Angelina Aba Turkson

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Adepamni n 1) Someone who makes or mends dress. Abigail yɛ adepamnii 'Abigail is a seamstress.'

Adepamni 2

aditonni n 1) Someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold. Oditionnii no nnoɔmaboɔ yɛ den
papa. ' The trader's items are too expensive.'

aditonni 2

Aduanenoani n 1) A professional cook. Aduanenoani no kyerɛ me ɛmotuo ne nkate nkwan yɛ. ' The chef taught me
how to cook rice ball and groundnut.'

Aduanenoani 2

Akoa n 1) A person working in the service of another. Akoa no siesie e hɔ ' The servant cleans the house.'

Akoa 2

Awogyefoɔ n 1) A woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies. Anogyefo no regye ɔpimfoɔ no awoɔ. ' The midwife
is helping the pregnant woman deliver.'

Awogyefoɔ 2

Bɛgye n 1) O ering seɔual intercourse for pay Bɛgye no baa ha 'The prostitute came here.'

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Bɛgye 2

Ɔbammɔfoɔ n 1) Someone who accompanies and protects a prominent person. Ɔbammɔfoɔ no gyinaa ɔmanpanin
nkyɛn. 'The bodyguard stood by the president.'

Ɔbammɔfoɔ 2

Ɔbɔmmɔfo n 1) Someone who hunts a game. Ɔbɔmmɔfo no kuum ɔtwe no 'The hunter killed the antelope.'

Ɔbɔmmɔfo 2

*Ɔbɛtwani n 1) Palm wine tapper Ɔbɛtwani no yerɛ no afa aforoo. 'The palm wine tapper's wife is pregnant.'

*Ɔbɛtwani 2

Ɔdansini n 1) A craftsman who works with stone or brick. Ɔdansini no sii abɛɛfo dan de maa asuafoɔ no. 'The mason
built a modern school for the student.'

Ɔdansini 2

Ɔhene n 1) The head of a tribe or clan. Ɔhene no nam ahem e 'The chief stays in the palace.'

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Ɔhene 2

Ɔhwɛnfoɔ n 1) A custodian who is hired to take care of a person or property. Owura Ansah faa ɔhwɛfoɔ bi maa no hwɛɛ
ne e . 'Mr Ansah employed a caretaker for his house.'

Ɔhwɛnfoɔ 2

Ɔkɔmfoɔ n 1) A person who serves as a mediator between the spirits and the living. Ɔkomfoɔ no kɔɔ asoeɛ hɔ. 'The
fetish priest went to the shrine.'

Ɔkɔmfoɔ 2

*Ɔkyeame n 1) Is a man who is an important and respected person in the Akan traditional chieftaincy. Ɔkyeame no kɔ
ahemm e. 'The liguist has gone to the palace.'

*Ɔkyeame 2

Ɔkyerɛkyerɛni n 1) A person whose occupation is teaching. Me papa yɛ ɔkyerɛkyerɛni. 'My Father is a teacher.'

Ɔkyerɛkyerɛni 2

Ɔmanpanin n 1) A chief executive of a republic . Ɔmanpanin no kɔ Togo. 'The president went to Togo.'

Ɔmanpanin 2

Ɔsɛmpakani n 1) A preacher of the Christian gospel. Ɔsɛmpakani no awu. 'The evangelist is dead.'

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Ɔsɛmpakani 2

Ɔsɛntwerɛni n 1) A writer for the newspaper and magazines Ɔsɛntwerɛni no kenkan prɛmtubreɛ kaseɛbɔ. 'The
journalist is reading the mid-day news.'

Ɔsɛntwerɛni 2

Ɔsofo n 1) A person authorized to conduct religious worship. Ɔsofo no ka Nyame asem. 'The pastor preaches the

Ɔsofo 2

Ɔsraani n 1) An enlisted man or woman who serves in an army. Jayson yɛɛ n'adwene sɛ ɔbɛyɛ ɔsraani. 'Jayson
decided to be a solider.'

Ɔsraani 2

Ɔtemmuafoɔ n 1) A public o cal authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice. Ɔtemmufoɔ no de
kromfoɔ no to a ase. 'The judge sentenced the thief to prison.'

Ɔtemmuafoɔ 2

Ɔwɛmni n 1) A person employed to protect a building against intruders or damage Ɔwɛmni no aw da sikakorabea 'The
securityguard is dead at the bank.'

Ɔwɛmni 2

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Ɔyaresani n 1) A licensed medical practitoiner. Ɔyarasani no de aduro maa ɔpemfoɔ no. 'The doctor gave drugs to the
pregnant woman.'

Ɔyaresani 2

Drɔbani n 1) The operator of a motor vehicle. Drɔbani no rekɔ mmiraka ntɛntɛm. ' The driver is over speeding.'

Drɔbani 2

Duadwomni n 1) A woodworker who makes or repairs wooden objects. Duadwomfoɔ no bɛyɛɛ mpoma no abubu no.
'The carpenter xed the broken window.'

Duadwomni 2

Dunsinii n 1) A therapist who heals by the use of herbs . Na me nana barima yɛ dunsini. 'My grandfather was a

Dunsinii 2

Dwadinibaa n 1) Awoman who works in commerce. Julius aware dwadinibaa. ' Julius married a business woman.'

Dwadinibaa 2

Kentedwomfoɔ n 1) Someone who weaves kente. Owura Addo kɔsraa kentedwomfoɔ no wɔ Bonwire. 'Mr Addo visited

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the kente weaver in Bonwire.'

Kentedwomfoɔ 2

*Manpaniabadiakyirɛ n 1) An executive o cer ranking immediately below the president Ɔtoo nsa frɛɛ Ghana
manpaninabadiekyire baa afahyɛ no ase. 'Ghana's vice president was invited to the festival.'

*Manpaniabadiakyirɛ 2

M didwomfoni n 1) A person who uses scienti c knowledge to solve practical problems. Jacob nua barima bɛyɛɛ
m didwomfoni. 'Jacob's brother became an engineer.'

M didwomfoni 2

Mmarnnimfoɔ n 1) A professional person authorized to practice law,conduct lawsuits or give legal advice.
Ɔtammuafoɔ no kɔɔ asɛmmnibeaɛ ɛdwoɔda a atwam. 'The lawyer went to court last Monday.'

Mmarnnimfoɔ 2

Mmrahyɛbadwani n 1) Member of Parliament Mmrahyɛbadwani no kyɛɛɛ sika wɔ ne mpɛsvaso. ' The member of
parliment shared money in his constituency .'

Mmrahyɛbadwani 2

Mpaboayɛfoɔ n 1) A person who makes or repairs shoes. Mpaboayɛfoɔ no apam mekylewate no amame. 'The
shoemaker sew my slippers for me.'

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Mpaboayɛfoɔ 2

Nɛɛseni n 1) One skilled in caring for young children or the sick. Nɛɛseni no de paneɛ wɔɔ ɔyarefoɔ no. 'The nurse
injected the patient.'

Nɛɛseni 2

Nfonintwani n 1) Someone who takes photographs professionally. Nfonintwani no nfonii yɛfɛ. 'The photogragher has
beautiful works.'

Nfonintwani 2

*Obi a ɔka ɛdan ho n 1) An artist who paints. Me papa yɛ obia a ɔka, ɛdan ho. ' My father is a painter.'

*Obi a ɔka ɛdan ho 2

*Obi a ɔto adeɛ n 1) Someone who bakes bread and cakes. Adetoni nu paano no ahye ' The baker's bread is bent.'

*Obi a ɔto adeɛ 2

*obi a ɔyɛ aduwuma wɔ sikakorabea n 1) A nancier who owns or is an exeecutive in a bank. Sikakorabeani no te
n'anim ma n'aaahohoɔ. 'The banker is friendly to his visitors.'

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*obi a ɔyɛ aduwuma wɔ sikakorabea 2

Oguanhwɛfoɔ n 1) Someone who keeps the sheep together in a ock. Oguanhwɛfoɔ no de nguan no kɔ adidie . 'The
sheperd took the ock to the grassland.'

Oguanhwɛfoɔ 2

Okuani n 1) A person who operates a farm. Okuani no redɔ wɔ afuo no mu. 'The farmer is weeding in the farm.'

Okuani 2

Okukudwinifoɔ n 1) Acraftsman who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them in a kiln. Okukudwinifoɔ no
nfa adwuma nni agoro. 'The potter is discipline.'

Okukudwinifoɔ 2

Opoosini n 1) Someone who ensure that rules are obeyed or procedures enforced. Opoosini no kyee ɔkromfoɔ no. 'The
police arrested the theif.'

Opoosini 2

Otomfoɔ n 1) Asmith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil. Otomfoɔ no yɛɛ tuo ahodoɔ pii. 'The
blacksmith moulded varities of gun.'

Otomfoɔ 2

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Owontoni n 1) Someone who plays music as a professon. Owomtoni no too dwom maa ɔmanfoɔ no anigyeɛ. 'The
musician sang the song for the auidence to be happy.'

Owontoni 2

*Sikakɔkɔɔ dwomfoɔ n 1) 'An artisan who makes jewellery and other objects out of gold.' Sikakɔkɔɔdwomfoɔ no nanee
sikakɔkɔɔ no kakra yɛɛ awareɛfoɔ no kawa. 'The goldsmith melted part of the gold into a ring for the couples.'

*Sikakɔkɔɔ dwomfoɔ 2

Sinitwafoɔ n 1) A female actor. Sinitwani no woo ɛnora. 'The actress gave birth yesterday.'

Sinitwafoɔ 2

Sukuumupanin n 1) A person who preside o cer of a school. Sukuumupanin no afua akyerɛkyerɛfoɔ no ka. 'The
headmaster paid the teachers.'

Sukuumupanin 2

Sukyɛnkafoɔ n 1) An o cer who is licensed to command a merchant ship. Suhyɛnkafoɔ no awu wɔ epo so. 'The
captain dead on the sea.'

Sukyɛnkafoɔ 2

Wiemhyɛnkafoɔ n 1) Someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in ight. Wiemhyɛnkafoɔ no ho yɛ fɛ. 'The pilot

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is handsome.'

Wiemhyɛnkafoɔ 2

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