Making Cars LVL T Running Record

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Benchmark Passage Running Record Making Cars T

Name Date Word Count: 167

Have the student read as you record notes for errors, self-correction, Assessed by
and other observations to target the student’s needs.
E = Errors S-C = Self-correction E S-C Notes

11 Cars are an important part of life in the United States.

23 Did you know that cars are made up of more than thirty

33 thousand parts? How do all these pieces get put together?

42 The different parts are made in separate places and

51 shipped to an assembly plant, where people and machines

59 put them together. For example, factories make metal

67 parts for a car’s engine, suspension, transmission, and

77 brakes. Then these parts are shipped to the assembly plant

87 where workers bolt the “guts” of the car onto an

89 aluminum frame.

98 While this is happening, robots take enormous sheets of

108 metal and stamp them into shapes that form the car’s

119 body, such as the doors and hood. Robots weld these parts

127 together and coat everything with paint and varnish.

136 Machines lower the body onto and around the “guts.”

145 Then, workers install the final pieces, such as the

155 windshield and seats. Finally, the wheels and tires go on,

167 and the car is inspected before it rolls out the factory door.


WCPM Error Rate: 1:

Accuracy Rate: % Self-Correction Rate: 1:

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