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9. June 2015 BLI-225 2

10. Dec 2015 BLI-225 9
11. June 2016 BLI-225 15
12. Dec 2016 BLI-225 20
13. June 2017 BLI-225 24
14. Dec 2017 BLI-225 28
15. June 2018 BLI-225 33
16. Dec 2018 BLI-225 37
17. June 2019 BLI-225 41
18. Dec 2019 BLI-225 49
19. June 2020 BLI-225 61
20. Dec 2020 bli-225 76
21. June 2021 BLI-225 82
22. Dec 2021 bli-225 86
23. June 2022 BLI-225 90 Page No. 1

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No. of Printed Pages : 7 BLI-225


Term-End Examination
June, 2015


Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Answer all questions.

. Read the following passage and answer the

questions that follow :

Today fully 70 percent of families with

children are headed by two working parents or
by an unmarried working parent. The
"traditional family" of the breadwinner and
homemaker has been replaced by the "juggler
family", in which no one is home full-time.
Two-parent families are working 10 more hours
a week than in 1979.

To be decent parents, caregivers, and

members of their communities, workers now
need greater flexibility than they once did. Yet
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good part-time or flexi-time jobs remain rare.

Whereas companies have embraced flexibility in
virtually every other aspect of their businesses
(inventory control, production schedules,
financing), full-time workers' schedules remain
largely inflexible. Employers often demand
workers be available round the clock. Moreover,
many employees have no right to a minimum
number of sick or vacation days; almost
two-thirds of all workers — and an even larger
percentage of low-income parents — lack the
ability to take a day off to care for a family
member. The Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA) of 1993 finally guaranteed that workers
at large companies could take a leave of absence
for the birth or adoption of a baby, or for the
illness of a family member. Yet that guaranteed
leave is unpaid.

Many businesses are finding ways to give

their most valued employees flexibility but, all
too often, workers who need flexibility find
themselves shunted into part-time, temporary,
on-call or contract jobs with reduced wages and
career opportunities — and often, no benefits. A
full quarter of American workers are in these

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jobs. Only 15 percent of women and 12 percent of

men in such jobs receive health insurance from
their employers. A number of European
countries provide workers the right to a part-
time schedule and all have enacted legislation to
implement a European Union directive to
prohibit discrimination against part-time

In America, employers are required to

accommodate the needs of employees with
disabilities — even if that means providing a
part-time or flexible schedule. Employers may
also provide religious accommodations for
employees by offering a part-time or flexible
schedule. At the same time, employers have no
obligation to allow parents or employees caring
for sick relatives to work part-time or on flexible
schedules, even if the cost to the employer would
be inconsequential.

(a) (i) What does the writer mean by a

"juggler" family ?

(ii) Why is it necessary to give greater

flexibility in work timings ?

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(iii) What is the actual situation in

companies regarding flexible
working hours ?

(iv) Why do workers in America often,

not opt for flexi working hours ?

(v) Give a title to the passage. 5x2.10

(b) Make sentences with the following words

from the passage : 5

(i) caregivers
(ii) flexibility
(iii) valued
(iv) shunted
(v) benefits

(c) Give the antonyms of the following words

from the passage :
(i) rare
(ii) minimum
(iii) temporary
(iv) reduced
(v) to allow

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2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5

(a) "To be a good communicator it is important
to be a good listener." Comment.
(b) Difference between 'The Relater', 'The
Socialiser', 'The Thinker' and 'The Director'
(c) Portfolio : its importance
(d) Importance of Body language in

3. You have been asked to make a presentation on

the improvements that can be made to increase
the membership of your library. You may want
to write about accessibility and warmth of the
staff, increase in the number of books,
digitisation of the library, etc. Write in about
200 words. 15

4. What are the advantages and limitations of

using a questionnaire for data collection ? (You
may wish to begin by explaining what the
questionnaire method is, look at various types of
questionnaires and then address the question.) 10

5. (a) Complete these sentences with the correct

forms of the verbs in the brackets.
(i) Rahat and Neha planning
a trip to Srinagar. (is/are)

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(ii) The famous actor and singer

dead. (is/are)
(iii) Each of the children
punished. (was/were)
(iv) Many students late to
college. (come/comes)
(v) Some of you realise the
consequences of what you do.

(b) Write the polite ways of making requests in

the following situations. You may use
modals (can, could, would, may, etc.) as far
as possible. One is done for you.
(i) You want to borrow someone's
Answer : Could I please borrow your
bicycle ?
(ii) You want your friend to wake you up
at 6 o'clock in the morning.
(iii) You want your teacher to help you
with your assignment.
(iv) You are rather late in returning a
book due to ill-health. You want the
librarian to waive-off the fine.
(v) You want to help your teacher by
carrying her heavy books.
(vi) You request the library staff to find a
book that you require.

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(c) Change the following passive sentences

into active : 5
The class representative will be
elected by the students next week.
(ii) New information about the universe
is constantly being discovered by
(iii) Were you taught to read by your
father ?
(iv) The Taj Mahal has been visited by
millions of tourists from all over the
(v) Coffee was first cultivated by the

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No. of Printed Pages : 6 BLI-225


Term-End Examination
December, 2015



Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the following passage and answer the

questions that follow :

Winning and losing may be an inevitable

part of adult life, but they should not be a part of
childhood. Too much competition, too early in
life, can affect a child's development. Children
are easily influenced, and when they sense that
their competence and worth are based on their
ability to live up to their parents' and coaches'
high expectations — and on their ability to
win — they can become discouraged and
depressed. Psychologists advise parents to "keep

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winning in perspective", noting that the most

common reasons children give for quitting, aside
from change in interest, are lack of playing time,
failure and fear of failure, disapproval by
significant others, and psychological stress.
According to Dr. Glyn C. Roberts, a professor of
Kinesiology at the Institute of Child Behaviour
and Development at the University of Illinois, 80
to 90 percent of children who play competitive
sports at a young age drop out by sixteen.

This statistic illustrates another reason I

oppose competitive sports for children : because
they are so highly selective, very few children
get to participate. Far too soon, a few children
are singled out for their athletic promise, while
many others, who may be on the verge of
developing the necessary strength and ability,
are screened out and discouraged from trying
out again. Like adults, children fear failure, and
so even those with good physical skills may stay
away because they lack self-confidence.
Consequently, teams lose many promising
players who with some encouragement and
experience might have become stars. The
problem is that many parent-sponsored,
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out-of-school programs give more importance to

having a winning team than to developing
children's physical skills and self-esteem.

(a) (i) Why does the author think that

children should not be encouraged to
be too competitive ? Discuss. 3
(ii) Give four reasons from the passage to
explain why children often quit
competitive sports. 2

(iii) Why do children with good physical

skills often stay away from sports ? 2

(iv) Do you agree with the author's point

of view ? Why / Why not ? Give
considered reasons. 3

(b) Pick out words from the passage which

mean the same as the following : 5
(i) the ability to do something well or
(ii) stop doing something
(iii) feel strongly that something or
someone is bad/wrong
(iv) to be very near to doing or
experiencing something
(v) someone who shows signs of being
successful at something

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(c) Give antonyms of the following words from

the passage :
(i) late
(ii) unusual
(iii) success
(iv) weakness
(v) win

2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10

(a) Writing a good paragraph

(b) Features of a proposal, including a draft

proposal for acquiring books for the library

(c) Types of Reports and their characteristics

(d) Preparing a good CV

3. For the first time, a large group of Spanish

students will be joining your college for a year.
You are the student leader of your college. Make
a presentation of about 250 words where you
• welcome them
• tell them briefly about your college
• inform them about the facilities it has to
• give some advice about how they can fit in
and enjoy their stay. 20

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4. What will you say in the following situations ? 10

(a) Your neighbour's T.V. is disturbing you

because of the high volume. Ask him
politely to reduce the volume.

(b) You want to borrow a library card from

your classmate. Ask your classmate for the
card politely.

(c) The desktop computer you bought is not

working properly. Complain about this to
the shopkeeper and ask for a replacement.

(d) Ask your co-passenger on the train if you

can borrow his magazine.

(e) You have arrived late for your class

because of a traffic jam. Apologise to your

5. (a) Put the verbs in brackets into the passive

form in the following sentences : 5

(i) You will hardly recognise the library.

It (redecorate) since your last visit.
(ii) Two players (send) off the field
during last Saturday's match.
(iii) Applications (invited) for the post of
Assistant Librarian.
(iv) As soon as your order (received), it
(process) and an acknowledgement

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(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable

prepositions. 5
(i) If you don't return these books
Monday, you'll be fined.
(ii) The interview will be held
Friday, the 24th of April.
(iii) Don't leave the room I'm
(iv) Kindly see me in my office
the end of the class.
(v) I'll return these CDs two

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No. of Printed Pages : 5 BLI-225

Term-End Examination 05342
June, 2016

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that

follow in your own words :

Job interviews can be difficult and stressful. If

you are currently looking for work and preparing
yourself for an interview there are a few areas to
consider in order to master an interview. They
are :

Practice : The first thing needed is practice, as

"Practice makes perfect". This is especially true
when it comes to job interviews. The more you
practice, the better you will become. The best way
to practice for an interview is to look at the typical
questions that are asked during the interview.
While some of the questions may be different,
there are a few generic questions that will be asked
commonly. However, it isn't just enough to know
the answers to these questions. You must know
how to answer them. The way you answer is
just as important as the questions themselves.

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When attending an interview, you should be able

to explain with examples how you've used your
skills and experience to solve problems. You thus
build your credibility and impress the person
interviewing you. Anyone can list their skills on
a piece of paper. However, it takes a high level of
skill to explain these things in detail during the
interview process.

Prepare : The next thing needed is to be prepared.

The best way is to review the common questions
which will be asked. Never allow yourself to be
caught off guard. Surprises lead to failure, and
can stop you from getting the job. Learn the name
of the person who is conducting the interview,
and use it while speaking to them. This conveys
the message that you are professional and polite.

Attire : Once you are prepared, you will next need

to dress appropriately for the interview. Proper
interview etiquette requires interviewees to be in
attire that is fitting to the environment around
them. Always remember not to overdress and
under-dress. Along with dressing well and
decently, neatness in appearance matters a lot too.
Clothes should be well-pressed and aptly worn.
Shoes should be polished and must be appropriate
for the occasion. A pair of black shoes for men is
a neutral and safe colour that goes along with
any colour of the suit. Ladies must refrain from
shoe colours that are too bright especially if it does
not complement the dress worn. Hair should be
well-combed and nails must be properly trimmed.
Keep the make-up and cologne or perfume light.
Make sure you wear minimal and unobtrusive
jewellery. Do not wear bracelets, bangles or
anklets that make a rattling sound.

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Body language : Everybody uses body language,

but it takes place mostly at a subconscious level.
It gives out a lot of information on the type of
person one is. Based on the body language it can
be seen if one comes across as insecure or
self-assured, a busy or a quiet type, stressed out
or relaxed and whether one is speaking truthfully
or not.
(a) Say whether the following statements are 5
true or false :
(i) In any interview situations most of the
questions are those which are
commonly asked in all interviews.
(ii) It is important to answer all the
questions asked in an interview.
(iii) It is not important to know the name
of the person who is interviewing you.
(iv) Ladies must wear make-up and wear
jewellery so that they look good at an
(v) The best way to practice for an
interview is to look at the typical
questions that are asked during the
(b )
Answer the following questions :
(i) What do you think are some of the 2
generic questions that are commonly
asked at interviews ? List four such
(ii) Keeping the suggestions given in the 2
section on 'attire', how would you
dress for an interview ?
(iii) Give an appropriate title to the 1

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(c) Give the opposite of the following words : 10

(i) Peaceful

2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10

(a) Effective Presentation
(b) Some basic guidelines for good writing
(c) Importance of Portfolio
(d) Conducting a Survey

3. Write a dialogue on the following : 20

Two friends are discussing whether being able to
communicate effectively is more important than
academic brilliance for a librarian. Give both
views in your discussion. Write in 10 conversation

4. What point should be kept in mind while 10

preparing a portfolio ? Based on that prepare your
own portfolio.

5. Complete the following sentences by Putting the 10

verbs in the Simple Past, Past Perfect or Past
Continuous Tense :
(a) Although we (invest) a lot of
money in the project, we
(decide) to pull out of it.
(b) When his father (die) he
(run) the business.

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(c) Zana Lotha (be) in charge of

the shop in Wokha before he
(take) over the company.
(d) While my father (build up) the
business in the North, I (do) the
same in the south.
(e) While Therali (talk) to the
manager, the workers (pack)
the garments ready for dispatch.

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 BLI-225 I

Term-End Examination
December, 2016
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the passage and answer in your own words

the questions that follow :
An important aspect of socializing is 'Small
Talk' informal conversation is about things that
are not important but establish your goodwill
towards the other person and allows you to set to
know him/her better. Light casual conversation
or small talk happens all the time between casual
acquaintances, people travelling together on the
same bus or train, people you meet in the course
of your work, etc.
The difference between socialising and
chatting with your friends is that you have known
your friends for a long time and can be opened
with them while small talk is made with people
you may not know at all or know slightly.
Therefore, while socializing you have to be careful
about the topics you choose to talk about. Avoid
subjects that can lead to offence and do not ask
probing personal questions (about age, salary or
marital status, for instance).

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Normally the conversation arises from the

immediate surroundings : The weather, buildings
and places, hotels, arrivals and departures, meals,
entertainment, the news of the day, etc. Very often
the topics flow from the conversational context.
The answers to questions and the comments that
follow can provide a lead to the next topic. When
someone makes small talk with you, do not give
only monosyllabic 'Yes' or 'No' answers. Add an
opinion and care about the other person.

Another important aspects of small talk is

the timing how long should you carry on with it.
The simple answers is not too long, particularly
in a formal or business situation. One should not
wait for the guest to signal that it is time for work
or move on by looking at the work or flipping open
the file or briefcase.

(a) State whether the following statements are

True or False : 5x1 =5

(i) Small talk does not help in socializing.

(ii) It is not proper to ask probing question

when you met new people.

(iii) Small talk does not require you to

express your opinion.

(iv) In formal situation, small talk takes a

lot of time.

(v) People indicate that it is time to stop

talking by looking at their watches.

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(b) Answer the following briefly in your own

words : 5x2=10
What is the aim of small talk ?
Why do you think subject that gives
offence should be avoided during
socializing ?
(iii) Mention one difference between
chatting and small talk.
(iv) Why are simple 'Yes' or No' answer
not suitable during small talk ?
(v) List at least five topics that are safe
for small talk.
(c) Make sentences of the following in your
own words : 5x1=5
(i) Informal
(ii) Careful
(iii) Conversation
(iv) Entertainment
(v) Important

2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10

(a) Participation in group discussion
(b) Importance of body language
(c) Social skills required for a library
(d) Telephonic skills

3. (a) Write a letter to a friend about your new 10

job in a college library.
Talk about the type of work that you do and
the experience that you derive from it. Also
talk about your colleagues. Write in about
150 words.

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(b) Write a letter complaining about the in- 10

efficient bus service which you use every day
to get to work. Explain the inconveniences
that you and others have to put up with and
suggest ways to improving the services.

4. You are about to complete your BUS degree and 10

want to apply to several universities for a job of
professional assistant in a library. Prepare a
detailed CV.

5. Fill in the blanks with a/an, the or no article : 10

The larger meeting, the more difficult
it becomes to reach at decision.
ideal size of meeting
depends on purpose of
meeting. If meeting has been called
to give information to the members,
views of the participants' do not matter. But if
__________ meeting has been called to Take
decision on any topic, it is advisable
to call just few individuals for it.

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I BLI-225

CT) Term-End Examination
CV June, 2017
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that

follow :
Interpersonal skill comprises an array of aspects,
including listening skills, communication skills
and attitude. In the business world, the term may
mean the ability of an employee to get along with
his or her colleagues at the workplace. Currently,
proper interpersonal skills are vital in many job
positions as well as organizations.
To convey your message effectively, you need
good communication skills, including spoken,
written and nonverbal communication skills. To
communicate effectively, you need to listen
thoughtfully and actively before giving your
opinion. Good communication skills are necessary
in any profession; they help to combat conflicts
at the work place, facilitate productivity and
allow one to convey accurate and understandable
message to colleagues and clients.
Positive attitude is another component of good
interpersonal skills. Displaying a positive attitude
implies that you appreciate your work and the

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company. Portraying a positive attitude includes

doing such things as smiling while interacting and
communicating with your colleagues and
customers, greeting people cheerfully at the work
place, expressing appreciation for other people's
efforts and undertaking challenging with
Rather than doing things your own way, it is
important to welcome the views of others in the
workplace. To demonstrate your team spirit,
willingness to cooperate and open-mindedness,
you need to ask for the opinion and input of your
colleagues at the workplace. To foster
inclusiveness in the company, you should also
push of a socially inclusive environment in the
Conflicts are a common occurrence in the
workplace. Rather than how fast you solve the
conflicts at the work place, you should focus on
the best way to resolve conflicts. To resolve a
conflict, you first need to understand the cause.
You should then evaluate all the possible solutions
to the conflict and set up objectives and strategies
for solving the issue. Finally, implement the plan
and monitor its success.
Assertiveness is another important component of
good interpersonal skills. Assertiveness entails
defending what you believe in, standing up for
your ideas and confidently instructing others on
what should be done. If not properly practiced,
assertiveness can be confused with aggressiveness.
However, this is a very important aspect, with
regards to effective interpersonal skills. When
used tactfully, this skill can earn you respect from
other people.

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Having good manners can bring out other

interpersonal skills in you. Different communities
across the world tend to judge people by their
manners. With many businesses going global, the
need for proper manners at work is becoming more
important. Proper etiquette is essential in
business-to-business interactions in both small and
big companies across the world.

(a) Say whether the following are true or false : 5

(i) Your attitude has no effect on your
interpersonal skills.
(ii) One should be open to other view
(iii) It is important to stand up for one's
(iv) In a globalised work environment, one
can get away with poor etiquette.
One should keep one's emotions in
check while dealing with professional
(b) Answer the following questions : 5
(i) If there is a conflict in your workplace
what is the first thing you will do to
resolve it ?
Think of an example where social
awareness skills might help you to
(E ) Why should you ask for your
colleague's opinions at the
workplace ?
(iv) How does etiquette help at the
workplace ?
(v) Give a suitable title to the passage.

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(c) Find words in the passage that mean the 10

opposite of the following :
(i) excluding
(ii) passively
(iii) exclusive
(iv) similar
(v) fail

2. One of your colleague's is leaving the company 20

to join a higher studies programme. Draft a
presentation to be made at the farewell party.
(350 words).

3. Write a letter to the Education Secretary 20

outhiring the necessity for all schools to have
adequate library facilities. (350 words).

4. Change the following into the passive voice : 5

(a) Sachin Tendulkar has scored many sixes
in his career.
(b) America made use of the first atomic bomb.
(c) Exercise can prevent many diseases.
(d) Nature gives us many treasures.
(e) We must not disobey the law.

5. Complete the following with the appropriate 5

form of the verb given in brackets :
(a) Every year he (host) a grand
party for family and friends.
(b) Although I (try) very hard, I
(c) He is (look) forward to the
(d) I (see) the Taj Mahal last year.
(e) You must never (open) the
door to a stranger.

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No. of Printed Pages : 5 I BLI-225 I


Term-End Examination
December, 2017 015 3 5

Tune : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer All questions.

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that

follow :
You may have a personal portfolio website
for a number of reasons. If you're a freelancer,
then you'd need one to showcase your work and
allow people to contact you. If you're a student
(or unemployed), then you'd need one to show
prospective employers how good you are and
what you can do, so that they might hire you. If
you're part of a studio, then you might use one to
blog about your design life, show people what
you're doing and build your online presence.

A personal portfolio website is all about promoting

you. You are a brand, and your name is a brand
name. No one is going to know about your brand
unless you get it out there; and if you're a Web
designer, developer, writer, gamer or any other
type of creative, then it's essential that you have
a good portfolio website.

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Your logo is usally the first thing a user sees. It

doesn't necessarily have to be your name, but if
you're trying to promote yourself online, then it's
a good idea to go by your name. And always link
your logo to your home page. It's a common
convention that users expect online.

Once the user sees who owns the website, they'll

want to know what it is you do. This is where
you explain what you do with a tagline. Your
tagline should be short and snappy, summarizing
what you do.

This is a personal portfolio website after all, so

your portfolio will determine whether the website
is interesting or not. People will want to see your
previous work to decide whether you're good or
not and for general interest, to see what you've
been up to in the past.

Depending on what you do, your portfolio should

contain big high-quality images, clearly accessible
to the user. Include a short description for each
project, including the different skills that you
needed to complete the project.

Make it clear, and break it down: Web design,

development, video, copywriting, branding, etc.
You may want to be even more specific: corporate
branding, church website design, Flash banner
ads and so on.

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It's all about you. Let people see the man or

women behind the mask (i.e. website). Share your
background, where you came from, how many
years you've been in the business, etc. The more
details you give, the better your users can form a
bond and build trust with you.

If you're not camera-shy, show a picture of

yourself. This will give potential clients piece of
mind by allowing them to see who they're dealing
with, and it adds an element of trust.

(a) Say whether the following statements are 5

true or false :
(i) A personal portfolio website is a waste
of time.
(ii) A tagline should be long and detailed.
(iii) Clear images make the portfolio better.
(iv) It is important to form a bond with
(v) It's a bad idea to list achievements.

(b) Answer the following questions : 5

(i) What do people look for while
accessing a portfolio entire ?
(ii) Keeping these suggestions in mind,
give a suitable tagline to the portfolio
of a professional photographer.
(iii) Why should you include a picture of
yourself in the portfolio ?
(iv) What does information about awards
achieve ?
(v) Give a suitable title to the passage.

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(c) Find words in the passage that mean the 10

same as the following :
(i) Permit
(ii) Vital
(iii) Custom
(iv) Decide
(v) Various

2. Write a paragraph on any one of the following : 20

(350 words)
(a) My vision of the world.
(b) Mobile phones : blessing or curse ?
(c) The internet will kill books and reading.
(d) Environment versus development.

3. Write a dialogue of 10 rounds to discuss whether 20

stadiums should be turned into Libraries. Give
both views.

4. Pick out the reduced clauses in the following and 5

write their full form :
(a) The boy in my class
(b) The suggestions given by my boss
(c) The music of the birds
(d) The ideas in the portfolio
(e) The sound of the rain

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5. Complete the following with the appropriate form 5

of the verbs given in brackets
(a) She (have) appointed leader of
her group recently.
(b) The police (register) a
complaint against my Nighbour last night.
(c) The students (respond)
favourably to his suggestions during his
lecture this morning.
(d) My brother will (lose) his
citizenship if he does not apply in time.
(e) The University (change) its
website profile every year.

BLI-225 5 Page No. 32

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I BLI-225 I

co Term-End Examination
O June, 2018
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Answer All questions.
1. Read the passage and answer in your own words
the questions that follow :
Is talking on the phone as easy as most of us
believe it to be ? And specially these days when
almost certainly, our first job interview is likely to
be on the phone ? And what if we get employed
in fields like tele-marketing or in customer support
sections as tele-executives ?
Face-to-face communication consists of
three elements : words, tone of voice and body
language. On the phone there is no way of
reading the body language of a person. So what
you say and the tone of your voice become much
more important as does your ability to listen and
respond. A good idea is to smile while talking on
the phone. This will help in keeping your voice
enthusiastic and cheerful !
When you make a business call or a call to a
stranger (or even a personal call, for that matter)
you should always, first of all, identify yourself.
Give your name, and if it is a business call, your
company's name and your position in the
company to the person you are talking to. Speak
slowly and clearly and say straightaway why you

BLI-225 1 P.T.O. Page No. 33

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are calling. It is best to state this immediately and

clearly, though briefly. This way you can save a
lot of time by not talking to the wrong person or
at the wrong time.
The most important thing about making a
phone call is to make it, if you have to, even if it is
about something unpleasant. Do not make a call
very early or too late in the day. Even before you
greet the caller you should be clear in your mind
about what you want to talk about and how
much you wish to say. In fact, it is a good idea to
mentally rehearse your talk. It is still more helpful
to keep important papers handy to which you can
refer as you talk, so that facts and figures are
correct, and you don't have to hunt for them
while the caller waits. It is also important to keep
a clear and direct approach with a minimum of
social chit-chat. Social chats are all right
occasionally, when you are relaxed and on very
friendly terms with the caller but they tend to
waste time, both yours and the other person's,
who may be busy when your call comes through.
Do not talk to anyone else while you are talking
on the phone. If for some reason you have to,
then put the other person on hold. Give concise,
to-the-point answers if the listener has any queries
and say you don't know, if you are asked about
something you don't have any knowledge of. Do
not pretend that you have all the answers if you
don't. Say that you will ring the person back as
soon as you have the correct information and do
call back as you promised.
If it is an important call, make notes before
you call so that you don't miss anything. Also,
take notes during the call so that you can
accurately recollect the information later. Jot
down the name of the person who has called and

BLI-225 2 Page No. 34

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address him by name. This helps in building

rapport and leaves a better impression. In business
calls it is also a good idea to send a fax or a letter
confirming any decisions taken or agreements
arrived at, over the phone. Names and numbers
should always be repeated and spelt out, if
necessary, to avoid mistakes.
(a) (i) How is face-to-face communication 10
different from talking on the phone ?
(ii) How can one save time while you are
making a business call ?
(iii) How should you prepare for an
important call ?
(iv) If you are asked about something you
don't have any knowledge, what will
you do ?
(v) Suggest a suitable title for the above
(b) Make sentences with the following in your
own words : 5x1=5
(i) ability
(ii) enthusiastic
(iii) unpleasant
(iv) accurately
(v) impression
2. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Presentation skills 2x5=10
(b) Methods of writing
(c) Composing a formal letter
(d) Features of a memo
3. You are a librarian in a college. Write a letter to a 10
book supplier requesting him to send you a
catalogue of English language books required for
your library.
4. Write a paragraph on your college library and the 10
facilities provided by it.

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5. Write a note on the making and utility of a 10

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs : 5
(i) I will call you when he back.
(comes, will come)
(ii) This book is not long. I it by
lunch time.
(will be reading, will have read)
(iii) Look at those black clouds. It
(will rain, is going to rain)
(iv) The train before we reach the
(arrives, will have arrived)
(v) I into town later on. Do you
want a lift ?
(drive, will be driving)
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 5
(i) I must start down to reach the
station in time.
(ii) The child has been missing
(iii) We shall stay three months
(iv) He rushed to my room panting
(v) Do not cry spilt milk.
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles : 5
(i) I met him year ago.
(ii) Have you told him about
accident ?
(iii) He is honour to this profession.
(iv) The brave soldier lost arm in
(v) Let us discuss matter seriously.

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 BLI-225


Term-End Examination
December, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the passage and answer in your own

words the questions that follow :
Most people believe that children are the world's
most valuable resource and should be loved and
cherished. However, because they are dependent
on adults for safety and nurturing, and can neither
look after themselves nor fight for their rights, they
are often treated badly and abused. A report
published by the World Health Organization
(WHO) in 1999 claimed that more than 40 million
children around the world suffer from abuse and

But things are beginning to change. Did you know

that the United Nations has a special Convention
on the Rights of the Child and that Article 19 and
Article 34 of this Convention deal specifically with
child abuse ?

BLI-225 1 P.T.O. Page No. 37

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Child abuse has been defined as 'all forms of

physical, and /or emotional treatment or
commercial or other exploitation, resulting in
actual and potential harm to the child's right to
health, survival, development or dignity in the
context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or
power'. It is being increasingly recognized that
even children deserve to be treated with dignity
and that their freedom should be respected. From
the year 2000, 20th November is celebrated as the
International Day for the Rights of the Child and
19th November is World Day for the Prevention
of Child Abuse.

Since India is a poor country and we can barely

guarantee our children basic health, nutrition and
shelter, there is little time and opportunity to think
about the rights of children or of their abuse. Also,
because of our tradition of giving unquestioning
respect to elders, the convention of not letting
outsiders know of problems within the family and
viewing children as the property of parents, a
great deal of child abuse is tolerated in our society.
People are neither willing to talk about it nor
report it to the police or other authorities. Since
awareness is the only effective response to silence
and denial, talking about this issue and making
as many people as possible aware of it is the only
way to deal with this violation of children's rights.

(a) Why are children often treated badly and

abused ? 5x2=10
(b) How is child abuse defined ?

BLI-225 2 Page No. 38

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(c) What does the Report of World Health

Organisation claim ?
(d) What are the causes of concern for children
living in India ?
(e) What are the possible solutions to deal with
the violation of children's rights ?
(f) Make sentences with the following in your
own words. 5x1=5
(i) Valuable
(ii) Cherished
(iii) Shelter
(iv) Opportunity
(v) Celebrated

2. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Telephone etiquettes 2x5=10
(b) Barriers to listening
(c) The Do's and Don'ts of group discussion
(d) Body language

3. You are a librarian in a university. Write a query 10

letter to a journal supplier seeking information
about the journals required for your library.

4. What are the basic differences between a portfolio 10

and a resume ?

5. Write a resume of yourself for the job of a librarian 10

in a college.

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs : 5

(a) When I get home, my dog at
the gate waiting. (sits, will be sitting)
(b) I'm sure she will the exam.
(passes pass)
(c) Hurry up! The programme
(will start, it is about to start)

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(d) The next term on 16th

November. (begins, is beginning)
(e) I home next Sunday.
(go, am going)

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.

(a) He travelled thirty kilometres
two hours.
(b) I saw him felling the big tree a
(c) Camels are peculiarly adapted
life in the desert.
(d) Agra is famous its Taj Mahal.
(e) I have eaten nothing yesterday.

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

(a) If you see him, give him
(b) English is language of people of
(c) He returned after hour.
(d) school will close shortly after
Puja holidays.
(e) Mumbai is very costly place to
live in.

BLI 225
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No. of Printed Pages : 8 I BL1 2251-


Term-End Examination

C39 -15 1----; June, 2019


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the following passage and answer the

questions that follow :

William Henry Gates (Bill) was born on

October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Bill
was the second of three children in an
upper-Middle class family. He enjoyed playing
games with the family and was very competitive.
He also loved to read. Bill became bored in
public school so his family sent him to Lakeside
School, a private school, where he excelled in
math and science and did well in drama and

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Gates became interested in computer

programming when he was 13, during the era of
giant mainframe computers. His school held a
fund-raiser to purchase a teletype terminal so
students could use computer time that was
donated by General Electric. Using this time,
Gates wrote a tic-tac-toe program using BASIC,
one of the first computer languages. Later he
created a computer version of Risk, a board
game he liked in which the goal is world
domination. At Lakeside, Bill met Paul Allen,
who shared his interest in computers. Gates and
Allen and two other students hacked into a
computer belonging to Computer Center
Corporation (CCC) to get free computer time but
were caught. After a period of probation, they
were allowed back in the computer lab when
they offered to fix glitches in CCC's software. At
age 17, Gates and Allen were paid $ 20,000 for a
program called Traf-O-Data that was used to
count traffic.

In early 1973, Bill Gates served as a

congressional page in the U.S. House of
Representatives. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on
the SAT and was accepted by Harvard
BLI-225 2 Page No. 42

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University. Steve Ballmer, who became CEO of

Microsoft after Bill retired, was also a Harvard
student. Meanwhile, Paul Allen dropped out of
Washington College to work on computers at
Honeywell Corporation and convinced Gates to
drop out of Harvard and join him in starting a
new software company in Albuquerque, New
Mexico. They called it Micro-Soft. This was soon
changed to Microsoft, and they moved their
company to Bellevue, Washington.

In 1980, IBM, one of the largest technology

companies of the era, asked Microsoft to write
software to run their new personal computer, the
IBM PC. Microsoft kept the licensing rights for
the operating system (MS-DOS) so that they
earned money for every computer sold first by
IBM, and later by all the other companies that
made PC computers. Microsoft grew quickly
from 25 employees in 1978 to over 90,000 today.
Over the years, Microsoft developed many new
technologies and some of the world's most
popular software and products such as Word and
PowerPoint. Although some have criticized
Gates for using questionable business practices,
he built Microsoft into one of the largest
BLI-225 3 P.T.O. Page No. 43

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companies in the world. He has been described

as brilliant but childlike, driven, competitive,
intense, fun, but lacking in empathy.

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the

world. In 2012, his $ 61 billion dollars in assets
made him the world's second-richest man
according to Forbes Magazine. In 2006, Gates
announced that he would cut back his
involvement at Microsoft to spend more time on
philanthropy and his foundation. The Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation supports many
causes including the quest to eradicate Polio,
fighting AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis;
providing vaccinations for children; and even
reinventing the toilet among many other things.

Answer the following questions by choosing the

correct option : 10x1=10

(a) In which of the following ways were Bill

Gates and Paul Allen not alike ?
(i) They went to the same school
(ii) They both liked computers
(iii) They both dropped out of college
(iv) They both went to the same college

BLI-225 4 Page No. 44
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(b) Which of the following was not a program

written by Bill Gates or Paul Allen ?
(i) Traf-O-Data
(ii) A computerised version of
(iii) BASIC
(iv) A computerised version of Risk
(c) Which of the following has been described
in the fourth paragraph ?
(i) Rising of Microsoft to a major
(ii) Microsoft's becoming a bigger
company than IBM
(iii) Bill Gates becoming a billionaire
(iv) Technical details of MS-DOS
(d) Which is not true about Bill Gates in the
first paragraph ?
(i) He was competitive
(ii) He was born in Seattle, Washington
(iii) He enjoyed public school
(iv) He was involved in drama
(e) What question is answered in the fourth
paragraph ?
(i) How many people work for Microsoft
today ?
(ii) What new technologies, besides
MS-DOS, did Microsoft develop ?
(iii) What does empathy mean ?
(iv) How rich is Bill Gates ?

BLI-225 5 P.T.O. Page No. 45

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(f) Which of the following was the effect of Bill

hacking into CCC's computer ?
(i) He met Paul Allen
(ii) He was allowed back on the computer
(iii) He lost computer privileges
(iv) He wrote a Tic-Tac-Toe program

(g) What does the word 'philanthropy' mean in

the last paragraph ?
(i) Charity
(ii) Computer technology
(iii) Wealth
(iv) Business

(h) If the entire passage was limited to the last

paragraph, what would the appropriate
name for the passage be ?
(i) The rise of Microsoft
(ii) The business practices of Microsoft
(iii) Microsoft and its software
(iv) Microsoft and its billionaires

(i) Microsoft earned money every time

(i) Traf-O-data was used
(ii) CCC used its software
(iii) IBM sold a computer running
(iv) IBM built a computer
BLI-225 6 Page No. 46

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(j) Where was Steve I3allmer a student ?

(i) Harvard University
(ii) Albuquerque, New Mexico
(iii) Washington College
(iv) The passage does not say

2. Find words in the passage that mean the

opposite of the following : 10
(a) Fail
(b) Disinterest
(c) Unintelligent
(d) Poorest
(e) Slowly

3. Write a paragraph an any one of the following : 10

(a) The book I like the most
(b) My favourite hobby
(c) My best teacher

4. Prepare a profile of yourself for applying for a

job in a library. 10

5. Prepare the minutes of a meeting held in your

office to discuss some important issues regarding
future recruitments in your organisation. 10
BLI-225 7 P.T.O. Page No. 47
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6. Write a letter to the librarian requesting him to

get some important books for the library. 10

7. Change the following into passive voice : 5

(a) The director will give us instructions.

(b) They are building a new house.

(c) The master punished his servant.

(d) She bought a diamond necklace.

(e) I sent the report yesterday.

8. Complete the following with appropriate form of

the verb in the brackets :

(a) Rani (stay) with her parents at

the moment.

(b) He (taking) his dog out for a

walk everyday before breakfast.

(c) The ship (sink) in the sea.

(d) I (hate) people who are rude to

their subordinates.

(e) How often do you (went) to the

movies ?

BLI-225 8 12,000 Page No. 48

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No. of Printed Pages : 12 BLI-225



SCIENCE (Revised) (BLIS)

Term-End Examination

December, 2019


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

Read the passage and answer the questions

that follow (Q. Not 1 and 2) :

Fried dough has been made all around the

world.. Dutch Settlers who brought apple and

cream pies, cookies and cobbler to the New

509 (B-24) P. T. 0. Page No. 49

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[2] BU-225

York World also introduced doughnuts. Their

Doughnuts were called olykoeks, or oily cakes—

sweet dough balls fried in animal fat. Early

doughnuts were often filled with apples, prunes

or raisins. The name doughnut may refer to the

nuts put in the middle of the dough ball to

prevent an uncooked centre of possibly to

"dough knots"—another popular shape for the

olkyoeks. Today, "Doughnuts" and "donut" are

used interchangeably.

There are three stories about why doughnuts

have holes in the centre. In 1847, Elizabeth

Gregory was known for making a very fine

olykoek with a hint of nutmeg and a filling of

hazelnuts or walnuts. Her son, Hanson

Crockett Gregory was a 16—year old sailor who

invented the doughnut hole. Page No. 50

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I 33 8L1-226

One story says that on June 22, 1847 Captain

Gregory's ship hit a sudden storm. He impaled


the doughnut as a spoke on the steering wheel

to keep his hands free. The spoke drove a hole

through the raw centre of the doughnut.

Captain Gregory liked the doughnuts better

that way, and the doughnut hole was born.

In the second story, he didn't like nuts, so he

poked them out and ordered the ship's cook to

retrieve the centers - from doughnuts.

The third version comes from an interview with

Captain Gregory in the Washington Post.

Gregory didn't like the greasiness of doughnuts

twisted into various shapes, or the raw center

of regular doughnuts . He suddenly had the idea


to punch a hole with the ship's tin pepper box.

P. T. 0. Page No. 51

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14 ] BLI-225

When he got home, he taught this new

doughnut trick to his mother.

Making a hole increased the surface area

exposed to the hot oil and eliminated the

uncooked center.

Here's part of the interview with 85 year old

Captain Gregory :

In those days we used to cut the doughnuts

into diamond shapes, and also into long strips,

bent in half, and then twisted. I don't think we

called them doughnuts then—they were just

`fried cakes and twisters.'

Well sir, they used to fry all right around the

edges, but when you had the edges done the

insides was all raw dough. And the twisters Page No. 52

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151 BLI-225

used to sop up all the grease just when they

bent, and they were tough on the digestion.'

Well I say to myself, why wouldn't a space

inside solve the difficulty ? "I thought at first I'd

take one of the strips and roll it around, then I

got an inspiration, a great inspiration. I took

the cover off the ship's tin pepper box, and—I

cut into the middle of that doughnut the first

hole ever seen by mortal eyes !"

"Well, sir, then doughnuts was the finest I ever

tasted. No more indigestion—no more greasy

sinkers—but just well done, fried through


1. Answer the questions in (a) to (b) by choosing

the correct option : 10

(a) The first doughnuts brought to America

by the Dutch were :

(i) yellow

P. T. 0. Page No. 53

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161 BL1-225

(ii) sour

(iii) bitter

(iv) oily

(b) Captain Gregory :

(i) added filling to the doughnut

(ii) improved the doughnut

(iii) brought the doughnut to America

(iv) invented the doughnut

(c) What inspired Captain Gregory ?

(i) The idea that he could put filling in

the denim*

40 He wanted to think of a new name for


(iii) The idea of cutting a hole into the

centre of the doughnuts

(iv) The idea of starting a bakery. Page No. 54

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I 71 BLI-225

(d) What could be the title for this passage ?

(1) Nickname for doughnuts

(ii) The first bakery

(iii) Doughnuts around the world

(iv) How did the doughnut change time

(e) Which of the following was not a nickname

for doughnuts as described by Captain

Gregory ?

(i) Fried cakes

(ii) Twisters

(iii) Olykoeks

(iv) Greasy sinkers

(f) What does the word "introduced" mean ip

the followingsentexace ?

Fried dough has been made all around the

world. Dutch settlers who brought apple

P. T. O. Page No. 55

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81 BLI-225

and cream pies, cookies and cobbler to the

new world introduced doughnuts :

(i) brought to a a new place

(ii) fought

(iii) made

(iv) discovered

(g) Doughnuts were originally made with nuts

in the center to

(i) make the doughnuts less oily

(ii) make the doughnuts tasteless

(iii) make the doughnuts easier to pry

(iv) make sure the center is fully cooked

(h) Which of the following is definitely true

about doughnut holes ?

(i) The doughnut hole was invented to

make it taste better Page No. 56

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I9 BU-225

(ii) The doughnut hole was invented by a


(iii) The doughnut hole was invented

inside a box.

(iv) The doughnut hole was invented as a

result of a bad storm at sea.

(i) Which of the following items was not

introduced by the Dutch ?

(i) Cookies

(ii) Ice cream

(iii) Cobbler

(iv) Cream pies

(j) Why do you think Washington Post

interviewed Captain Gregory ?

(i) They wanted to know how the

doughnut hole came into being.

P. T. O. Page No. 57

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[ 10 ] BLI-225

(ii) They were interested in why

doughnuts were so greasy.

(iii) They wanted to know the places he

had sailed to.

(iv) They believed someone else invented

the doughnut hole.

2. Find words in the passage that mean the

opposite of the following : 10

(i) Unpopular

(ii) Periphery

(iii) Calm

(iv) Digestion

(v) Old

3. Prepare a profile of yourself to use it for an

interview in a research institution. 10 Page No. 58

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(11 BLI-225

4. Prepare the minutes of the meeting held in

your organisation to discuss the celebration of

Inde$endence Day this year. 10

5. Write a paragraph on any one • of the

following : 10

(i) My ambition in life

(ii) My greatest inspiration

(iii) My best friend

6. You are a librarian in a college library. You had

ordered some books from the publisher that has

not arrived yet. Write a letter to the publisher

complaining about the delay. 10 .

7. Change the following into the passive voice :

(i) She is writing a letter to her father.

(ii) He teaches English in the coaching centre.

(iii) Somebody has stolen my purse.

P. T. 0. Page No. 59

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[ 12 ] BLI-225

(iv) The team will celebrate their victory


(v) He cooks meal everyday.

8. Complete the following with the appropriate

form of the verb given in brackets : 5

(i) My brother (work) at a bank.

(ii) I never (gets) up before 9 a.m. on


(iii) I (like) to listen to music.

(iv) I (see) the dentist at 11 a.m.

(v) Hari (drive) all the way to Toronto.

BLI-225 12,000 Page No. 60

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No. of Printed Pages : 16 BLI-225

Term End Examination,
June, 2020
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70

1. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark.
2. No cell phones, calculators, books, slide-rules, notebooks or written notes, etc. will
be allowed inside the examination hall.
3. You should follow the instructions given by the Centre Superintendent and by the
Invigilator at the examination venue. • If you violate the instructions, you will be
4. Any candidate found copying or receiving or giving assistance in the examination
will be disqualified.
5. The Question Paper and the OMR Response Sheet (Answer Sheet) would be
supplied to you by the Invigilators. After the examination is over, you should hand
over the OMR Response Sheet to the Invigilator before leaving the examination
hall. Any candidate who does not return the OMR Response Sheet will be
disqualified and the University may take further action against him/her.
6. All rough work is to be done on the question paper itself and not on any other
paper. Scrap paper is not permitted. For arriving at answers you may work in the
margins, make some markings or underline in the test booklet itself.
7. The University reserves the right to cancel the result of any candidate who
impersonates or uses/adopts other malpractices or uses any unfair means. The
University may also follow a procedure to verify the validity of scores of all
examinees uniformly. If there is substantial indication that your performance is not
genuine, the University may cancel your result.

Bil-225 ( ) P. T. O. Page No. 61

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How to fill up the information on the OMR, Response Sheet

(Examination Answer Sheet)
1. Write your complete Enrolment No. in 9 digits. This should correspond to the
enrolment number indicated by you on the OMR Response Sheet. Also write your
correct name, address with pin code in the space provided. Put your signatures on
the OMR Response Sheet with date. Ensure that the Invigilator in your
examination hall also puts his signatures with date on the OMR Response Sheet at
the space provided.
2. On the OMR Response Sheet student's particulars are to be filled in by blue/black
ball pen also. Use blue/black ball pen for writing the Enrolment No. and
Examination Centre Code as well as for blackening the circle bearing the correct
answer number against the serial number of the question.
3. Do not make any stray remarks on this sheet.
4. Write correct information in numerical digits in Enrolment No. and Examination
Centre Code Columns. The corresponding circle should be dark enough and should
be filled in completely.
5. Each question is followed by four probable answers which are numbered (1), (2), (3)
and (4). You should select and show only one answer to each question considered by
you as the most appropriate or the correct answer. Select the most appropriate
answer. Then by using blue/black ball pen, blacken the circle bearing the correct
answer number against the serial number of the question. If you find that answer
to any question is none of the four alternatives given under the question, you
should darken the circle with '0'.
6. No credit will be given if more than one answer is given for one question. Therefore,
you should select the most appropriate answer.
7. You should not spend too much time on one question. If you find any particular
question difficult, leave it and go to the next. If you have time left after answering
all the questions, you may go back to the unanswered question.
8. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.

BLI-225 (2) Page No. 62

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(Q. Nos. 1-5)—Read the passage below and answer the questions :

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered

coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in

Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is now a pandemic affecting many

countries globally. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and

tiredness. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include

aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of

taste or smell or a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes. These symptoms are

usually mild and begin gradually.

Some people become infected but only have very mild symptoms. People can catch

COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease spreads primarily from person to

person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person

with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets are relatively heavy, do not

travel far and quickly sink to the ground. People can catch COVID-19 if they breathe in

these droplets from a person infected with the virus. This is why it is important to stay

at least 1 metre away from others. These droplets can land on objects and surfaces

around the person such as tables, doorknobs and handrails. People can become

infected-by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

COVID-19 infected people can transmit the virus both when they have symptoms

and when they don't have symptoms. This is why it is important that all people who are

infected are identified by testing, isolated, and, depending on the severity of their

disease, receives medical care. Even people confirmed to have COVID-19 but who do not

BLI-225 (3) P. T. 0. Page No. 63

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have symptoms should be isolated to limit their contact with others. These measures

break chains of transmission. You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading

COVID-19 by taking some simple precautions Regularly and thoroughly clean your

hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and others. Avoid going

to crowded places because you are more likely to come into close contact with someone

who has COVID-19. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces

and can pick up viruses. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow

or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and

wash your hands. Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you

protect the people around you from viruses such as COVID-19.

1. Where was COVID-19 first discovered ?

(1) Rome (2) Wuhan

(3) New York (4) Barcelona

2. Which of the following is not a symptom of COVID-19 ?

(1) Bleeding from nose (2) Sore throat

(3) Loss of taste and smell (4) Fever and dry cough

3. How do we catch COVID-19 ?

(1) Through the infected droplets from the nose or mouth

(2) Through water supply

(3) Not eating enough fruits

(4) Not taking enough walk

BU-225 (4) Page No. 64

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4. Can people without symptoms transmit COVID-19 ?

(1) Only people showing symptoms can transmit

(2) Inflected people with no symptoms cannot spread

(3) Infected person with or without symptoms can transmit

(4) Only going to crowd can transmit

5. Which one of the following prevents the spread of COVID-19 ?

(1) Wash hands with soap or sanitizer

(2) Avoid crowded places

(3) Maintain distance from others

(4) All of the above

6. Communication is a part of skills.

(1) Soft (2) Hard

(3) Rough 4) Short

7. People cannot interact with each other without

(1) Communication (2) Transport

(3) Voice (4) Loudspeaker

8. communication includes tone of voice, body language, facial

expressions etc.

(1) • Non-verbal (2) Verbal

(3) Letter (4) Notice

9. When there is similarity of background between the sender and the receiver such
as age, language, nationality, religion, gender; then this is called

(1) Social (2) Cultural

(3) Physical (4) Dynamic

BLI-225 (5) P. T. 0. Page No. 65

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10. How many of trousers have you got ?

(1) Items (2) Pairs

(3) Sets (4) Times

11. Do you a uniform at your college ?

(1) Carry (2) Wear

(3) Use (4) Hold

12. Did she you to meet him today ?

(1) Invited (2) Call

(3) Informed (4) Instructed

13. In oral communication, the speaker can observe the listener's

(1) Reaction (2) Response

(3) Rejection (4) Reset

14. In listening the difference between the sounds is identified.

(1) Discriminative (2) Comprehension

(3) Dialogic (4) Empathetic

15. The is the action or description that occurs in the sentence.

(1) Predicate (2) Subject

(3) Object (4) Complement

16. In listening, the main intention is to seek certain information which will
be appreciated.

(1) Empathetic (2) Appreciative

(3) Evaluative (4) Dialogic

BLI-225 (6) Page No. 66

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17. is nothing but checking whether we have followed the earlier stages

promptly and efficiently.

(1) Reviewing (2) Reading

(3) Recalling (4) All of these

18. listening means learning through conversation.

(1) Evaluative (2) Appreciative

(3) Dialogic (4) Empathetic

19. When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used ?

(1) Verbal and tone of voice (2) Body language

(3) Written communication (4) Non-verbal communication

20. Reading is a process.

(1) Encoding (2) Listening

(3) Decoding (4) Talking

21. A portfolio is not sent out like the resume or CV, it is normally taken along at the

time of an interview.

(1) True (2) False

22. Portfolio is not a powerful tool for job seekers.

(1) True (2) False

23. A portfolio can be an important learning tool for students to help them to assess

their learning and to compare it to what the job in question requires.

1) True (2) False

BLI-225 ( 7) P. T. 0. Page No. 67

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24. Presentations are a way of communicating ideas and information to a


(1) True (2) False

25. The expressions you wear on your face transmit a great deal of emotions.

(1) True (2) False

26. It is most important to open a telephone call professionally and make the caller feel

welcome and try to give an impression that she/he is an important caller.

(1) True (2) False

27. A group discussion is an informal discussion involving an invited group of


(1) True (2) False

28. The way in which we express ourselves is our style of communication.

(1) True (2) False

29. When meeting new people it is most important to make positive impression on


(1) True (2) False

30. To be an effective communicator it is important to be a good listener.

(1) True (2) False

31. In oral communication there is a possibility of immediate

(1) Reply (2) Response

(3) Reaction (4) All of these

BLI-225 (8) Page No. 68

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32. Evaluative listening is :

(1) Therapeutic (2) Evaluative

(3) Dialogic (4) Empathetic

33. Hearing is an important component of :

(1) Speaking (2) Listening

(3) Talking (4) None of these

34. It is important to choose the right environment because it will help the listener
focus and avoid :

(1) Attrition (2) Distractions

(3) Influence (4) Noise

35. Hearing is only an important component of :

(1) Hearing (2) Listening

(3) Talking (4) Speaking

36. To be a good communicator it is important to be a :

(1) Articulate (2) Good listener

(3) Good writer (4) Empathetic

37. Being a good listener help you to develop and maintain :

(1) Positive body language (2) Good interpersonal relations

(3) Reading habits (4) Appreciative skills

38. Contraction are words that have been :

(1) Elaborated (2) Explained

(3) Shortened (4) Emphasized

BLI-225 (9) P. T. 0. Page No. 69

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39. Which of the following is not a contraction ?

(1) Should not (2) Doesn't

(3) They're (4) We'll

40. Abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase that is usually used to save space
in :

(1) Written documents (2) Explanation

(3) Non-verbal communication (4) All of these

41. A profile should include the following :

(1) Major achievements (2) Skills and Competencies

(3) Hobbies and long-term goals (4) All of these

42. Resume or CV as it called is the most important tool when it comes to :

(1) Acquiring skills (2) Maintaining reports

(3) Job hunting (4) Getting higher qualification

43. Good personality required for job interviews also means acquiring :

(1) Good attitude (2) Appearance and good body language

(3) Good communication skills (4) All of these

44. During a telephone conversation :

(1) Leave the caller on hold (2) Be courteous

(3) Transfer the calls always (4) Stay quiet

45. Which of these is not a commandment of effective communication ?

(1) Clarity in language (2) Listen poorly

(3) Home communication skills (4) Adequate medium

BLI-225 ( 10 ) Page No. 70

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46. Before going for presentation, one need to do some home work , to find
out :

(1) Who are audience ?

(2) When is it scheduled and duration ?

(3) What kind of facilities is available at the venue ?

(4) All of the above

47. In order to achieve effective communication, the presenter must be :

(1) Humorist, friendly and funny

(2) Clear, coherent, articulate and convincing

(3) Good appearance, friendly and casual

(4) Articulate, casual and provocative

48. Which of these must be avoided in a group discussion ?

(1) Speak about oneself and rule

(2) Must never mumble

(3) No shouting or speaking very fast

(4) All of the above

49. Which quality is an enemy in a group discussion ?

(1) Assertiveness and emotional stability

(2) Objectivity and self-confidence,

(3) Initiative and good communication skills

(4) Overconfidence and abusive

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50. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication ?

(1) Sound (2) Listening

(3) Inattentive (4) Interruption

51. People cannot interact with each other without

(1) Communication (2) Transport

(3) Voice (4) Loudspeaker

52. Communication is a non-stop :

(1) Exercise (2) Process

(3) Programme (4) Plan

53. The is the person who transmits the message.

(1) Receiver (2) Driver

(3) Sender (4) Cleaner

54. is the person who notices and decodes and attaches some meaning to
a message.

(1) Receiver (2) Driver

(3) Sender (4) Cleaner

55. The response to a sender's message is called :

(1) Feedback (2) Food lodge

(3) Transporter (4) Agent

BU-225 ( 12 ) Page No. 72

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56. context refers to the relationship between the sender and the

(1) Social (2) Emotional

(3) Psychological (4) Chronological

57. refers to all the factors that disrupt the communication.

(1) Silence (2) Social media

(3) Phone (4) Noise

58. Environmental barriers are the same as noise.

(1) Physical (2) Social

(3) Physiological (4) Psychological

59. Our dress code is an example of communication.

(1) Online (2) Non-verbal

(3) Written (4) Recorded

60. communication includes tone of voice, body language, facial

expressions etc.

(1) Non-verbal (2) Vocal •

(3) E-mail (4) Notice

61. Letter, e-mail, telephone are examples of

(1) . Message (2) Feedback

(3) Channels of communication (4) Encoding

BLI-225 ( 13 ) P. T. 0. Page No. 73

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62. It is of paramount importance that one needs to construct a sentence for

effective communication.

(1) Wrong (2) Correct

(3) Incorrect (4) Night

63. Reading comprehension means understanding a text.

(1) Oral (2) Written

(3) Usual (4) Audio

64. The person who transmits the message is called the :

(1) Baker (2) Sender

(3) Taker (4) Receiver

65. Proper nouns always begin with letters.

(1) Running (2) Capital

(3) Small (4) Numerical

66. A communication may be misinterpreted because of

(1) Barriers (2) Distortions

(3) Distractions (4) Noise

67. Facial expressions are a part of :

(1) Written language

(2) Body language

(3) Verbal communication

(4) Non-effective communication

BLI-225 ( 14 ) Page No. 74

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68. In an, informal communication, one 'does not pay much attention to the skills of

(1) Written (2) Oral

(3) Audio (4) Visual

69. How can a person correctly communicate ?

(1) Speaking (2) Text message

(3) E-mail (4) All of these

70. The language of a report should be

(1) Formality (2) Formal

(3) Casual (4) Loose

BLI-225 ( 15 ) Page No. 75

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No. of Printed Pages : 6 BLI-225


Term-End Examination
February, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the passage given below and answer the

questions which follow :

Business management is more than simply

telling employees what to do. Managers must
understand business organization, finance, and
communication, as well as have a thorough
understanding of their particular market and
relevant technologies and policies. While
managers are not necessarily the most
important people in the organization, their work
is critical to helping everyone else work together.

BLI-225 1 P.T.O. Page No. 76
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Management skills overlap with leadership

skills, as both involve problem-solving,
decision-making, planning, delegation,
communication, and time management. Good
managers are often good leaders. And yet the
two roles are distinct.

In general, management is about

organization. There may be something
mechanical about it, not in the negative sense of
a ‘‘mechanical performance’’, but rather in its
focus on the technical ‘‘how’’ of accomplishing
tasks. Leaders, in contrast, focus on the ‘‘why’’,
motivating and inspiring their subordinates.
Leadership is about people. Not all leaders have
the skill set to be managers, and not all
managers have the skills to be leaders.

The critical role of a manager is to ensure

that a company’s many moving parts are all
working properly together. Without this
integration, problems can arise and issues can
‘‘fall through the cracks’’.

Management skills are important for many

different positions, at many levels of a company,
from the top leadership to intermediate
supervisors. Most management skills are related
to five basic, fundamental functions : planning,
organizing, coordinating, directing and
BLI-225 2 Page No. 77
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Individual managers may or may not be

personally involved in drafting company policy
and strategy, but even those who aren’t still
must be able to plan. You might be given certain
objectives and then be responsible for developing
ways to meet those objectives. You may need to
adjust someone else’s plan to new circumstances.
In either case, you’ll have to understand what
your resources are, develop time tables and
budgets, and assign tasks and areas of

Organizing generally means creating

structures to support or accomplish a plan. This
might involve creating a new system of who
reports to whom, designing a new layout for the
office, or building strategy and planning around
how to move through a project, how to move
towards deadlines, and how to measure

Aspects of organization could also mean

helping leaders under your guidance manage
their subordinates well. Organization is about
planning and foresight, and requires an ability
to comprehend the big picture.

BLI-225 3 P.T.O. Page No. 78
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Managers must know what is happening,

what needs to happen, and who and what are
available to accomplish needed tasks. If someone
is miscommunicating, if someone needs help, if a
problem is being overlooked or a resource
underutilized, a manager needs to notice and
correct the issue. Coordinating is the skill that
lets the organization act as a unified whole.

Directing is the part where you take charge

and tell people what to do, otherwise known as
delegating, giving orders, and making decisions.
Someone has to do it, and that someone could be

Oversight means keeping track of what’s

going on and setting right anything that gets out
of place. It might include anything from
reviewing business models and checking for
inefficiencies to checking to make sure a project
is on time and on budget. Oversight is the
maintenance phase of management.

Management positions include some of the

best-paid, most prestigious jobs in the country.
For that reason, management, good or bad, can
have a huge influence on many lives. Your skills
really matter.
BLI-225 4 Page No. 79
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(a) Say whether the following statements are

True or False : 5
(i) A manager’s job is to help everyone
work together.
(ii) All leaders can be managers and all
managers can be leaders.
(iii) Management skills are required only
at the top level.
(iv) A manager has to be good at
(v) Coordination is not a part of a
manager’s work.

(b) Answer the following questions : 5

(i) How are management and leadership
skills similar ?
(ii) What are the basic skills of
management ?
(iii) What does organising mean ?
(iv) What is ‘directing’ ?
(v) Why are management positions
among the best paid ?

(c) Find words in the passage which mean the

same as the following : 10
(i) complete
(ii) separate
(iii) middle
(iv) allocate
(v) juniors

BLI-225 5 P.T.O. Page No. 80
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2. Write a paragraph on any one of the following

(in about 350 words) : 20
(i) Social Media
(ii) Student Elections
(iii) Importance of Games
(iv) Education through Travel

3. Write a dialogue of 10 rounds featuring yourself

and someone you met during a long train
journey. 20

4. Write a brief self-profile that you will present at

the beginning of an office seminar. 5

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate linking

words : 5
(i) The person ________ is most likely to get
the gold medal is my sister.
(ii) ________ you wish to make a good
impression, you must be courteous.
(iii) We need to be very cautious while
travelling ________ miscommunication due
to a cultural gap may cause problems.
(iv) It is best to keep quiet when not sure of
facts, ________ we will look foolish.
(v) They conducted a thorough investigation
and were ________ able to present a
watertight case.

BLI-225 6 Page No. 81
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[2] BLI-225

mannered persons give those whom they

No. of Printed Pages : 7 BLI-225
interact with their due dignity and respect.

BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN LIBRARY People like to have friendship with good

mannered persons. You can show good manners

through what you say and how you say it.
Using foul language and abusive words while
Term-End Examination
talking is bad manner. It is also bad manners to
June, 2021 use derogatory words. There are always better

BLI-225 : COMMUNICATION SKILLS words that can be used to say the same thing.

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Referring to a person as old is not polite.

Instead they can be referred to as being elderly.

Note : Answer all questions.

Being polite is good manners. Speaking rudely

1. Read the passage given below and answer the
and arrogantly is bad manners. Interrupting a
questions that follow :
person who is speaking is also bad manners. It
Good manners reveal what kind of a person one
is good manners to wait for one’s chance to
is. One who expresses good manners in word speak. Being impolite and rude while talking
and deed is appreciated. Such a person earns shows one does not give the other person their

the love, admiration and respect of others. Good due dignity and respect. Saying thank you,

P. T. O. Page No. 82

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[3] BLI-225 [4] BLI-225

sorry, welcome and pardon as may be required The traits that make up good manners help us

and at the appropriate time while speaking or through life. Good manners spread good cheer.

at any other time is good manners. One should be good mannered at all times. That

If you show courtesy to another it is good shows integrity of character. If one is good

manners. Offering one’s seat to an elderly mannered only where there is some benefit to

person, a woman or a physically challenged be accrued or to give a good impression of

person whether on a bus or at an office reflects oneself to others, it means the good manners

good manners. Similarly, giving preference to are not truly a part of the person. It shows the

the elderly or sick in a queue is good manners. superficiality of the good manners expressed.

Being chivalrous is also good manners. (a) (i) How does good mannered people treat
Allowing the elderly, women and children to others ? 2
pass through an open door or board a bus is (ii) What should we avoid while speaking
good manners. Being good mannered even at to people ? 2
the cost of one’s convenience shows the honesty
(iii) How do people with bad manners treat
behind one’s good manners. If one is truly good
others ? 2
mannered it is appreciated by the recipient of a
(iv) What are the best ways to show
favour or good deed.
courtesy to others ? 2
Good manners should be inculcated right in
(v) Suggest a suitable title for the above
childhood. The good behaviour and conduct
passage. 2
ingrained in us from childhood seldom leave us.
P. T. O. Page No. 83

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[5] BLI-225 [6] BLI-225

(b) Make sentences with the following in your 4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following

own words in a way that their meaning topics : 10

gets clear : 5×1=5 (a) Listening is crucial for communication

(i) Courtesy (b) Most memorable moment of my school days

(ii) Rude
5. Write a short note on portfolio. 10
(iii) Kind
6. Change the following into the passive voice : 10
(iv) Appreciate
(i) We must not disobey the law.
(v) Respect
(ii) Neymar has scored many hat-tricks in his
2. Write short notes on any two of the following : football career.

5×2=10 (iii) We must consume the foodstock on time.

(a) Body language (iv) Eating organic food can prevent many

(b) Telephone skills diseases.

(c) Importance of profile (v) Empowered women can bring many

(d) Qualities of a good resume changes in society.

3. You are newly enrolled to a post-graduate 7. Complete the following with appropriate forms

degree programme of a University. Write a of the verb given in the bracket : 1 each

letter to University Librarian for setting new (i) Every year Yanpo ........... (visit) her home

membership card. 10 town in Wokha.

P. T. O. Page No. 84

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[7] BLI-225

(ii) Communication skills ........ (enhance) one’s


(iii) Exam must be ....... (face) only when one is


(iv) Zaubeni ....... (walk) down to university


(v) Mhonthong ........ (see) the hornbill festival

last year.


P. T. O. Page No. 85

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 BLI-225


Term-End Examination
December, 2021
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Answer all questions.
1. Read the passage and answer the questions that
follow :
You may have a personal portfolio website for
a number of reasons. If you’re a freelancer, then
you’d need one to showcase your work and allow
people to contact you. If you’re a student (or
unemployed), then you’d need one to show
prospective employers how good you are and
what you can do, so that they might hire you. If
you’re part of a studio, then you might use one to
blog about your design life, show people what
you’re doing and build your online presence.
A personal portfolio website is all about
promoting you. You are a brand, and your name
is a brand name. No one is going to know about
your brand unless you get it out there; and if
you’re a Web designer, developer, writer, gamer
or any other type of creative, then it’s essential
that you have a good portfolio website.
Your logo is usually the first thing a user
sees. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your name,
but if you’re trying to promote yourself online,
then it’s a good idea to go by your name. And

BLI-225 1 P.T.O. Page No. 86
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always link your logo to your home page. It’s a

common convention that users expect online.
Once the user sees who owns the website,
they’ll want to know what it is you do. This is
where you explain what you do with a tagline.
Your tagline should be short and snappy,
summarizing what you do.
This is a personal portfolio website after all,
so your portfolio will determine whether the
website is interesting or not. People will want to
see your previous work to decide whether you’re
good or not and for general interest, to see what
you’ve been up to in the past.
Depending on what you do, your portfolio
should contain big high-quality images, clearly
accessible to the user. Include a short
description for each project, including the
different skills that you needed to complete the
Make it clear, and break it down: Web design,
development, video, copywriting, branding, etc.
You may want to be even more specific:
corporate branding, church website design,
Flash banner ads and so on.
It’s all about you. Let people see the man or
woman behind the mask (i.e., website). Share
your background, where you came from, how
many years you’ve been in the business, etc. The
more details you give, the better your users can
form a bond and build trust with you.
If you’re not camera-shy, show a picture of
yourself. This will give potential clients peace of
mind by allowing them to see who they’re
dealing with, and it adds an element of trust.

BLI-225 2 Page No. 87
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(a) Answer the questions that follow : 62=12

(i) What does a personal portfolio
website mean ?
(ii) Why do we include a photograph in
the portfolio ?
(iii) What do people expect while
accessing attire in a portfolio ?
(iv) Why do we share information about
awards in a portfolio ?
(v) What is the significance of a logo in a
portfolio ?
(vi) Suggest a suitable title for the given

(b) Make sentences with the following words in

a way that their meaning is clear : 31=3
(i) Convention
(ii) Accessible
(iii) Trust

2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 25=10

(a) Importance of Body Language in
(b) Language as a Listening Barrier
(c) Social Skills
(d) Difference between Portfolio and Resume

3. You have been asked to introduce IGNOU to a

foreign delegation. What are the aspects you
would consider when introducing an institution ?
Please write a paragraph in about 150 words by
way of introducing IGNOU. 10

BLI-225 3 P.T.O. Page No. 88
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4. Compare and contrast interview and group

discussion explaining the merits and demerits of
each. 10

5. Presentations are a very important form of

communication. What are the attributes of a
good presentation ? Explain the use of various
visual aids in presentations. 10

6. Fill the blanks with suitable articles : 51=5

(a) Public library is ________ important place
for study and leisure.
(b) The electronic library is ________ library
that has contents largely in digital and
non-print media.
(c) Dr. S.R. Ranganathan gave ________ five
laws of library science.
(d) IGNOU offers ________ number of distance
learning courses.
(e) There are _________ number of libraries in

7. As a reader of the library, write a letter to a

University librarian requesting to add a music
collection in the library. 10

BLI-225 4 Page No. 89
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 BLI-225

Term-End Examination
June, 2022

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the following passage and answer in your

own words the questions that follow :

Romain Rolland (1866-1944) endeavours, very

early, to maintain contact between genuine
France and genuine Germany and to dampen
the climate of violence and folly that he sees on
both sides. Even though he might pass for an
anti-patriot, he refuses to be led by nationalistic
passions. Furthermore, he denounces the evils

P. T. O. Page No. 90

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[2] BLI-225

of war, shouting his horror for all the

destruction it provokes.

His pacifist attitude appears in several literary

works. Liluli (1919), Pierre et Luce (1919),
Clerambault (1920)—all three emphasize his
horror for violence and they attack the
absurdity of war which blindly massacres men,
sparing none, and which represents absolute

The third work is the most important, in as

much as it is there that Rolland analyzes his
pacifism. He depicts a character who, after
having let himself be submerged by the
passions of the crowd, manages to extricate and
free himself from all arguments used to justify

This pacifism, inspired by Tolstoy’s philosophy,

has religious essence. [It] represents the
theoretical attitude of a ‘free mind’, no concrete
or pragmatic dimension can be found in it.

According to some, this doctrine, although noble

cannot be applied. In 1922, Henri Barbusse Page No. 91

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(1873-1935), the French novelist and member of

the French Communist Party, challenged
‘rollandism’ which, even if it exalts individual
freedom, remains an unscientific and inefficient
theory when compared to Marxism.

Rolland opposed to Barbusse the non-violence

of Gandhi; he saw in it an alternative to
revolutionary violence. Pursuing the thinking
developed in Clerambault, he brought out the
religious aspect of Gandhi’s doctrine. The
biography that he wrote was a hagiography
which depicted a modern-day Christ.

Questions :

(a) Who was Romain Rolland ? 3

(b) Why according to the author of the passage

is Clerambault an important work ? 3

(c) Who was Pierre et Luce ? 3

(d) What did Barbusse think of Rolland’s ideas ?

(e) What were Rolland’s attitude towards

Gandhiji ? 3

P. T. O. Page No. 92

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[4] BLI-225

(f) Use the following words in sentences of

your own : 5

(i) Pacifism

(ii) Hagiographer

(iii) Doctrine

(iv) Passionate

(v) Extricate

2. Write the importance of social skills in about

250 words. 10

3. Write your profile in about 100 words. This

should be fit for uploading on some library’s
recruitment site which you wish to join. 10

4. Write a note on the importance of a positive

body language at a job interview. 10

5. Write a short report in about 150 words for the

library committee of your college. 10

6. As an Assistant Librarian, write a letter to the

Head of a publishing house for three newspapers
your university would like to subscribe. 10

BLI–225 Page No. 93

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