas really exciting and the scenery was amazing, People had to fly the balloons when the wind was strongest. ‘The CN Tower is 553 metres high. twas terrifying, but we loved it S¥ @ what do you think? Discuss the questions with a partner. 1 Why is Canada a good place for adventure? 2 Which activities in the blog would you like to try? Why? Working with words Irregular past participles ‘Some irregular verbs have a past participle that is different to the past simple form. Watch out for these verbs and keep a list in your notebook. Underline the past participles. Which verbs are they from? Which ones are different to the past simple form? Fe flown to lots of different countries and I've written about most of them in my blog. Ive had. lots of amazing experiences. I've seen pandas in the wild. 've swum with dolphins and I've slept in a tree house! I've met lots of interesting people and I've heard some fantastic music! LUni'@ Reading ski: difreniote between fact ond opinion Working with words: iegular post portples| WE: page 29 ‘www Grammar kona pia] = Present perfect: affirmative, negative with never ei visited never He She | has ('s) | You We They] have (‘ve) tried SR BS BTS SSeS SRC TROT TR a Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Martin Evans is only 12 years old, but he 1’s done (do) 0 tot of exciting things. He*_______(write) a blog about his adventures. He® (climb) Mount Kilimanjaroand he ‘$__ (swim) with dolphins. He (travel) by plane, but he ® (never / fly) in a hot-air balloon. He7___ (visi Paris, but he (never / climb) the Eiffel Tower. Why? Because Martin’s scared of heights! & SF tell a partner what you have done and what you have never done. Add your own ideas. | try / skiing see / an animal in the sea ‘computer game a mountain in the wild (Tve tried skiing, but I've never swum in the sea, \. Unit 3. Use the present perfect to talk about experiences WE: poge 30 www Lesson 4 Language in use camp compass _ put up (a tent) 1 s)1.13 MB Listen and say. ruehsoek rcs pioo.b90 @ Hi, Alice. Welcome to Woodlands Camp. Have you ever been camping before? @ No, haven't! It's my first time. ® Don't worry, we're going to have a lot of fun! ® I've never carried a rucksack before, it's really heavy! | know! Have you ever put up a tent? ® No, I haven't & That's OK, | can teach you. Have you ever slept in a sleeping bag? ®@ Yes, Ihave. It was really cold! ® Oh, dear! Have you ever made a fire? No, I haven't Is it dtficult? & No, itisn't. Let me show you and then we can cook dinner! & Greot, thanks. 2 & Write questions with the prompts. Add one more question. Then answer for you. 1. walk in the mountains? Have you ever walked in the mountains? 2 use/amap? 3 collect / wood for a fire? 4 use /a compass? 5 3 SY Make a new dialogue. Use the ideas in Activity 2. @ Hi, Morco. Welcome to Woodlands Camp. Have you ever walked in the mountains? SNo, | haven't int 2 Use the present perfect with ever to ask and answer about experiences We: page 31 - on 5 Listening '@) 1.14 Look at the photos. Where's the man? What's he doing? bite (bit) Listen to the interview and check your ideas. cae explorer horrible mosquito strange ")1.14 Listen again and complete the fact files. At work. = | At home Where? the Amazon where? Favourite food? = Favourite food? Worst food? ees BB yvorst food? ‘Transport? 8 ransport? cariest thing? = Scariest thing? Worst experience? Worst experience? rere rT TFT J A ))4.14 Write T (True) or F (False). Listen again and check. Insects with orange are delicious. Mike had a good experience near a take, 3 Values There are scary animals in Australia What ean you learn ‘ond the Amazon. * from travelling to new places? Mike found something horrible in his shoe 2 Las) ate © In what ways are Mike’s work and home life similar? In what ways are they different? Use your answers in Activity 2 to help you. (Be a star!) — He eats fish in the Amazon and at home, but he doesn’t catch fish at home. Unit 3 Listen for similarities and cifiarenaes WB: poze se www Lesson 6 Writing & Learning to learn Use a mind map to plan ‘A mind map is a useful way of organising thoughts and information. Look at the mind ‘map Emma made for her blog entry about the CN Tower. To make a mind map: + write the name of your topic in the middle of the page. * think of ideas related to your topic. Draw lines from the main topic and write your ideas at the end, * think of more information connected to each idea and add it to your mind map, do something + special practised with instructor my birthday Wore special clothes tallest building incity / tiled to bar 553 metres high walked around the outside best experience ever! terrifying Read Emma’s blog entry for June and make a mind map of her ideas. © Look at Emma’s blog on pages 34-35. Tick (v) the things that are true for a blog. 1 You write it in date order. vi The writer uses ‘I’ and ‘we’. It's private — only the writer reads it. It's formal. It includes the writer's feelings and opinions. oaanen It describes places and experiences. nit Leaming to tear: use a mind map to plon We: pages 33-35, You are going to write a blog entry about an adventure activity. Look at the pictures. Then work in pairs to complete the mind map. E my birthday do something special 2 Why2 learnt about dolphins with el instructor oe autiful 3 Dolphins 4 Swimming EM 4 What we did went out in “with dolphins 5 -Qunions for 30 mins Use your mind map to write a blog entry. Follow the guide below. Start Write the date (day, month and year). Opening —_ Introduce yourself. Welcome readers to your blog. Main section Use your mind mop to write about your experience. + Keep it short. Don't include information that isn't interesting or exciting, + Describe your feelings and opinions. Finish Write something friendly so your readers want to come back again Unit 8 White a blog entry Recognise features of elas WS: poges $35 Lesson 7 Speaking 1 Look at the photo of the job interview. What questions do you a think he is asking? eect first aid rsctops Adve 2 Look at the form. Add one more question to sections 1 and 2. e =VNSS 1 Likes ema dislikes: Do you like 2 Experience: Have you ever * swimming? * een kayoiking? * doing sport? * coached a sport? * cooking? * painting and drawing? * acted ina play? = leamnt first cid? Pe] CUO 3 BY Act out an interview with a partner. ‘Student A: You are the interviewer. Ask the questions in Activity 2 and complete the form. Use the phrases to show you are interested. Really? Wow! That's interesting / amazing! Can you tell me more about ... 2 ‘Student B: You are at an interview for a job at an adventure camp. Answer the questions. Give as much information as possible. (Yes, I do. I go swimming three times \ Z Do you like swimming? Casa ESn Ney) a week. I've won lots of race © <5¥ Tell the class about your partner. Do you think he / she will get the job? Why? / Why not? Unit 3 Conduct an interview Listen ond show interest WB: page 36 Sn eel sa Decide who gets the job Read the advert. What is it for? What experience do you need? Wanted: coach for Treetops Adventure Cam We're looking for a coach to join our team. Candidates should: * have experience of coaching football or basketball. * enjoy working with young people. * work well in a team. Some experience of office work is also preferred. Look at the photos. Who do you think should get the job? Why? maven "@) 1.45 Listen to the interviews and complete the information. Marco Janice Elisha Experiehcell 1 hos stayed at Treetops | 1 hasn't worked 1 has worked 2 has worked in oo —_—_— ——n office __| 2 has coached 2coaches basketball hasn't worked ———_——— | 8 has worked 3 hasn't worked __in an office 4 can play ee | 4 can’t play Scan Other 6 has organised 5 really likes children is studying to be a information | university events | teacher SY Look at your notes in Activity 3 and discuss the questions. (Be a 11 Who do you think should get the job? 2. |s this different to the person you chose in Activity 2? If yes, why? ‘Apply thinking skis: reach a decision through logit reo: WB: pages "@) 1.16 Read the story on pages 44-46. Where were April and Sandy? Who were the three men? Aprillived on a small istand off the coast of Arica, Her cousin Sandy was visiting her from Australia, One evening they were following a rocky path down to the beach. The scenery ‘and the views across the sea were beautiful Look at all the kayoks,’ soid April. ‘Have {you ever been kayaking?’ ‘No, | haven't, replied Sandy, ‘I've been sailing, but 've never tried kayaking ‘Let's go one day, suggested April ‘Its a teat way to explore the island. ‘Con you tell me more about the island?’ asked Sandy, “Of course,’ said April. ‘We have some of tha bed Deeiisesa te gece alley see! And town thre are beaut houses, palaces and gardens. We'll visit them while arate ‘Greatt’ said Sandy. ‘And what about the history of the itand? ‘Well,’ replied April. ‘It used to be an important racing ells eons ted coma from all over the world to sell things like sugar ord eplcaa: Mora ef ther deckied tc iho wand eon eeretna calc ent cultures, like Portuguese, Indion ond Slag ra poss FH selee A) inal mething amazing tonight!’ Ve ead on adventure story idenly, Sandy stopped. ‘Shhh! Listen!’ he pered. ‘I think I can hear something. ty Looked down to the sea and saw a small arriving with three men on board. They id hear the men shouting to each other. ok! There's the beach! Over there!’ shouted € of the men, said another, trying to speak quietly, ‘and Sandy looked at each other with wide ‘What do you think they're doing?’ asked Bry. ‘Do you think they're traders?” not in the 21st century, whispered April | think they're doing something bad. Maybe eure smuggling gold or silver! men jumped onto the beach and took two des from the boat. They looked around to ke sure that they were alone. Then they ted digging, Book, they're cigging a hole!’ exclaimed Sandy BP surprise. “They're going to bury something! | know what they're doing!’ said Apri angrily je have to do something about this! We can’t # 0 phone signal here, but follow me. We need get back to the road - i's through those trees $d up the hill. We can get a signal there and Beal the police. inted to the three men. ‘This is the Turtle We've finally caught them! Sandy turned towar are a very imp life on the island,’ explained April. ‘They Tetum to the beaches every two or three years to dig nests and lay their eggs. The villagers look after them and protect the nests. But the turtle ‘eggs are very valuable — people pay a lot of money for them. ‘Ohl So those men were stealing th laimed Sandy, ‘That's terrible! www ling time 2 Activities ok at the pictures on pages 44~46. Write a list of everything you can see. 10 has the longest list? compass, hot air-balloon Read the story again. Underline the correct words. The isiand is off the coast of Africa / Australia / Asia. There are lots of beaches / animals / palaces in town, Many traders / villagers / thieves decided to stay (on the island, April and Sandy had to get to the beach / island / road to call the police. The turtles come to the village / sea / beaches to dig their nests. ‘The Turtie Gang were stealing eggs / turtles / gold. Number the events in the story in order. The men started digging on the beach. April and Sandy climbed a hill to get a phone signal. The police cought the three men, April told Sandy about the local food, _| April realised what the men were doing. ‘Sandy visited April on the island. April told Sandy about hawksbill turtles. They saw a boat with three men in it © piscuss the questions. 1 What does Sandy learn about the island? 2 > What information did you find most interesting? 3. Would you like to visit the istand? Why? / Why not? ya t*eancea @: 51 watch the video to see a different ending to the story. Which ending do you prefer? Why? ing time 2 Give a personal response too text ‘ ”. Cool jobs Lesson 1 Reading challenging clever energetic a gordener interested in pilot 1 1.47 @ Look atthe photos and discuss | ‘"0'ding safe university vet the questions. Then read the article quickly and check your ideas. 1 What ore their jobs? 2 Do you think they like their job? Why? / Why not? 2 Look at the vocabulary panel above. Find the words in the text. Use the context to work out what they mean. 3 Read again and match. 1 The vet 2 The pilot 3. The police officer 4 The gardener Looks after plants. works with wild animals. rescues people. works with a horse. aote Se Have you ever thought about what job you'd like. TREES TEGE 10.402 4 teacher, a journalist - or something a bit different? We spoke to four people with unusual jobs Jobs. We asked them why they chase the job and what they like most about it. Adela Campo is a search and rescue pilot. She flies a helicopter to look for and save people in difficult situations. How long has she done this job? ‘I learnt to fly at university and I've been a pilot for 12 years,’ says Adela. ‘I chose this job because | love flying, It’s also very rewarding - it feels good to help people and keep them safe’ What does she joy most about her job? ‘I love working as part of a team. We all work really well together’ 7 « Reod o magazine article 2 38 er Hadden has been a police officer for eight years. But doesn't drive a police car — he rides a horse! Bess, his ©, is very clever and friendly. Why did he choose this | love horses and every day is different, says Tyler. Bre day we're at a parade, the next we're at a football =tch. When there are lots of people at an event, there be problems, so we need to make sure nothing goes ng. | enjoy meeting new people most. People like Blice horses so they talk to me and Bess a lot Jill Johnson is a vet. She has worked with wild animals in South Africa since she left university. She looks after the animals to make sure they're healthy. ‘I chose this job because it’s exciting there's always something new and challenging, Last week, we travelled for three hours to rescue @ baby elephant that was stuck in the mud.’ And what does she like most about her job? ‘Working wit wildlife is very special. Every animal teaches cs | us something different. erek Chatham is a gardener at an venture safari park in Britain, He's irked here since 2001. He looks after | slants which are more than two metres “The job used to take a long time, But now we have stilts so it's much ter and more fun,’ says Derek. ‘I Jove working as a gardener, I'm in the Hesh air all day. | need to move around B lot, which is good because I’m very "energetic — it keeps me healthy.’ Why IGic he choose this job? ‘I've always een interested in plants and I've ever wanted to work in an office. Unit 4 Reading ski: make predictions to help understanding WB: page 38 www Lesson 2 Reading comprehension Learning to learn Scan for specific information When you want to find specific information in a text, don't read every ae word. Read the text quickly, only looking for that piece of information. Think of key words and keep these words in mind. How quickly can you find the answer to this question on page 49? Which animal did Jill Johnson help last week? 1 Read the text on pages 48-49 again. 1d specific information to complete the chart. Adela she loves flying pilot _ | for 12 years Tyler for he loves horses ill since its exciting Derek since ‘always been interested in plants | working as a gardner 2 Write the name(s). What information in the texts helped you decide? Who ... 1. helps someone / something in difficulty? Adela, Jill ‘Adela 2 tikes working with people? Tuer 3. likes working with animals? vill 4 doesn't want to work indoors? Es 5 tikes variety in a job? 3 @ ® Discuss. Give reasons for your answers. 1. Which of the jobs on pages 48-49 do you think is the most ... dangerous? b challenging? © rewarding? 2 What job would you like to do when you finish studying? Unt & Reading skill and Learning to team: scan for specific information WB: poge 39 on3 Grammar = r -{ eon LAAT AT AS resent perfect with How long?, for and since “ 1 How tong [row] you [ren] adentist 2 [= A on dentist for 50 years - Noone since | 1975 5. | Write questions with How long ...? Complete the answers with for or since. 1 Adela / be /a pilot? How long has Adela been a pilot? For 12 years. Jill work /.as 0 vet? she left university. Tyler / have / a horse? 2013. the gardeners / work / in the pork? a few years. SY & Ask and answer the questions with a partner. pave oe 12 years /an hour/ three SONG EMP cttes tes _Z How long have you been. ‘since + an exact moment in a pupil at this school? | 2001 / Tuesday /four o'clock “ett universi Tve been a pupil here since I \ Lwas seven / for four years. 1 www Language in use 4.18 @ Listen and say. canteen cloakroom gym oc! @ Hi, Sophia. How's your first day at sch: & Good! I've met lots of new people. ® Have you met the head teacher yet? & Yes, | have. She's really nice. ® Hove you found the canteen yet? ® Yes, | have. I've already had lunch. ® Great. Would you like me to show you the library? ® "ve already seen it, but haven't been to the gym yet © Ok, lets go to the gum. @ And where can | put my jacket? ® Has your teacher shown you the cloakroom yet? ®& No, he hasn't. © Ok, I'll toke you there now. Look and write sentences with yet or already. Things to do on first day: meet / PE teacher ¥ Tve already met the PE teacher. go to / computer room x play basketball / in the gym x find / brary ¥ meet / school nurse X teacher / give me a locker V SU Think of other things you could do on your first day at a new school. Make a list with a partner. 5? Make a new dialogue. Use the ideas in Activities 2 and 3 to help you. ® Hove you met the PE teacher yet? & Yes, | hove. He's really nice. Would you tike me to show you ... 2 Ln" « Use the present pertect with already and yet (ME pape 1 on 5 Listening © SF Read and look at the photos. Which do you think pen flavour is the best job in the world? Why? eezemeee! soe) Life Radio 7 pm Tonight we answer the question, ‘What's the best job in the world?’ Is it a video game tester ... a travel writer ... or an ice cream taster? Tune in to find out! ‘@) 1.19 Listen to the radio programme. Wt Tick (V) the correct picture in Activity 1. h is the best job in the world? #) 1.19 Listen again. Number the steps in order. (Be a star! Jy a Warm the ice cream a litle. Look at the ice cream. Write the results in a book. @ Spit the ice cream into a bowl. © Putthe ice cream ona gold spoon. |_| Move it around your mouth. *@) 1.19 Answer the questions. Then listen again and check. How many flavours does Jean taste each day? How tong has she had this job? ‘Why do you warm the ice cream before tasting? ‘Why do you need to use 0 gold spoon? 5 What are Jean's favourite flavours of ice cream? a2 4. Would you like to be an ice cream taster? Why? / Why not? 2 What's your favourite flavour of ice cream? Rone iscuss the questions with a partner. Unit 4 Listen for sequence www né Writing 1 Read about another job. Number questions ag information appears. —_ =a Sandra Smith is a paramedic. She works in a hospital in the USA. She's worked at the hospital since she was 23. Sandra drives an ambulance to emergencies every day. the order the ‘I chose this job because | really wanted to help people, says Sandra ‘I enjoy looking after people and helping them when they're ill or hurt. Last week we rescued a man from his car. The car was on fire, but he couldn't open the door. We pulled him out through the window. It only took two minutes to rescue him!” And what does she like most about her job? ‘I's very rewarding,’ she says. ‘Every day is challenging. | never know what will happen next. You have to make decisions very quickly in this job’ @ Where do you work? b Can you tell me about an interesting situation? © How long have you worked here? What's your name? © What do you like most about your job? What job do you do? @ Why did you choose this job? 1 ity 1. Make notes on his / her answers. Place of work: Chose job because: Interesting situation: Likes most: * Write an article Review and ealt your work paves 43-45

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