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Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

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Research paper

Selective laser sintering (SLS) of 3D printlets using a 3D printer comprised

of IR/red-diode laser
Srushti Lekurwaley, Tukaram Karanwady, Subham Banerjee*
Department of Pharmaceutics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)-Guwahati, Changsari, Assam 781101, India


Article History: The aim of this study was to employ and understand the feasibility of an infrared (IR)/red-diode laser with a
Received 13 December 2021 wavelength of 808 nm for the selective laser sintering (SLS)-mediated sintering of 3D printlets, altering the
Revised 13 February 2022 dye composition and temperature variations. KollicoatÒ IR (KIR) and an infrared (IR) laser-absorbing dye
Accepted 19 February 2022
were physically mixed at various concentrations and subjected to SLS-mediated sintering to achieve 3D
Available online 21 February 2022
printlets by varying printing temperature (feed and print beds) at a fixed laser power ratio. Initially, the
Keywords: desired concentration of dye (1.25% w/w) was selected based on its sintering performance, and the same con-
Selective laser sintering (SLS) centration was used to sinter the physical mixtures (PMs) at different feed bed temperatures (between 100 °C
3D printing and 130 °C) and print bed temperature (120 °C to 150 °C), keeping the laser power ratio constant (1.0). It was
3D Printlets found that good sintering performance was associated with a feed bed temperature of 130 °C and a print bed
IR/red-diode laser temperature of 150 °C. Printlets obtained from the aforementioned conditions showed highest dimensional
accuracy (9.31 § 0.30 mm diameter and 3.56 § 0.04 mm thickness) in respect to feeded CAD dimensions
(10 mm diameter and 3.60 mm thickness) with an average weight of 77.45 § 4.56 mg. In addition, no physical/
thermal or chemical degradation of the sintered 3D printlets was observed during the thermal and functional
group analysis, respectively. Depending on the conditions given, we can conclude that an IR/red diode laser
with a wavelength of 808 nm and a laser power ratio of 1.0 is feasible for sintering 3D printlets.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction laser, 14 W, λ 10.6 mm; Jinke Trading: blue diode laser, 3.5 W, λ
450 nm) by various researchers [3,5,6,7]. Our study emphasises, for
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a powder bed fusion technology the first time, the feasibility of 3D printing for possible pharmaceuti-
which utilises laser energy to selectively heat powder particles, cal applications using an SLS-mediated 3D printer with an IR/red-
resulting in partial powder melting followed by the fusion of particles diode laser with a wavelength of 808 nm using KollicoatÒ IR (KIR)
and subsequent solidification to give a 3D structure according to and an infrared (IR) laser absorbing dye.
computer-aided design (CAD) [1,2]. It eliminates the need for a vari- KIR is a copolymer of polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol. It
ety of excipients and solvents, and can fabricate solid oral dosage shows immediate and pH-independent release, appropriate flow
forms of diverse shapes and sizes in a single step with high precision, properties, and particle size less than 180 mm, making it a suitable
followed by the reprocessing and recycling of feedstock as an added candidate for sintering [8,9]. KIR was previously used for the success-
benefit. SLS enables the variation of various process parameters such ful sintering of solid oral dosage forms using an SLS-based 3D printer
as feed bed temperature, print bed temperature, laser power, layer via a 2.3 W blue diode laser with a wavelength of 445 nm [4,10].
thickness, and hatch spacing to fabricate objects with controlled Based on our available SLS-based 3D printer equipped with a 5.0 W
compaction, porosity, and internal architectures, so that the release IR /red-diode laser with a wavelength of 808 nm, we attempted to
of the drug can be controlled according to the requirements [2,3,4]. investigate the possible sinterability of KIR to form 3D printlets using
Currently, different SLS 3D printers are available, with wide varia- an IR-absorbing dye. We also made an attempt to asess the effects of
tions in the type of laser source with which they are equipped. Some varying the dye concentration and temperature on the sintering per-
of them have already been explored in pharmaceuticals (Sintratec formance of the compositions.
Kit: blue diode laser, 2.3 W, λ 445 nm; SharebotÒ SnowWhite: CO2 To understand the impact of the printing temperature on sinter-
ing, it is necessary to understand the role of bed heating in the sinter-
ing process. Successful sintering of the desired printlets requires
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Banerjee).
heating the feedstock before and during the sintering process to
y Srushti Lekurwale and Tukaram Karanwad contributed equally. maintain the temperature equilibrium required for sintering. The
2666-9641/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Lekurwale, T. Karanwad and S. Banerjee Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

heating of feedstock facilitates sintering in various ways. For exam- with 808 nm wavelength was allowed to shower on a particular region
ple, it minimises the energy required for sintering provided by the selectively on the print bed where printlets are supposed to be 3D
laser, reduces the thermal expansion of the feedstock due to the laser, printed through sintering. The laser power ratio used throughout the
reduces the thermal shock between the sintered and surrounding sintering was kept as 1.0. After the complete sintering of one layer, the
unsintered powder, and reduces the shrinkage of the semi-crystalline feed bed moves up, the print bed moves down, and another layer of
polymer during cooling and recrystallisation [5,11]. fixed uniform thickness is formed on the previous layer. This layer-by-
This study will be significant in view of further research in the layer sintering process was continued until sintering of the final 3D
area of pharmaceutical applications of SLS-3D printing using this par- printlet was complete. Sintered printlets were isolated from the unsin-
ticular printer. Understanding the effects of process parameters on tered feedstock using a manual sieving procedure, and the excess pow-
the quality of the resultant printlets will help researchers to select der material adhered to the printlets was removed by brushing. The
the optimal process parameters in the future. This is a novel initiative unsintered PMs and excess powder collected from the overflow bin
in the field of applications of 3D printing in the pharmaceutical were mixed properly and again subjected to sintering for the subse-
research area with given technological specifications that are quent batch. This process was repeated until the last batch reported in
expected to have high applicability in the pharmaceutical industry in this study. This is because the printer offers the fabrication of printlets
the future because of its ability to deliver drugs stable under sintering on a large scale and its feedstock requirements are higher. However,
conditions in a highly tailored manner. the laser only affects a specific portion of the powder bed, as per .stl
file, we can reuse the unsintered powder material of one batch for sub-
2. Materials and methods sequent batches to avoid wastage of material and to make the fabrica-
tion cost-effective [8,12,13,14]. Composition variations while assessing
2.1. Materials the sinterability of PMs at different dye concentrations and tempera-
ture variations while assessing the sinterability of PMs at different
KollicoatÒ IR (KIR), a Macrogol-poly (vinyl alcohol) graft-copoly- feed and print bed temperatures are presented in Tables 1 and 2,
mer, and polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene glycol graft co-polymer, respectively.
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA, was used as matrix former/poly-
mer for sintering purposes. IR-absorbing dye was purchased from 2.4. Physical dimensions and weight variations
American Dye Source, Inc., Chemicals, Baie d’Urfe, Quebec, USA.
The diameters and thicknesses of the sintered 3D printlets were
2.2. CAD design measured using a digital Vernier calliper (CD-600 ASX; Mitutoyo Cor-
poration, Japan). The weight of each tablet from all prototyped print-
Cylindrical shape tablet structure having dimensions 10.0 mm lets was measured (in mg) using a digital weighing balance (Mettler
diameter £ 3.6 mm thickness (Fig. 1) was designed using CAD soft- Toledo, Switzerland).
ware (Solidworks 2019). The CAD file was converted into a (.stl) file
readable in the printer software. 2.5. Thermal analysis

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterise

2.3. Sintering of 3D printlets
the polymer (KIR), IR-absorbing dye, dye: polymer PMs, and all dye-
loaded (1.25% w/w) sintered 3D printlets (D4, T1-T4). Thermal analysis
0.00%, 0.04%, 0.60%, and 1.25% w/w IR-absorbing dye were mixed
of all aforementioned samples was performed using DSC (DSC-3,
with 1.0 Kg KIR. The dye−polymer blends were mixed properly and
Mettler Toledo, Switzerland). Approximately 5.0 mg of each sample
passed through a metal strainer. Physical mixtures (PMs) were then
 was accurately weighed in an aluminium crucible and hermetically
transferred to the feed bed of the SLS printer (Sinterit Lisa 1.5, KrakOw,
sealed. Subsequently, the samples were subjected to DSC analysis in
Poland) having the 5.0 W IR laser (λ808 nm) to print the 3D printlets
the heating range of 30−250 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Nitro-
(prototypes) by sintering the materials. The CAD of the tablet was
gen was used as a purging gas to maintain an inert atmosphere at a
exported as stereolithography (.stl) file in SLS-3D printer software
flow rate of 20 mL/min.
(Sinterit Studio 2019). The feedstock from the feed bed of the printer
was moved to the print bed (150 mm £ 200 mm £ 160 mm) by a
2.6. Functional group analysis
recoater during the levelling process, resulting in a uniform layer with
a thickness of 0.125 mm on the print bed. The feed bed temperature
A Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometre (Alpha Ⅱ,
and print bed temperature (printing temperature) were set at 90 °C-
ECO-ATR, Bruker, Germany) was used to evaluate the % transmittance
130 °C and 110 °C-150 °C, respectively. A class 4 laser of 5.0 W power
of the polymer (KIR), IR-absorbing dye, dye: polymer PMs, and all
dye-loaded (1.25% w/w) sintered 3D printlets (D4, T1-T4). The trans-
mittance was recorded from 4000 cm1 to 400 cm1 using the ATR

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Sintering of 3D printlets

PMs were sintered using an infrared laser (λ - 808 nm) using Sin-
terit Studio 2019 software while assessing the sinterability of PMs at
different dye concentrations and different feed and print bed temper-
atures. To better assess the sinterability of PMs, the effects of different
dye concentrations, feed bed, and print bed temperatures on the sin-
tering process, sintered 3D printlets were investigated systematically
in terms of their dimensional accuracy, weight variations, thermal
Fig. 1. CAD of tablet structure with desired diameter and thickness. (DSC) analysis, and functional group (FTIR) analysis. Therefore, we
S. Lekurwale, T. Karanwad and S. Banerjee Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

Table 1
Composition variations while assessing sinterability of PMs at different dye concentrations.

Dye Code KIR(% W/W) Dye(% W/W) Feed bed temperature ( °C) Print bed temperature ( °C) Laser power ratio Sintering Performance

D1 100 0.00 90 110 1.0 Non-sintered

D2 99.96 0.04 90 110 1.0
D3 99.40 0.60 90 110 1.0
D4 98.75 1.25 90 110 1.0 Sintered

divided our study into two major substeps. In each sub-step, sintering the melting and crystallisation temperatures of a particular polymer.
of the powder blend was allowed by keeping all parameters constant In thermodynamic terms, this region of the undercooled polymer
and only one variable. Finally, we found that factors such as sinter- melt is referred to as a "sintering window" of the SLS process of the
ability, dimensional accuracy, quality of the surface/sub-surface, and selected polymer [16,17,18]. In addition, a sufficient temperature dif-
mechanical properties of the sintered printlets vary with variations ference between the print bed and feed bed is required. A feed bed
in these process parameters, as reported by others [1,6,7,15]. The temperature close to or greater than the print bed temperature can
results are discussed in detail in the following section. lead to agglomeration and fusion of the blend in the feed bed, which
is not the desired phenomenon and can lead to print failure [12].
3.1.1. Effect of dye concentration on sintering Thus, for all formulations, the temperature of the feed bed was main-
The laser beam was the source of thermal energy in the SLS-3D tained at 20 °C differnce, which was less than the temperature of the
printer. For the particles to sinter and form junctions, they must print bed [4,9,10].
absorb the same wavelength of light as the laser in the printer. Ini- During this study, a fixed KIR (98.75% w/w), dye concentration
tially, the sintering ability of KIR was analysed using an SLS-3D (1.25% w/w), and laser power (1.0) were kept constant, as discussed
printer comprising an IR/red-diode laser. During this experiment, the in Section 3.1.1, as shown in Table 2, but the printing temperatures
feed bed temperature was maintained at 90 °C, the print bed temper- (both the feed bed and print bed temperatures) were varied. Here,
ature was 110 °C [10], and the laser power ratio was set to 1.0. How- we assessed the sintering ability of different printing bed tempera-
ever, we found that KIR alone (D1) was unable to absorb a sufficient tures to sinter 3D printlets ranging from to 100−130 °C as the feed
laser beam at a wavelength of 808 nm, which was required to sinter bed temperature and 120−150 °C as the print bed temperature.
the printlets because of the zero availability of the IR-absorbing dye These temperature ranges were selected on the basis of the KIR sin-
(0.00% w/w). Thus, there was complete failure to be sintered. After tering window.
that, we gradually increased the concentration of the IR-absorbing In the case of sintered prototypes such as code D4, T1-T3 (except
dye from 0.04 to 1.25%w/w in the polymer powder blend with dye T4), we found that the obtained 3D printlets exhibited low mechani-
by keeping the feed bed temperature at 90 °C, print bed temperature cal strength, which may be due to less consolidation and high inter-
at 110 °C, and keeping the laser power ratio constant, as displayed in particulate void volume (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). In addition, it was difficult
Table 1. The IR-absorbing dye acted as a laser-absorbing enhancer, to remove these printlets from the unsintered feedstock material in
with maximum absorption (λmax) between 811 and 830 nm. Materi- their intact form. These observations suggest that the low range of
als containing low concentrations of this dye, such as D2−0.04% w/w printing temperatures results in insufficient heating of the feedstock
and D3−0.60% w/w, were unable to sinter properly owing to the material, which ultimately affects the sinterability of the printlets
insufficient concentration of the dye used, which was unable to [15]. The 3D printlets obtained were not properly shaped and were
absorb the laser effectively and transmit heat throughout the print distorted. This may be the result of premature crystallisation owing
bed [6]. In contrast, the compositions containing (D4) 1.25% w/w dye to the closeness of the bed temperatures with the crystallisation tem-
started sintering the powder materials, resulting in the formation of perature [18]. These temperature-dependant code-based prototypes
poor 3D printlets (Fig. 2). However, this investigation indicates that a exhibited either poor or moderate sintering (Table 2 and Fig. 3).
1.25% w/w concentration of dye is sufficient to sinter the KIR bed Interestingly, in the case of T4, we observed that the obtained print-
feedstock, as 1.25% w/w concentration of dye exhibited a sintering lets had good mechanical strength, a smooth surface, and well-
effect on the powdered feedstock with poor sintering effects. There- formed 3D printlets, indicating the absence of any unsintered powder
fore, to improve proper sintering and to obtain well-formed 3D print- on their surface, with a decent compact structure due to low inter-
lets, we further checked the effect of print and feed bed temperature particulate void volume and desired shape without exhibiting any
on sintering by varying both platform temperatures. tableting defects. From the obtained results, formulation T4 can be
considered as having the optimum printing temperature within the
3.1.2. Effect of printing bed temperatures on sintering sintering window of KIR. These results indicate that the printing tem-
During the SLS process, polymer layers deposit on each other one perature is a crucial parameter that determines whether the feed-
after another, which is well known by the term “layer by layer” depo- stock will sinter the printlets with desired characteristics or generate
sition. Polymer particles must completely coalesce at the top of the breakable printlets with poor mechanical strength and tablets cov-
powder layer and adhere to previously sintered layers. This implies ered with loose unsintered powder particles [7]. These observations
that crystallisation should be inhibited in at least a few sintered suggest that optimum printing temperatures are required for proper
layers in the case of semicrystalline polymers used in SLS processing. sintering of the printlets. Therefore, a feed bed temperature of 130 °C
Thus, the bed temperatures must be precisely controlled between and print bed temperature of 150 °C, keeping the laser power ratio

Table 2
Temperature variations while assessing sinterability of PMs at different feed and print bed temperatures.

Temperature Code KIR(% W/W) Dye(% W/W) Feed bed temperature ( °C) Print bed temperature ( °C) Laser power ratio Sintering Performance

T1 98.75 1.25 100 120 1.0 Poor

T2 98.75 1.25 110 130 1.0 Moderate
T3 98.75 1.25 120 140 1.0 Moderate
T4 98.75 1.25 130 150 1.0 Good

S. Lekurwale, T. Karanwad and S. Banerjee Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

Fig. 2. Assessing sinterability of PMs at different dye concentrations.

(1.0) constant, T4 provided good quality sintered printlets, as dis- showing the highest mean dimensional accuracy (9.31§0.30 mm
played in Fig. 3. diameter and 3.56§0.04 mm thickness) with reference to provided
CAD dimensions. Weight variation tests (in mg) were also performed
on the sintered 3D printlets, where it (Table 3) showed that the
3.2. Physical dimensions and weight variations mean variation was less than §4.56, which suggests that the
SLS-based 3D printer uniformly produces almost fixed weight 3D
The physical dimension data in terms of the diameter and thick- printlets.
ness (in mm) of the sintered 3D printlets are shown in Table 3, which
indicates that the obtained values were reproducible, insignificantly
variable, and in agreement with the given virtual CAD dimensions of 3.3. Thermal analysis
the prototype. In the case of sintered printlets, such as code D4, T1-T3
(except T4), we found that the obtained 3D printlets lacked dimen- The DSC thermograms of pure dye and pure KIR showed endo-
sional accuracy with reference to the CAD structure of the tablet. thermic peak at 225.64 °C and 211.98 °C, respectively [20] (Fig. 4a
These all 3D printlets showed less average diameter (e.g., 8.06§ and Fig. 4b). The DSC thermogram of the PMs showed the character-
0.25 mm, 8.60§0.36 mm, 8.19§0.42 mm, and 8.68§0.24 mm) com- istic peak of KIR at 212.84 °C (Fig. 4c) with a very mild endothermic
pared to given CAD sketching, which may be due to the shrinkage of shift. However, the characteristic peak of the dye was completely
materials. SLS-mediated 3D printlets exhibit a reduction in standard absent in the PMs, which could be attributed to the uniform homoge-
dimensions owing to the shrinkage phenomenon, which is the neous dispersion of the dye. Furthermore, a broad endotherm before
reported result of changes in printing temperature, other process 100 °C was observed for all samples, which may indicates that the
parameters, and crystallisation. The shrinkage resulting from the loss of water as KIR is hygroscopic in nature. Finally, based on the
change in printing temperature is insignificant compared to the above results, we noted that pure KIR and pure dye did not exhibit
shrinkage and resultant change in dimensions due to crystallisation. any significant physical/thermal interactions. On the other hand, the
The main cause of shrinkage is crystallisation owing to the rearrange- DSC thermograms of all the sintered printlets at the different printing
ment of the chains into a structure with a lower volume [19]. In the temperatures ranging between 110 °C-150 °C, which contained 1.25%
case of T4, we finally observed that the obtained printlets were dye concentration, showed no significant thermal interactions
S. Lekurwale, T. Karanwad and S. Banerjee Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

Fig. 3. Assessing sinterability of PMs at different printing temperature variations.

(Fig. 4d-4h) except for the characteristic peaks of KIR due to its pres- mentioned above. Surprisingly, the characteristic peak of pure dye
ence in high concentrations (98.75% w/w). Based on these thermo- was totally absent in the other materials, including PMs (Fig. 4c-4h),
grams, we found that the melting endotherms of sintered printlets at which might be due to either the low concentration or uniform
different temperatures were observed in the range between 209.88 ° homogeneous dispersion of pure dye in the sintered materials.
C and 213.33 °C, which indicated the characteristic peak of KIR, as Hence, no physical or thermal interactions are observed in the

S. Lekurwale, T. Karanwad and S. Banerjee Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

Table 3 and dye (Fig. 5c). Hence, these observations indicate no chemical
Physical dimensions and weight variation values of sintered 3D printlets. interactions between KIR and the pure dye before and during the sin-
Dye and Temperature Code Diameter(mm) Thickness(mm) Weight(mg) tering process. Based on a functional group analysis study, we found
that a 5.0 W infrared laser with a wavelength of 808 nm is compatible
D4 8.06 § 0.25 3.03 § 0.21 69.56 § 3.02
with the sintering of printlets. In addition, this study suggested that a
T1 8.60 § 0.36 3.27 § 0.15 67.63 § 2.80
T2 8.19 § 0.42 3.43 § 0.14 77.30 § 1.94 broad range of printing temperatures (110 °C 150 °C) did not lead to
T3 8.68 § 0.24 3.49 § 0.05 77.93 § 3.64 chemical degradation of the sintered printlets.
T4 9.31 § 0.30 3.56 § 0.04 77.45 § 4.56

sintered printlets. Based on the overall thermal analysis study, we
observed that the characteristic endothermic peak of KIR was Based on a comprehensive study considering weight variation,
observed in a similar temperature range in the case of sintered print- dimensional accuracy, and thermal and functional group investiga-
lets using different printing temperatures. This indicates that KIR and tion as powerful tools to determine the sintering effects, we observed
pure dyes are compatible. Furthermore, the thermal analysis study that optimum process parameters are required for sintering of print-
also revealed that KIR and pure dye were not degraded owing to the lets with the desired characteristics. The concentration of the dye
varied printing temperatures. In addition, we also found that the 5 W was crucial for the sintering of the printlets because the low concen-
infrared laser with an 808 nm wavelength was compatible with the tration of dye in the feedstock was unable to sinter the printlets.
sintering of printlets. Another process parameter, printing temperature (both feed bed and
print bed temperature), plays a significant role in the sintering pro-
3.4. Functional group analysis cess required for the SLS-mediated 3D printing process. In addition,
temperature affected the sinterability of the 3D printlets. Thermal
The FTIR spectra of pure KIR (Fig. 5a) showed characteristic peaks and functional group analysis confirmed the absence of physical,
at 1082 cm1 and a strong broad peak at 3280 cm1 due to CO chemical, and thermal interactions and degradation of the KIR and
stretching of the aliphatic ether group and OH stretching of the ali- dye owing to the intense printing temperatures. Based on these
phatic alcoholic group present in the KIR structure. FTIR Spectra of observations, we concluded that a 5.0 W infrared laser (IR) with a
pure dye (Fig. 5b) showed a characteristic peak at 804.06 cm1 due to wavelength of 808 nm could sinter high-quality printlets at a fixed
CCl stretch, 1337.49 cm1 due to the CN stretch of the aromatic dye concentration with optimum printing temperatures. The limita-
amine 1378.01 cm1 due to S = O stretch of sulfur trioxide group. The tion of this study is the requirement of a bulk amount of feedstock for
FTIR spectra of PMs showed an additive spectrum comprising the char- the sintering of solid oral dosage forms. To overcome this limitation,
acteristic peaks of the major components of both KIR and dye (Fig. 5c). the same material may be recycled for continuous batch processing.
The FTIR spectra of the sintered printlets at various printing tempera- Along with the few process parameters explored in this study, varia-
tures, as shown in Fig. 5d-5h, were similar to those of the PMs of KIR tions in other process parameters are possible, including laser power

Fig. 4. Thermal analysis of (a) dye, (b) KIR, (c) PMs, (d) D4, (e-h) T1-T4.

S. Lekurwale, T. Karanwad and S. Banerjee Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100054

Fig. 5. Functional group analysis of (a) KIR, (b) dye, (c) PMs, (d) D4, (e-h) T1-T4.

which is considered as one of the important parameter for sintering. Government of Assam under the “Students’ Science Project” scheme
Our future perspective will focus on exploring such parameters to with sanctioned file number ASTEC/206/2020-21/2514.
understand the cumulative effect of different parameters on sinter-
ability and printlet quality. Once the effect of all process parameters Supplementary materials
is known along with the optimum values required for sintering the
prototypes of desired characteristics, we may incorporate any stable Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,
drug at a particular laser wavelength and printing temperature for in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.stlm.2022.100054.
the fabrication of 3D printed solid oral dosage forms. This can lead to
next-generation translational advanced 3D printed customized medi-
cine which can revolutionise the pharmaceutical industry. References

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