Cobaltocene-Mediated Catalytic Hydride Transfer: Strategies For Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation

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Cobaltocene-Mediated Catalytic Hydride Transfer: Strategies for

Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation
Daniel P. Marron, Conor M. Galvin, Julia M. Dressel, and Robert M. Waymouth*
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ABSTRACT: The selective electrocatalytic hydrogenation o

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organics with transition metal hydrides is a promising strategy or

electrosynthesis and energy storage. We report the electrocatalytic
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hydrogenation o acetone with a cyclopentadienone-iridium

complex in a tandem electrocatalytic cycle with a cobaltocene
mediator. The reductive protonation o cobaltocenium with mild
acids generates (C5H5)CoI(C5H6) (CpCoI(CpH)), which unc-
tions as an electrocatalytic hydride mediator to deliver a hydride to
cationic Ir(III) without generating hydrogen. Electrocatalytic
hydride transer by CpCoI(CpH) to a cationic Ir species leads to
the ecient (Faradaic eciency > 90%) electrohydrogenation o
acetone, a valuable hydrogenation target as a liquid organic
hydrogen carrier (LOHC). Hydride−transer mediation presents a powerul strategy to generate metal hydrides that are inaccessible
by stepwise electron/proton transer.

Energy conversion strategies are critical to our uture.
electrohydrogenation reactions, we targeted the electrocatalytic
reduction o acetone to isopropanol as a prototype electro-
Directing electrical energy into specic chemical bonds or chemical energy storage reaction.11 The thermodynamic
energy storage is a complex challenge.1,2 Nature oers some window o opportunity to selectively hydrogenate acetone is
lessons. Biological energy conversion strategies rely critically exceedingly narrow as the reversible electrochemical potential
on enzymatic redox cascades, wherein ubiquitous nicotinamide or the reduction o acetone to isopropanol (E° = 0.08 V vs
(NAD(P)H) and favin (FADH2) enzyme coactors acilitate Fc0/+ in MeCN) is extremely close to that o hydrogen
coupled proton and electron reductions by transporting evolution (−0.028 V).19 Furthermore, hydrogenation catalysts
hydride equivalents (2e−, 1H+) in protic environments to oten proceed through metal hydride intermediates, many o
eect hydrogenation o substrates.3 Abiotic analogs to these which liberate H2 under the protic conditions necessary or
reductive coactors are rare,4 but could provide new electrocatalytic hydrogenation.6,7,20 I HER and ketone
opportunities or the electrocatalytic generation o metal reduction are both ast, it is almost impossible to selectively
hydrides, which are key intermediates or selective reduction electrohydrogenate ketones at any reasonable operating
reactions (Figure 1). overpotential.19,21
Selective catalytic electrohydrogenation o unsaturated Herein, we report two advances to enable highly selective
substrates,5 obviating the use o molecular hydrogen, presents electrohydrogenation: the development and electrochemical
a ormidable challenge, as direct proton reduction to H2 is characterization o a modestly hydridic and acid-stable metal
competitive with electroreduction.6,7 The electroreduction o hydride 22 that can reduce ketones by a biunctional
carbonyls such as CO2,8,9 ketones, or aldehydes is o interest mechanism,23 and an electrochemical mediator4,9,24,25 that
both or ne chemical synthesis and or energy storage selectively generates that metal hydride under electroreductive
applications utilizing liquid organic hydrogen carriers conditions in a tandem electrocatalytic cycle (Figure 1). We
(LOHC).6,7,10−13 Both applications benet rom high show that cobaltocene, long utilized as a simple reducing
selectivity or electroreduction relative to the hydrogen
evolution reaction (HER), which is typically reported as the
Faradaic eciency (FE): the percentage o charge passed Received: February 12, 2024
during electrolysis that is incorporated into the reduced Revised: May 7, 2024
substrate. Electrohydrogenation o carbonyls is particularly Accepted: May 9, 2024
challenging; while some strategies with heterogeneous catalysts
have been reported,6,14,15 only a ew molecular systems exist
that operate with high FE.5,7,16−18 To investigate selective

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A J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Figure 1. Challenges associated with electrocatalytic carbonyl reduction, or electrohydrogenation: design o catalytic systems with the appropriate
reactivity is a complex challenge, made more dicult by the need to ensure the putative catalyst is capable o interacing with an electrode or
turnover. Electrocatalytic mediators address the latter challenge by decoupling the electrode interace step rom catalyst design, allowing drop-in
additives or regenerating active catalyst species.

Figure 2. (A) Stoichiometric experiments to generate catalytically relevant [(C5Tol2Ph2O)(dmbpy)IrX] (X = H− or Cl−) species. (B) Attempted
direct electrocatalytic reduction o acetone with hydroxycyclopentadienyl Ir catalysts by controlled potential electrolysis (CPE) at the Ir(III)
reduction potentials was unsuccessul in the absence o cobaltocenium.

agent,26 can unction as an ecient electrocatalytic hydride reacts stoichiometrically with acetone to generate isopropa-
donor with reactivity analogous to nature’s NAD(P)H and nol.22 Since the ability o metal hydrides to protonate and
FADH2 coactors. release hydrogen is related to the thermodynamic hydricity


To develop metal hydrides or the selective electrocatalytic
(ΔGH−) o the metal hydride and the pKa o the acid
employed,27 we measured the thermodynamic hydricity o
[IrIII-H]+ in acetonitrile. Treatment o the synthetically
reduction o acetone, we targeted a modestly hydridic metal accessible (C5Tol2Ph2O)(dmbpy)IrH IrI-H with 2.5 equiv o
hydride that would be resistant to protonation and HER under 4-cyanoanilinium trifuoromethanesulonate in acetonitrile-d3
the protic conditions necessary or electroreduction. The (CD3CN) ([4‑CNPhNH3][OT], pKa 7 in MeCN28) generates
cationic Ir(III) hydride [(C5Tol2Ph2OH)(dmbpy)IrH]+ [IrIII- the cationic hydride [IrIII-H]+ (Figure 2A).22 Subsequent
H]+ is a promising candidate as it is tolerant to strong acids but protonation o [IrIII-H]+ establishes an equilibrium with H2
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Table 1. Summary of Key Results in the Controlled Potential Electrolysis (CPE) of 1.2 mM IrI−H Conducted on a Glassy
Carbon Rod Electrode in the Presence of Various Acids and Concentrations of [Cp2Co]PF6, Operated at −1.32 V vs Fc0/+ in
Ir:Co ratio acid identity [acid] (mM) charge (C) μmol iPrOH TONIr TONCo FE (%)
1 1:1 trifuoroacetic acid (TFA) 16 −11.9 42.9 4.8 3.8 55
2 1:1 SA 60 −15.3 83.6 9.7 8.3 95
3 1:0.1 SA 60 −5.99 34.9 4.1 37.8 85
4 1:1 SA 120 −17.0 87.2 9.7 8.7 89
5a No Co TFA 16 −6.34 10.7 1.2 N/A 5.6
6a No Co SA 60 −3.18 11.3 1.2 N/A 14.5
7b No Ir SA 60 −1.13 N/A N/A 0 0
Operated at −1.61 V vs Fc0/+. bNo isopropanol detected by 1H NMR.

and a dicationic Ir(III) species ormulated as [IrIII-OTf][OTf]. redox potentials o [IrIII-Cl]+ and [IrIII-X]+ (X = trifuor-
Protonation o [IrIII-H]+ under these conditions was slow, oacetate) with [4‑CNPhNH3][OT] were obscured by back-
reaching equilibrium with H2 over several days, indicating that ground reduction o the acid (see Figure S38).28 The
this metal hydride should be slow to release hydrogen with reduction potentials observed or these Ir(III) species are
acids weaker than [4‑CNPhNH3][OT]. The equilibrium both negative o −1.6 V vs Fc0/+ (Figures S34−S36), at least
constant or this second protonation under 1 atm o H2 was 300 mV more negative than that o the Cp2CoII/III couple
measured by 1H NMR, providing an experimental measure o (−1.33 V vs Fc0/+), indicating that reduction by cobaltocene
the thermodynamic hydricity o [IrIII-H]+ o ΔGH− = 64 kcal/ should be endergonic by approximately 7 kcal/mol.
mol in MeCN.29,30 This value indicates that the hydricity o Furthermore, controlled potential electrolysis (CPE) o 1.2
[IrIII-H]+ is slightly higher (less hydridic) than the analogous mM IrI-H precatalyst at −1.61 V vs Fc0/+ with 16 mM TFA in
[Cp*Ir(dmbpy)H]+ (ΔGH− = 61.5 kcal/mol).31 The modest acetone over 4 h did not catalytically generate isopropanol in
hydricity o [IrIII-H]+ indicates that it should be thermody- the absence o cobaltocenium (Figure 2B). Under these
namically incompetent to directly deliver a hydride to acetone conditions, only a stoichiometric amount o isopropanol (1
(ΔGH− (iPrO−) ∼ 20 kcal/mol in MeCN).19,32,33 The equiv. per Ir) could be detected, which we attribute to the
observation that [IrIII-H]+ can reduce acetone highlights the protonation o the IrI-H precatalyst to the cationic [IrIII-H]+
importance o the biunctional23 activation o acetone22 by the (Figure 2A), which then reacts with acetone to generate one
OH group o the hydroxycyclopentadienyl ligand to acilitate equivalent o isopropanol.
hydride delivery, even with a modestly hydridic Ir−H. These results indicated that cobaltocene is necessary or the
With the appropriate hydride reactivity established, we ormation o the catalytically relevant [IrIII-H]+. When CPE
perormed several stoichiometric reactions to evaluate the was repeated in the presence o both cobaltocenium
competence o the Ir cyclopentadienone complexes to unction hexafuorophosphate [Cp2CoIII]+ and IrI-H at 1.2 mM with
as electroreduction catalysts. We sought to mimic electro- TFA as the proton source, productive electrocatalytic hydro-
chemical conditions by generating [IrIII-H]+ via sequential genation o acetone was observed (Table 1, entry 1). CPE
protonation and reduction o the (C5Tol2Ph2O)(dmbpy)IrCl operated at the reduction potential o [Cp2CoIII]+ (−1.32 V)
IrI-Cl complex. Treatment o IrI-Cl with ve equiv o in acetone with 1:1 IrI-H precatalyst, [Cp2CoIII]+ (1.2 mM
[4‑CNPhNH3][OT] results in protonation at the cyclo- each) and 16 mM TFA over 4 h generated 43 μmols o
pentadienone ligand to generate [(C5Tol2Ph2OH)(dmbpy)- isopropanol at 55% FE, corresponding to a turnover number
IrCl]+ [IrIII-Cl]+. Further treatment o this solution o [IrIII- with respect to iridium (TONIr) o 4.8 and TONCo o 3.8. We
Cl]+ and [4‑CNPhNH3][OT] with two equiv o cobaltocene attribute the remaining FE to HER as the electrolysis was
Cp2CoII in acetonitrile generated [IrIII-H]+ (Figures 2A and accompanied by modest gas evolution at the cathode, which
S21). Under these conditions, the ormation o [IrIII-H]+ was likely stems rom the reductive protonation o Cp2CoII with
accompanied by vigorous bubbling, which we attribute to TFA (pKa 12.7 in MeCN).34,35
hydrogen evolution rom reductive protonation o Cp2CoII by The electrocatalytic yield and eciency improved consid-
[4‑CNPhNH3][OT].25,34 As we had previously shown that erably when the weaker salicylic acid (SA, pKa = 16.7 in
[IrIII-H]+ reacts with acetone to generate isopropanol,22 these MeCN28) was used in place o TFA. A CPE operated under
stoichiometric experiments suggested that the iridium cyclo- the same conditions above but with 60 mM SA in place o TFA
pentadienone complexes exhibit the appropriate reactivity or showed no evidence o HER, generating isopropanol (TONIr =
the electrocatalytic reduction o acetone. 9.7) with 95% FE. Under these conditions, doubling the
Although these stoichiometric results were promising, concentration o SA slightly degrades selectivity (Table 1,
attempts to demonstrate the electrocatalytic reduction o entry 4). The cobalt loading could be decreased to 1/10th the
acetone with the iridium cyclopentadienone complexes in the iridium concentration which yields a lower TONIr o 4.1, but
absence o cobaltocene were unsuccessul. Several lines o the associated TONCo o 38 compares very well to other
evidence implicate a special role o cobaltocene beyond its reductive electrocatalytic mediators (Table 1, entry 3).9,25
ability to unction as a single-electron reductant. The reduction Control experiments conrm that electrocatalytic hydro-
potentials o the IrIII hydroxycyclopentadienyl complexes [IrIII- genation requires both iridium and cobalt or productive
Cl]+ and [IrIII-X]+ (X = trifuoroacetate) were measured by catalysis (Table 1, entries 5−7). A CPE experiment with a
generating these complexes in situ with 16 mM trifuoroacetic methoxycyclopentadienyl Ir(III) complex yielded a substoi-
acid (TFA). For these experiments, the weaker acid TFA (pKa chiometric quantity o isopropanol (0.79 equiv. relative to Ir,
12.7 in MeCN)34,35 was employed, as attempts to measure the Figure S66), indicating the importance o the biunctional
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hydroxycyclopentadienyl ligand in electrohydrogenations with acid concentration and a new eature with an E1/2 o
the modestly hydridic Ir(III) hydride. approximately −0.42 V vs Fc0/+ appeared anodic o the CoIII/II
The electrocatalytic hydrogenation o acetone with the Ir/ couple (Figure 3C, blue trace). Notably, this oxidative eature
Co catalyst system was also carried out with a high surace area disappeared upon addition o 1.2 mM [IrIII-OTf][OTf],
carbon cloth electrode (Table 2). Under these conditions, the implicating a reaction between this species and the
hydroxycyclopentadienyl iridium complex. A CV o independ-
Table 2. Summary of Results for CPE of 1.2 mM IrI−H ently synthesized CpCoI(CpH)44 shows a matching oxidative
Conducted on Carbon Cloth Working Electrodes in the eature observed in acetone (Figure 3C, black trace). As this
Presence of Various Concentrations of [Cp2Co]PF6, eature is irreversible at scan rates up to 1 V/s, its E1/2 was
Operated at −1.32 V vs Fc0/+ in Acetone estimated to be −0.42 V by the infection point.45
For weaker acids such as TFA (Figure 3C, teal trace) or SA
Ir:Co [SA] charge μmol FE
ratio (mM) (C) iPrOH TONIr TONCo (%) (Figure S42), the appearance o the oxidative eature at −0.42
V vs Fc0/+ was less pronounced, but could be enhanced by
1 1:1 60 −19.9 107 12.9 11.9 96
scanning beyond −2.4 V, the reduction potential o the CoII/I
2 1:0.333 60 −19.16 101 12.1 35 92
couple in acetone (Figures S43−S45). The latter behavior is
3 1:0.1 60 −18.09 96.3 11.4 114 93
consistent with the reductive protonation o cobaltocenium to
4 1:0.1 120 −33.2 146 17.4 173 80
5 1:0.1 600 −55.5 139 17.0 165 46
CpCoI(CpH) by an ET-ET-PT mechanism, as described by
Geiger et al.35 To conrm the ormation o CpCoI(CpH) at
−1.33 V vs Fc0/+, a controlled potential electrolysis (CPE) o a
turnover numbers increased but still yielded high Faradaic solution o 10 mM [Cp2CoIII]+ and 100 mM SA in acetone
eciencies or isopropanol. A lower Co loading (1:0.1 iridium: was carried out at −1.33 V vs Fc0/+. Under these conditions, a
cobalt) led to only a modest decrease in the yield o signicant quantity o CpCoI(CpH) was generated, as
isopropanol with a TONIr o 11, but a higher TONCo o 114 identied by CV (Figures S56 and S57). Additionally, CV
while maintaining 93% FE. Increasing the SA concentration to acquired ollowing the CPE o 1.2 mM [Cp2CoIII]+ in acetone
120 mM at 1:0.1 iridium: cobalt loading produces a TONIr o with 60 mM SA (Table 1, entry 7) showed a strong oxidative
17 and a TONCo o 173 at 80% FE. No pinacol products, a eature matching CpCoI(CpH) (Figure S58), indicating that
common result o one electron/one proton reduction o this complex can orm at −1.33 V vs Fc0/+ with SA by a ET-
ketones, were detected in any o these CPE studies. PT-ET mechanism, but too slowly or in too small a quantity
Cobaltocenium as an Electrocatalytic Proton- with this acid to be observed by CV.
Coupled Electron Transfer (PCET) Mediator. As the To test i CpCoI(CpH) is competent to generate an Ir−H
mismatch in reduction potentials or Cp2CoII and the Ir(III) under conditions similar to electrocatalysis, 42 μmol o
complexes indicates that cobaltocene is unlikely to unction as CpCoI(CpH) was treated 5 equiv. SA per Co atom in
an electron transer (ET) mediator,26,36 we sought to test CD3CN. Tracking this solution by 1H NMR revealed minimal
whether the reductive protonation o cobaltocenium might loss o CpCoI(CpH) over the course o 1 h. Upon mixing with
generate an intermediate that can unction as a PCET 16 μmol o [IrIII-Cl]+, complete transormation to the cationic
mediator,4,37 eecting either a net hydrogen atom transer [IrIII-H]+ occurred beore the rst NMR spectrum could be
(HAT, 1e−, 1H+) or a net-hydride transer (2e−, 1H+).38 acquired (less than 5 min, Figures S9−S11). These data
Electrocatalytic PCET mediators have been shown to acilitate demonstrate that CpCoI(CpH) is reasonably stable in the
both oxidative37,39,40 and reductive9,24,25,41−4243 electrocata- presence o SA and rapidly transers a net-hydride equivalent
lytic reactions by providing alternate pathways to high-energy to [IrIII-Cl]+ to orm [IrIII-H]+ (Figure 3B). A kinetic isotope
electron transer/proton transer (ET/PT) steps. Peters et eect (KIE) o 4.4 was measured or net-hydride transer rom
al.41,42 showed that cobaltocene and its permethylated analog CpCo I (CpH) to [Ir III -Cl] + by competition between
Cp*2Co can acilitate electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction via CpCo I (CpH) (1.8 mM) and its deuterated analog,
proton-coupled electron transer (PCET) with strong acids CpCoI(CpD) (1.8 mM) and [IrIII-Cl]+ (1.8 mM) in
such as [4‑CNPhNH3][OT] at −35 °C. For these studies, the CD3CN with 60 mM SA (Table S3). This primary kinetic
authors invoked HAT rom [Cp*Co(Cp*H)]+ as the primary isotope eect or hydrogen transer between CpCoI(CpH) and
mechanism but suggested that Cp*Co(Cp*H) might also [IrIII-Cl]+ is consistent with either direct hydride transer46 or
mediate hydride transer.42 Nevertheless, the challenges o initial hydrogen atom transer (HAT)47,48 ollowed by
utilizing cobaltocenes25 as reductive mediators have long been reduction by the resulting Cp2CoII.
appreciated, due to its tendency to generate hydrogen with Evidence or electrocatalytic hydride transer was observed
strong acids 2 5 , 3 4 , 3 5 through the intermediacy o by CV when [IrIII-X]+ was treated with a substoichiometric
[CpCoII(CpH)]+, and/or CpCoI(CpH).25,34,35 We sought to amount o [Cp2CoIII]+ and salicylic acid (SA). A 0.4 mM
test whether, with appropriately weak acids, the reductive solution o [Cp2CoIII]+ with 60 mM SA in acetone showed
protonation o cobaltocene would generate CpCoI(CpH) only the CoIII/II couple, which is ully reversible in the presence
which could serve as a net-hydride donor to generate the key o this weak acid (Figure 3D, black trace). The addition o 2
[IrIII-H]+ intermediate without generating hydrogen. mM [IrIII-X]+ (X = salicylate) to this solution resulted in a
To interrogate the role o cobaltocene in electrocatalytic large increase in current, accompanied by the loss o
acetone reduction, we investigated the cyclic voltammetry reversibility in the CoIII/II couple (Figure 3D, red trace). A
(CV) o cobaltocenium with acids o varying strength. When a solution o 2.0 mM [IrIII-X]+ in acetone with 60 mM SA
1.2 mM solution o [Cp2CoIII]+ in acetone was titrated up to showed no reductive eatures at the potential o the CoIII/II
2.5 mM [N,N-dimethyl-4-cyanoanilinium]- couple (Figure 3D, blue trace). These data indicate an
[trifuoromethanesulonate] ([4‑CNPhNMe2H][OT]), the electrocatalytic current which is only observed in the presence
CoIII/II redox eature became less reversible with increasing o acid and both [IrIII-X]+ and [Cp2CoIII]+, suggesting rapid
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Figure 3. (A) Scheme o reductive protonation o Cp2CoII by reduction o [Cp2CoIII]+ in the presence o acid. (B) Schematic o [IrIII-H]+
ormation by treatment o [IrIII-Cl]+ with CpCoI(CpH) in the presence o 5 equiv o SA relative to the Ir concentration. (C) CV traces collected in
neat acetone showing the appearance o an oxidative eature upon reduction o [Cp2CoIII]+ with acids matches an external standard o
CpCoI(CpH). (D) CV traces in neat acetone show a catalytic current response only when 0.4 mM Ir, 2 mM Co and 60 mM SA are present. Each
o the CV traces contain 60 mM SA. All CV traces were collected at 50 mV/s.

electrocatalytic reductive protonation o [Cp2CoIII]+ and net- hydricity, perormed in acetonitrile as there is no established
hydride transer to iridium mediated by CpCoI(CpH). hydricity scale in acetone (Figure 4A). The addition o 4 equiv
Applying plateau analysis to this peak−shaped wave provides o 10-methylacridinium perchlorate ([AcrH][ClO4]) to
a lower boundary on the turnover requency (TOF) o 2.2 s−1 CpCoI(CpH) in CD3CN cleanly generated 10-methylacridine
(eqs S8−S11).49 Though only a lower boundary, this TOF is (AcrH2, ΔGH− = 70 kcal/mol) within 5 min, along with
considerably aster than the kobs o 2.5 h−1 determined by cobaltocenium [Cp2CoIII]+. Similarly, CpCoI(CpH) reacts
NMR experiments or the hydrogen transer rom [IrIII-H]+ to quantitatively with 1-benzylnicotinamide hexafuorophosphate
acetone (Figures S30 and S31). in CD3CN to generate 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide
The crucial thermodynamic parameter to improve our (BNAH, ΔGH− = 59 kcal/mol) and [Cp2CoIII]+. These
understanding o this apparent net-hydride transer is the experiments reveal that CpCoI(CpH) is a competent hydride
thermodynamic hydricity o CpCoI(CpH). To provide an donor to generate the FADH2 and NADH analogs AcrH2 and
experimental measurement, and to generally improve our BNAH, respectively.3 No evidence o single-electron transer
understanding o the reactivity o CpCoI(CpH), we studied or HAT reactivity was observed or either organic hydride
several hydride transer reactions to acceptors o known acceptor.50
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Figure 4. (A) Reactivity o CpCoI(CpH) with biomimetic (AcrH2, FADH2 type and BNAH, NADH type) and organometallic hydride acceptors.
(B) Thermochemical square scheme or CpCoI(CpH) derived rom the ΔGH− and observed reduction potentials, calculated values are shown in
brackets. ‡Estimated rom the infection point o an irreversible eature.45

Figure 5. Proposed mechanism o cobaltocene-mediated electrohydrogenation. Under the conditions o electrocatalysis with the Ir precursor IrI-H,
X is most likely the salicylate anion. Potentials are given in Volts reerenced to the Ferrocene couple (Fc+/0).

Reaction o CpCoI(CpH) with bis(1,2- [NiII(dmpe)2][BF4]2, the nickel-hydride, [NiII(dmpe)2H]-

dimethylphosphinoethane)nickel(II) tetrafuoroborate [BF4] (ΔGH− = 50 kcal/mol), CpCoI(CpH) and cobaltoce-
([NiII(dmpe)2][BF4]2), yields an equilibrium mixture o nium. The equilibrium constant was determined rom the 1H
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NMR spectra, which provides an experimental measure o the more acidic than SA,28 indicating that proton transer rom
hydricity o CpCoI(CpH) o ΔGH− = 49 kcal/mol, slightly salicylic acid to Cp2CoII is endergonic by as much as 12 kcal/
higher than that computationally proposed by Peters et al.25 mol under the catalytic conditions.52 Catalytic ormation o
Critically, the measured hydricity and reduction potentials o CpCoI(CpH) would thereore be driven by the rapid
CpCoI(CpH) allow calculation o the Bond Dissociation Free reduction o [CpCoII(CpH)]+ (exergonic by ∼20 kcal/mol)
Energy (BDFE)50 and pKa in acetonitrile or CpCoI(CpH) to generate CpCoI(CpH). This endergonic PT ollowed by a
(Figure 4B).25 The pKa o CpCoI(CpH) (41)51 was calculated very exergonic ET implies a low steady-state concentration o
rom the hydricity and our experimentally measured CoII/I [CpCoII(CpH)]+. The stoichiometric hydride transer, elec-
reduction potential, which yields an estimate o the BDFE o trolysis, and cyclic voltammetry data presented herein are
CpCoI(CpH) o 54 kcal/mol. This calculated BDFE and E1/2 consistent with a net-hydride transer rom CpCoI(CpH) to
estimated rom irreversible oxidation CpCoI(CpH) allows orm [IrIII-H]+, but the data do not allow us to rule out that Ir
urther calculation o the pKa (7.4) and BDFE (33 kcal/mol) hydride ormation rom CpCoI(CpH) occurs by initial
o [CpCoII(CpH)]+, which show the cationic Co(II) complex hydrogen atom transer, ollowed by rapid electron transer.
to be much more reactive than the corresponding neutral
Co(I) or both PT and HAT.
Mechanistic Insights into Cobaltocene−Mediated
The ability o cobaltocene, widely regarded as a one-electron
Hydride Transfer. The observations that CpCoI(CpH) is a reducing agent,26 to perorm selective catalytic net-hydride
competent hydride donor, that it can be generated electro- transer42,53 in the presence o weak acids enables a tandem
chemically at −1.33 V in the presence o salicylic acid in electrocatalytic cycle to generate a metal hydride or the
acetone, and is capable o generating [IrIII-H]+ lead us to electrohydrogenation o acetone with very high Faradaic
propose the mechanism or mediated electrocatalytic hydro- eciency. We attribute the high FE or electroreduction to
genation o acetone summarized in Figure 5. In this the combined thermodynamic stability o [IrIII-H]+ and kinetic
mechanism, protonation o the cyclopentadienone ligand o stability o CpCoI(CpH) with SA. While the ΔGH− o
IrI-X generates the cationic hydroxycyclopentadienyl [IrIII-X]+ CpCoI(CpH) indicates it should be thermodynamically
(X = salicylate). Hydride transer rom CpCoI(CpH) to [IrIII- easible to eliminate H2 with SA (ΔGHER = −4.3 kcal/mol in
X]+ generates the cationic [IrIII-H]+, which reduces acetone to MeCN), CpCoI(CpH) showed good transient stability to SA,
regenerate Ir I -X. The key hydride transer mediator indicating a kinetically trapped hydride donor. This is also true
CpCoI(CpH) is recycled by reductive protonation o or NADH, as the protonation o NADH to generate hydrogen
cobaltocenium ([Cp2CoIII]+). Reduction o cobaltocenium at requires a catalyst.54 Unlike NADH, however, the stability o
−1.33 V generates cobaltocene; protonation o cobaltocene intermediate Cp2CoII allows electrocatalytic cycling o a
generates the cationic [CpCoII(CpH)]+ (E1/2 = −0.42 V), hydride donor under mild conditions without generating the
which is rapidly reduced at an operating potential o −1.33 V highly reactive radical intermediates that complicate the
to CpCoI(CpH).25 electrochemical regeneration o coactors or organic hydride
The low solubilities o the Ir precursors have precluded a donors like BNAH and AcrH2.3,55,56
detailed kinetic analysis o this tandem electrocatalytic cycle The ability to selectively access a net-hydride transer
(Figure 5) by CV, but our data to date suggest that the reagent at room temperature with relatively weak acids is a
turnover limiting step is the reduction o acetone by the major advancement in the use o metallocenes or electro-
(hydroxycyclopentadienyl) Ir hydride [IrIII-H]+. The hydro- catalytic PCET reactions. The hydricity o CpCoI(CpH)
genation o acetone by [IrIII-H]+ is relatively slow in neat (ΔGH− (MeCN) = 49 kcal/mol) and its ability to be
acetone with a kobs = 2.5 h−1 (Figures S30 and S31). Cyclic eciently electrochemically generated also suggests the
voltammetry (Figure 3D) suggests that the reductive possibility o a general method to access other catalytically
protonation o [Cp2CoIII]+ and hydride delivery rom relevant metal hydrides.30 In addition, CpCoI(CpH) might
CpCoI(CpH) to the [IrIII-X]+ cation is considerably aster prove useul as an alternative to other hydride-reducing
than this, with an estimated kobs o 2.2 s−1. Prior studies25 agents,57,58 or as a mediator to enable the electrocatalytic
suggested that hydrogen evolution by the reductive proto- reduction o organic substrates with mild acids at mild
nation o cobaltocene with [4‑CNPhNH3][OT] in DME was potentials.3,59
slow and that this was due to rate-limiting protonation o
Cp2CoII to generate [CpCoII(CpH)]+. An alternative inter-
pretation consistent with our data is that reductive protonation
sı Supporting Information
o Cp2CoII is relatively ast, but that protonation o The Supporting Inormation is available ree o charge at
CpCoI(CpH) and generation o hydrogen is the slow step in
HER. Further studies are warranted to address this hypothesis,
Additional experimental details, 1H NMR spectra o
but this interpretation would be consistent with the kinetic
synthesized compounds and supporting stoichiometric
stability o CpCoI(CpH) observed in the presence o salicylic
experiments, and electrochemical data or CV and CPE
acid (Figure S9) and the observation that [IrIII-H]+ can be
experiments (PDF)
ormed competitively with HER rom Cp2CoII and the
stronger acid [4‑CNPhNH3][OT] in CD3CN (Figure S21).
The measured hydricity values o CpCoI(CpH) (ΔGH− =
49 kcal/mol) and [IrIII-H]+ (ΔGH− = 64 kcal/mol) indicate
Corresponding Author
that the proposed hydride transer step (Figure 5) is exergonic Robert M. Waymouth − Department of Chemistry, Stanford
by more than 14 kcal/mol, consistent with the rapid hydride University, Stanford, California 94306, United States;
transer to [IrIII-X]+ species observed in NMR and CV; Email: waymouth@
experiments. The pKa o [CpCoII(CpH)]+ (7.4) is 9.3 units stan
J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Authors Katsounaros, I.; Libuda, J.; Mayrhoer, K. J. J.; Wasserscheid, P.

Daniel P. Marron − Department of Chemistry, Stanford Towards an eicient liquid organic hydrogen carrier uel cell concept.
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