1.age - 11, What Vaccination Recieved by The Child in This Age

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age -11 , What vaccination recieved by the child in this age

Ans-diptheria and tetanus

2. Electromagnetic range specially danger for what

Ans- Sensory sensitivity

3.72 year was hospitalized in pain in lower extremities, usg - atherosclerotic lesion - diagnosis
method to localisation and for extend of process
Ans- angiography

4. 56-women working as disinfectant for 19 year , complaint - general weakness nausea , pain in
hypochondrium - observed tem , icteric sclera , diagnosis??
Ans - acute hepatitis

5. Pain behind sternum, xray berium contrast reveal , protrusion right esophagous - diagnosis ?
Ans - esophageal diverticulum

6. Raccoon eye , spetical hematoma , blood in eye , conjunctivitis ,

What unjury can cause ?
Ans - bassilar skull fracture

7. 25-women pregnant , history of 2- spo. Miscarriage + gestational age 13-14 , cervic short ,
outer allow to certain finger - what doctor tactics?
Ans-Place Circular on cervix...

8. Suffering from chronic bronchitis , predominate breathing , feeling right hypo .

What changes expected on ecg ..
Ans - Hypertrophy of myocardium right ventricle

9. Prepration of husband treatment plan , decision - use medical products oevel of evidence A ,
what studies for evidence?
Ans - from many random clinical try

10.75-man , shortenss of breath , weakness , arrthymia , during

Pain Mesagasin area
Ans - dissecting anurysm of aorta

11. 46-man to doc complaint - rash in hand , sever ictching for week , history of bronchial
asthma , dry skin , multiply rught extremities
What most diagnosis?
Ans- psoriasis
12. 35-women , increase pain during menstruation during 1 year , duration cycle -28
Laparoscopy - Tuboligation
Ans - adenomyosis

13. 23-women , history taking inj drug , was registered , general condition satisfactory
Result of examination - moderate anemia + leukopenia , therapy for patients??
Ans - entire therapy can be prescribed , only less than CD- lympho 350

14. 65 , ACUTE MI , large num of rales , hr-100/min , bp-120/100 , complications?

Ans- pulmonary edema

15. 43 , poisoning day befor - diagnos - RDS SYNDROME - what parameters use to assess the
severity ?
Ans -central venous pressure

16.increse level of manganese in atmospheric air , drinking water , food products of agriculture
from city , how can effect of this factor on population?

17.condition of full term new born child , worst 1st day , child was born 3 pregnancy , mother O ,
examination - child is lethargic , skin - mucus mem icteric , urine and feces nornal in color ,
serum - bilirubin-248 , specified most likely specify conditions?

18.55 . Woem , peeling, pigmentation - neck hand feet , women eat vegetables, does not eat fish
meat , what dis. in women?
Ans - pellagra

19.Family doc need Treatment and prevention measure among population , secondary
prevention , include in this plan
Ans - Elimination of casuagtive factor

20. Child , 40week gestation , 3700 , acc to apgar -7-9 , was attached to .. 3rd day of life weight
3600 , what state observed in child?
Ans - physiological weight loss

21. After repeated disinfection of surgical instruments withof disinfectant liquid , inflammation of
skin - palmar surface of hand , diffuse arrthyma , clear boundaries is determine , allergic test-
negative , what diagnosis?
Ans - contact dermatitis
22. 1.5 month girl , born prematurely and pink brought out to pedricitiran , what dose of vot-D
daily for prevention?
Ans - 1000

23.27, women pregnancy -2 , 8-10 week , fever , examination - TORCHinf detect anitbody
of .....WHAT recommended in pregnent women?
Ans - acyclovir

24. Medical business profits of company exclude , what criteria make of price

25. 56, women , complaint - increase tem -38.5 , sweating at night , increase lymph node , left
axillary and supraclavicular , family history - grandmother has brest cancer , examination -
enlarged of organ of chest cavity and expansion of mediastinal shadow due to enlarge lymph
node , after biopsy of supraclavicular lymphnode - atyoical multi nucleated , diagnosis?
Ans - hodgkin lymphoma

26. 45 , man , complaint sorr throat, fever for 10 days , history - chronic back pain, smokin
packet for 10 years , fatger died from colon cancer , examination - found tem , bo-130/80 ,
hr-72 , rr-80 , what recommended of secondary prevention of oncological ..?
Ans - perform colonoscopy

27. Baby born 7days ago , pronouced lethargy , repeat vomit , liquid stools , hypotension, no
increase body weight , skin dirty gray , nipple pigmented , enlargement of clitoris of complete
fusion of labia and complete sepration of urethra , vagina , express hyperkalemia , hyponatremia ,
metabolic acidosis , hypoglycemia , level of blood aldosterone reduced , activity of plasma
increase , what diagnosis?
Ans- adrenogenital syndrome

28. 49 , women , after labor - vomiting and sever pain in lower abdomen , throughout the entire
abdomen , retention of stool and 3 after days c-scetion , skin pale , tem-59 , sym- peritoneal
irritation positive throughout the abdomen , isestinal peristalis , unpleasant smell from vagina ,
what pathology?
Ans - spread peritonitis

29. 58- men , weakness , abd pain , nausea , vomiting , hyperpigmentation in skin fold , patients
has TB , bp-80/40 , hr-134 , in blood - urin-74 , potassium -5.7 , glucose -3.5 , urea-14 ,
leukocytes - 10 , rbc-5-6 , what next step in management?
Ans - determination of creatinine concentration in blood
30.60-men , felling of distension behing , durung first. Pain last about by close away ,
bo-140/80. , NO CHANGE IN ECG , what diagnosis?
Ans - stable angina

31.4 month child , become sick , increase tem , cough , 3day shortened breath , tynpantic
sound , large number small size wet whistling sound , diagnosis?

32. Injured finger while helping bleeding patients , patients DRUG ADDICTED , HIV , what
Ans- treat contaminated area of skin get tested for HIV and start chemoprophylaxis

33. no period 5 month , milk discharge, uterus is small , appndeges nornal , skull xray normal ,
increase prolactin , diagnosis?
Ans - hyoerprolactemia

34. 6month of child ,no recieved any vaccination , no complaint , tem-37 ,rr-20 , bp-100/70 ,
height and weight corresponding to 50-70% , acc to legal doc of Ukraine what tactics should
follow regarding immunization of child ?
Ans - administration the mmr and bcg vaccine

35.23, women, headache, chills , numbness , sharp weakness in left arm , 2episode
, No pulse on left brachial and radial artery , esr-45 , occlusion of left common carotid artery
Ans - takayasu artritis

36. 24. , Diagnosis with postoperative hypothyroidism , complaint - palpitations , sweating ,

durung last month treat in levothyroxine-dose-150 , what further treatment tactics?
Ans- reduced dose of levothyroxine

37.18-boy , abd pain , loss stool-6 time a day , with impurities mucus and blood , has been sick 1
year lost 10kg , abd soft , blood- rbs-3.2 , leuko-10.6 , esr-24 , large intestine narrow , there
contour are clear, water pipe , diagnosis?
Ans- non specific ulcerative colitis

38. declration with family doc undergo examination - blood test -

Ans - patient

39. 17-boy plastic surgery , he believe that not live with this nose like this ...... APNA BOOKLET
ANS - dysmorphomania
40.32 week , women , threat of premature of being treat with RDS , what drug
Ans - dexamethasone

41. 16-girl , undergoes examination, history - chicken pox at 3 , no other problem , parents didn't
refuse to vaccine , he took vaccine in kindergaren , physical examination without pathology ,
what appointment vaccine will most appropriate?
Ans - DTAP with lower dose of antigen-HPV

42.50-men , weekness , pain in right hypochondrium , skin is icteric , bp-100/69 , heart sound
muffled , in blood - erythrocytes -2.0 , leuko-5.6 , esr-15 , methomoglobin-62% , bilirubin -.. ,
direct-71.7 , what diagnosis?
Ans- acute aniline poisoning

43.2nd pregnent girl with complicated delivery, aogar -6.8 , weight -4200, examination left side
duchene palsy , what level of spinal cord damage in this case ?
Ans- C5-C6

44.33,women , complaint - infertility -6year , history , gonorrhea , tem-biphasic , what likely

cause for infertility?
Ans - impaired pregnancy of fallopian tube

45.pregneat - 35 week , moderate preeclampsia , decrease down to 3 point detected in

biophysical ..., what further tactics attending doc in this case ?
Ans - premature delivery via C-section

46. Stardnization is imp direction of modren helathcare , development of majority in economics

What doc systemically development to assess practitioned healthcare for specific...?
Ans - clinical practice guidelines

47. During the examination site of accident , detected gray yellow in triangular area in cornea ,
what phenomen observed?
Ans - larcher spot

48.36-man , suffer from rhuematoid arthritis -8yrs , 2 month ago developed swelling of left knee
joint , resistant to , synovitis of left knee , puncture made , what cells detected during in
puncture material

49.examination of newborn - right arm extended at elbow jount , pronated along the trunk with
shoulder to torso , muscle tone reduce , finger movements preserved , diagnosis?
Ans - klumpke paralysis
50. Chemical plant worked recieved burn right leg and lower leg , area of yellow gray color on
front surface of thighs , seen pigment of epidermis, which emergency care after burn ?
Ans - rising with running water

51.sevrral chemical in human body by air , less than of sum of effect... Combination of isolation
Ans - antagonism

52.30,man , rash , itching skin , seek for 3yrs , in sole group of blister stimulate of sago beans ,
this fragment of epidermis on periphery craks and erosion visible in interdigital space
Ans - epidermophytia of feet

53. Food poisoning established cause by para hemolytic vibiro , which product mostly likely
Ans - Oysters

54.36-women , pain in epigastric area , after eating, nausea , progress over through year ,
palness , dryness of skin , toungue covered with black , what method examination method to use
in this case ?
Ans - fibrogastroscopy woth biopsy with gastric mucosa

55.international ratio , controlled atrial fibrillation , antithrombotic drug

Ans - warfarin vit-k antgonist

56.injured electrician large focal ventricular fibrillation.. when sudeen circulatory arrest ,
adrenaline solution and amiodarine solution ?
Ans - after third defibrillation

57. 3 day after abortion , hospitalized with intoxication, abd pain , purulent discharge from
vagina , tem-38 , bp-110/70 ,
Uterus soft , at level of navel , paritonelal irritation positive
Ans - acute purulent salpingooohoritis

58. Study was established connection b/w MI , changes in body mass , specific type of
edoidemilogical stydy
Ans- cohort study

59. 45 , women , weakness , increase fatigue, anxiety, memroy loss , runne nose peeling of
pigmentation of neck and throat , insufficiency of which vit in this ?
Ans - nicotinic acid
60. 7yr-child , suddenly breathing pro , sit and leaning on his hand , tem - 36 , hr-120 , rr-42; ,
whistling wheezed, box sound over the lung , solution nebulizer start , which help to assess need
oxygen therapy in ?
Ans -pulse oximetry

61. Progressive weakness , reduce work capacity , rapid mental fatigue , feeling cold. , Loss body
weight , type of alimentary?
Ans - protein energy

62.3-child tonic clonic seizure last 15 minutes , caused by influenza , NO THERAPY RECEIVE ,
urgent treatment?
Ans - administrator LORAZEPAM IV

63. 3yr boy , tumorlike mass in stomach , while bathing child , flat surface , loacted under left
costal arch , tep-37.5 , hr-100 , cbc- ery-3.2. , Leuko-10.4 , urine - ery entire view
, Diagnosis?

64. 3-child , ill for 3 days , started with tep-37.8 , one time vomiting , watery diarrhoea 5 time a
day , appetite decrease, what treatment?
Ans - polymyxin

65. 52-man palpitations attack periodically , 3-8 min and stop own their own , in ecg - no rhythm
What special method for diagnos?
Ans - holter ecg monitering

66. 21-women surgen 5hrs after left forarm , blister found in 18•10 cm , epidermis shifted to
places , bottom of wounds whitish gray. Pink superficial scar , what degree burn?
Ans - 3rd degree

67. 37-women , construction retrosternal pain in every day in at same time , holter monitering- st
elevation , no pathological changes in ecg , diagnosis?
Ans - Prenzmetal angina pectoris

68. 25- specialist doc to provide medical care to people , what type treatment and prevention
provided by doctor
Ans - primary

69.46-women , avoid recetion of multinodular goiter year ago , constant feeling fatigue , reduce
work capacity , constipation , swelling face , skin dry , hair become fall out , what dis patient
have ?
Ans - primary hypothyroidism

70. Women suffer from bronchual asthma , concomitant typer 1 dibetes mellitus , recive complex
therapy- dexomethasonen, prednisolone , after the appointment which of group durg required
Ans - systems glucocorticoid

71.35-women , pain behind the sternum , difficult swallowing solid fluid , weight loss , bother
after suffer form pyscho emotional stress, diagnosis?
Ans - achlasia of esophagous

72.27- man , pain swelling in 1-2 toes of left foot , purulent secertion , pain when urinating ,
sexual partner , using condom , conjunctivitis
Ans - reactive arthritis

73. 70yr , undergo surgery of removal truamatic of cataract of right eye , correction of 0.8 with
correction of +10, left eys - 0.8 without correction, what means of correction most visible
Ans - glasses: OD plus 10.0 DSBH , OS planum

74.64yrs , diagnos - type -2 dibetesfor first time , history - atrial hypertension and MI and
function class 2 heart failure, chronic pancreatitis, pyehlo nephritis and gout , doc decided to
start therapy with metformin , what test must be performed before starting this theraoy to avoid
using metformin if its contraindicated
ans -Calculation of GFR

75.healthy newborn baby with mother HBSag- postivie , recive vaccination of hepatitis , B
vaccination in maternity hospital , what would be optimal vaccination tactics in this case ?
Ans - administration first dose of the vaccine within 24 hour after birth , adminstration 2,3 dose
at age of the 2 and 6 month

76. 24hr ecg - as recorded 26 supraventricular extrasystole in 23yr patient , what further tactics?
Ans - no pharmacological is need

77.25 , pregnant women hospitalized due to uterine bleeding , total blood less 250 , examination
10-11 weeks of pregnancy with spotaneous miscarriage in progress ?
Ans - remove fetralized ovum

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