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Benchmark Passage Running Record Shuttles in Space W

Name Date Word Count: 200

Have the student read as you record notes for errors, self-correction, Assessed by
and other observations to target the student’s needs.
E = Errors S-C = Self-correction E S-C Notes

9 The United States’ first space shuttle blasted into orbit

19 on April 12, 1981. Space shuttles were the first reusable

28 spacecraft. They could orbit Earth and carry payloads up

31 to other spacecraft.

39 Over the years, shuttle payloads included millions of

48 pounds of gear and hundreds of people. Space shuttles

54 transported satellites and deployed spacecraft. Shuttles

63 would dock, or link up, with other orbiting spacecraft,

69 including the International Space Station. Astronauts

77 could repair, resupply, or board the spacecraft. Shuttles

84 could also carry spacecraft back to Earth.

94 Shuttles could stay suspended in space for as long as

102 two weeks, which allowed scientists to carry out

108 experiments. From their extraterrestrial perspective, they

114 could study Earth and space objects.

122 Experts hoped that reusable space vehicles would lower

132 the high cost of space flight. (Each space shuttle could

140 be launched one hundred times!) However, it was

149 very expensive to keep the shuttles running, so NASA

156 terminated the space shuttle program in 2011.


WCPM Error Rate: 1:

Accuracy Rate: % Self-Correction Rate: 1:

© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. 1 of 2

Benchmark Passage Running Record Shuttles in Space W

Name Date Word Count: 200

Have the student read as you record notes for errors, self-correction, Assessed by
and other observations to target the student’s needs.
E = Errors S-C = Self-correction E S-C Notes

165 The space shuttle program ended, but that wasn’t the

173 end of NASA’s space exploits. American explorers can

183 now travel on spacecraft run by other countries or by

191 private businesses, and new vehicles will one day

200 continue the work that shuttles did for many years.


WCPM Error Rate: 1:

Accuracy Rate: % Self-Correction Rate: 1:

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