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VIDEO: Emotional intelligence at work: Why IQ isn’t everything

I have chosen the video “Emotional intelligence at work: Why IQ isn’t

everything”. This video talks about the importance of emotional intelligence
in the context of business and professional success.

Daniel Goleman discusses how emotional intelligence is a significant predictor

of success in multiple fields, even in engineering roles. In the video he
highlights that having a high IQ may be a requirement for technical positions.
However, if workers had emotional intelligence, they would stand out.

He mentions a study, in which engineers were evaluated by their peers on

how successful they were at what they do. And that was correlated with their
IQ and their emotional intelligence. The results were: IQ correlated zero with
their success as rated by peers, however emotional intelligence correlated
very, very highly.

For the author, emotional intelligence is the ability to manage oneself

effectively, work toward goals despite obstacles, maintain a positive outlook,
and exhibit some abilities related to relationships. These emotional
intelligence competencies are considered essential for success, in
collaborative work environments.

The video can be related to the text multiple intelligences because both talks
about kinds of intelligence and professions. To be a good engineer, you must
have logical mathematical intelligence, to calculate, quantify, and carry out
complete mathematical operations. Besides the video describes the
importance of self-reflection, so it makes me thinks about the intrapersonal
intelligence. What’s more, I can relate the interpersonal intelligence with the
relationship competencies, to tune in to other people and be a team player.

In conclusion I can say that success in various fields goes beyond traditional
measures of intelligence, such as IQ, and involves a more comprehensive
understanding of human abilities. Therefore, different forms of intelligence
would be valued in the context of professional success and personal
development. Also, I would say that emotional intelligence should be
considered when hiring and promoting employees.

1. What happened with the first candidate when the exam started? The
first candidate wrote something on the paper and the guard threw him
2. Who finally got the job? Why? The candidate 3 got the job, because he
answered YES to the question that simply was if they had understood.
3. What were the candidates waiting for? The candidates were waiting to
be called for an exam to be employed in one of the most prestigious
multinational companies in the world.
4. How many persons were in the room while the exam? In the room were
4 persons, 3 candidates and the guard.


1. why did the paper sheets were blank? Because the candidates didn´t
have to answer or write anything there, the only must answer if they
had understood to the manager.
2. What does “feeling colder than the day” mean? This means that the
candidates feel very nervous because there was only one vacancy for
three candidates.


1. What would you do with the sheets if you were one of the
candidates? If I were a candidate, I would try to write the rules on the
sheets, to be sure that I’m respecting them. The guard would threw
me out like the candidate 1.
2. How would you feel if you were the candidate 2? I would feel angrily
too, because when you know de answer it´s sound easy. But I think
that the question was malicious, taking account of the nerves in that

1. What did Miguel do with4 the shirt that’s liked so much? He put a
secret stich in the label to distinguish that shirt.
2. Who is Mr Costa? Mr. Costa is the boss of the maquila, and the owner
of the Miguel´s house, the plantation and the store.
3. Why did Miguel work and didn´t go to school? Because he had to
work to help to his family.


1. What is the message of the story? The message of the story is that if
you work hard and help to your family, the life would bring to you
everything you want. You only must be patient.
2. What did the T-shirt represent for Miguel? To Miguel, the t-shirt
represented the opportunity to feeling happy like the children who
buy the shirts in which he works.


1. If you were Miguel, what would you stich on the label of the shirt to
recognize that it´s yours? If I were Miguel, I would stich a little “M”,
because if I were stich a simple mark, someone can stich a simple too
by chance, and I would get the wrong t-shirt thinking that it’s mine.
2. If you were one of the volunteers or collaborators that left to the
village to help, what would you do with Mr. Costa? If I were a
volunteer there, and the residents of the village talk to me about
their life conditions, I would report Mr. Costa, because there many
human rights are not fulfilled, like child labour, and Mr. Costa is the

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