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The Psion

“You Activated My Interrupt Power!”

The Psion was designed to be a more complex, reactive even has enough powers for you to build them in a way
class than the others. Specifically, it deals almost where you never roll a single die if you'd like.
exclusively in reaction and interrupt powers. By priming
themselves with one of several powers during their turn, Note: Several of your powers allow allies to use your role
the Psion gains access to these versatile options to be boost in place of or in addition to their own. For Leaders
deployed at any point during the round. Note that these this means that the ally can gain a single use of Tactics to
reactive choices require you to keep a keen eye on the be used as a role action. Similarly, if a Psion uses an ally
entire battle and, like the Summoner, this class is designed Leader's role boost, they may gain a use of Tactics to be
for players who enjoy that level of control and won't be used that turn if they have an available role action.
paralyzed by so many choices.

Unlike in several other games, you have unlimited

Reactions and Interrupts in ​Strike!​
, so using your various
Psion powers doesn't stop you from using your Action
Trigger or any other such powers you may have.
Additionally, the Psion has a variety of both close and long
range abilities, allowing you to build them for up-close
combat, ranged assaults, or a combination of the two. It

Frederic Janney (Order #14173861)

Level 1​
, choose a Class Feature.

Empathy:​ Mental Link​

Gain the ​ power. Psych Up At-Will

You may use one of your Focus powers this round. If

Mental Link Encounter you fail to use a Focus power by the start of your next
turn, deal 2 damage to an enemy within 5 squares.
You may use one of your Focus powers this round.
Additionally, you may use any one of your ally's Role
Then, choose two At-Will powers and one Encounter
boosts in addition to your own for this attack. Choose
power from the options below:
which ally before rolling the attack. You may choose an
ally with the same Role to use your boost twice.

Focus: Inspire At-Will Reaction

Manipulation: ​ Overpowering Will​
Gain the ​ power.
Trigger:​An ally makes an attack and dislikes the result.
The ally may reroll the attack. They may choose to use
Overpowering Will Encounter your Role boost instead of theirs (At level 5, they may
use your Role boost in addition to theirs).
You may use one of your Focus powers this round.
Additionally, you may add "Target must make a Saving
Throw. If it fails, it is Dominated until the end of its next
turn" to the Effect line of any Focus power used this
turn. If the power which caused the Dominate triggered Focus: Ensnare At-Will ​ 2
​ Reaction
during the target's turn, the Dominate does not take
Trigger: ​
An enemy starts its turn adjacent to you.
effect until the start of the next creature's turn. Only one
Target:​The triggering enemy.
enemy may be affected by this.
Effect: Target is Grabbed. You may slide the target to
any square adjacent to you.
Confidence​ Deliverance​
: Gain the ​ power.

Deliverance Encounter
Focus: Pursuit At-Will or
​ 5
​ 2 Reaction

You may use one of your Focus powers this round.
Additionally, you have Advantage on any Focus power Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you or an ally willingly
used this round. If the attack hits, the enemy gains moves or shifts.
Advantage on its next attack. If you use this ability on an Target:​The triggering enemy.
attack with multiple targets you must choose one to gain Effect: After the enemy's movement is resolved, you
Advantage against and to get Advantage on its next may teleport adjacent to it.

At ​
Level 1​, you will receive the Psych Up At-Will Power in Focus: Bulwark At-Will or
​ 5
​ 2 Reaction

addition to your Class Feature above.
Trigger: ​
An enemy hits you or an ally with an attack.
Target: ​
The triggering enemy.
Effect: The triggering enemy's target gains 1 hit point (2
hit points at level 5) for that attack. If that attack had
multiple targets, choose one to gain the hit point. This
power cannot heal someone at or below 0 hit points.

Frederic Janney (Order #14173861)

Level 3, ​
choose one of the following Encounter Powers:
Focus: Burn At-Will 10 2

Psionic Overload Encounter
Trigger:​An ally hits an enemy with an attack.
Target:​One of the triggering ally's targets. You may use two Focus abilities this round, but you
Effect: You may self-inflict 2 damage to deal 2 damage to may not use the same one twice, and you may only use
the target. your Role boost on one of them.

Focus: Fear Encounter Reaction Focus: Generosity Encounter Reaction

Trigger: ​
An enemy makes a melee attack against you or Trigger:​ An ally uses a Role action.
an ally within 5 squares. If the triggering ally used an At-Will Role action, choose
Target: ​
The targeted ally or you. two other allies or yourself. If the triggering ally used
The target gains Resist 1 to the triggering attack. The an Encounter Role action, choose one other ally or
enemy is then Panicked on its next turn, with the yourself. They may use the basic form of that Role
Panicked originating from the target. action immediately. The triggering ally gains 2 buffer
hit points.
Clarification: "Basic form" means the version of that
power you have when you first gain access to it. For an
Focus: Quagmire Encounter 10
​ 3​​
​ Reaction At-Will Power, this means the level 1 version. For an
Encounter Power, this means the level 2 version.
Trigger:​An ally hits with an attack.
Target: ​
One of the triggering ally's targets.
Effect: Target is knocked Prone and takes Ongoing 1
damage (save ends).
Focus: Static Encounter 10
​ 3 Interrupt

Trigger: An enemy attempts to use an Opportunity or a

Strangulate Encounter or
​ 5
​ 3

Miss Trigger.
Target may only use At-Will powers (save ends). Target:​The triggering enemy.
Effect: Target is Dazed until the end of its next turn.
They may choose to take the triggering Opportunity or
Miss Trigger regardless, and if they do they instead are
Focus: Transpose Encounter 3 Reaction
​ Dazed and take Ongoing 1 damage (save ends both).

Trigger:​ An enemy moves adjacent to you.

Target: ​The triggering enemy.
Effect: Slide the target up to 3 spaces. If they end this Focus: Assimilation Encounter
​ or
​ 5
​ 3

movement adjacent to an object, they take 3 damage. If it Reaction
ends this movement adjacent to an enemy, the enemy is
pushed 4 spaces. This effect continues until an enemy Trigger:​An enemy attacks you or an ally with a power.
does not end adjacent to an enemy who hasn't been Target: ​
The triggering enemy.
affected by this power. Effect: ​
You gain the power they used until end of the
Special: If you rolled a 4 or higher, you may reduce the encounter. The target may not use that power (save
damage of this attack to increase the distance you slide ends).
the initial target by 1 per point of damage lost. Clarification: If the power you copied is an Encounter
power, you may only use that power once.

Frederic Janney (Order #14173861)

At Level 5​, your At-Will powers’ damage increases to 3.
Focus: Inspire​ Focus: Bulwark​
and ​ improve. Focus: Shatter Encounter or
​ 5
​ 4

Gain the ability below corresponding to your Class Feature
in addition to your existing Class Feature. Trigger:​ An enemy is bloodied or hit while bloodied.
Target:​ The triggering enemy.
Infectious Empathy: Any ally who performs an attack Effect: Target makes a Saving Throw. If it fails, it is
while within 5 spaces of you may choose, before rolling the Taken Out. If it succeeds, it is Vulnerable 1 until the end
attack, to replace their Role boost this round with yours. of its next turn.

Insidious Manipulation: Any enemy within 5 squares of

you must roll a 5 or greater to pass a saving throw or Focus: Saturation Encounter 10
​ Reaction
escape roll.
Trigger:​A zone is created.
Strong Confidence: You or any ally who performs an Choose up to four enemies within Burst 3 of the
attack while within 5 squares of you may choose, before triggering zone. Those enemies take 2 damage and must
rolling the attack, to treat any 5 rolled this turn as a 6, but make a saving throw. If it fails, they are pulled into the
gains Vulnerable 1 until the start of their next turn. zone and Slowed. If it succeeds, they are pulled
adjacent to the zone. In either case, you may choose
where the enemies are placed.
At ​
Level 7​
, choose one of the following Encounter powers:

Kinetic Turbulence Encounter 10

​ 4
​ At ​
Level 9​, gain the ability below corresponding to your
Class Feature in addition to your existing Class Features.
Effect: ​
Create a wall of 7 squares within 10. The wall
must be contiguous and has height equal to the width of Benevolent Empathy: ​ You may use your ​ Mental Link
two squares. This wall lasts for the remainder of the power twice per encounter. Additionally, once per combat
encounter. Any enemy who enters the wall is you may allow an ally to reroll a saving throw. If they fail,
immediately moved to one of the two ends, your choice they gain 2 buffer HP.
(make the decision when they enter). An enemy may
only be affected by this movement once per round. If the Total Manipulation​ Overpowering Will​
: The duration on ​ 's
space you try to move them to is occupied, move them to Dominate effect changes to "(Save ends)". Additionally,
an adjacent square of the enemy's choice. once per encounter you may have an attack performed by
an enemy you have Dominated gain Advantage.

Fierce Confidence: You may use your ​ Deliverance power

Focus: Rage Encounter Interrupt
twice per encounter. Additionally, once per encounter you
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you or an ally attempts to may have any attack made against an ally target you
willingly move or shift. instead with Resist 1 against it. If this attack hits, your
Target: ​
The triggering enemy. next attack against that enemy has Advantage.
The target's turn immediately ends. They are Vulnerable
1 and Frenzied until the end of their next turn, with the
The Psion​by Gabriel Butche.
Frenzied originating from you or any ally (your choice).
​ by Jim McGarva.
Art by Yuri Kavalerchik.
Design inspirations and suggestions from George Mero, Yuri
Kavalerchik, and the rest of IRC.

Frederic Janney (Order #14173861)

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